Poison type Pokemon have forever been loved throughout the series for their remembrance as characters relative to aspects of life’s environmental defects. The similarities can be seen throughout Pokemon with their qualities such as: pollution and being toxic. Pollution is represented in Revaroom as a motor, and Seviper spews venomous poison, just as with snakes in the everyday world.
In addition to them having inquisitive design choices, they are also amazing additions to an offensive team! Their resistances to other types and learnset make them a dominating force!
Many of this type’s moves and abilities in Scarlet and Violet are designed to enhance their Poison Type effects by dwindling opponents health away and allowing more time for higher power offensive moves to knock ‘em out!
Read on for the top 15 Best Poison type Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet, and what makes them such beasts in battle!
Poison Type Strengths:
- They are super effective against Grass and Fairy Types.
- They are ½ resistant to Fighting, Poison, Bug Grass, and Fairy Types. Their resistances make having a Poison type on your team a must have.
- They are good against Poison, Rock, Ground and Ghost Types while doing ½x the damage. But keep in mind that Ground is also super effective against Poison so it may not be a great choice for battle against this type.
Terrestalize your Pokemon to make the most of its abilities as they gain a 1.5 damage bonus to moves of their Tera Type, while also removing weaknesses and resistances from their original typings while maintaining those typings' STAB benefits.
The Best Tera Types for Poison Types are:
- Poison (Boosts Poison moves)
- Ground (Removes the weakness to Ground Type moves)
- Steel (Removes weakness to Psychic Type)
With all of their strengths and resistances in battle, Poison-type Pokemon are definitely worth checking out!
1. Venomoth

Venomoth is a Bug/Poison type that flaps its strong wings in battle to cover the field in poison powder. Its resistances to Poison, Bug, Grass, Fairy and Fighting types give it a variety of changes to switch up the playing field and one-hit KO the opponent.
This Pokemon is one of the game’s most lethal sweepers thanks to powerful moves like Quiver Dance, Sleep Powder and its ability, Tinted Lens that doubles the damage done by its non-effective moves.
Venomoth Strengths:
- Ability, Shield Dust shields it from additional effects of moves.
- Its Hidden Ability, Wonder Skin, makes status moves more likely to miss.
- Bug Buzz is an amazing STAB move that, if used after a Quiver Dance, will boost its stats and deal a massive amount of damage to opponents..
Venomoth Base Stats:
- 70 HP
- 65 Attack
- 60 Defense
- 90 Sp. Atk
- 75 Sp. Def
- 90 Speed
- 450 total
2. Seviper

Seviper is a pure Poison type through and through. It is sure to wither away its opponents throughout the battle! Its design, based on real life animals, is sure to catch your eye when scouring for these toxic critters.
In addition to Seviper’s appearance, it has amazing Attack and Sp. Atk stats for players to utilize with EV training, vitamins and the likes.
Seviper’s Strengths:
- Its Ability, Shed Skin, allows Seviper to possibly heal its own status problems.
- Hidden Ability, Infiltrator, makes it so the Seviper’s moves are unaffected by the target’s barriers and substitutes. For example, the move Aurora Veil.
- Resistant to Fighting, Poison, Bug, Grass and Fairy types.
- Adding a Lonely Nature to Seviper increases attack and decreases defense
- Gunk Shot and Belch are two great moves
Seviper’s Base Stats:
- 73 HP
- 100 Attack
- 60 Defense
- 100 Sp Atk
- 60 Sp. Def
- 65 Speed
- 458 total
3. Grafaiai

