When it comes to countering roamers and run outs, Nomad is second to none. That’s because her special gadget, the Airjab Launcher, allows her to deploy Airjabs that acts a s proximity mine. Her Airjabs will get triggered when an enemy enters their radius, knocking down all those who get caught in the explosion.
An enemy who’s knocked down by an Airjab will be completely vulnerable for a few seconds, and it’s up to Nomad and her teammates to capitalize on that opportunity. Of course, to increase her capability in capitalizing on enemy mistakes, it’s always great to have the best loadout setup, and that’s what we’re going to tackle in this article.
5. ARX200 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip + PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser + Stun Grenade
Nomad’s ARX200 is an assault rifle with tremendous firepower. With just a few shots at its optimal range, it can take out an opponent. However, it has a big drawback, and that’s its small magazine capacity. That’s why this loadout setup, despite being a very viable one for Nomad, is at the last place in this list. With the ARX200 assault rifle, the player has got to make sure that every shot he makes counts, since the weapon will have to be reloaded shortly after being fired, even in short bursts.
There is a way, however, to reduce the effects of this drawback. That is by equipping the angled grip attachment to the ARX200. With the angled grip attached to the ARX200, Nomad will receive a +20% reload speed boost on the weapon, so even though it has a small magazine capacity, it can in turn be quickly reloaded. The +20% reload speed boost from the angled grip is a great perk to have, especially when Nomad is dealing with multiple enemies at the same time.
Excels in:
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on the ARX200 assault rifle due to the flash hider on its barrel which specializes in lowering the overall vertical recoil of weapons and removing their muzzle flash
- Providing Nomad with a +20% reload speed boost which is a great perk to have when she’s engaging multiple enemies at the same time since it will allow her to get back into action with her ARX200 faster than normal
- The magnified B scope on Nomad’s ARX200 will allow her to see her targets very well due to its 2.5x zoom and that usually translates to better accuracy regardless of the range
- The suppressed PRB92 handgun as Nomad’s secondary weapon will be great for finishing off enemies when the ARX200 needs to be reloaded, as well as disabling enemy gadgets silently.
- The three stun grenades in Nomad’s arsenal will be great for blinding and deafening enemies that are in their entrenched positions before pushing the objective spot
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ARX200 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Angled Grip
- Secondary weapon - PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the ARX200 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
4. AK-74M with Magnified B scope, Compensator, and Laser + PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser + Breach Charge
Most players gravitate towards the AK-74M assault rifle when choosing their primary weapon for Nomad. That’s because the AK-74M also has heavy stopping power and is not encumbered by a small magazine capacity. Its magazine capacity is actually higher than the average for assault rifles so it’s understandable why most players will choose the AK-74M over the ARX200. Its main drawback, however, is that it cannot be equipped with any grip attachment, so its weakness lies in the lack of customization.
With that said, the AK-74M's recoil starts to become challenging to hold after the fourth shot because it starts having a high horizontal and random recoil from all directions. A great way to handle that is by attaching a compensator to its barrel which will greatly reduce the size of its recoil diamonds and that will translate to a lower tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions. The laser attachment on the other hand will provide nomad with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost which works really well in conjunction with her Airjab special gadget, as with the added ADS speed, she’ll have better chance of finishing an enemy that’s been knocked down by an Airjab before they get up.
Excels in:
- The compensator on the AK-74M's barrel will greatly lower the weapon’s tendency for horizontal and random recoil from all directions which will make the firing experience with it much more stable
- The laser attachment on Nomad’s AK-74M will provide her with a +10% aim-down-sight speed boost which is very useful for quickly finishing off enemies that’s been knocked down by her Airjab
- The magnified B scope with its 2.5x zoom will provide Nomad with great accuracy as it will allow her to view her enemies really well regardless of the range and that usually translates to great accuracy
- The suppressed PRB92 handgun as Nomad’s secondary weapon will be a great utility for her when it comes to disabling enemy gadgets such as CCTV cameras with much less chance of giving away her position
- The three breach chargers in Nomad’s arsenal will be great for creating entry points on unreinforced hatches and walls, as well as for destroying the wooden floor above the objective spot for a vertical play.
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - AK-74M with Magnified B scope, Compensator, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the AK-74M in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
3. ARX200 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip + PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser + Breach Charge
As mentioned before, the ARX200 assault rifle is not the popular primary weapon of choice for players who are picking Nomad. It can be very inconvenient to use due to its small magazine capacity that would lead to a lot of reloading even when the player is sticking to short bursts firing. However, that doesn’t mean that the ARX200 isn’t a viable weapon for Nomad. In fact, due to the recent changes that came to the game, a setup like this for the ARX200 can rank pretty high.
That’s because unlike the AK-74M, the ARX200 has more customizability. It can be equipped with a grip attachment, and when equipped with a horizontal grip, the ARX200 becomes a highly valuable weapon for Nomad. That’s because the horizontal grip will give Nomad a +5% movement speed boost when she’s holding her ARX200, and that will allow her to respond quicker to enemies that've been knocked down by her Airjabs. Speed is very important for Nomad, so having that +5% movement speed boost is a huge perk for her.
