20. Friend Finder Phone App [BosseLadyTV]
A video review of the mod by content creator Fantayzia (Play from 00.43)
It’s often a struggle to make friends in the Sims. Thankfully this mod can help!
- A new app on the phone to make friends
- Fast growing friendships
- Favorite the sims you like
Get the mod here
19. First love [LittleMsSam]
A review of the mod by content creator Fantayzia (play from 4:53)
This mod lets kids have their first crush and first love!
- Kids can have a first crush
- Many new interactions that get unlocked as you use the mod
- When aging up to teens, if they meet before 7 days, they might get a romance bar
- Get the mod here.
18. Preteen Mod [ItsKatato]
A review of the mod by content creator Fantayzia.(Play from 4:54)
Through a reward trait gained upon a child aging up, this mod adds a new life stage before Teen: Preteens! Preteen sims are shorter with a slightly different appearance. This mod has some features relying on Snowy Escape and High School Years, but the mod should work fine using the base game, it will just have missing animations.
- New life stage
- Preteens can go to middle school
- You can go with preteens to middle school (High School Years Required)
- Preteens have extra needs to apply lotion, deodorant, and body spray (Snowy Escape is required for animations but still works in-game)
- First Crush add-on
Get the mod here. (The download link is in the description of the mod)
17. Social Activities [LittleMsSam]
A review of the mod by content creator XUrbanSimsX (Play from 4:02)
This mod adds a menu to your phone called Social Activities. You can go and visit friends, families and much more. They are rabbit hole events but your sims will gain skills and relationships
- New phone menu
- Visit friends, family, crushes, acquaintances, go on dates…
- Toddlers can be sent to daycare
- Pets can be sent to a pet sitter or dog trainer, as well as the vet
- More activities to raise skills such as cooking competitions, concerts, read and meet book group, even church or trick or treat
- If you have the Seasons pack you can add these activities as holiday traditions
Get the mod here.
16. Grannies CookBook [Littlbowbub]
This cookbook mod adds new recipes to the game. You have to choose and download which recipes you would like on their website, but there are recipes from appetizers to desserts.
- New meals, food, and dessert recipes
- Prepare anything from appetizers to dessert
- Includes toddler food
- Includes new drinks
- Includes new snacks
- Includes BBQ recipes
Get the mod here.
15. Eye Care [adeepindigo]
This mod adds basic eye care to your game. Through exams you might find out your sim needs glasses, you can get them glasses or contacts.
- Eye care
- Every sim will have a different eyesight and might need glasses
- Eye contacts
- Laser Eye Surgery
- Eye conditions (conjunctivitis, pink eye)
Get the mod here.
14. Dental Care [adeepindigo]
A review of the mod by content creator Fantayzia (Play from 4:35)
Adds a dental health hygiene and care system, so that brushing your teeth in-game becomes useful. This mod is very detailed and there are many features!
- Dental care and hygiene
- Breath Mints
- Different toothpastes
- Braces
- Wisdom teeth removal
- Dental Insurance
- Dentist appointments
- Different procedures
Get the mod here. (The download link is in the description of the mod)
13. Contextual Social Interactions [Lumpinou]
A review of the mod by content creator Fantayzia (Play from 2:41)
This mod adds new social interactions, making conversations more realistic and have a bigger effect on your sims.
- Realistic storytelling social interactions
- Some interactions will affect your sim or those around them with moodlets
Get the mod here.
12. First Impressions [Lumpinou]
A review of the mod by content creator XUrbanSimsX (Play from 2:22)
Adds more to sim dynamics by adding first impressions. They will affect how fast or slow they can become friends or lovers.
- First impression system that affects relationships
- Moodlets based on those first impressions
Get the mod here.
11. 100 Base Game CC Trait Pack [Vicky Sims]
This mod adds 100 base game-compatible traits to create-a-sim or as reward traits if you would like that better!
- Adds 100 new traits that impact autonomy, buffs, whims, relationships, and emotions
- The traits are separated into 5 categories: own stimulation and emotional response
- Defining extroversion, social image, and social behavior
- Expressions in intimate relationships
- Subjective qualities of appearance and talents and weaknesses
Get the mod here:
10. SNBank [SimRealist]
The title logo from the mod's website
This mod adds working bank accounts and debit cards, you can transfer money, and choose what will receive the simoleons, household funds, or one of your bank accounts…
- Bank accounts
- Ability to create multiple accounts and create joint accounts
- Working debit cards
- Transfer money
- Detailed account management
Get the mod here.
9. Meaningful Stories [RoBurky]
An in-game screenshot showing how the mod affects emotions
The way sims’ emotions work will change with this mod. Made to be more realistic, the moodlets and emotions affect each other.
- More subtle and varied emotions
- Sim’s emotional state will be less predictable but more stable
- Sims will feel truly happy only when something worthy of it happens to them.