It is an adorable Poison/Normal type. With its cute design and lethal battle skills, it is sure to charm its way into your heart.
Its Speed is fantastic and is a great quick attacking ally!
Grafaiai’s Strengths:
- It has two possible Abilities, Unburden and Poison Touch. With Unburden, the Speed is boosted on held item loss.
- Or the Ability, Poison Touch, in which its contact moves may poison the opponent.
- Hidden Ability, Prankster, his status moves have priority in battle, but Dark types are immune.
- A Hasty Nature allows for an increase in Speed. This is an amazing choice to pair with its already high Speed stat, however it does decrease Defense so be wary. A Jolly nature is best to increase Speed but it decreases Sp. Atk.
- It is immune to Ghost types and resistant to Grass, Poison, Bug and Fairy types.
- Gunk Shot is a great STAB move
Grafaiai’s Base Stats:
- 63 HP
- 95 Attack
- 65 Defense
- 80 Sp. Atk
- 72 Sp. Def
- 110 Speed
- 485 total
4. Alolan Slowking

Alolan Slowking is a Poison/Psychic type that comes prepared to battle. It is a good Sp. Attacker as well as providing great Sp. Def, thus making it a Pokemon to balance your team out well.
Alolan Slowking’s Strengths:
- Hidden Ability, Regenerator, restores a bit of its max HP when switched out from battle.
- It has two possible Abilities: Curious Medicine, when swapped into battle, it resets their allies status stages to 0.
- Its second Ability, Own Tempo, proves that Alolan Slowking is a Pokemon that beats to the sound of its own drum, preventing it from being confused or being affected by Intimidate.
- Equipping an Assault Vest significantly raises Sp. Def, but prevents the use of status moves. This allows Alolan Slowking to act its true wallbreaker self!
- Moves like Future Sight and Sludge Bomb are excellent moves to utilize its offensive strategy.
Alolan Slowking Base Stats:
- 95 HP
- 65 Attack
- 80 Defense
- 110 Sp. Atk
- 110 Sp. Def
- 30 Speed
- 490 total
Alolan Slowking is a great ally for story playthrough and competitively.
5. Alolan Muk
Enemies beware of its fearsome attack!!!
Alolan Muk is an appealing variant form of Muk that is dual typing (Poison/Dark) rather than having only one typing as is with the original form. With its unique design and poisonous touch, Alolan Muk is a great Pokemon to have as an ally.
It is an amazing defensive typing and has a spectacular special bulk. To utilize its true power, have it hold an Assault Vest (increases its Sp. Def, but it can only use damaging moves), have an Adamant nature and increase its EV yield to the max!
Its versatility in moveset make it a formidable foe. Check out more of its strengths!
Alolan Muk Strengths:
- This Pokemon can have two abilities: Poison Touch and Gluttony. Poison Touch has the possibility of poisoning opponents when they make contact.
- If holding a berry, Gluttony digests the berry when Alolan Muk loses half its HP or less.
- Its Hidden Ability, Power of Alchemy is one of the coolest Abilities as it allows it to copy the Ability of the defeated ally. This is super helpful in deciding when to throw Alolan Muk into battle!
- Resistant to Poison, Ghost, Grass and Dark types, while being immune to Psychic types.
- Its move, Knock Off takes away the opponent’s held item while they are already poisoned, and will easily diminish your enemy. This is super useful against Pokemon like Swampert and Krookodile.
Alolan Muk Base Stats:
- 105 HP
- 105 Attack
- 75 Defense
- 65 Sp Atk
- 100 Sp Def
- 50 Speed
- Overall base stat of 500
Alolan Muk is a fearsome Pokemon worthy of being on any team. It’s alluring design and monstrous builds make it a great ally!
6. Gengar
Treat your Gengar!!!
Gengar is a dual Ghost/Poison type. This fearsome foe stands its ground in battle while acting as a mighty Offense. Its moves, Gunk Shot and Giga Drain make it a mighty foe.
It's best to have a Mild nature for Gengar due to the highest IV stat being Special Attack. Combined with its stats maxed out and amazing build, Gengar will rule the battle. \
This Pokemon is a great addition to your team for a variety of reasons, but here are just a few of its strengths:
Gengar Strengths:
- Its Ability, Cursed Body, has a chance of disabling the opponent’s move that deals damage to it.
- It is resistant to Poison, Bug, Grass and Fairy types.
- Gengar is immune to Normal and Fighting types.
- Give it the Focus Sash to prevent it from fainting while maintaining a 1 HP. Then use Destiny Bond to one last hit your opponent!
- The best tera types for Gengar are Fairy and Poison. Fairy gives it immunity to Dragon type moves.
- Shadow Ball and Sludge Bomb are its two best STAB moves. Taking out the likes of Gholdengo and Meowscarda.
Gengar Base Stats:
- 60 HP
- 65 Attack
- 60 Defense
- 130 Sp. Atk
- 75 Sp. Def
- 110 Speed
- 500 total
7. Revavroom

