It's the most high-level octane game where winning is the only goal. Rocket League is a game that has taken competitive gamers and sports fans for a joy ride. Whether it's flying through the air, driving at high-octane speeds, demoing the competition, and feeling an adrenaline rush when scoring. But climbing to the top isn't easy, as you figured out. So welcome! Here are 25 tips to change your game forever and give you an edge over the competition.
1. Camera settings
Transition speed - 1.00
In Rocket League, your camera settings are everything. This determines your field of view, how you see your car hitting the ball, and your awareness of where teammates and opponents are. I use an old version of Squishy's settings, who is a Rocket League pro on Muffin Men. I will list mine below and some of the best camera settings to use.
My camera settings are:
Field of View - 110
Distance - 250
Height - 100
Angel - -5.00
Stiffness - 0.45
Swivel Speed - 7.00
Here, you can see camera settings pro players use, or you can type in "Best Rocket League camera setting."
2. Controller settings
These determine how your car moves and responds. Steering and aerial sensitivity determine how hard you steer and the speed your car takes to lean back for flight. Deadzone is how far you move your joystick to dodge. Car soccer is overwhelming, but controller settings make it easier. I use Squishy's settings, but they are an older version of the settings he uses now. You want your camera and controller settings to come from the same person because they complement each other; otherwise, they may be out of sync. This makes this game harder than it already is, and trust me, this game is hard enough. I linked the controller setting from the Dextro website, which is good to use if you are new.
My controller settings:
Steering sensitivity - 1.30
Aerial sensitivity - 1.40
Controller Deadzone - 0.05
Dodge Deadzone - 0.60
Controller vibration - All
Vibration intensity - 0.50
Ball Camera Mode - Toggle
3. Kickoff
At the start of the game, you face off your opponent on a kickoff. The clock counts down 3.. 2.. 1.. GO!. You're off, and your opponent beats you to the ball and scores a goal in 2 seconds. I've been there before, and boy, it sucks.
Use diagonal flipping instead of front flipping to get to the ball faster. Diagonal flipping, when already going fast, gets you to supersonic speed (I will touch on supersonic speed). In contrast, double flipping takes two flips to get to supersonic speed.
Directions to diagonal flip kickoff:
Then, move your left stick diagonally left or right and press X (jump button) twice while boosting.
Once you hit supersonic speed, let go of the boost button.
4. Supersonic Speed
You will see 2 lines from beneath your car when you're boosting.
This means you are going at supersonic speed. You can’t go faster than this, so make sure you let go of your boost button. Or else you will waste a boost.
5. Boost Management
In Rocket League, boost makes mechanics and rotation easier to pull off. Since you don't have unlimited boost, you must learn how to pick up boost pads.
In Rocket League, there are big boost pads and small boost pads:
The small boost pads fill your meter 12% of the way, and the big ones fill your meter with 100% boost. The big boost pads are in the corners and the middle of the field, near the wall. There are 6 of them you can get. The small boost pads are all over the map and in designed patterns.
The most effective way to use your boost is to be selective and make sure when you rotate. You always collect small pads so you can stay in the play. You don't need to use boost as often as you believe. You only need it for aerials, quick rotations, and clutch saves. Many lower-ranking players boost because they try to be the fastest on the field. This play style gets you in more trouble because you don't have enough boost to rely on to keep yourself in play. Use boost to initiate 50/50's, make saves, score goals, and stay in the offensive or defensive rotation.
6. Small pads over Big pads
As the tip above mentions, small boost pads are better than big ones. Here are boost rotations you can use in your games to always have enough boost and stay in play.
These are boost pad rotations you can use immediately! You can see boost pad paths on the field if you go to free-play or replay mode. There are defensive and offensive boost paths. Using them effectively will win games and get you MVP’s.
7. Half Flip
Half flip is the most critical mechanic in platinum and diamond. Why? Because you will need to get back on defense faster. These ranks are faster than gold. So, by half-flipping, you will stay in the play and be in a position to make a stop.
Here are the steps:
Reverse backward by holding L2.
Do a backward double-flip. Pull the left stick toward you and double tap X (jump button) to do this.
Hold your air roll and button before the middle of your flip, and then push the right stick up.
When trying this out, you can use boost, but once you get good at it, you won't need it.
Practice consistently, and you will succeed.
8. Air rolling
This is essential for advanced mechanics on offense and defense, and it's simple to do; it just needs practice.
If you go to the controls, you will see a:
Air roll left: default control is Square.
Air roll right: is deactivated.
Air roll: deactivated.
