64. Sens
Sens’ role is to provide cover for the Attacking team with her R.O.U. Projector Systems, so they will be on the frontlines most of the time and when strafing enemies who will attempt to swing the R.O.U. Projector Systems, it would be best for them to fire in short bursts, that way, they’ll hit enemies more accurately and avoid compromising their angle too much.
Best Attachment: POF-9 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The POF-9 has a really rough recoil so it fires smoother if you lower its vertical recoil as much as possible, that’s why the flash Hider, partnered with the vertical grip is the best option for more accurate shooting.
Second Best Attachment: 417 with Scope 3.0x, Muzzle Brake, Vertical Grip, and Laser – The 417 is Sens’ second-best weapon and it’s best to lower its recoil as much as you can with recoil-benefit providing attachments such as these, and the laser will be great when it comes to tightening its hip fire further in order to make this marksman rifle effective at close range.
See Operator in Action:
63. Osa
Because Osa will be mostly firing at enemies by quick leaning or standing from her Talon-8 Clear Shield, the user would do well in focusing her shots more on quick bursts. Long sprays will just defeat the purpose of Osa’s Clear Shield, so her attachments should be what will make her short bursts more effective.
Best Attachment: 556XI with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The 2.5x A Scope will provide her with a good view of her enemies, while the Flash Hider and Vertical Grip will hold down the weapon’s vertical weapon kick, which is great for accurately firing in short bursts.
Second Best Attachment: PDW9 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip – For players who prefer the PDW9 submachine gun for Osa, the 1.5x will provide a good balance between zoom levels and peripheral view. The flash hider will hold down its vertical recoil, while the angled grip will allow Osa to react to enemies faster.
See Operator in Action:
62. Flores
Because of his role and gameplay, Flores would be spending a lot of time in drone view, and that could leave him vulnerable to Defenders who are coming after him. So, he needs to be able to react to them fast. Being able to aim at his enemies fast will also come in handy when he’s baiting an enemy with his exploding drone.
Best Attachment: AR33 with Scope 2.0x, with Flash Hider, and Angled Grip – The 2.0x scope is a great sight because it doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space except for its upper left area. The flash hider will hold down the AR33’s recoil, and the angled grip will allow Flores to react and aim at enemies fast if they come for him.
Second Best Attachment: A33 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, Vertical Grip – This attachment set is great when Flores is penetrating the mission area. The 1.5x scope will provide him with a good amount of zoom without sacrificing a lot of peripheral view, while the flash hider and vertical grip will provide him with a lot of recoil control.
See Operator in Action:
61. Zero
Like Flores above, operator Zero will be spending a lot of time in observation device mode because of his special gadget, the Argus Launcher, which attaches cameras on the surfaces that Zero selects. Aside from gathering intel on enemy positions, these cameras can also shoot lasers which can neutralize Defender gadgets. Zero could be vulnerable to roamers while he’s operating his Argus cams, and that’s why he needs to be able to react and kill them fast.
Best Attachment: SC3000K with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The 2.0x scope is one of the most balanced scopes in the game, and will provide a good amount of zoom to Zero while not sacrificing a lot of peripheral view, even at close range. The flash hider and vertical grip will allow him to shoot the SC3000K with good stability because this weapon’s stock recoil is pretty rough.
Second Best Attachment: MP7 with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider – The MP7 is a good alternative to the SC3000K, especially in close range. And with the 1.5x scope, the user will be able to engage enemies at close range really well. The flash hider will also hold down its recoil, so it will be easy for the user to control.
See Operator in Action:
60. Ace
Ace is a pretty versatile operator that can perform frontline and backline roles really well, but because he’s a hard breacher, the user could expect to be engaging enemies at close to medium range. Sadly, his best weapon, the AK-12 has a pretty rough weapon kick, so it’s advisable for the user to use attachments that are focused on making the weapon more stable.
Best Attachment: AK-12 with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The AK-12 has a pretty wide recoil diamond, which means its prone to horizontal recoil. The compensator will lessen the weapon’s horizontal recoil and provide the user with more stable firing, especially for longer sprays. The 2.0x scope will be good for both close range to medium range because it provides just enough zoom for said distances.
Second Best Attachment: AK-12 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – With the flash hider instead of the compensator, the AK-12 would be more prone to horizontal recoil, but its vertical weapon kick will be lessened. This attachment set is better used when the user will be firing more on short bursts rather than long sprays.
See Operator in Action:
59. Iana
Iana is a great intel gatherer and because of that, she’ll have a good idea on enemy positing most of the time, so it’s best to focus her attachments on making her weapons more stable and with less recoil rather than the speed of aiming. Because when Iana is about to engage an enemy, the tendency is, she already knows where and when to shoot.
Best Attachment: ARX200 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The ARX200 is the best weapon for Iana because of the availability of the 1.5x scope. This scope is perfect for Iana who would mostly engage her enemies at close to medium range. The flash hider and vertical grip will greatly lower the ARX200’s vertical recoil, providing Iana with a lot of accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: G36C with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer the bigger magazine capacity of the G36C for Iana, the compensator would be the best barrel attachment because the G36C has wide recoil diamonds. Reducing the width of those recoil diamonds will result in less horizontal recoil, therefore, Iana would be able to fire the G36C with more stability.
See Operator in Action:
58. Kali
Kali doesn’t really have attachment choices on her primary weapon, the CSRX 300, so we’ll be talking more about her SPSMG9 instead. Her SPSMG9 is very crucial to her, especially when she has to engage enemies at close range, because at that range, the CSRX 300 with its variable 5x and 12x zoom, just wouldn’t cut it.
Best Attachment: SPSMG9 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – This attachment set will provide the SPSMG9 with the best stability and accuracy while firing. The Red Dot A, is the best 1x sight for accuracy, and the flash hider will greatly hold down the weapon’s vertical weapon kick. With this attachment set, Kali will be able to finish off her enemies at close range easily.
Second Best Attachment: SPSMG9 with Red Dot A and Suppressor – A lot of other players, including me, like equipping a suppressor to Kali’s SPSMG9, because it gives Kali some measure of stealth. With the suppressor on her SPSMG9, Kali will be able to shoot Defender cameras and other gadgets silently, and with much less risk of compromising her current location.
See Operator in Action:
57. Amaru
Amaru specializes in surprising Defenders by suddenly bursting inside from the window using her Gara Hook, and when she does that, she needs to be really fast at reacting to enemies and aiming at them. So, her attachments should be more focused on speed and short burst firing. And because enemies would likely swarm to her position once they realize that she’s rushing them, she should be able to keep on firing at them.
Best Attachment: G8A1 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip – The angled grip here is very important for Amaru because it will allow her to go into aim-down-sights faster. She really needs that right after entering a window with her Gara Hook so that she can kill enemies as fast as she can. The flash hider will be great for controlling the G8A1’s recoil, and the 2.0x scope will provide Amaru with a good wide view of the screen, as well as a high level of zoom.
Second Best Attachment: SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The SMG-11 is the best secondary weapon for Amaru because as mentioned above, enemies will be swarming on her, so she needs to be able to keep firing even after the G8A1 needs to reload. And for Amaru’s SMG-11, the flash hider and vertical grip at the best, because its biggest drawback is its strong recoil, so holding down that strong recoil takes priority.
See Operator in Action:
56. Nokk
Nokk specializes in stealth and taking enemies by surprise. Ideally, she would pick off enemies one by one, especially roamers. Killing one, changing positions quietly, and then hunting another. So, her attachments should focus more on taking down enemies as fast as she could, while also not compromising her location too much with long weapon sprays.
Best Attachment: FMG-9 with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider – It would be nice to equip a suppressor for Nokk and be stealthier, but sadly, the FMG-9 has low damage, so it’s more practical to avoid any damage reduction for it, and focus on killing enemies as fast as you can. That’s why it's best to attach a flash hider to it for holding down its recoil, and a 1.5x scope so as to provide Nokk with good visuals of the enemies.
Second Best Attachment: D-50 with Suppressor – Now, since it’s not advisable to equip a suppressor on Nokk’s FMG-9, her handgun should have one instead, and that is for shooting Defender cameras without alerting the Defenders. The D-50 handgun also has very high damage, so the damage reduction from the suppressor won’t really affect it that much.
See Operator in Action:
55. Gridlock
Gridlock is great at countering roamers as well as area-denial using her Trax Stingers which puts metal spikes on floors. Because of that, her 3-armor rating, as well as her weapons, she’s a great backline support. So, mostly, she would be dealing with enemies at medium range. And for that range, it’s best for her to focus her attachments on recoil control, so that she can hit enemies with good accuracy, even with long sprays.
Best Attachment: M249 Saw with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – Speaking of long sprays, the M249 Saw has a huge magazine capacity, so it’s perfect for laying down suppressive fire. And the flash hider and the vertical grip are perfect for holding down the recoil of this powerful LMG for long and continuous sprays. The scope 2.0x will also provide a good amount of zoom for Gridlock to be able to see her enemies well.
Second Best Attachment: F90 with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – For users who prefer the lighter feel of an assault rifle, the best barrel attachment for Gridlock’s F90 would be the compensator because it’s prone to horizontal recoil, so reducing that will provide Gridlock with more stable firing. The vertical grip will also add to that by holding down the weapon’s vertical weapon kick.