Excels in:
- Maintaining a good amount of recoil control on Nomad’s ARX200 due to the presence of the flash hider barrel attachment which specializes in reducing weapons’ overall vertical recoil
- Nomad having a +5% movement speed boost from the horizontal grip attachment on her ARX200 which is a great perk for her to have since it’ll allow her to respond to enemies that’s been knocked down by her Airjabs quicker
- The magnified B scope will allow Nomad to hit her enemies with great accuracy on her ARX200 assault rifle since it’ll provide her with a 2.5x zoom which works really well on any range
- The suppressed PRB92 handgun will be a great secondary weapon for Nomad since it’ll allow her to shoot enemies and their gadgets silently, and that’s great for a stealthy approach to the match
- The three breach charges in Nomad’s arsenal works really well for destroying unreinforced walls and hatches, as well as the wooden floor above the objective spot for exposing the defenders from above
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - ARX200 with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Horizontal Grip
- Secondary weapon - PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Breach Charge
Recoil pattern test on the ARX200 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
2. AK-74M with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Laser + PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser + Stun Grenade
This loadout setup will provide the player with the best recoil control on Nomad’s AK-74M assault rifle. That’s because the flash hider on its barrel will greatly lower its vertical recoil, and while I mentioned before that after the fourth shot, its horizontal recoil becomes stronger, it’s not really that strong to be much of a concern. That’s why if what the player is looking for is to have the best recoil control possible on the AK-74M, all they have to do is lower its vertical recoil and the flash hider will do just that.
Another seldomly mentioned benefit of the flash hider is really obvious from its name. It hides the muzzle flash of weapons, and that could make it a bit harder for enemies to immediately know exactly where the user is shooting from, and it’ll also prevent the user from being distracted by their own muzzle flash. With the added stability from the flash hider, the AK-74M in this setup will be very accurate regardless of the range, especially since it’s also equipped with a magnified B scope that will provide the user with a 2.5x zoom when aiming-down-sight on the AK-74M.
Excels in:
- The flash hider on the barrel of the AK-74M assault rifle will provide the user with the best recoil control possible on the weapon as it will greatly lower its overall vertical weapon kick
- The laser on Nomad’s AK-74M assault rifle will provide the user with a +10 aim-down-sight speed boost which will work really well when it comes to fragging opponents that were knocked down by Airjabs
- The magnified B scope on Nomad’s AK-74M will really up Nomad’s accuracy due to its 2.5x zoom that will allow her to see her enemies well regardless of the distance she’s aiming from
- The suppressed PRB92 will be of great help for Nomad when she’s trying to infiltrate the mission building stealthily as she can use it to shoot CCTV cameras and other gathers silently
- The three stun grenades in Nomad’s arsenal will be great utilities for pushing the objective spot as Nomad can lead with them and they have a high chance of blinding and deafening enemies in their entrenched positions
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - AK-74M with Magnified B scope, Flash Hider, and Laser
- Secondary weapon - PRB92 with Suppressor and Laser
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the AK-74M in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:
1. AK-74M with Magnified B scope and Suppressor + .44 Mag Semi-Auto + Stun Grenade
This is the best loadout setup for Nomad because it works well in most situations and is what will give Nomad the most versatility. The suppressor will make it so that shots from the AK-74M assault rifle will not create a directional threat indicator or a muzzle flash. That way, it can be harder for enemies to immediately know where Nomad’s shots are coming from visually. It’ll also be harder for them to know where Nomad’s shots are coming from through audio cues since the suppressor will greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots.
So regardless of the range, Nomad will be effective with the suppressor as it’ll decrease the likelihood of enemies being able to counter fire immediately. Now the suppressor doesn’t provide additional recoil control on weapons but the good thing about the AK-74M assault rifle is that its stock recoil is very manageable due to its relatively slow rate of fire. As for the secondary weapon, the .44 Mag Semi-Auto handgun has devastating firepower and a 3.0x scope that’ll allow Nomad to deal fatal damage to enemies from medium to long range.
Excels in:
- The suppressor on Nomad’s AK-74M assault rifle will hide the weapon’s directional threat indicator and muzzle flash, making it harder for enemies to immediately know where Nomad is shooting from
- The suppressor on Nomad’s AK-74M assault rifle will also greatly silence the weapon’s gunshots, making it harder for enemies to hear where Nomad is shooting from especially from medium to long range
- The magnified B scope will allow Nomad to see her targets very well even from long range due to its 2.5x zoom level. It’ll also be great for pinpoint accuracy due to its arrow tip reticle.
- Having a secondary weapon in the .44 Mag Semi-Auto that has a 3.0x scope and devastating firepower. Its shots also have high destructive power so it can be used for creating lines of sight on unreinforced walls.
- Nomad being able to lead the push with the three stun grenades as her generic gadget which are great for blinding enemies and inflicting tinnitus on them that’ll make it harder for them to detect the attacking team’s approach
Build Details:
- Primary weapon - AK-74M with Magnified B scope and Suppressor
- Secondary weapon - .44 Mag Semi-Auto
- Generic gadget - Stun Grenade
Recoil pattern test on the AK-74M in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment: