If you are looking for Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet to freeze out your competition…then look no further. These icy minions have existed since the dawn of time and they keep getting better!
Their unique strengths, whimsical designs, variety of moves and overall stats is sure to leave players impressed.
Ice Type Strengths:
Ice-type moves are super effective against Dragon, Flying, Grass, and Ground Type Pokémon.
They are resistant to Bug, Fire, Ice, Steel, Grass and Fairy Types.
They can withstand very low temperatures and can control their ice at will.
Ice Tera is perfect for its STAB
Don't let these frosty foes pass you by as their strengths and uniqueness are imperative to have. Check out our list below for the Top 15, (ranking from least greatest to best), Ice Type Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet.
15. Froslass
This Frosty Queen is sure to rock your world!!!
In order to evolve Snorunt into Froslass, you will need to make sure that it is a female. Then give the Pokemon a Dawn Stone to watch it evolve into Froslass. She is an Ice/Ghost Type that comes with a couple of immunities and resistances.
From her charismatic design to her learnset and best build, Froslass is definitely a good candidate for your team!
Froslass’s Strengths:
Its Ability, Snow Cloak, raises the ability-bearer's evasion in a hail storm. It also gives immunity to damage by hail.
Its unique Hidden Ability, Cursed Body, may disable a move used on Froslass.
Has a 2 Speed EV yield that makes Hasty the best nature for it to have as it has Speed as the highest IV stat.
Resistant to Bug, Ice, Poison Types. Immune to Fighting and Normal Types.
Spikes, Will-O–Wisp and Ice Beam are great moves to teach your Froslass.
Froslass’s Stats:
70 HP
80 Attack
70 Defense
80 Sp. Atk
70 Sp. Def
110 Speed
480 Overall Total
Froslass may not have the highest stats of overall Ice Type Pokemon, but she is definitely unique in her own way. Her variety of moves provide coverage options that are an imperative reason to scout her out.
14. Glalie
Glalie is a big ball of fury in battle!
It evolves from either a male or female Snorunt starting at level 42 and is not one to be trifled with. With its sturdy build and variety of strengths it will provide a smackdown in any competition.
Glalie is known for his brute physical power and staunch appearance in battle. With its HP EV Yield, Glalie also makes a great support for your team.
Glalie’s Strengths:
Its Ability, Inner Focus, prevents Glalie from flinching.
Its Hidden Ability, Moody, raises one stat and lowers another.
Blizzard, Giga Impact and Hyper Beam are the best moves.
It has a 2 HP EV Yield!
Ice Tera is the best to gain for its STAB. Fire and Ground Tera are the best for boosting its coverage.
Glalie’s Stats:
80 HP
80 Attack
80 Defense
80 Sp. Atk
80 Sp. Def
80 Speed
480 Overall Total
Glalie is one of the most crucial team members for you to have. Its stats are pretty average but are easily able to be built upon through the use of EV Training and items like feathers. Its sturdy build and ferocious attacks make Glalie one to watch out for.
13. Cryogonal
Cryogonal stares down enemies passing by…
Cryogonal has a very attainable catchability rate in the Polar Biome of the Indigo Disk, making it great for playthrough purposes! With its mighty stats and strong learnset– it's well worth the catch.
Cryogonal’s Strengths:
Its Ability, Levitate causes it to float in the air thus avoiding damage!
Explosion, Blizzard, Giga Impact and Hyper Beam are immensely powerful moves for your Pokemon to learn!
Ice Tera Type is the best choice for its STAB.
Fire and Ground Tera Types provide excellent coverage in battle!
A Calm Nature is well suited for Crygonal as it increases its already high Sp. Def stat!
Cryogonal Stats:
80 HP
50 Attack
50 Defense
95 Sp. Atk
135 Sp. Def
105 Speed
515 Overall Total
Crygonal will surely capture your eye as it glimmers, day and night, waiting for its next battle!
12. Avalugg
Avalugg is fierce competition…
Avalugg is definitely an edgier Pokemon to add to your team with its sleek design and monstrous moves in battle. Its mighty structure and formidable force make it a top Pokemon to catch and train!
Its variety of strengths and pretty good stats make Avalugg a great choice for battle.