See Operator in Action:
54. Nomad
Nomad specializes in penetrating the mission area and preventing roamers from getting her from the back with her Airjabs which will detonate and knockdown any enemies who will come near them. Because of the nature of her gameplay and role, Nomad should be able to finish her enemies quickly, so her attachments should focus more on damage and short bursts.
Best Attachment: AK-74M with Scope 2.5x A and Flash Hider – The 2.5x A with its high zoom levels and thin reticle will provide Nomad with pinpoint accuracy. It sacrifices a lot of peripheral view though so the user is advised to use flick shots more. The AK-74M's recoil is pretty rough, but with the flash hider, it becomes very manageable.
Second Best Attachment: ARX200 with Scope 2.0x and Flash Hider – The 2.0x scope in the ARX200 will provide Nomad with a good amount of zoom while also not sacrificing so much peripheral view. Especially since the scope’s structure doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space. The flash hider will further lower down the weapon’s already low stock recoil, and that will provide Nomad with great stability and accuracy.
See Operator in Action:
53. Maverick
Because of Maverick’s role and special gadget, he’ll be spending a lot of time melting portions of unreinforced walls with his Breaching Torch. With that, he can make kill holes on unreinforced walls, and of course, he can destroy anti-hard breach gadgets inside. But going back to the kill holes on unreinforced walls, because he can make them, his attachments should complement that special ability.
Best Attachment: AR-15.50 with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – Because the user will be looking mostly on kill holes, peripheral view wouldn’t matter much, so the scope 3.0x will be the best for the AR-15.50. This will give Maverick a really good view of the enemies inside, and make it easier for him to target them. The vertical grip will handle the weapon’s recoil, and the suppressor is very important so that the enemies won’t be able to easily know which kill hole you’re shooting them from.
Second Best Attachment: M4 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – This is for users who prefer the fully automatic M4 for Maverick. Again, the suppressor is there so that the enemies wouldn’t instantly know which kill hole you’re shooting them from, because the suppressor hides the directional threat indicator that passing bullets make. The 1.5x scope is also a really balanced scope providing a good enough zoom while not sacrificing a lot of side view.
See Operator in Action:
52. Lion
Lion is a very versatile operator that can excel at any range, depending on his weapon of choice. But because of his role, he’s best used for engaging enemies at close to medium range, while interrupting the movements of enemies with his EE-ONE-D scans. Because of that, when it comes to attachments, the user needs to focus on what’s best for close to medium range encounters.
Best Attachment: V308 with Scope 2.5x A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – Because the V308 has good damage, huge magazine capacity, and low stock recoil, the damage penalty from the suppressor and it not providing any recoil benefits wouldn’t matter much. So, the user would benefit more with its hiding of the directional threat indicator, muzzle flash, as well as the gunshot sounds. The vertical grip will provide the recoil control benefits, and the scope 2.5x A will allow Lion to shoot his enemies with pinpoint accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: 417 with Scope 3.0x, Muzzle Brake, Vertical Grip, and Laser – The 417 is a unique marksman rifle in that it’s also very effective at close range, because of its tight hip fire, which doesn’t change even if you keep shooting it. The laser will further tighten its hip fire, and the vertical grip, as well as the muzzle brake, will lower its recoil greatly. The scope 3.0x will provide a good amount of zoom to the user for engaging enemies at medium to long-range.
See Operator in Action:
51. Finka
Finka right now specializes in the frontlines with her oppressive 6P41 LMG, though she can perform the role of backline support really well. And because her best weapon, the 6P41 LMG has a huge magazine capacity, her attachment should be more for laying down suppressive fire or continuous long sprays.
Best Attachment: 6P41 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The 6P41 has a manageable stock recoil, but the flash hider and vertical grip will further lower it, providing the user with very stable firing. The 2.5x A scope will provide the user with pinpoint accuracy with its high zoom and reticle that is really focused on the center.
Second Best Attachment: Spear .308 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – For users who prefer the lighter Spear. 308 assault rifle. Its recoil diamonds aren't big at all and it's not prone to horizontal recoil, so the flash hider is the best barrel attachment for it, and the vertical grip will further hold its recoil down. The scope 2.0x will provide a good high-level zoom to Finka without eating up much screen space.
See Operator in Action:
50. Dokkaebi
Dokkaebi excels at compromising the current location of enemies, which means she’s very effective at room clearing and hunting down roamers. That’s why even though her primary weapons were made for long range shooting, she has to be great at close to medium range too, because at those distances are where she would most likely have to engage roamers. So, her attachments have to complement her anti-roamer capabilities.
Best Attachment: Mk 14 EBR with Scope 3.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – At first glance this attachment set might look like it’s more for long-range shooting, but it’s also effective at close to medium range, because the Mk 14 EBR has a very manageable recoil and the 3.0x scope doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space. So, even though it provides high levels of zoom, Dokkaebi won’t be so disadvantaged at close range.
Second Best Attachment: BOSG.12.2 with Scope 2.5x A, and Vertical Grip – For daredevil players who love using the BOSG.12.2 for Dokkaebi, the 2.5x A will provide the most accuracy for them, especially at medium to long range. The vertical grip will control the weapon’s vertical kick greatly and will allow the user to fire off the second shot with more control and accuracy compared with the angled grip.
See Operator in Action:
49. Zofia
Like Dokkaebi above, Zofia specializes in room clearing and neutralizing roamers. That is because she possesses heavy firepower that makes her hard to beat one-on-one. And because of her KS79 Lifeline special gadget that can fire two impact grenades as well as two concussion grenades, she can also perform the role of a soft breaching front liner. Which means that her attachments should focus more on taking down enemies as quickly as she can so that she can move on to the next enemy fast.
Best Attachment: LMG-E with Scope 2.5x A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The LMG-E doesn’t have a strong vertical weapon kick, so it doesn’t really benefit much from the flash hider. Its recoil diamonds, however, are quite big, so the compensator is the best barrel attachment for it, because the compensator reduces the recoil diamond of weapons. As for the vertical weapon kick, the vertical grip would be enough to handle that.
Second Best Attachment: M762 with Scope 2.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer the M762 when using Zofia, the muzzle brake would be the best barrel attachment to use, because this weapon has a really strong first shot recoil, so lowering that will provide the user with more stable shooting, while the vertical grip will lower its vertical recoil down. This is the best attachment set for controlling the recoil of the M762 which has one of the strongest recoils among the weapons in the game.
See Operator in Action:
48. Ying
Ying’s Candelas are like stun grenades on steroids. It’s very hard to avoid getting blinded by them, especially when they pop off near you, even if you turn around, you’ll most likely still be blinded. That’s what makes Ying one of the best in the front lines and when it comes to room clearing. She blinds enemies in the room and proceeds on killing them one by one. That’s why ideally, she has to finish off as many enemies as quickly as she can.
Best Attachment: T-95 LSW with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The suppressor is very important for Ying, because the difference between her Candelas and stun grenades is that her Candelas doesn’t produce any ear-ringing effects, so even when the enemy is blinded by a Candela, he would still be able to hear sound cues well. With the suppressor, you’ll be reducing the enemy’s chances of an effective counter fire against you through the sound cues that you make.
Second Best Attachment: T-95 LSW with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – This is for players who really don’t want any damage reduction in their weapons from using a suppressor. The T-95 LSW have big recoil diamonds so it’s best to equip a compensator to it instead of a flash hider in order for the user to have a smoother firing experience. The vertical grip will hold the weapon’s vertical recoil down, and the 1.5x will provide just enough zoom for close to medium range engagements.
See Operator in Action:
47. Jackal
Jackal specializes in tracking and hunting down roamers. He does so with his special gadget, the Eyenox Model III, which can highlight enemy footprints and allows Jackal to scan them. When the scan is successful, it produces a ping on the tracked Defender’s current location, and it will keep pinging the Defender for twenty seconds. That’s why his attachments should focus more on stealth, because when hunting roamers, stealth is crucial so that they won’t know where you’re going to hit them from.
Best Attachment: C7E with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The suppressor is very important for Jackal’s loadout because it provides him with a lot of stealth capabilities. It will dampen the weapon’s gunshot sounds, hide the flash hider, and most importantly, remove the directional threat indicator. This will be great for strafing a tracked roamer, so that he won’t immediately realize where your shots are coming from.
Second Best Attachment: PDW9 with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – For users who prefer the larger magazine size of the PDW9, again, the suppressor would be very important for reasons stated above. Especially when the tracked roamer is hiding behind a soft wall, you can wall bang him and he won’t immediately know where the shots are coming from. The vertical grip will further lower down the weapon’s recoil, providing the user with a lot more stability when shooting.
See Operator in Action:
46. Hibana
Hibana is one of the hard breach operators in the game. Capable of destroying three reinforced hatches, or when she chooses too, she can also perform a horizontal hard breach with her special gadget, and it’ll still be big enough for her and her team to enter, as long as she lines up her X-Kairos well. And because she can shoot her X-Kairos from long distance and make a hard breach from there, her attachments should allow her to excel at medium range shooting.