Revavroom is a Steel/Poison type Pokemon in the game. It is the main boss Pokemon in Team Star battles and has 5 Starmobile forms, each with its own type, Ability and signature move.
It is to be admired as it has such a unique and defining design choice, while also being a ferocious opponent.
Its high stats and intoxicating moveset make Revavroom a top choice. Check out its stats:
Revavroom Strengths:
- Its Ability, Overcoat, makes it immune to powder moves, Sandstorm damage and Effect Spore.
- Its Hidden Ability, Filter, reduces the power of super effective attacks.
- It is immune to Poison Types
- Resistant to Normal, Flying, Rock, Steel, Grass, Bug, Ice, Fairy and Dragon types.
Utilize the Air Balloon moveset by: choosing an Adamant nature, make it hold an air balloon, gain max EV Spread, give it a water tera shard and teach it Iron Head, Gunk Shot, Tera Blast and Shift Gear.
- This will make it a great Special Attacker!
- Could boost damage with Shift Gear.
- Has coverage through Tera Blast.
Revavroom Base Stats:
- 80 HP
- 119 Attack
- 90 Defense
- 54 Sp Atk
- 67 Sp. Def
- 90 Speed
- 500 total
Revavroom is an excellent addition to any Poison type team as it is sure to bring a terrifying battle.
8. Toxtricity

His versatility and strength make him a force not to be reckoned with!!!
Toxtricity is an Electric/Poison type that evolves into two forms: Amped and Low Key. They also can have two Abilities: Punk Rock or Plus for the Amped form, or Punk Rock or Minus for the Low Key form.
Toxtricity Strengths:
- Its Ability, Punk Rock (boosts the power of the Pokémon's sound-based moves by 30%).
- The Ability, Plus, boosts the Sp. Atk stat of Toxtricity if an ally with the Plus or Minus Ability is also in battle and then vice versa with the Minus Ability.
- Resistant to Flying, Fighting, Poison, Steel, Grass, Fairy and Electric Types
- Gunk Shot and Belch are two top tier moves for Toxtricity!
- Amazing Special Attacker!
Toxtricity Base Stats:
- 75 HP
- 98 Attack
- 70 Defense
- 114 Sp. Atk
- 70 Sp. Def
- 75 Speed
- 502 total
Toxtricity is a great dual type Pokemon to have on your team! Its build and moveset are to be admired.
9. Overqwil
You won’t like it when it's angry!!!
Overqwil is a Dark/Poison type Pokemon that leaves the attacker stunned. It is great on offensive and defensive teams alike.
Overqwil’s Strengths:
- Its Ability, Poison Point, may poison its attacker. Or it may have the Ability, Swift Swim that boosts the Pokemon’s Speed in the rain. This makes the TM, Rain Dance a move to keep in mind when training Overqwil as it activates Rain for 5 turns.
- Hidden Ability, Intimidate, lower’s the Attack of all opponent’s by one stage when in battle.
- Immune to Psychic Pokemon.
- Give it a Life Orb to boost its attacks by a good amount of damage but it does lose a bit of its max HP after the attack.
- Partially resistant to Ghost, Poison, Grass and Dark types.
Overqwil Base Stats:
- 85 HP
- 115 Attack
- 95 Defense
- 65 Sp. Atk
- 65 Sp. Def
- 85 Speed
- 510 total
10. Glimmora