If you change your controls, make sure your air roll is the same as your drift button because they don't interfere with each other. Mine are both L1. If your air roll left is the main type of air roll, your car will always air roll left during your aerials. Another type of air roll is directional air roll, allowing you to air roll left or right by the direction you point your left stick. This means that if you push your left stick left, you will air roll left and vice versa for right. To get good at this, I recommend practicing air-rolling shots and saves. Develop these skills in training packs to get comfortable air rolling. This mechanic is a game changer because now you can hit shots around players and in specific directions and make replay-worthy saves.
Training pack: Air roll shots.
9. Passing
Once you reach platinum three and diamond, you must start passing more. Passing the ball on the wall and having it drop in front of the goal gets blocked easier since defenses are better. Instead, use speed or unique angles to get the ball around the defense. I make passes off the backboard because they are the hardest to guard; other passing angles I use are off the ceiling, and I use corners of the crossbar when goalies expect me to shoot. If I can, I will launch passes up the field or send fast passes on the ground if a teammate is playing in front of me.
Passing is fun because it gets teammates involved. Scoring them is better, though I recommend using the aerial redirects training pack to get better at receiving passes. This training pack helps you score passes and improves the ability to air roll, fast aerial, and make shots from uncomfortable angles.
10. Offensive rotation (3v3)
3 is the playmaker/ shooter.
2 is the shooter.
1 is the defender.
It starts with 3. This person has the ball and is looking to shoot or pass. The 3 rotates with the 1 after shooting or passing the ball. The player will also rotate if he loses the ball to a 50/50 or if they accidentally hit the ball too far in front and the defense steals it. When the 3 rotates, they can use small boost pads and get back in play. Another boost path is stealing one or two of the opponent's 100% boost pads or demoing a player from the other team (preferably the goalie) when rotating back.
2 the shooter. They play a little behind the 3 and positions in the middle of the field. Their job is to be the shooter if a pass comes their way or to initiate a 50/50 if the passer loses the ball. They become the 1st defender in the defensive rotation. If 2 misses the shot, he will rotate back to the 1 position, and 1 will challenge again. The 2 job is only to shoot and be the first defender on defense.
1 is the defender. The defender is playing at half or where the two 100% boosts are in the middle of the field. Their job is to keep the defense from hitting the ball over their team. After the passer makes a pass to the shooter, the defender rotates to the shooter's position in case the shooter misses. If the situation changes, the passer is still rotating back, and the shooter is in the net or stuck on the wall. The defender must be the first defender so the passer can get back on defense.
11. Defensive rotation (3v3)
1st defender: Shadow defense
2nd defender: Front post
3rd defender: Back post/ Wall
1st defender is playing shadow defense, and their job is to keep the defense from hitting the ball over their team's head when the 2nd and 3rd defenders rotate. When they get in their positions, his job is to 50/50 the passer, forcing him to get rid of it. After forcing the defense to get rid of the ball, they will rotate back post (3rd defender position) as quickly as possible.
2nd defender plays the front post. Their job is to clear the ball away from the goal after the 1st defender forces the offense to get rid of the ball.
3rd defender plays back post and wall. 3rd defender has the most important role because they cover any backboard passes, double taps, and shots on the net. The 3rd defender saves the ball if it goes over the 2nd defender's head. Or they will play wall and clear away shots from the opposing team. As a 3rd defender, you want to be a little outside of the goal to be in position if needed for wall defense.
12. Shadow defense
This is a defensive strategy to use in 1v1 and 2v2. You want to position yourself close enough that the opponent can't dribble past you but far enough that the offensive player can't flick the ball over you. You will need to be able to get small pads because the offensive player will flick the ball, and you may need to aerial and save/clear it away from the net.
13. 50/50
50/50 is a fundamental strategy of Rocket League. Whenever the offense has the ball and is pushing the ball upfield. To stop the offensive player, bull rush them as fast as possible, so they must rush their touch. 50s are very effective because your team can get a fast break goal. Make sure you always jump on top of the ball so the opponent can't flick the ball over you. This will give you the best chances of getting possession and a goal. (In rotation, the 1st defender goes.)
14. Back Post
This is where the 2nd defender should play in the defensive rotation. If you play goalie, you want to position the back post in the goal. This gives you the most time to read shots and to make a quick save or clear. For clearing the ball, try to clear the ball in the middle or near the wall upfield so that your defense can get set again and get boost pads. When gaining possession of the ball, try to clear it to teammates or the area most of your teammates are in so they can push the ball upfield.
15. Backboard defense
This is where the 3rd defender plays.
Playing backboard defense is essential in 3v3 because offenses try to get the ball there on passes or shot attempts. This is because it's tough to stop for the goalie. The backboard defender has to be ready in position if a clear needs to be made so their team can get back on offense. Try to hit the ball down the middle of the field or near the wall. Don't hit the ball in the corner of the field because your defense will be put in another challenging position.
Try the custom training backboard defense training pack to get better at difficult saves off the backboard.