Best Attachment: Type-89 with Scope 2.5x A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – Hibana’s Type-89 has a rough recoil, primarily because of its strong first shot weapon kick. And when it comes to lowering a weapon’s first shot recoil, the muzzle brake is the best. Lowering the first shot recoil of the Type-89 will provide the user with a more stable shooting experience compared to the other barrel attachments available to it.
Second Best Attachment: Type-89 with Scope 2.5x A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The compensator is the second-best barrel attachment for Hibana’s Type-89 because its recoil diamond is really wide, but when equipped with a compensator, the difference is really noticeable and you’ll feel the user will feel that shooting the Type-89, especially in longer sprays, will be smoother compared to other attachments like the flash hider.
See Operator in Action:
45. Capitao
Capitao is one of the best in the front line because he can actually provide a lot of cover for the Attacking team with his micro smoke grenades. He can also deny area to the enemies with his asphyxiating bolts which covers a large area in fire. This is great for pushing and planting the defuser, so when his teammate is planting the defuser, Capitao’s attachments should allow him to provide an effective and accurate cover fire.
Best Attachment: Para-308 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip – This weapon has a very manageable stock recoil, so even without a recoil-benefit providing barrel attachment, it will offer the user a stable firing experience, even with long sprays. So, the extended barrel is the best choice for its barrel attachment because it will greatly reduce the range damage drop-off of the weapon. As for the recoil, you’ll have the vertical grip to make its vertical weapon kick weaker, and the 1.5x scope will provide the best amount of zoom for the range that Capitao usually operates.
Second Best Attachment: M249 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – For users who prefer the much larger magazine capacity of the M249. The flash hider and vertical grip are the best attachments for holding down its recoil, especially because with this gun, the user will most likely be firing in longer sprays. The magazine capacity of LMGs is just perfect for laying down suppressive fire on enemies. The 2.5x scope A will let Capitao see enemies bigger, therefore, it’ll be easier for him to hit them.
See Operator in Action:
44. Blackbeard
Blackbeard excels at any range depending on the player’s weapon choice, but most players go for the MK17 CQB as Blackbeard also performs really well on the frontlines due to his Rifle Shield, which most of the time prevents him from immediately dying from a headshot. This means that his gunshots should be stable so that he’ll also be able to keep the Rifle Shield in the proper position most of the time, to protect his head area.
Best Attachment: MK17 CQB with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The MK17 CQB has a strong vertical weapon kick, so having both the flash hider and vertical grip is a really good idea since both of them specializes in lowering the vertical recoil of weapons. As the name implies, this weapon specializes in close to medium range engagements, so the 1.5x scope is the perfect sight for it in that distance.
Second Best Attachment: SR-25 with Scope 3.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer to go with a marksman rifle when playing Blackbeard, the muzzle break and vertical grip will greatly lower the SR-25's vertical recoil, and unlike the suppressor, the muzzle brake won’t lessen the damage of the rifle, and with Blackbeard’s gameplay, the faster he can take the enemy down, the better, because it prevents the chances of enemies landing an effective counter fire on Blackbeard’s Rifle Shield.
See Operator in Action:
43. Buck
Buck is another operator that can excel at any range, but that wouldn’t only depend on the weapon choice of the user, but also because of Buck’s special gadget, the Skeleton Key, which allows him to quickly switch his firing mode into an under barrel shotgun. And this underbarrel shotgun is the most destructive shotgun in the game. This also allows Buck to be one of the best vertical attackers, capable of harassing enemies from above, and even below.
Best Attachment: C8-SFW with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider – This assault rifle has a really strong vertical weapon kick per shot, so equipping a flash hider to it is the best solution when it comes to managing its recoil. With the flash hider, the user will be able to fire it with good stability even with longer sprays, which Buck might need to do when strafing at enemies from above or below. The 1.5x scope is also perfect for the range in which Buck usually operates in which is close to medium range.
Second Best Attachment: CAMRS with Scope 3.0x, Muzzle Brake, and Laser – For users who prefer going with a marksman rifle when playing Buck, the 3.0x scope will allow Buck to see his enemies clearly, even at long range. At close to medium range, it may sacrifice a lot of peripheral view, but because its structure doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space, the user will not feel like he’s at a disadvantage. The laser is important for this because the CAMRS has a tight hip fire, and the laser will tighten it further, making the CAMRS an effective weapon even at close range.
See Operator in Action:
42. Sledge
Like Buck above, Sledge is a really great vertical attacker, and when it comes to attacking from above, he’s even more effective, because he has frag grenades which he can use to straight up kill Defenders below, or flush them out of their hiding spots. The problem when attacking above, even though Sledge can keep breaking wooden floors, is that his view and gunfire will still be obstructed by the metal beams. That’s why his attachments should focus more on making his weapon stable, because with more stability, the more accurate he can be.
Best Attachment: L85A2 with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The L85A2 is quite prone to horizontal recoil, especially when it comes to longer sprays. Thankfully, the compensator can fix that, because the compensator reduces the weapon’s recoil diamond, therefore reducing the chances of its recoil going into a horizontal direction. As for the weapon’s vertical recoil, the vertical grip will handle it, and the 2.0x scope will provide Sledge with a good view of his enemies.
Second Best Attachment: L85A2 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – This is the second-best attachment set for the L85A2 because the 1.5x scope is also great for Sledge. It will provide him with a good amount of zoom without sacrificing a lot of his peripheral view, which is great because Sledge will mostly have to engage enemies at close to medium range. The flash hider on this one will further lower down the weapon’s vertical recoil, and although it’ll be more prone to horizontal recoil than the best attachment set above, less vertical recoil will also be good.
See Operator in Action:
41. Thatcher
Apart from the role of being a gadget disabler, Thatcher also performs the role of backline support really well. So, his weapon attachments should be more about giving him the best recoil stability in order for him to provide the best and accurate cover fire for his teammates. He would be firing at his opponents with medium to long sprays, so it’s important for his attachments to make his weapon’s recoil more stable.
Best Attachment: L85A2 with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The L85A2 is the best weapon for Thatcher because of its higher damage and bigger magazine capacity compared to the AR33. Its Scope 2.0x is really balanced, providing a high level of zoom and allowing Thatcher to see his enemies better while not eating up a lot of screen space. It’s quite prone to horizontal recoil so the compensator is recommended for its barrel attachment, and as for its vertical weapon kick, it will be handled by the vertical grip.
Second Best Attachment: AR33 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer the AR33 with Thatcher because of the availability of the scope 2.5x A, the flash hider and vertical grip will be the best combo for making the weapon’s recoil more manageable. The AR33 isn’t really prone to horizontal recoil, so it will just be better for the player to focus on lowering its vertical recoil.
See Operator in Action:
40. Ash
Ash specializes in quick entry and room clearing. She’s an excellent roamer as well. Her special gadget, the Breaching Rounds, punches huge holes on unreinforced walls. Of course, that applies to unreinforced hatches as well, and they can be used for destroying bullet-proof gadgets. Because of the nature of her role and gameplay, Ash needs to be able to take down enemies as quickly as she can and then move on to another. So, her weapon attachments should give her the best accuracy and stability when she’s firing.
Best Attachment: G36C with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The G36C has wide recoil diamonds, and it’ll be in the best interest of the player to reduce their width. That’ll provide the user with a more stable firing experience, because the weapon’s horizontal recoil will be reduced. That’s exactly what the compensator will do for the G36C. The vertical grip is a good balance for this weapon because it will hold down its vertical recoil while the compensator reduces its horizontal recoil.
Second Best Attachment: R4-C with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The R4C has quite a rough recoil, so the best barrel attachments for it are the flash hider and the muzzle brake. The flash hider, however, trumps the muzzle brake when it comes to providing a more stable shooting experience with the R4-C, so the user is advised to use the flash hider for this gun. The vertical grip will further weaken its vertical recoil.
See Operator in Action:
39. Thermite
Thermite, as a hard breacher, specializes in the front lines. The player can choose whether to go for the stun grenades or smoke grenades as his secondary gadgets. Both choices are great for pushing and planting the defuser. Because Thermite would mostly be in the front lines, his attachment choices have to be more about killing enemies as fast as he can and move on to the next target, just like Ash. Luckily for Thermite, his gun, the 556XI isn’t that hard to handle and it has attachment options available to it that’ll provide the best shooting experience for the player.
Best Attachment: 556XI with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The 556XI assault rifle doesn’t really have a strong weapon kick, so it’s best to just equip a compensator to it as its barrel attachment. That way, it won’t be prone to random recoil from all directions. The vertical grip will be the attachment that holds down its vertical recoil, and the scope 2.0x will provide a good balance between high level of zoom and maintaining peripheral view, which is important in the frontline where Thermite is mostly going to be.
Second Best Attachment: 556XI with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – Another great barrel attachment for the 556XI is the flash hider because it’ll greatly lower the vertical recoil of the weapon. The weapon may be a bit more prone to recoil from all directions without the compensator, but the flash hider is a really great choice too. It also hides the muzzle flash, as the name implies, and that reduces the visual cues that your opponents could react to.
See Operator in Action:
38. Montagne
Montagne is the toughest shield operator in the game. Once he extends his shield, it’s almost impossible to hurt him from the front angle. Montagne specializes in the frontlines and getting the attention of the enemies so that his teammates can frag them when they’re distracted. Montagne is also great for planting the defuser, especially with his smoke grenades, and when he’s planting, his shield goes behind him, making it hard to kill him from behind as well.