Avalugg’s Strengths:
Its Ability Own Tempo disallows the Pokemon to be confused in battle, which is super useful to avoid taking double hits.
Its Hidden Ability, Sturdy, allows Avalugg to survive with 1 HP if attacked at full HP with an attack that would otherwise knock it out.
A Relaxed or Impish Nature is best for Avalugg as it has a 2 Defense EV Yield.
A Water Tera Type is great for Avalugg as it reduces or may even remove one of their critical weaknesses.
Avalugg’s Stats:
95 HP
117 Attack
184 Defense
44 Sp. Atk
46 Sp. Def
28 Speed
514 Overall Total
Avalugg is an avalanche of a Pokemon and will surely dominate in battle!
11. Weavile
Give it the Choice Band to strongly increase Attack!!!
Weavile is a Dark/Ice Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet that is adorable in design but lethal in battle. With moves like Swords Dance (to raise the Attack stat) and Triple Axel (increasing the power with each hit), Weavile is a wallbreaker Pokemon.
Weavile Strengths:
Its Ability, Pressure, allows a targeted hit towards an opponent to reduce its PP by 1.
Its Hidden Ability Pickpocket steals your opponent's item upon battle.
Has a 1 Attack, 1 Speed EV Yield which makes a Jolly Nature the best choice for this little guy (Jolly has the highest IV stat being Speed).
Resistant to Ghost, Ice, and Dark Types. Immune to Psychic Types.
Its move Night Slash has an increased critical chance of hitting your opponent!
Weavile Stats:
70 HP
120 Attack
65 Defense
45 Sp. Atk
85 Sp. Def
125 Speed
510 Overall Total
You will want to take advantage of its amazing Speed and Attack stats as they can greatly aid in your conquest to conquer your enemies!
10. Cetitan
This sturdy, happy big one will force its way into your heart.
Ceititan is a new Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet. It is a jolly fellow with a particular cry that is heard throughout the land. Its Abilities make Cetitan an amazing bulky speeder to have on your team.
Cetitan’s Strengths:
Its Ability Thick Fat reduces the damage taken from Fire-type and Ice-type moves. Or it can have the Ability, Slush Rush that doubles the Speed in a Snowstorm.
Its Hidden Ability, Sheer Force, increases the power of moves that have secondary effects but removes those additional effects.
Cetitan has a 2 HP EV Yield so combined with an Adamant Nature you can increase Attack with this Nature having the highest Attack IV Yield.
Ice Spinner is a very strong move for it to learn as it is its greatest STAB move. If using it as a Water Terraform, having it learn Liquidation can also help out immensely.
A Life Orb is a great item for Cetitan to hold as it boosts its moves, while using a little HP.
Cetitan's Stats:
170 HP
113 Attack
65 Defense
45 Sp. Atk
55 Sp. Def
73 Speed
521 Overall Total
Cetitan is a great Pokemon to have on your team as its overall stats are pretty good amongst its fellow Ice Types.
9. Cloyster
This Pokemon is a tough one to crack…
This firecracker Pokemon is a Water/Ice Type that evolves from Shellder when exposed to a Water Stone. They are a bivalve mollusk and so they have laterally compressed bodies enclosed by a shell consisting of two hinged parts. The intricacies of the parts are well captured throughout the design.
Since the First Generation of Pokemon, Cloyster has stood out as a very cool sea creature that is easily relatable to the animals in everyday life. Its charming presence and mighty moveset are great assets to have.
Cloyster Strengths:
Its Ability Shell Armor prevents the Pokémon from receiving a critical hit.
Its Hidden Ability Over Turn makes the Pokémon immune to residual damage from weather conditions.
Lax is the best Nature for Cloyster as it has a 2 Defense EV Yield and Lax has Defense as the highest IV stat.
Choice Scarf is a top choice for Cloyster to hold as it increases the Speed but only allows the use of one move each time.
Cloyster Stats:
50 HP
95 Attack
180 Defense
85 Sp. Atk
45 Sp. Def
70 Speed
525 Overall Total
Cloyster is an all-time favorite among many players for its classic design and dominating moves.
8. Beartic
Beartic calls on its cubs when Pokemon attack!
