Hello all you fans of the Pokemon Trading Card Game and casual readers. Today we’ll be looking at three of the best grass type decks from recent Pokemon expansions. Most of these decks were (at one point or another) at the top of their META and use grass type Pokemon as well as those nice green energy that go with them. Without further ado, let’s get into the list.
3. Decidueye GX
- The Decidueye deck uses the effects of abilities to hit from the bench and was protected by, what was at the time, impressive HP. This deck was played between 2017 and 2018.
- The main card of this deck is, of course, Decidueye GX. This Stage 2 Pokemon has 240 HP and the Feather Arrow ability which allows you to put 20 damage on one of your opponents Pokemon once per turn. This Pokemon also has the Razor Leaf attack, dealing 90 damage for three energy, and Hollow Hunt GX which lets you retrieve three cards from your discard pile with one energy.
- The most useful Trainers available have gone into this deck including the Forest of Giant Plants, which probably was banned because of this deck. Other still legal cards include Revitalizer and your standard collection of Professor Sycamore, N, and Ultra Ball.
- Pokemon companions for this deck have been Swampert, Alolan Ninetales GX, and of course the irritating Vileplume with its Irritating Pollen ability.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
Pokemon - 24
- 4 Rowlet SUM 9
- 4 Dartrix SUM 10
- 4 Decidueye-GX SUM 12
- 2 Oddish AOR 1
- 2 Gloom AOR 2
- 2 Vileplume AOR 3
- 3 Shaymin-EX ROS 77
- 2 Lugia-EX AOR 68
- 1 Meowth FCO 74
Trainer - 28
- 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
- 3 N FCO 105
- 2 Lysandre AOR 78
- 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
- 4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
- 3 Level Ball AOR 76
- 2 Revitalizer GEN 70
- 2 Float Stone BKT 137
- 4 Forest of Giant Plants AOR 74
Energy - 8
- 4 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
- 4 Grass Energy
2. Golisopod GX
- This deck was popular from 2017 to 2019 and employed the tanky Golisopod GX who struck out from the Bench to deal fast damage.
- Golisopod GX has 210 HP and the First Impression attack. For one energy, this attack does 30 damage plus 90 more damage if Golisopod was on your Bench and became Active this turn.
- Golisopod has been played with the likes of Tapu Koko, Garbodor, Seismitoad EX, and Zoroark GX because due to its minimal requirements, you can use many different cards to support it.
- Let’s not forget some Trainer cards that help this deck, such as Guzma and Float Stone.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
Pokemon - 18
- 4 Wimpod BUS 16
- 3 Golisopod-GX BUS 17
- 4 Trubbish BKP 56
- 2 Garbodor BKP 57
- 2 Garbodor GRI 51
- 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
- 1 Tapu Koko PR-SM 30
Trainer - 32
- 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
- 3 N FCO 105
- 2 Guzma BUS 115
- 2 Acerola BUS 112
- 1 Brigette BKT 134
- 1 Teammates PRC 141
- 1 Hex Maniac AOR 75
- 4 VS Seeker PHF 109
- 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
- 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
- 1 Field Blower GRI 125
- 1 Heavy Ball BKT 140
- 4 Float Stone BKT 137
- 2 Choice Band GRI 121
Energy - 10
- 4 Rainbow Energy SUM 137
- 3 Grass Energy
- 3 Double Colorless Energy SUM 136
1. Lost March
- Unlike its predecessor, Night March, and its follow up, Mad Party, the Lost March deck sends Pokemon to the Lost Zone in order to power up surprisingly fast and powerful attacks.
- There are four main Pokemon that make Lost March work. First is Skiploom with the Floral Path to the Sky ability. This ability allows you to search your deck for a Jumpluff and replace it with Skiploom. The Skiploom is sent to the Lost Zone. This effectively puts Skiploom and it’s Basic, Hoppip, into the Lost Zone.
- Next is Trumbeak, whose Mountain Pass ability puts it into the Lost Zone and can disrupt your opponent a little.
- And the attackers of this deck are Natu and Jumpluff, who both have the Lost March attack. This attack deals 20 damage for each of your Pokemon in the Lost Zone.
- In terms of Trainers, let’s not forget Professor Elm’s Lecture, which searches for the low HP Pokemon in this deck and Lost Blender which can put extra cards into the Lost Zone.
Here’s one version of the deck list:
Pokemon - 25
- 4 Hoppip LOT 12
- 4 Skiploom LOT 13
- 4 Jumpluff LOT 14
- 4 Trumbeak LOT 165
- 3 Natu LOT 87
- 3 Marshadow SLG 45
- 2 Oranguru SUM 113
- 1 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60
Trainer - 27
- 3 Lillie UPR 125
- 3 Cynthia UPR 119
- 3 Professor Elm's Lecture LOT 188
- 3 Guzma BUS 115
- 4 Great Ball SLG 60
- 3 Ultra Ball SLG 68
- 3 Net Ball LOT 187
- 3 Lost Blender LOT 181
- 2 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
Energy - 8
- 4 Double Colorless Energy SLG 69
- 4 Grass Energy