Why buy fantasy games if you can just mod your sims game into one? Suppose you are thirsting for more fantasy gameplay after the release of the paranormal stuff pack or are just bored of playing happy families. In that case, these fantasy mods can transform your game into the fantasy simulator of your dreams.
15. Nature Horns
Looking for some fun custom content to jazz up a fantasy play through? Then some accessories inspired by forest fauna might do the trick. This fabulous bit of custom contentgives your sims the option of sporting some ram inspired horns in 63 swatches and the option of cute flowers.
Why this mod is great:
● We don’t have any items such as this in the vanilla game.
● A creative item for a truly unique sim
● Wanting to be a mystical horned creature is the pinnacle of escapism.
Get the mod: here
14. Medieval Cookbook
Now, when you envisioned the word fantasy, did you think of a medieval-style fantasy? If you did, this mod brings some medieval custom food into the game via ye olde recipe book. Though your sims might not appreciate being fed a diet of gruel and onion soup.
If you missed the medieval fantasy elements in the sims medieval, this mod might be the remedy.
Why this mod is great:
● A blast of nostalgia for players of sims medieval
● Adds immersion to medieval fantasy type storylines
● Something creative and new to add to your game
Get the mod: here
13. Dragon Eyes
Here is another piece of excellent custom content. If we want a fantasy playthrough, we have to commit to the role! These dragon inspired eyes come in four different swatches and are a great choice for occult type sims.
Why this mod is great:
● An eerie look for an occult or goth sim
● Adds variety to the create a sim options
Get the mod: here
12. Please stand still in CAS
Okay, you might not understand why this is here since this is a list dedicated to fantasy mods. However, just hang with me. This mod is revolutionary for the owners of the realm of magic DLC Before this mod, spell caster, sims would move every 20 seconds or so in CAS, which is incredibly annoying when you are trying to get an outfit right.
This mod is an extension of another mod used to stop sim animations in create a sim forcing your spellcaster sims to just stand still! This might not seem like much but believe me, this mod is a lifesaver.
Why this mod is great:
- You seriously cannot believe how annoying it was
Get the mod: here
11. Bat Wings
Back to the cute custom content, cute little bat wings, in fifteen different swatches. My heart bleeds with happiness. Seriously these are super cute; they could work for a supernatural sim or just for a goth with an excellent taste in accessories. You would be foolish not to download these.
Why this mod is great:
● Versatile could be used on a supernatural sim or passed off as an accessory.
● Seriously, very cute. The creator has done an excellent job making these.
● A unique item for your unique sim.
Get the mod: here
10. Siren, Mermaid ears and gills
I hadn’t realized that I needed gills in the sims up until now. However, now I can’t go back. If you found the new mermaid occult a bit lackluster, then this item would pair wonderfully with your aquatic sims. They also provide fantasy-style ears, in that typical fishy style (do fish have ears?)
Why this mod is great:
● A puzzle-piece needed to complete your aquatic sims
● Attention to detail, the creator has tried their hardest to get the gills and ears to look function, and appear natural during certain animations.
● Another unique item not available in vanilla gameplay
Get the mod: here
9. Dungeons and Dragons races as traits
Ever wanted to turn the sims into a fully-fledged fantasy RPG? If the answer is yes, this mod can bring you a little bit closer to your dreams. If the answer was no, well, then keep scrolling, I guess.
This does exactly what it says on the tin it adds the race categories from D&D into the sims as pickable traits available in create a sim. They all come with their own unique perks and disadvantages and will even affect how sims interact with others.
Why this mod is great:
● Why buy any other games if you can just mod the sims into a glitchy mess
● The sims personality system is rather underdeveloped anyway, so this adds a nice fantasy twist.
Get the mod: here
8. On an Occult Layline
Have you ever felt like you need a surprise in the family? This mod adds a new lot trait called the occult layline, which causes genetics laws to work differently on that lot, causing a good chance that occult sims will be born of human parents and human children born of occult parents.