This bushy bear is an underrated Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet as it has a good bulk and fantastic Attack stat. Additionally it has a 2 Attack EV Yield, making an Adamant Nature one of the best choices as it has the highest IV stat being Attack.
Its dashing appearance and strong physique make Beartic a worthy specimen.
Beartic Strengths:
Its Ability Snow Cloak raises its evasion in a hail storm, while also giving immunity to damage by hail.
Its Hidden Ability Swift Swim doubles Speed during rain.
Liquidation, Egg Punch and Focus Punch are great moves for it to learn.
Turn your Beartic into an Ice Type to do double damage against the same typing! Icicle Crash is an amazing STAB.
Turn into Fire, Electric, Poison, among other Types, to gain Immunity from damage against the Types that would normally do a ton of damage.
Beartic Stats:
95 HP
130 Attack
80 Defense
70 Sp. Atk
80 Sp. Def
50 Speed
505 Overall Total
With a variety of strengths, Beartic is a worthy adversary…
7. Hisuian Avalugg
Hisuian Avalugg attacks with jaws of fury!!!
Hisuian Avalugg's Strengths:
Its Ability, Strong Jaw, increases the power of all biting moves.
Its unique Hidden Ability Sturdy allows the Pokémon to survive with 1 HP if attacked at full HP with an attack that would otherwise knock it out. It also prevents One-Hit-KO moves. This is a super useful move when needing to battle an enemy, such as a Shiny, without killing it.
Impish Nature is best for this build.
Hyper Beam, Giga Impact and Stone Edge are great moves for it to learn.
Hisuian Avalugg's Stats:
95 HP
127 Attack
184 Defense
34 Sp. Atk
36 Sp. Def
38 Speed
514 Overall Total
6. Frost Rotom
Obtaining this Frosty Variant is a prize on its own!!!
It is an Electric/Ice Type with a 1 Sp. Atk EV Yield and a 1 Speed EV Yield.
Frost Rotom’s Strengths:
Its Ability Levitate, causes the Pokémon to be raised.
Bold Nature is the best suited as it has the highest Defense IV stat.
Electric Tera is a really good choice for its STAB.
Give it Heavy Boots and it will protect Frost Rotom from traps set on the battlefield.
Terrestallize Frost Rotom into an Electric Type and neutralize weaknesses!
Frost Rotom’s Stats:
50 HP
65 Attack
107 Defense
105 Sp. Atk
107 Sp. Def
86 Speed
520 Overall Total
5. Iron Bundle
It walks the walk and fights the good fight!!!
Iron Bundle is an exclusive to Pokemon Violet but is easily obtained through trading. With its amazing stats and strengths you will want this Pokemon on your team!
Iron Bundle’s Strengths:
If Electric Terrain is active or if it's holding Booster Energy, the Pokemon's highest stat is boosted through its Ability Quark Drive.
A Timid Nature is a great choice as it increases its already high Sp. Atk.
Freeze Dry and Hydro Pump are great STAB moves for Iron Bundle to learn.
Water is a great Tera choice for Iron Bundle. It will boost Hydro Pump while also giving resistance to Fire, Water, Ice and Steel Types.
It has a 3 Speed EV Yield
Iron Bundle's Stats:
56 HP
80 Attack
114 Defense
124 Sp. Atk
60 Sp. Def
136 Speed
570 Overall Total
Reach for the sky Iron Bundle!!!
4. Chien-Pao
Chien-Pao is ferocious in battle…
Chien-Pao is a new S-Tier Ice/Dark Type introduced in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Its high Speed and Attack stats plus variety of strengths make it a great catch for your team.
Chien-Pao Strengths:
Its Ability Sword of Ruin multiplies the Defense stat of all active Pokemon.
It has a 3 Speed EV Yield, making Jolly Nature the best suited.
Resistant to Ghost, Dark and Ice Types. While being resistant to Psychic Types.
Equipping a Focus Stash will ensure that it can get one last blow before being KO-ed.
Icicle Crash is an amazing STAB move due to its Ice Typing. Additionally, Sucker Punch is a stellar move due to its Dark Typing.
A statuesque creature to behold!
Chien-Pao Stats:
80 HP
120 Attack
80 Defense
90 Sp. Atk
65 Sp. Def
135 Speed
570 Overall Total
3. Articuno
Behold its beauty!!!