Best Attachment: P9 with Muzzle Brake – This is almost a no-brainer. The alternative choice is the suppressor, and while I love the suppressor for many other guns in Siege, Montagne just wouldn’t have any use for the stealth benefits that it provides, especially since Montagne is such a noisy operator. With the muzzle brake, his P9 pistol’s recoil will be very controllable, and that’s perfect during times when Montagne switches to his pistol to frag enemies.
Second Best Attachment: LFP589 with Laser – Most Montagne users prefer the P9 as his weapon, but some daredevil players can use the LFP589 effectively with him. Compared to the P9 which does only 45 damage unsuppressed, the LFP589 deals 78 damage per shot. That means that at optimal range, it can take only two shots from this gun to down an enemy. And with the laser, its hip fire will be tighter, increasing the chance of Montagne hitting an enemy while his shield is still up.
See Operator in Action:
37. Twitch
Twitch, with her Shock Drones, specializes in disabling Defender gadgets. She also has two claymores to protect her from runouts or roamers while she’s in drone view. But when the time comes that she herself needs to penetrate the mission area and engage her enemies, she has some really powerful guns in her arsenal. And she will be engaging enemies mostly at close to medium range, so the player should keep that in mind when choosing her attachments.
Best Attachment: F2 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The F2 has quite a rough recoil, mainly because of its strong vertical weapon kick. That’s why the flash hider is the best barrel attachment for it, because overall, it will make the weapon more stable, especially for longer sprays. The vertical grip will make the vertical recoil even lower, and the scope 1.5x is perfect for dealing with enemies at close range.
Second Best Attachment: 417 with Scope 2.0x, Muzzle Brake, Vertical Grip, and Laser - Even though Twitch will mostly be engaging enemies at close to medium range, the 417-marksman rifle is still a really great option for her, especially because of its very tight hip fire. With the laser, it’ll even be tighter, so when an enemy appears near you, you don’t have to go into aim-down-sights, you can just hit him with some hip fire shots. The 2.0x scope will also give you the balance between high zoom levels and peripheral view.
See Operator in Action:
36. Blitz
Like Montagne above, Blitz is also a shield operator that uses a pistol when he wants to strafe and frag an enemy. He specializes in the front lines, and he really needs to be up in front of the enemy to be able to use his Flash Shield and blind them. And when the enemy is blinded, he can either finish him up by bashing him with his shield, or by shooting him with his pistol. His specialty is also shooting enemies that are running away from him, that’s why the recoil of his pistol should be really low.
Best Attachment: P12 with Muzzle Brake – The muzzle brake specializes in lowering down the recoil of single-shot weapons like marksman rifles and most of the handguns in the game. With this attachment on the P12, Blitz will be able to shoot opponents that are running from him with great control and accuracy, and will likely finish the enemy off with just a few compact shots.
Second Best Attachment: P12 with Muzzle Brake and Laser – This is in the second-best place because it poses some risks for Blitz. First of all, his shield isn’t as big as Montagne’s, and his pistol hand is exposed. Putting a laser on his handgun will give the opponents a clear target. However, the laser will tighten the hip fire of the P12, so it increases the chances of Blitz hitting his opponents with hip fire on the P12 handgun, especially at close range.
See Operator in Action:
35. IQ
IQ’s special gadget, the Electronics Detector, can only be used in conjunction with her handgun. While this doesn’t leave her completely defenseless, she’s obviously less powerful with only her handgun at the ready. Plus, the blue screen of her special gadget can be detrimental to her vision of the enemy. So, for her primary weapons, the player must equip the attachments that will allow IQ to deal with enemies as fast as she can.
Best Attachment: 552 Commando with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – Without the flash hider, the vertical recoil of the 552 commando would be pretty strong, even with the vertical grip. But its recoil diamond is not that big, so you wouldn’t really need a compensator for it, that’s why the best choice would be the flash hider. The vertical grip will make its vertical recoil even weaker. The 1.5x scope is very important because IQ would be dealing with her enemies at close to medium range, and that scope is perfect for that distance.
Second Best Attachment: AUG A2 with Scope 2.5x A and Flash Hider – For players who prefer the AUG A2 when using IQ because of the availability of the scope 2.5x A, the flash hider is the best option for its barrel attachment because the only thing the player will need to worry about this gun is holding down its vertical recoil. And its recoil only goes in a straight vertical pattern, so once you lower it down with the flash hider, you’re golden. Its recoil diamonds aren’t big at all either, so there wouldn’t be any need for a compensator.
See Operator in Action:
34. Fuze
Fuze specializes in softening up the Defenders’ objective area before a final push from the Attacking team. He does so by raining down Cluster Charges after Cluster Charges on their objective spot. The repeated explosions from Fuze’s Cluster Charges can destroy a lot of Defender Gadgets, and can even kill some Defenders who don't get away in time. The problem is, Fuze can be quite in a vulnerable spot whenever he deploys his Cluster Charges, so he needs to be able to react fast to Defenders, especially roamers, who will come to get him to stop performing his role.
Best Attachment: AK-12 with Scope 2.0x, Compensator, and Angled Grip – The angled grip here is very important, because it will allow Fuze to go into aim-down-sights fast when an he has to engage an enemy, particularly right after he deploys his Cluster Charge. The AK-12 has a wide recoil diamond which means its prone to horizontal recoil, that’s why the compensator is the best barrel attachment for it, because it reduces the size of the weapon’s recoil diamond.
Second Best Attachment: 6P41 with Scope 2.5x A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer the oppressive firepower of the 6P41 LMG, the flash hider working in conjunction with the vertical grip, both specializing in lowering the weapon’s vertical recoil, is the best way to go. It will provide the most stable shooting experience, especially when laying down suppressive fire with the 6P41 LMG.
See Operator in Action:
33. Glaz
Glaz is still the best sniper in the game. Yes, even better than Kali, because his special gadget, the Flip Sight, which provides his marksman rifle with a thermal sight, is very unique in the game. It’s the only gadget in the game that highlights enemies in a bright yellow hue, making them easily recognizable among all the clutter in the mission area. This really helps Glaz’s reaction time, and is also great at issuing callouts for his teammates. And because Glaz is a sniper, his attachments should be what complements his sniping abilities.
Best Attachment: OTs-03 with Red Dot A and Suppressor – This is the best attachment options for long range sniping. The suppressor does a lot. It hides the weapon’s muzzle flash, silences its gunshots, and most importantly, it removes the directional threat indicator of its bullets. So, when you’re shooting enemies at long range with this attachment set, it’ll be hard for them to immediately find out where you’re shooting them from.
Second Best Attachment: OTs-03 with Red Dot A and Muzzle Brake – This is for players who prefer to go all out with the OTs-03's damage and have more recoil control with it. The muzzle brake will greatly lower the weapon’s recoil, providing the player with pinpoint accuracy, and of course, it won’t have the damage penalty that suppressors have. This attachment choice works really well at medium range.
And as for dealing with enemies at close range, the OTs-03 has a Flip Sight, so it can switch to its 1.0x sight quickly. And the Red Dot A is the best 1.0x sight for accuracy.
See Operator in Action:
32. Azami
Azami, with her special gadget, the Kiba Barriers, specializes in securing the area of the objective spot, and anchoring. She can fortify a previously vulnerable angle by providing cover with her Kiba Barriers. She can also be a very deadly spawn killer because she can make large parts of the window where she’s going to be spawn-killing, bulletproof. But for her to maximize the potential of her Kiba Barriers, she would mostly have to be anchoring the objective spot. Which means engaging enemies at close to medium range.
Best Attachment: ACS12 with Scope 1.5x and Angled Grip – The ACS12 has one of the lowest stock recoils among all the weapons in Siege, so the user doesn’t really need any additional recoil control from attachments. That’s why it's better to go with the angled grip instead and benefit from being able to go into aim-down-sights faster. The scope 1.5x sight is perfect for Azami who would be engaging her enemies mostly at close to medium range.
Second Best Attachment: 9x19VSN with Red Dot A, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – Because Azami would mostly be anchoring, that means she would essentially be camping most of the time, so she would be expecting enemies to come at certain angles. That’s why she doesn’t really need to rely on the aim-down-sights speed-benefit from the angled grip. For her 9x19VSN, she should concentrate more on making its recoil as stable as it can be, and the compensator and vertical grip will do that job really well.
See Operator in Action:
31. Thorn
Like Azami above, Thorn is another operator who would be anchoring most of the time. And that’s because her special gadget, the Razorbloom Shells, would be best deployed in areas near the objective spot because they can act as early warning devices, and of course, they can flat out kill Attackers who fail to get away from them in time. Because of her role, Thorn should choose the attachments that will give her the best recoil possible in order to keep fragging enemies that are pushing the objective spot.
Best Attachment: UZK50GI with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – Thorn's UZK50GI has a pretty strong vertical weapon kick. Luckily, it mostly goes on a straight vertical path, so the user only really has to worry about holding down its vertical recoil. That is why the flash hider and vertical grip, both specializing in holding down the vertical recoil of weapons, are the best attachments for this gun. They’ll provide the user with the most stable shooting experience, even with long sustained firing.