16. Double taps
This is the best way to score in all ranks. After you master this, you can expand your mechanical scoring, such as ceiling shots, air dribbling, and freestyle goals.
Here is how this works:
Drive into the ball using a boost.
Aim your hit to the back wall.
Once the ball hits the crossbar/back wall, aerial and hit the ball in the net.
17. Drifting with Boost
This is very simple to explain, but it takes practice to be good at it. Cars in Rocket League have different turn radiuses, which impact how fast and sharp your car turns. A helpful skill is using drift to turn. Instead of taking wide turns, you can hold down drift and make sharper turns. This works with and without boost. In the higher ranks, such as champ, this becomes useful because you can beat opponents to the ball. However, it's less necessary in lower ranks. Adding this skill gives you a significant advantage when racing to the ball, but it's unnecessary until the champion ranks.
18. Best cars to use
The best cars to use in Rocket League are Fennec, Octane, and Dominus. (Not specific order).
Octane and Fennec have the same hitbox. Domius has its own hitbox.
Hitboxes are based on height, width, and length. The 6 hitboxes are Breakout, Dominus, Hybrid, Merc, Octane, and Plank. The community decided these were the best 3 because of their ease of use and consistency when hitting the ball. It's up to you and your play style to determine what hitbox works for you. Don’t be afraid to experiment!
19. Training Packs
Training packs are an excellent way to get good at certain shots and situations. For example, training packs would be the best way to improve if you wanted to work on a specific shot, like air roll shots. The community and pros make them, so they are based on in-game situations. This article is from a pro team, Dignitas. These are training packs they recommend to get started. I recommend you experiment, too.
20. Ball Cam
It sounds stupid when you're still getting used to the game. But ball cam is what everybody uses. You want to avoid getting used to not using ball cam when the game is quicker. Plus, being in sync with your teammates makes games easier. Ball cam helps you know where the ball is at all times. The only time you shouldn't use a ball cam is when collecting the big 100% boost and dribbling. It will be a skill you must learn sooner rather than later; camera settings are important.
21. Dribbling
There are a few ways to dribble in Rocket League. One way is simple: passing the ball side to side by yourself. This is called the bounce dribble. This way is very crafty and gets a lot of ankle breakers. Plus, who doesn't want the clips?
Dribbling on your car's head is more difficult but gives you more control of the ball. You can do flicks and passes to yourself off the backboard and teammates.
Flicks are shots that launch the ball over the opponent's head into the
Air dribbling is a freestyle type of dribbling, but it has, over time, become a mastered skill and type of shot that players rely on to score goals. This type of dribbling is hard to stop, and you can do ceiling, double taps, and flip reset shots, too.
22. Power hits
This isn't a mechanic but more of a timing. In Rocket League, you want to wait till the last second to flip into the ball to get the most power behind your shots. However, not all shots require you to flip into the ball for the most power. If I miss my angle, I use flips to hit the ball to still make an essential touch for my team. A type of power shot you can use is a pinch shot. This shot is when you hit the corner of the ball against the wall it will launch the ball toward the goal.
23. Free play
Free play is the best tool for getting better. This is because, in free play, you can hit the ball all across the map. Practicing this gives you experience reading the ball bouncing off the ceiling, wall, car, and crossbar. They also put pre-sets in the free-play so you can practice shooting and saving shots from certain angles, dribbling/ball control, and other skills. In free-play, I practice aerials by flying to the ceiling, then double-tapping my jump button to get down quicker and do it again. Flying upside down from the wall to wall, jumping off the wall and hitting the ball as hard as I can around the map. Then I follow it up and try to hit it again. I practice reading the ball and forming muscle memory with my mechanics. For car control, you can also practice half flips, turning while drifting, boosting path rotations, and seeing how long you can stay in the air when flying.
24. Demos
Demos are the best way to make your opponents rage and forfeit. Nothing is funnier than your opponent being toxic because they can't stay in the game long enough to save a shot. However, demos are also a competitive strategy here in how you can use them.
If an opponent sits in the goal, demo him to create an open-net situation. If you are rotating and the opponent is in front of you, demo him. When air dribbling, you can demo the opponent while they are focused on saving the shot. Demos create offensive opportunities but are risky because you or your teammates aren't in a defensive position to stop the opponent.
25. Boost starving
Similar to demos, this is a strategy you can rely on to frustrate your opponents and win games. Boost is an essential resource in Rocket League; taking that away causes panic in opponents. Players will leave their positions on defense or offense to get boost. That’s one less player; you have to worry about it, and if you are really good, you can boost starve teams.
Effortless tactics:
In 3v3, if you are the passer rotating to the defensive position, take one or both of the corner's boosts.
Control the middle 100 boost pads on the field.
Go flip into the competition!
Now you have insight into what you must do to fly through the ranks!