Unfortunately, the sims 4 often lacks surprises and events which are uncontrollable by the player. Hence, this mod is an excellent way to bring some variety into your play.
Why this mod is great:
● The very rules of sim genetics kneel before this mod.
● We need more autonomy and variety in the sims 4
● Spice up a playthrough of happy families with a surprise vampire child
Get the mod: here
7. TS3 to TS4 Wands
If you missed the wands from the sims 3 or are looking for a better variety of wands outside of the realm of magic pack; this mod brings all your favorite ts3 wands back in their fully functional glory.
Why this mod is great:
● An excellent throwback to the sims 3
● The right wand for the right wizard, harry
● We all love stuff, and things so here is more stuff and things.
Get the mod: here
6. Untamed Magic is Untamed
Do you just want to go off the rails? Cause chaos and misery? There are plenty of mods out there for that, but if you are looking for a specific brand of mystic misery, then you might want to keep reading.
This mod makes untamed magic untamed… This mod turns three of the untamed magic spells into deadly interactions. ZipZap, Chillio, and inferniate are all part of your arsenal of deadly toys, so use them wisely (or recklessly)
Why this mod is great:
● More realistic, sims die from kitchen fires smaller than the inferniate spell so why isn’t inferniate a deadly interaction.
● Don’t lie, we all love killing sims, and now that we can’t drown them in the pool by merely removing the ladder, we must resort to drastic measures.
Get the mod: here
5.Witchcraft career
If your spellcaster sims day job feels unbefitting of them, this mod adds in a new custom career for the magically inclined to make some extra cash without excessive usage of the duplicato spell.
Why this mod is great:
● There is an excellent anime about a demon who flips burgers. Still, sometimes you need to be a full-time spellcaster instead of a part-timer.
● Variety is always welcome in my sims game, so the more careers, the better.
Get the mod: here
4. Only Spellcasters go through the portal
So are we just letting anyone into the magic realm now? I mean Eliza Pancakes, who turned Eliza into a spellcaster, someone has to confess their crimes.
This mod keeps the natural and supernatural separate by only allowing spellcaster NCP’s to go in and out of the magic portal preventing Eliza Pancakes from becoming a queen of darkness.
What makes this mod great:
- prevents Eliza Pancakes from gaining godlike powers
- keeps the supernatural and natural seperate
- enhances your magical immersion
Get the mod: here
3. Better Mermaids
The simming community all collectively sighed on the release of the Island Living pack’s release due to the lack of detail given when it came to one of my favorite occult types. As one of the many GenZ children who grew up with the classic Australian children’s show ‘H20 just add water’, the mermaids in the sims felt like a slight disappointment.
This mod overhauls and fixes everything. More interactions, sea magic, diving, a whole new occult type. This mod meets the standards and then raises the bar.
Why this mod is great:
● Enhances an aspect of the game which many players feel was underdeveloped
● A huge array of different features
● Cool sea monsters
● Ocean magic
● Mermaids were part of my childhood; goddamn it, you can’t take this away from me, EA.
Get the mod: here
2. Timeless World mod
This one is going to get the historical and fantasy players foaming at the mouth. Ever been playing as though your storyline took place in some timeless era of old only to be full-onassaulted by the modern world. Yes, you have? Then this mod can fix that.
The timeless world mod edits, and declutters the sims 4 worlds to appear timeless and unassociated with the modern world by removing items which slap you right out of your historical role play.
Why this mod is great:
● Forgo the modern world and be immersed in a timeless fantasy
● An absolute godsend for historical and fantasy players
Get the mod: here
1.The Spellbook injector
The spellbook injector places at the top of its list due to its boundless possibilities. This mod is the framework to allow custom spells to be added into your game and function fully along with the pre-existing spells in your spellbook.
There are already a few different spells created by the original poster and a few other created by other like-minded modders. This mod tops all on this list since this is the basis for a massive expansion to your sims spellbook.
Why this mod is great:
● So long as they can code it, modders can create plenty of custom spells for players to enjoy
● I will say it one last time: Variety.
Get the mod: here
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