Second Best Attachment: UZK50GI with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – The muzzle brake is another very viable option for the UZK50GI’s barrel attachment, because the weapon does have a strong first shot recoil. Weakening that first shot recoil will do a lot to stabilize the weapon’s recoil, especially when it comes to short to medium sprays.
See Operator in Action:
30. Thunderbird
Thunderbird can play the role of a roamer really well, because she can just deploy her Kona Stations during the prep phase and let them do their work on their own while she roams and hunts enemies. Her 3-speed and her secondary gadget choices are great for roaming. As for strafing and fragging enemies, she has excellent weapon choices and attachment options for said weapons that makes her deadly at close to medium range encounters.
Best Attachment: Spear .308 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – This assault rifle’s recoil pattern mostly just goes on a straight vertical line, and its recoil diamonds are quite small, so it wouldn’t benefit much from a compensator. Therefore, the flash hider is the best barrel attachment for it. With it having both a flash hider and a vertical grip, its recoil will be very controllable, allowing Thunderbird to strafe her enemies with great precision.
Second Best Attachment: Bearing 9 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – The second-best weapon in Thunderbird’s arsenal is her secondary weapon, the Bearing 9. It has a high damage output and very fast rate of fire. But its main drawback is its strong vertical recoil. And that is why the flash hider is the best attachment for it. With the flash hider, the user will have a better time controlling the weapon’s recoil, especially if the user sticks to short burst firing.
See Operator in Action:
29. Aruni
Aruni is another great Defender for securing and anchoring the objective spot. Through her Surya Laser Gates which she can deploy on entrances, she can reduce the number of Attacker drones or projectiles. That is because the only way to disable them is by letting something pass through it, including bodies. So, Attackers can also sacrifice some of their health points to disable it. Aruni does a great job at anchoring the objective spot because her Mk 14 EBR marksman rifle is perfect for engaging enemies at close to medium range.
Best Attachment: Mk 14 EBR with Scope 1.5x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – This attachment setup ensures maximum damage and shooting stability for Aruni. The muzzle brake greatly lowers the recoil of single shot firing weapons like the Mk 14 EBR, and combined with the vertical grip, they will really provide pinpoint accuracy for Aruni. The 1.5x scope is just perfect for the range where she will be engaging enemies most of the time, which is close to medium range.
Second Best Attachment: Mk 14 EBR with Scope 1.5x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The suppressor is also a great attachment for Aruni because it dampens the weapon’s gunshot sounds, hides the muzzle flash, and removes the directional threat indicator of its bullets. That is perfect when Aruni is shooting behind her Surya Laser Gates, because the laser gates themselves already lower the enemies’ visibility of the objective spot, and the suppressor will give them less sound and visual cues to know where you’re shooting them from.
See Operator in Action:
28. Melusi
Like Aruni above, Melusi is a great Defender for anchoring and securing the objective spot. That is because her Banshees can really slow down enemies that go near them. They also emit a distinct and loud sound when activated by enemies, so they’re also great as early warning devices. Because of her special gadget and role, Melusi would mostly be within or near the objective spot, so she’ll be engaging her enemies at close to medium range.
Best Attachment: MP5 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The MP5 has a pretty wide recoil diamond, and normally, for weapons like this, I recommend the compensator, but it is not available with the MP5. So, the second-best option is to just stick with lowering its vertical weapon kick, and the flash hider and vertical grip will handle that. The flash hider, as its name implies, will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash, reducing the visual cues that the enemies could react to.
Second Best Attachment: RG15 with Suppressor – Melusi is blessed to have one of the best handguns in the game as her secondary weapon. The RG15 has a default red dot sight called the Romeo1 Reflex, and it’s because of this sight that this handgun can be used for strafing enemies at medium to long range. And for those distances, the suppressor would be great, because the enemies will not know where the shots are coming.
See Operator in Action:
27. Oryx
Despite his huge body, Oryx is one of the best roamers in the game, and that is because he can break through unreinforced walls by smashing his body onto them while sacrificing only 5 health points. He’s also the only Defender capable of climbing a broken hatch. Not only that, he’s also capable of knocking down shield operators like Montagne by charging onto them with his body. With that said, he also has a great weapon and attachment options for strafing his enemies.
Best Attachment: T-5 SMG with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider – The flash hider is the best barrel attachment for the T-5 SMG because its recoil diamond is really tight, so the user only has to worry about holding down its vertical weapon kick, and the flash hider is the best barrel attachment when it comes to that. And because of Oryx’s gameplay, he will be mostly engaging enemies at close to medium range, and the 1.5x scope is perfect for that.
Second Best Attachment: T-5 SMG with Scope 1.5x and Suppressor – The suppressor is another great barrel attachment for the T-5 SMG, even without the recoil benefits of the flash hider, the weapon’s recoil will remain low, and with the suppressor, the user will benefit a lot because it will dampen the weapon’s gunshot sounds, hide its muzzle flash, and remove its directional threat indicator, so chances are, your enemies wouldn’t immediately know where you’re shooting them from.
See Operator in Action:
26. Wamai
Wamai is a great area securer and anchor because his Mag-NETS can neutralize enemy projectiles by pulling them away from their intended targets. In some cases, the Mag-NETS can also kill enemies with their own frag grenades. The longer the round goes, the more Mag-NETS Wamai can deploy, and that’s why it’s important for him to anchor the objective spot. And that means having to engage enemies at close to medium range most of the time.
Best Attachment: MP5K with Scope 1.5x and Flash Hider – The MP5K doesn’t really have a big recoil diamond, so there’s not much need for it to be equipped with a compensator. Therefore, the user’s best option for this weapon is the flash hider. With the flash hider, the weapon’s overall vertical recoil will be lessened, and that will provide a stable shooting experience to the player, even with long sprays. And because Wamai will be anchoring most of the time, the scope 1.5x will be perfect for him.
Second Best Attachment: AUG A2 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – For players who prefer the higher damage and more stable recoil of the AUG A2, again, the flash hider is the best barrel attachment for this weapon because it doesn’t have a big recoil diamond, so focusing on lowering its vertical weapon kick is the best option.
See Operator in Action:
25. Goyo
Goyo is one of the best area denial Defenders in the game. His Vulcan Canisters when detonated can cover a large area in fire for a whopping twenty seconds. That’s really long when it comes to Siege. And they can be attached to most surfaces as well. But they need to be shot or destroyed to be detonated, and that’s why Goyo will have to anchor the objective spot most of the time. And that means engaging enemies at close to medium range.
Best Attachment: TCSG12 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – Even though Goyo will mostly deal with enemies at close to medium range, the TCSG12 shotgun, which is basically a marksman rifle, will be a great weapon for him because it deals heavy damage per shot, and with the suppressor, the Attackers wouldn’t immediately know where the shots are coming from. The weapon has a pretty rough recoil, but the vertical grip will be enough to make it a lot more manageable.
Second Best Attachment: Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip – For users who prefer the fully automatic Vector .45 ACP, the extended barrel is the best barrel attachment for this weapon because it will greatly reduce its range damage drop-off. And that’s really helpful when it comes to guns like this with low damage. Now this gun has a really strong vertical weapon kick, but the vertical grip should be enough to handle it, as long as the user sticks to short burst firing.
See Operator in Action:
24. Warden
Warden used to be one of the least popular operators, but his pick rate really rose after Operation Vector Glare dropped. That is because he’s the best counter to Sens’ R.O.U. Projector Systems because his Smart Glasses can see through the cover that Sens’ special gadget creates. Of course, his Smart Glasses can also see-through smoke, and upon activation, it removes the blind effects of stun grenades. That is why Warden is best for anchoring the objective area.
Best Attachment: MPX with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The MPX submachine gun has a really low stock recoil and its recoil diamond is far from big so it won’t benefit much from a compensator, and that's why the flash hider is its best barrel attachment. The vertical grip will further lower down its recoil, providing Warden with a really stable shooting experience, even with longer sprays which he would need when shooting through smoke or the R.O.U. Projector systems.
Second Best Attachment: SMG-12 with Red Dot A and Vertical Grip – The SMG-12 machine pistol is Warden’s trusty secondary weapon, and is great for finishing off enemies when his primary needs to reload. Its main drawback is its very strong vertical recoil, but the vertical grip will lower that down. With that said, even with the vertical grip, the weapon’s recoil would still be hard to handle, so the user is advised to fire it in short bursts.
See Operator in Action:
23. Mozzie
Mozzie will be spending a lot of his time in observation tool view, because his special gadget, the Pest Launcher, allows him to hack Attacker drones, including shock drones. So, when he’s successful in hacking enemy drones, he would be using it to observe enemy movements and issue callouts to his teammates. Of course, that could leave him vulnerable to other enemies who are rushing or pushing in a different position, and that is why Mozzie needs to be able to react to enemies fast after switching back to operator view.
Best Attachment: Commando 9 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The Commando 9 has a pretty strong vertical recoil, but luckily, its recoil diamond isn’t that big, which means it's not really prone to horizontal recoil. That means that the user can focus on lowering its vertical weapon kick so that it’ll be a lot easier to handle. And when it comes to lowering a weapon’s vertical recoil, the flash hider and the vertical grip are a great combination.
