The Blood Money Update had brought a whole new level of excitement to the game with the introduction of the Crimes and Opportunities mission series. Along with these new missions, came a new currency, Capitale. Now, Capitale is quite literally an ‘essential’ element of completing the Opportunities side of the new content. You need Capitale to get into the Crimes and Opportunities missions and earning it can be a bit of a tricky thing to learn.
Capitale can be earned through various means, including completing missions and seeking out opportunities in the game’s world. While it may seem a bit confusing at first, we'll guide you through the process and have you raking in the Capitale in no time. So, grab your guns and let's dive into the world of Red Dead Online's Capitale!
5. Buy it with Gold
In Red Dead Online, you have the option to purchase Capitale from certain vendors, such as the Fence in Saint Denis. This can be done by exchanging gold bars for the currency as a direct purchase. Additionally, after you've met with Martelli for the first time, you'll have the opportunity to buy the Hired Gun Kit from the Saint Denis Fence. This kit includes a variety of useful items such as ammo, consumables, and gun oil, as well as a bandana and of course, 10 bills of Capitale. Keep in mind that these notes will be delivered to your lockbox at camp, so you'll need to go there and collect them before you can use the Capitale.
How it Works:
- Go to Saint Denis, Emerald Ranch, or any other Fence in Red Dead Online.
- Find the Fence.
- Use gold bars to purchase Capitale directly from the Fence.
- The notes will be delivered to your lockbox at camp.
- Go to your camp and collect them.
- Use the Capitale at your leisure.
4. Blood Money Missions
If you're looking to earn Capitale quickly in Red Dead Online's Blood Money Update, participating in the plethora of Crimes and Blood Money activities that are now available is the way to go. These activities can be accessed after speaking with Guido Martelli in Saint Denis and offer the most consistent sources for this new currency. As the name suggests, Crimes involve participating in various illegal operations and can be found on the map as icons. While these activities don't award Capitale directly, they lead players to locations where the currency can be found. So, if you're looking to amass Capitale quickly, participating in Crimes and Blood Money activities is the best way to do so.
How it Works:
- Speak with Guido Martelli in Saint Denis to access Crimes and Blood Money activities in Red Dead Online's Blood Money Update.
- Look for crime icons on the map and participate in various illegal operations.
- Completing these activities will lead players to locations where Capitale can be found.
- Repeat these activities for a consistent and efficient way of earning Capitale.
- Keep in mind that these activities are the most consistent source of Capitale.
3. Looting
When engaging in the Crimes and Opportunities with Red Dead Online's Blood Money Missions, players have the chance to loot Capitale from various sources such as dead bodies, chests, and stashes. To make the most out of these missions, it's highly recommended to thoroughly loot all the bodies and stashes encountered during the mission, as missing out on even a small amount of Capitale can be detrimental to engaging with all the new content. In other words, looting dead bodies, lootboxes, stashes and drawers can all give you Capitale during the Blood Money missions, so players should make sure to not miss out on any potential Capitale.
How it Works:
- Participate in the Crimes and Opportunities missions in Red Dead Online.
- Look for dead bodies, chests, and stashes during the mission.
- Thoroughly loot all sources of Capitale you encounter.
- Be aware that missing out on even a small amount of Capitale can be detrimental to engaging with all the new content, you need a lot of it.
- Looting is a good way to get Capitale during these missions, as you can earn on the go based on how many enemies you kill.
2. Jeb Phelps’ Contract – The Lockbox
Looking to strike it rich in Red Dead Online's Blood Money DLC? The Jeb Phelps Contract mission is the way to go. By speaking to a Contact and selecting this daring heist, you'll embark on an easy farming spot for a trove of Capitale. But be warned, as soon as you enter the warehouse, an invisible enemy will begin shooting at you, and you may die on your first few attempts. Fear not, though, for with each attempt you will learn the location of the lockbox and soon enough, you'll be able to complete it every time without a scratch.
The lockbox is located directly to the left of a table. As soon as you enter the barn/warehouse, approach it quickly and open it, you will get either 1 Capitale, 2 Capitale, or a treasure. The estimated drop rate for Capitale is around 75% with this lockbox, so you’re in for a high chance of earning. After looting the lockbox press Start/Escape and go to the “Online” tab and select Crimes. This will leave the mission and spawn you next to another Blood Money Contact so you can choose The Jeb Phelps Contract again. Rinse and repeat for maximum Capitale rewards and engage in every bit of Blood Money content out there.
How it Works:
- Speak to a Contact to begin a Blood Money Crime, then select The Jeb Phelps Contract.
- Once the mission loads, ignore the objective and head towards a warehouse-style building nearby.
- Inside the warehouse, the lockbox is directly to your left near a table. Approach it quickly and open it.
- After looting the lockbox, press Start and go to the “Online” tab. Select Crimes. This will leave the mission and spawn you next to another Blood Money Contact, allowing you to choose The Jeb Phelps Contract again.
- Rinse and repeat for maximum Capitale rewards.
1. The Railroad Contract
If you're looking for a quick and efficient way to farm Capitale in Red Dead Online's Blood Money DLC, look no further than the final mission for the railroad quest. Instead of capturing the train conductor, as the mission objectives tell you to, you can kill him and then loot him for a guaranteed reward of 3 Capitale. The best part about this method is that by killing him, you will fail the mission, but it will also allow you to repeat this process and earn 3 Capitale every time for just a few minutes of work. The only thing you'll have to wait out is the failed mission timer.
This method is not only fast, but also a reliable way to earn Capitale, as the train conductor always carries 3 Capitale with him. This means that you'll be able to earn a significant amount of Capitale by repeating the mission multiple times. It's a great way to amass this new currency and engage with all the new content that the Blood Money update has to offer. Keep in mind that this method may not be suitable for players who are looking to earn XP and RP, but it's a good option for those who are looking to earn Capitale.
How it Works:
- Start the railroad quest and reach the final mission.
- Instead of capturing the train conductor, as the mission objectives tell you to, kill him.
- Loot the train conductor's body, you will get 3 Capitale.
- By killing him, the mission will fail, but it will also allow you to repeat this process and earn 3 Capitale every time.
- Wait for the failed mission timer to expire.
- Repeat the process to earn more Capitale.