Glimmora is a powerful Rock/Poison type Paradox Pokemon, and evolves from Glimmet starting at level 35. It is a strong support while being a fearsome ally to level up.
Its variety of resistances to Normal, Flying, Poison, Bug, Fire and Fairy types, make it a great ally to have.
Glimmora’s Strengths:
- Its Ability, Toxic Debris scatters poison spikes at the opposing team when the pokemon takes damage from physical moves.
- Glimmora’s Hidden Ability, Corrosion, allows the bearer to poison any Pokémon, including Steel and Poison types.
- Sludge Wave is a powerful STAB move, especially against Grass and Fairy.
- Moves like Explosion and Self Destruct is a good last resort for any strategy
- Equipping Assault Vest allows Glimmora to survive hits from opposing Special Attackers, and deal quite a bit of damage in return.
Glimmora’s Base Stats:
- 83 HP
- 55 Attack
- 90 Defense
- 130 Sp Atk
- 81 Sp. Def
- 86 Speed
- 525 total
Glimmora is a fascinating Paradox Pokemon to admire for your team!
11. Munkidori

Munkidori is a Poison/Psychic type and one of the three Loyal Three Introduced in the Teal Mask expansion.
He is a high base stat, high quality Legendary Pokemon to add to your team. His impeccable design draws in Poison-type lovers, and his moveset draws in competitive players. With his all-natural draw and appeal- Munkidori is an amazing addition!!!
Munkidori’s Strengths:
- He is resistant to Fighting, Poison, Grass and Fairy types.
- When his Ability Toxic Chain hits an opponent with a move (contact or non-contact), the power of its Toxic Chain may cause the opponent to become badly poisoned!!!
- His Hidden Ability, Frisk, can check an opposing Pokémon's held item.
- He is a fantastic Special Attacker. The move, Venoshock pairs very nicely with his Ability.
- Letting Munkidori hold a Life Orb will power his attacks even more.
- Have him learn moves like Venoshock or Hex that deal double damage in battle.
Obtaining Sp. Atk and Speed EVs, through battling certain Pokemon and drinking vitamins will help Munkidori to become a more powerful speedy special attacker. Check out his stats:
Munkidori Base Stats:
- 88 HP
- 75 Attack
- 66 Defense
- 130 Sp. Atk
- 90 Sp. Def
- 106 Speed
- 555 total
Munkidori is just one of the Loyal Three to come into the DLC. Each one of these Legendaries feature amazing strength and detail.
12. Okidogi

Okidogi is a Poison/Fighting type introduced in the DLC, and is said to be the first member of the Loyal Three. His dual typing gives him a range of advantages over other types, but keep in mind iit is 4x weaker against Psychic types.
He is a beast in battle with the right build. Choose an Adamant Nature to make him a dangerous attacker or a Jolly nature to increase Speed. It's also best to train him for Attack EVs as he has a 3 Attack Yield.
Since Okidogi is an amazing attacker and defender, the two best items for him to hold are Choice Band or Leftovers. Choice Band makes the holder's Attack do extra damage, but it can only select the first move it executes. Leftovers give the holder 1/16 of its max HP at the end of every turn.
These are just a few of Okidogi’s most compelling aspects. Let’s talk about his strengths!!!
Okidogi’s Strengths:
- His Ability, Toxic Chain, has a 30% chance of badly poisoning the opponent when it's hit by any move, making him a really cool and dangerous Pokemon to have.
- His Hidden Ability, Guard Dog, boosts his Attack stat in battle when Intimidated by an opponent.
- He is super effective against Normal, Dark, Rock, Steel, Ice and Grass types. While being resistant to Dark, Bug, Fighting, Poison, Grass, and Rock types. His variety of effectivenesses and resistances are a key to success.
- Moves like Poison Jab and Drain Punch take advantage of his Poison/Fighting type, making them some of his ultimate STAB moves.
Okidogi Base Stats:
- 88 HP
- 128 Attack
- 115 Defense
- 58 Sp. Atk
- 86 Sp. Def
- 80 Speed
- 555 Total
Okidogi’s amazing build and variation of movesets make him a fierce ally.
13. Iron Moth