Second Best Attachment: P10 Roni with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip – For users who prefer the faster rate of fire of the P10 Roni, the vertical grip will lower down its strong vertical weapon kick. It does have the flash hider available to it which could further lower down its vertical recoil, but in this case, the extended barrel is the best way to go, because it will reduce its range damage drop-off, and you wouldn’t be firing this weapon in long bursts anyway due to its fast rate of fire and small magazine capacity, so you might as well just focus on inflicting as much damage as you can.
See Operator in Action:
22. Kaid
Kaid is one of the best anchors and area securers in the game. Well, he wouldn’t be so effective at roaming anyway because of his 1-speed rating. But what makes him such an effective anchor is because of his anti-hard breach capabilities. His Rtilas are the best anti-hard breach gadgets now that Thatcher is mostly banned and the alternatives are Maverick and Kali. His 3-armor rating also makes him harder to take down, and he has powerful weapons for firing back at enemies.
Best Attachment: TCSG12 with Scope 2.0x, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The TCSG12 is a shotgun that fires single-slugs per shot, which means it’s capable of headshots unlike the typical shotguns, and it can be used for long range shooting. That’s why the suppressor is the best barrel attachment for it, because with the suppressor, the enemies won’t get a directional threat indicator of where your shots are coming from. Its 2.0x scope is also great for long range shooting, and the vertical grip will hold down its vertical recoil.
Second Best Attachment: AUG A3 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – For users who prefer the fully automatic AUG A3 submachine gun when playing Kaid, while its recoil diamond isn’t big, its recoil pattern veers to the right quite a lot, but the compensator will straighten it up a lot. The vertical grip will hold down its vertical weapon kick, while the scope 1.5x will provide a good amount of zoom without sacrificing a lot of peripheral view, which is great for anchors like Kaid.
See Operator in Action:
21. Clash
Clash is one of the most troublesome Defenders because her shield covers all of her body at a front angle. It can sway a lot when you hit it with a melee attack, but the problem is, it has an electric charge that can slow you down a lot while also inflicting damage overtime, so getting near Clash would be a challenge. That CCE Shield is basically Clash’s primary weapon, but when she wants to strafe at her enemies, she has some excellent secondary weapons that will do the job well.
Best Attachment: SPSMG9 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – The SPSMG9 is a machine pistol, and as machine pistols are, it has a fast rate of fire. The great thing about the SPSMG9 is despite its fast rate of fire, its recoil remains manageable, especially with the flash hider which will further lower down its already low stock recoil. With the flash hider, Clash will be able to spray bullets to her enemies with great stability and accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: P-10C with Muzzle Brake – Clash can also frag enemies with her handgun, the P-10C which has a higher damage per shot than the SPSMG9 and a considerably lower recoil. And because it specializes in lowering the recoil of single-shot firing weapons, the muzzle brake will make the P-10C's recoil even lower, resulting in a very stable firing experience for the Clash player.
See Operator in Action:
20. Maestro
Maestro is another great anchor and area securer because his Evil Eyes, one of the peskiest special gadgets in the game, can shoot lasers which can damage enemies and destroy their gadgets. It’s bulletproof when it’s not shooting lasers and it can see through smoke, so it’s very effective at countering defuser plant attempts. Because of his Evil Eyes, Maestro would be spending a lot of his time in observation tool view, so when he comes out of that, he needs to be able to react to enemies fast.
Best Attachment: ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Angled Grip – The ACS12 is a fully automatic single-slug firing shotgun, and although it’s fully automatic, its rate of fire is quite slow, so its stock recoil is also really low. That allows the player to equip an angled grip to it instead of the recoil-benefit providing vertical grip. With the angled grip, the user can go into aim-down-sights quicker, and the scope 2.0x will provide the zoom that will allow the user to hit enemies with deadly accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: ALDA 5.56 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer Maestro’s unique LMG when playing him, the Alda will benefit the most with the flash hider and vertical grip working in combination to lower down its vertical recoil. With its vertical weapon kick compressed, shooting long sprays with the ALDA 5.56 will be much more stable. The flash hider will also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash, reducing the visual cues that enemies could react to, which is perfect for an anchor like Maestro.
See Operator in Action:
19. Alibi
Alibi is one of the best roamers and intel gatherers in the game. That is because she has three Prismas which are basically holographic copies of her. When enemies shoot her Primas, they will get pinged for several seconds, effectively compromising their current location. That’s why when roaming with Alibi, I usually leave one Prisma in the objective area and take two with me in order to confuse enemies who are hunting me. Alibi always needs to be able to react fast to enemies pinged by her Prismas and to enemies that are hunting her.
Best Attachment: ACS12 with Scope 2.0x and Angled Grip – As mentioned above in Maestro’s entry, the ACS12 has a really low recoil, so even without any recoil-benefit providing attachments, the user will be able to handle it very well. So, the angled grip is the best option because it will allow Alibi to go into aim-down-sights faster. And with the 2.0x scope, she'll be able to target her enemies with pinpoint accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: Mx4 Storm with Scope 1.5x, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer the fully automatic Mx4 Storm when playing Alibi, the muzzle brake would be the best barrel attachment for them, because the Mx4 Storm has a really rough recoil. Lowering its first shot recoil will go a long way into stabilizing its overall recoil. The vertical grip will lower its recoil even more, and the 1.5x scope will provide a good amount of balance between zoom levels and peripheral view.
See Operator in Action:
18. Vigil
Vigil is one of the best roamers on the Defender side because his special gadget allows him to be invisible to Attacker drones or cameras. It will produce a static feed on their cameras though, and that static feed will be stronger depending on how near Vigil is, so the Attackers will know that Vigil is around the area, but having no clear visual of his exact location will greatly unsettle them. Vigil’s gameplay involves a lot of hit and run tactics, and picking off enemies one by one from behind.
Best Attachment: K1A with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The suppressor on Vigil’s K1A will complement his stealth capabilities, because the suppressor will dampen the weapon’s gunshot sound, hides its muzzle flash, and most importantly, remove its bullet’s directional threat indicator. That means the enemies won’t immediately know where they’re being shot from. This is perfect for Vigil whose gameplay, as mentioned above, involves a lot of hit and run tactics. The vertical grip will lower the K1A’s recoil, allowing Vigil to strafe his enemies with good accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: BOSG.12.2 with Scope 2.5x A and Vertical Grip – For daredevil players who prefer the BOSG.12.2 when playing Vigil, the vertical grip will be the best attachment for its grip because the BOSG.12.2 has a really strong vertical weapon kick per shot. The vertical grip will allow you to accurately fire off its second shot as opposed to the angled grip which will allow you to go into aim-down-sights fast, but won’t help you control the BOSG.12.2’s second shot. The 2.5x A scope will allow the user to frag enemies even at long range, and it will still be good at close range because the BOSG.12.2 is mostly used for flick shots anyway.
See Operator in Action:
17. Ela
Ela is a very effective roamer because her 3-speed rating allows her to move from one location to the next really fast. And her Grzmot Mines detonate whenever an enemy gets in close proximity to it, so they can also serve as early warning devices for her. The Grzmot Mines doesn’t only compromise the location of enemies, they also inflict a strong concussion effect on them, so when they’re under this effect, chances are, they wouldn’t even see Ela coming to finish the job.
Best Attachment: Scorpion Evo 3 A1 with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – This submachine gun is Ela’s unique weapon, and although it’s powerful due to its very fast rate of fire, it also has one of the roughest recoils in Siege. But the muzzle brake will greatly stabilize its overall weapon kick by lowering its first shot recoil. The vertical grip will also do a lot when it comes to lowering its vertical recoil, so with these two attachments working in conjunction, the Scorpion Evo 3 A1 will be a lot more manageable. With that said, the user is still advised to fire it in short bursts.
Second Best Attachment: FO-12 with Reflex B, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip – For players who prefer Ela’s shotgun when playing her, the extended barrel will be its best barrel attachment because it will greatly reduce its range damage drop-off, allowing Ela to inflict a good amount of damage even beyond the FO-12's optimal range. The weapon also has a really strong vertical weapon kick, so lowering it with the vertical grip will provide you with a much better shooting experience. The reflex B sight is great for shotguns because it doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space, so the user will have a much freer front view compared to other 1.0x sights.
See Operator in Action:
16. Lesion
Lesion is one of the best anchor and area securers in the game, because the longer he stays alive in the round, the more Gu Mines he can deploy, and he has a total of eight. A Gu Mine will detonate when an enemy gets in close proximity to it, and it will inflict damage overtime until the enemy removes it. Problem for the enemy is, while removing it, he needs to stop for a few seconds, potentially leaving himself vulnerable to Defender fire. The Gu Mines also make a distinct sound when they’re detonated, so they are also great early warning devices. And because Lesion will mostly be anchoring, he’ll be engaging enemies at close to medium range.
Best Attachment: T-5 SMG with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – Lesion’s T-5 SMG has a small recoil diamond, so there’s no need to equip a compensator to it. The suppressor, on the other hand, will lower its already low damage. Which leaves us with the best choice, the flash hider. The flash hider will lower the weapon’s vertical recoil, allowing for a stable shooting experience for the user, even when firing with long sprays.