- Moodlet strength will vary
- Your sim’s environment will no longer affect their mood as much
Get the mod here.
8. LGBTQIA+ / Gender and Orientation Overhaul [Lumpinou]
A review of the mod by content creator Whiny Brit (Play from 1:37 )
This mod is very detailed, sims can have different orientations and genders, and you can choose to let your sims have a moment of self-discovery or auto-assign an orientation/gender to sims. Your sims can be whoever they wish to be, and love who they wish to love.
- LGBTQIA+ traits
- Gender Identity
- Orientations (romantic and sexual)
- Self-discovery or manual assignment
- Coming out
- LGBTQIA+ lot trait
Get the mod here.
7. Divergent Sims [Lumpinou]
A mod review by content creator Fantayzia(Play from 9:09)
This mod adds mental health, mental illness, and neurodiversity in general to the game. While this mod is not made to be completely realistic it comes very close.
- 25 anxiety, developmental, learning, mood, neurological, personality, body, eating and mental health conditions affecting infants to elders, and addictions.
- Self-esteem
- It’s possible to have multiple conditions
- Treatment: medication or therapy
- 50 new social interactions
Get the mod here. (The download link is in the description of the mod)
6. Healthcare Redux [adeepindigo]
In-game screenshot of a hospital, this is the screenshot used on the mod's website.
This mod adds to the Sims 4 healthcare system, Illnesses, injuries, allergies, doctor visits etc…
- New healthcare system
- Vaccination
- Immune system levels
- Deadly diseases
- Injuries
- Emergencies, surgery required complications
- Pregnancy-related healthcare
- Doctor and hospital visits
Get the mod here. (The download link is in the description of the mod)
5. Education Overhaul [adeepindigo]
In this huge mod sims and education have been drastically changed, there are many new features, such as choosing what school you want your children to attend, toddlers can go to preschool, an education career and so much more!
- Enrollment and new schools (public, military or private)
- New education career overhaul (with Discover University compatibility)
- Toddlers can be sent to daycare
- More homework options which will increase skills and character values)
- New school projects and active assignments
- More options when at school
- Detention if your sim keeps misbehaving
- Field Trips and Holidays
- Option to drop out which will affect their career
- School milestones and after-school events (Prom, theater shows,parent-teacher conference
This mod has more features than I can list.
Get the mod here. (The download link is in the description of the mod)
4. Adult Mods [Basemental]
These mods are catered towards adults. There are three Basemental mods: Alcohol, Drugs, and Gangs. Alcohol is included in the Drugs mod so there is no need to download both.
- Makes Sims 4 “juices” into alcohol
- Get drunk, drunk text, side effects, hangovers, tolerance
- Buy, sell, grow, or use all sorts of drugs your sim can get addicted to
- (Gangs require Get to Work and Basemental Drugs to work) Adds gangs to the game, with rivalries between them and you can manage your own gang
Get the mod here.
3. RPO(Relationship and Pregnancy Overhaul) [Lumpinou]
Mod review by content creator Sage Celeste. (Play from 14:39)
This mod adds major changes to relationships and pregnancy. A realistic modular mod with many different parts. You can pick and choose which modules you want in your game.
- Does your sim want a baby? Does this sim want a baby? How will everyone react to this baby?
- Fertility and protection system
- Woohoo Transmittable Diseases
- Paternity testing
- Teen pregnancy
- Temporary separations
- Jealousy and Cheating
- Artificial insemination and surrogacy
- Adoption
- Permanent separations and custody
- Termination of pregnancy
- Pregnancy side effects
- Miscarriage and pregnancy loss
- Pregnancy tweaks and special pregnancies
- Romances and friendship
- MeetandMingle dating app
- Charm and chemistry
- Expanded woohoo
- Adult Life
Get the mod here.
2. Wonderful whims [RoBurky]
Menu from the wonderful whims website
A more toned-down version of the Wicked Whims mod, here is the Wonderful Whims mod! There are many features and they can be adjusted to fit your needs in settings.
- Attractiveness system (see what your sim thinks of others’ appearances, maybe they just spotted a guy across the bar)
- Impressions/Personalities. Learn your sim’s personality archetype
- Menstrual cycle: Purchase tampons and pads, and check fertility on your sim’s phone, a fertility treatment is also available
- Birth control: avoid pregnancy with condoms and pills
- Crabs STD
- New types of relationship additions
- Sweating system
And more...
Get the mod here.
1. MCCC(MC Command Center) [Deaderpool]
The best mod to get started would be MCCC. There are so many features to make your gameplay exactly how you want it to be. It may seem a little complicated but there are many tutorials online.
- Cheat skills
- Cheat promotions
- Cheat relationships
- Add and remove traits
- Choose to make sim from the library spawn and have cuter townies
- Modify household maximum size
And so much more!
Get the mod here.
Thank you for reading!