This Paradox Pokemon can put up quite the battle!!!
Iron Moth is a Fire/Poison Type Paradox Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet. It is exclusive to Pokemon Violet’s Area Zero, but is easily attainable through trading. You’ll definitely want this S-tier Pokemon on your team as it is among the best statistically.
Take advantage of its excellent stats and movesets. To make the most out of your Iron Moth: EV train it, give it a Held item like a Choice Scarf and build its learnset!
Whether you’re playing competitively or solo leveling or with friends, Iron Moth is a wicked revenge killer to have on your team.
With high Sp Atk, Sp, Def and Speed stats, Iron Moth is a powerful wallbreaker Pokemon and easily one of the best in the game.
Iron Moth’s Strengths:
- If Electric Terrain is active or if Iron Moth is holding a Booster Energy, the Pokemon's highest stat is boosted by 30%, when it is Attack, Defense, Special Attack, or Special Defense and 50% if the stat is Speed– thanks to its Ability, Quark Drive.
- It is partially resistant to Steel, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fairy, Fire, Grass and Ice types.
- The best moves for it are: Fiery Dance (best Fire-type STAB move), Energy Ball, Sludge Wave (top Poison-type STAB move) and Dazzling Gleam (80 Damage and 100% Accuracy).
Iron Moth’s Base Stats:
- 80 HP
- 70 Attack
- 60 Defense
- 140 Sp Atk
- 110 Sp Def
- 110 Speed
- Overall base stat of 570
Iron Moth is well worth the battle with all of its strengths, amazing offensive and defensive base stats.
With high Sp Atk, Sp, Def and Speed stats, Iron Moth is a powerful wallbreaker Pokemon and easily one of the best in the game.
14. Iron Crown

Iron Crown is a new threat in the expansion!!!
Iron Crown is a fearsome Steel/Psychic Paradox Pokemon introduced in the Scarlet and Violet DLC. Its high stats and natural abilities make it a top tier Pokemon!
Iron Crown’s Strengths:
- Ability, Quark Drive, if Electric Terrain is active, or the Pokémon is holding Booster Energy, its highest stat (other than HP and taking into account stat stages, but not held items) is increased by 30%, or 50% if Speed is the highest stat.
- Immune to Poison types
- Resistant to Normal, Flying, Rock, Steel, Grass, Psychic, Ice, Fairy and Dragon types.
Iron Crown’s Base Stats:
- 90 HP
- 72 Attack
- 100 Defense
- 122 Sp. Atk
- 108 Sp. Def
- 98 Speed
- 590 total
15. Pecharunt

Pecharunt is a mystical Poison/Ghost type Pokemon that is said to be the leader of the Loyal Three. Its alluring presence and unique moveset make it a new top tier Pokemon added to the DLC.
If you want a captivating character while also choosing a dangerous moveset, you should definitely consider Pecharunt as an ally.
This wall-breaking Pokemon is necessary for so many reasons, and here are just a few,
Pecharunt’s Strengths:
- Its Ability, Poison Puppeteer, confuses Pokémon when poisoned by Pecharunt's moves.
- Immune to Normal and Fighting types
- Partially resistant to Poison, Bug, Fairy and Grass types.
- Recover is a great move to keep its health up while moves like Sludge Bomb and Malignant Chain can deal massive damage.
- Tera Blast is a great coverage move for Pecharunt to learn. This will hit critical damage to those who are not affected by its typing.
With amazing Defense stats, Pecharunt is sure to withstand any battle. Combined with its abilities, you’re sure to weaken any opponent while inflicting a massive hit.
Pecharunt’s Base Stats:
- 88 HP
- 88 Attack
- 160 Defense
- 88 Sp. Atk
- 88 Sp. Def
- 88 Speed
- 600 total
From strongest to most powerful, this is the list of Poison types in Scarlet and Violet that you can catch that are a powerful force in the game to be reckoned with. Their resistances make them amazing and their abilities make them a dangerous adversary.
Are Poison Types your favorite? What do you think is the best build for these Pokemon?