Second Best Attachment: SIX12 SD with Reflex B – As mentioned above, Lesion will mostly be anchoring and engaging enemies at close to medium range, so a shotgun would be a very effective weapon for him as well. And for shotguns, the Reflex B sight is the best, because it frees up a lot of screen space, allowing you to see your enemies better at close to medium range.
See Operator in Action:
15. Mira
Another great anchor and area securer, Mira is actually the most banned operator in platinum rank and above. That is because in certain maps and Defender spots, she is very effective at stopping Attackers. And that’s possible because her Black Mirrors allow her to see the other side of the wall and she can quick lean and score kills from her mirrors. Which means her attachment choices should complement her role.
Best Attachment: Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip – With Mira, the user will mostly be firing in short bursts right after quick leaning from a Black Mirror, so she doesn’t need a lot of recoil control. That’s why the extended barrel is the best barrel attachment for her, because it will allow her to inflict as much damage as she can, because it will greatly reduce the weapon’s range damage drop-off. The vertical grip will provide a lot of recoil control for the gun anyway.
Second Best Attachment: Vector .45 ACP with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The suppressor is a really underrated barrel attachment for Mira, and it’s probably because its main drawback is that it will make the weapon’s already low damage, even lower. But for Mira, it offers a lot of benefits, because it will hide the directional threat indicator that the weapon’s bullets make, so chances are, when dealing with enemies at medium range, the opponents won’t even know that Mira is already shooting them from the soft wall beside her Black Mirror.
See Operator in Action:
14. Echo
Echo will be spending a lot of his time in the observation tool. As he says, “Why do it yourself when robots can do it better”, this efficient operator has two Yokai drones which attach themselves to ceilings. This basically gives Echo and his whole team extra cameras, and not only that, these Yokai Drones can also fire sonic bursts, which can disorient enemies. Of course, there will come a time when Echo himself needs to engage his enemies, and when that time comes, his weapons, along with their attachments, should help him take down enemies as fast as he can.
Best Attachment: MP5SD with Scope 1.5x and Angled Grip – This submachine gun has a very manageable recoil, even without the recoil-benefit providing vertical grip, so the best choice for its grip will be the angled grip, which will allow Echo to go into aim-down-sights position faster. That’s very important when Echo decides to engage enemies right after he disorients them with his Yokai’s sonic burst. The 1.5x scope is also perfect for the distance where Echo would be engaging his enemies, which would mostly be at close range.
Second Best Attachment: Bearing 9 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – The bearing 9 is Echo’s most effective secondary weapon, and it has a very fast rate of fire while maintaining a manageable recoil. With the flash hider, that recoil will be even more controllable, providing the user with great stability while shooting it with longer sprays. The Red Dot A with its center dot reticle will greatly help with accuracy and strafing opponents at close to medium range.
See Operator in Action:
13. Caveira
Caveira is one of the best roamers in the game, and that is because of her Silent Step ability that allows her to sprint while maintaining silent footsteps. And with her 3-speed rating, she can move from one area to the next fast and silently. She also has the interrogation ability, which allows her to interrogate a downed Attacker and when it’s successful, it will show the icons of the remaining Attackers, effectively compromising their locations in real time. Her secondary gadget, the Luison, also acts like a special gadget for her, because it allows her to injure Attackers very easily.
Best Attachment: M12 with Red Dot A and Extended Barrel – The M12 submachine gun is a great weapon for Caveira when she has to strafe opponents at medium to long range. It inflicts a good amount of damage and its stock recoil is very controllable. And that is why the extended barrel is the best barrel attachment for it. Since Cav doesn’t have to worry much about the M12’s recoil, she should focus more on inflicting as much damage as she can, and the extended barrel will greatly reduce the M12’s range damage drop-off.
Second Best Attachment: SPAS-15 with Reflex B – for users who prefer the SPAS-15 shotgun when playing Cav, the Reflex B sight will be the best for you. Well, it’s the best for all typical shotguns because it frees up a lot of screen space, allowing you to see your enemies on the front view clearly without much obstruction from the sight’s frame itself.
See Operator in Action:
12. Valkyrie
Valkyrie is the best intel gatherer on the Defender side, and that is because she has three Black Eye cameras as her special gadgets. These Black Eye cameras are small, and can be attached to most surfaces. When not being used, they can look like just another speck of dirt on the wall, and they can be hidden in many awkward angles. Resulting in a lot of stress for Attackers when they’re trying to find them. The Black Eye cameras can also be viewed by the whole Defender team.
Best Attachment: MPX with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The MPX has a small recoil diamond so there’s no need to attach a compensator to it. That’s why the flash hider is its best barrel attachment. The user will benefit the most with the overall reduction of the weapon’s vertical recoil, resulting in pinpoint accuracy for the user. The vertical grip will make the already low recoil, even lower, and the Red Dot A will provide the user with a reticle that will allow him to target enemies with deadly accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: MPX with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The MPX will have a very manageable recoil even without a recoil-benefit providing barrel attachment. The suppressor is a great alternative for it, because with the suppressor’s stealth benefits, Valkyrie can become an even more effective roamer. She can perform a hit and run tactic on enemies, without them immediately realizing where her shots are coming from, because the suppressor will dampen the MPX’s gunshot sounds and remove its shot’s directional threat indicator.
See Operator in Action:
11. Frost
Frost is a very versatile operator who can perform the role of an anchor as well as a roamer really well. Her special gadget, the Welcome Mats, traps opponents that step on them, effectively neutralizing them until their ally revives them. But chances are, Frost will be able to finish off the trapped Attacker before he or she gets revived. Frost also has excellent weapons and secondary gadgets that complement her role as a crowd control Defender.
Best Attachment: 9mm C1 with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip – The 9mm C1 is a submachine gun with high damage and low stock recoil. Which is great because it doesn’t really have any attachment options available to it that can provide more recoil control. The only attachment options it has are basically its 1.0x sights and between the extended barrel and the suppressor. And the extended barrel is the best barrel attachment for it, because it greatly reduces its range damage drop-off. This allows Frost to deal high damage to enemies, even at long range.
Second Best Attachment: 9mm C1 with Red Dot A, Suppressor, and Angled Grip – The suppressor is a really great option for it as well because of its stealth benefits. It will of course dampen the weapon’s gunshot sound, so enemies will have a hard time figuring out where your shots are coming from just from sound cues alone. But most importantly, it hides the directional threat indicator that your shots make, so unless they see you directly, they won’t immediately know where you’re shooting them from.
See Operator in Action:
10. Mute
Mute is a great intel denial operator and is also great at denying hard breaching. His Signal Disruptors can block drones from gathering intel inside the objective spot, and they can also jam the signal on reinforced walls, preventing hard breach devices from working until of course the Signal Disruptor is neutralized. Mute can also excel at both close range and medium range because he can equip a shotgun as his primary and a powerful machine pistol as his secondary weapon.
Best Attachment: M590A1 with Reflex B – For mute, the best primary weapon would be the M590A1 shotgun because when it comes to strafing enemies at medium range, he can just switch to his SMG-11. And for the M590A1 shotgun, the best attachment would be the Reflex B, because this sight’s structure doesn’t eat up a lot of screen space, allowing Mute to clearly see enemies at close range really clearly.
Second Best Attachment: SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – This machine pistol is a great secondary weapon for Mute because he can use it for strafing opponents at medium range, and of course, when his shotgun needs to reload. It has a really strong recoil though, so it’s best fitted with recoil-benefit providing attachments like the flash hider and the vertical grip. The Red Dot A will provide the user with a reticle that will allow him to accurately target opponents at medium range, even at close range, as long as the user fires it in small bursts.
See Operator in Action:
9. Smoke
Like Mute above, Smoke is also great at close to medium range because he can equip the same shotgun and secondary machine pistol. He’s also great at area denial because his Remote Gas Grenade special gadget can push enemies back easily. Smoke can also quickly take an area back from enemies because he can go inside the effects of his gas grenade and not be harmed by it. He can also use the Gas Grenade to get close to enemies, close enough for his shotgun’s effective range.
Best Attachment: M590A1 with Reflex B – As mentioned above in Mute’s entry, the M590A1’s best attachment would be the Reflex B, because it will allow the user to clearly see enemies, with not much obstruction from the sight itself, especially in close to medium range. It may not be great for headshots, but with shotguns like the M590A1, shots to the torso would be more than enough to take them down at its optimal range.
Second Best Attachment: SMG-11 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The SMG-11 features a very fast rate of fire, but with that kind of rate of fire comes a very strong vertical recoil. Luckily, both the flash hider and the vertical grip are great at lowering the weapon’s vertical weapon kick. With these two attachments combined, the SMG-11 would be more manageable, although the user is still advised to fire it only in short bursts.
See Operator in Action:
8. Castle
Castle is a great anchor and area securer because his Armor Panels allows him to fortify windows and entrances, effectively reinforcing weak angles. Depending on the map, Castle can also use his Armor Panels to create choke points and redirect enemy movements into an angle where they’d be more susceptible to Defender fire. As for engaging enemies, Castle has in his arsenal one of the best and underrated weapons in the game.