This Legendary Pokemon was first introduced in Generation 1, and has been a champion ever since. Players have loved Articuno throughout the years for its amazing stats, lovable design and impressive strengths.
You can obtain Articuno through completing BP Quests in the Indigo Disk DLC. But before you catch it, you will have to talk to Snacksworth who will give you the treat needed in order to catch Articuno.
You’ll want to make sure to save before entering battle as this beautiful creature is very hard to capture. Having a Pokemon with Sturdy on your team, will definitely help avoid killing it in battle.
Articuno Strengths:
Hail Storm is an essential move to have as it allows powerful moves like Blizzard to hit every time!
Its Ability Pressure makes any attack targeted at the ability-bearer, regardless of whether or not it hits, use 2 PP instead of 1.
Its Hidden Ability Snow Cloak raises ability-bearer's evasion in a hail storm. It also gives immunity to damage by hail.
It has a 3 Sp. Def EV Yield, making Calm the most suitable Nature.
It is resistant to Bug and Grass Types and Immune to Ground Types.
Brave Bird is one of its most damaging moves, while being insanely accurate!
Articuno Stats:
90 HP
85 Attack
100 Defense
95 Sp. Atk
125 Sp. Def
85 Speed
580 Overall Total
Articuno has a brilliant design scheme to draw in Ice and Flying Type lovers everywhere!
2. Glastrier
Oh my, what a noble steed indeed…
Glastrier is a S-Tier Ice Type Legendary Horse Pokemon with a 3 Attack EV Yield!!! Obtaining it in the game is a long wait, as you will have to complete BP quests for treats from Snacksworth, but in the end you will most definitely want to check Glastrier out!
Its Ability is unmatched in competitive battle as its Attack grows stronger as it knocks opponents out!!! Its versatility in moveset and amazing stats make it one of the game’s strongest Ice-Type Pokemon.
Glastrier Strengths:
With its Ability Chilling Neigh it boosts Attack after knocking out a Pokémon.
It is great offensive coverage in battle!!!
Icicle Crash is an amazing STAB move to utilize in battle!
Its naturally bulky stance makes Close Combat an excellent move as well.
Water is a great Tera choice for Glastrier as it gives a resistance to Fire and Steel Types.
I’m a pretty pony!!!
Glastrier Stats:
100 HP
145 Attack
130 Defense
65 Sp. Atk
110 Sp. Def
30 Speed
580 Overall Total
Glastrier is such a beautifully designed icy character. Its appeal alone makes it worth the catch but then combine it with great stats and learnsets for a wickedly cool character.
1. Baxcaliber
Hear me ROAR!!!
Baxcaliber is a new S-Tier Legendary Ice/Dragon Type in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Its design is incredibly cool and its stats are wicked.
Baxcaliber Strengths:
Its Ability Thermal Exchange boosts the Attack stat when hit by a Fire-type move. It also cannot be burned.
With its Hidden Ability Ice Body, it will recover a little bit of HP after each turn, if during a snowstorm.
Adamant is the best nature for Baxcaliber as it has a 3 Attack EV Yield.
Baxcaliber is resistant to Water, Grass and Electric Types. Baxcaliber’s variety of resistances make it very unique.
Draco Meteor and Outrage are two dominating moves for it to learn.
Baxcaliber Stats:
115 HP
145 Attack
92 Defense
75 Sp. Atk
86 Sp. Def
87 Speed
600 Overall Total
Baxcaliber is one of the strongest Pokemon in the game. Its dual typing provides a variety of resistances and learnsets that make it a great conqueror for playthrough and competitive play.
Ice Types have always been a striking force to behold. Their design schemes, movesets and abilities may have changed from time to time throughout the years, but so far have only gotten better with time.
In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Ice Types have only gotten better. They feature an introduction of new Pokemon, such as Baxcaliber and Glastrier, and brought back Pokemon (like Bulbasaur and Charmander), as well as Legendaries (like Articuno and Zapdos) from the older games.
So let us know down below what you think of Ice Type Pokemon? Who’s your favorite?
Growing up in the isolated farm habitat of Pennsylvania, Becky is a wizard at conquering new worlds, partaking in vast adventures and travelling to the great beyond.
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