Best Attachment: UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip – The great thing about the UMP45 is that its stock recoil is very weak, so there’s not much need for a recoil-providing attachment. That’s why the user is free to attach an extended barrel to it and benefit from its added damage at medium to long range. The vertical grip will balance things out, further lowering the weapon’s recoil and along with the 1.5x scope, providing the user with pinpoint accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: UMP45 with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Angled Grip – As mentioned above, the UMP45’s recoil is inherently low, so even if you use an angled grip for it instead of the vertical grip, the recoil would still be very manageable. It has a pretty wide recoil diamond, however, so attaching a compensator to it will balance things out and provide a smoother recoil by reducing the chance of random recoil from all directions.
See Operator in Action:
7. Pulse
Pulse is one of the best intel gatherers in the game because he’s able to detect enemies’ heartbeats and know their location in real time through his special gadget, the aptly named Heartbeat Sensor. With this, he’s the best when it comes to performing the dreaded C4-under-the-floor strat, and of course, he can also issue callouts on enemy locations to his teammates. Because of the nature of his role, he would mostly be roaming, so the user should expect to encounter enemies at close range.
Best Attachment: UMP45 with Red Dot A, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip – As mentioned above, Pulse will be engaging enemies mostly at close range, and he has to be able to aim at them as quickly as he can right after switching from his Heartbeat Sensor. And that is why the angled grip is very important to him, because the angled grip will allow him to go into aim-down-sights faster than normal. The flash hider will handle the weapon’s recoil, which is very low to begin with.
Second Best Attachment: UMP45 with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Angled Grip – While the UMP45’s stock recoil is far from strong, having no attachments that provides recoil benefits could still make its recoil quite challenging, so with this attachment setup, the user is advised to stick to short burst firing, which Pulse will mostly have to do anyway. The extended barrel will make sure that the UMP45 will be inflicting high damage at any range, and of course, the angled grip will allow Pulse to go into aim-down-sights quicker.
See Operator in Action:
6. Doc
Doc is one of the best anchors in the game, as well as one of its best spawn killers. That is because in case the Attackers manage to injure him, he can get back up on his own using his Stim Pistol. With his Stim Pistol, he can heal or revive himself, and of course, he can do the same for his teammates. Because he is an effective spawn killer, his attachment choices should be about making his weapons effective at long range.
Best Attachment: MP5 with Scope 1.5x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The flash hider is the best barrel attachment for the MP5 because it’s what will compress its recoil the most, providing the user with a more stable shooting experience, which will make it more effective at long range. The vertical grip will further lower the weapon’s recoil, and the 1.5x scope will provide a good enough zoom for Doc to see his enemies well even at long range.
Second Best Attachment: P90 with Scope 1.5x and Extended Barrel – The P90 has a pretty strong vertical recoil, but luckily, the user will only have to worry about holding down its vertical recoil because its recoil diamond is small, so it’s not prone to random recoil on all directions. The thing is the P90 has a really low damage, so it’s best to equip an extended barrel to it so that its range damage drop-off will be greatly reduced.
See Operator in Action:
5. Rook
Rook’s special gadget, the Armor Pack, provides his teammates with armor plates that effectively boost their armor, making them hard to take down. Of course, it also boosts Rook’s already high armor rating, making him a more effective anchor because it’ll be really tough to take him down due to his heavy armor. Unless enemies score a headshot, of course. But because he’d be mostly anchoring the objective spot, the user should expect to encounter enemies mostly at close to medium range.
Best Attachment: MP5 with Scope 2.0x, Flash Hider, and Vertical Grip – The 2.0x scope on the MP5 is only available to Rook, which is great because this will allow rook to see his enemies bigger, and therefore, easier for him to hit. The vertical grip and the flash hider will both lower the weapon’s vertical recoil, providing Rook with stable shooting, even when it comes to longer sprays. The recoil reduction from the flash hider and the vertical grip, and the high level of zoom from the 2.0x scope will allow Rook to strafe his enemies with deadly accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: P90 with Scope 1.5x and Extended Barrel – As mentioned above in Rook’s entry, the P90’s recoil is pretty easy to control even though its vertical weapon kick is quite strong. That is because it mostly only goes in a straight vertical pattern, so the user only has to worry about holding it down. The extended barrel will allow the P90 to deal as much damage as it potentially can at any range, because it specializes in reducing the weapon’s range damage drop-off. So, it’s a great attachment to have for the P90 which has an inherently low damage.
See Operator in Action:
4. Jager
Jager is a great anchor and area securer because even now, his Active Defense System (ADS) are still the best special gadgets when it comes to neutralizing enemy projectiles, especially grenades. This is extremely helpful, because it’s very easy to get killed from an Attacker frag grenade, and those pesky frag grenades can also enable hard breaching because they can destroy gadgets that prevent it. And as for engaging his enemies, Jager’s 416-C Carbine has a wide variety of attachments available to it, so the user can really customize it according to his own playstyle.
Best Attachment: 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Muzzle Brake, and Vertical Grip – The main weakness of the 416-C Carbine is its rough recoil. And that rough recoil mainly comes from its strong first shot recoil and overall vertical weapon kick. But weakening that first shot recoil with the muzzle brake will stabilize it for the user, as long as he doesn’t fire it in long bursts. The vertical grip will further help the user hold down its vertical weapon kick, and the Red Dot A 1.0x sight will provide the user with pinpoint accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: 416-C Carbine with Red Dot A, Extended Barrel, and Vertical Grip – This attachment setup for the 416-C carbine is great for users who are great with recoil control using their own mouse grip alone. The extended barrel will not provide any additional recoil benefits, but it will be great for inflicting high damage to enemies at medium to long range. And as mentioned above, the Red Dot A is great at providing players with pinpoint accuracy with its center dot reticle. With that and the extended barrel, this weapon can be effective at long range, especially if the user sticks to short burst firing or one taps.
See Operator in Action:
3. Bandit
Bandit is one of the best anti-hard breach operators in the game. With his Shock Wires, he can electrocute reinforced walls, effectively neutralizing hard breach devices that touch them. Great Bandit mains can prevent hard breaching even when there’s a Thatcher on the Attacker side using only wits and proper timing. And when it comes to engaging enemies, Bandit has powerful weapons that allows him to excel at close to medium range.
Best Attachment: MP7 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – The MP7 doesn’t have a big recoil diamond, so it won’t benefit much from the compensator, and you wouldn’t want to lower its already low damage with a suppressor, so the flash hider is the best choice for its barrel attachment. With the flash hider, you’ll be able to control its recoil a lot better, and with the Red Dot A, you’ll be able to hit your targets, even at medium range really well.
Second Best Attachment: M870 with Reflex B – For players who prefer the close-range superiority of shotguns, the M870 is famous in Siege for being the most powerful non-single slug firing shotgun. It can take down an enemy with just one shot at its optimal range, and for that to happen, even at close range, you need accuracy. The Reflex B will provide that. It will provide you with a screen free of obstructions when aiming down sights, so you’ll be able to see your enemies at close range really well.
See Operator in Action:
2. Tachanka
Tachanka is one of the best area denial operators in the game, because with his Shumikha Grenade Launcher, he can cover areas in fire for long periods of time. His fire grenades can also bounce on surfaces, so the user can use it in creative ways. And when it comes to fragging enemies, his powerful DP27 can make quick work of them with its high damage output and high destruction profile per shot. Tachanka excels at close to medium range, so he’s a great anchor and area securer.
Best Attachment: DP27 with Red Dot A – Before the update that made all the 1.0x sights available to most primary weapons, the main weakness of the DP27 was its horrible default 1.0x sight. But now that a Red Dot A can be attached to it, its accuracy will be a lot better, because the user will be able to target his enemies with pinpoint accuracy due to the sight’s center dot reticle, which promotes pinpoint accuracy.
Second Best Attachment: Bearing 9 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider – The Bearing 9 is Tachanka’s best secondary weapon, and that’s because it offers more damage combined with its fast rate of fire than the other choices. Its main weakness is its strong vertical recoil which comes from its fast rate of fire. Luckily, the flash hider is enough to hold down its vertical weapon kick and make the weapon a lot more stable when shooting in longer sprays.
See Operator in Action:
1. Kapkan
Though Kapkan can also perform the role of a roamer well, most of the time, he’d be anchoring because most of his EDDs will be placed near the objective spot, so it’ll be helpful for him to be near the objective spot, because he knows where he put his EDDs, so when they explode, he has the most knowledge of where the explosion happened. Therefore, he’d mostly be engaging enemies at medium range, so his attachments should be more about controlling the recoil of his weapon and providing him with more accuracy.
Best Attachment: 9x19VSN with Scope 1.5x, Compensator, and Vertical Grip – The 1.5x scope is the best scope that Kapkan has when it comes to providing more zoom, and it’s perfect for medium range. The compensator will lessen the weapon’s horizontal recoil, which the 9x19VSN is prone to, and the vertical grip will provide a more stable shooting experience for Kapkan.
Second Best Attachment: SASG-12 with Reflex B, Suppressor, and Vertical Grip – The SASG-12 shotgun has very heavy damage so that damage penalty from the suppressor won’t affect it that much. The suppressor would be really helpful because it will dampen the weapon’s sound and hide its directional threat indicator, so the enemies won’t immediately know where you’re shooting them from. And the vertical grip will hold the weapon’s vertical recoil.
See Operator in Action:
Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:
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