[Guide] Star Wars Jedi Survivor Best Stances To Use

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Best Stances
06 Aug 2024

Star Wars Jedi Survivor offers 5 unique lightsaber stances to choose between, but for new players , it can be difficult to determine which is best. The Single Blade, Double-Blade, Dual Wield, Crossguard and Blaster stances each have their own distinct attributes which will suit some players better than others. This guide will help you work out which stance is best for you, depending on your preferred method of slicing through battalions of Stormtroopers and duelling Dark Jedi.

By outlining the strengths and weaknesses of Jedi Survivor’s lightsaber stances,  this guide will give you the knowledge to make the most informed decision on what lightsaber stance you should be using, depending on what stage of Jedi Survivor you have got to and what style of combat suits you best.


5) Single Blade

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“A classic, balanced approach to combat. Reliable in all situations.”

At number 5 is the Single Blade stance. There is nothing inherently wrong with the Single Blade, it's versatile, does decent damage and has balanced stats. It also has some useful abilities like Dash Strike which gives you a far-reaching attack, and Aerial Ace which gives you a solid area of effect attack.

However, because this stance is solid all round, it excels at nothing. Its stats are a 5/10 in every department, and in terms of force abilities unlocked via the Skill Tree, all of the other stances provide more exciting options So unless you like the solid, dependability of the Single Blade, I would recommend a different stance which you can have more fun with.

Choose the Single Blade if:

  • You want a reliable stance which can be depended on whatever situation you are in.
  • You want a stance which will pair well with all of the other stances in the game, particularly the Blaster or Crossguard stances which are only effective in certain situations.
  • You want a stance with a useful, lunging ranged attacks like Dash Strike and Aerial Dash strike so you can easily take down enemies who are keeping their distance. 
  • You want a stance which you can use from the very start of the game and master by the end of it.
  • You want a simpler, less flashy stance which will swiftly and effectively dispatch your enemies.


  • Power: 5
  • Speed: 5
  • Range: 5
  • Defence: 5

4) The Blaster Stance

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“An unorthodox approach to combat. Couple your lightsaber with a blaster to gain ranged superiority”

The Blaster Stances gives you the unparalleled ability to pick off enemies from range and inflict heavy damage before your target knows what’s hit them. With a blaster in one hand and a lightsaber in the other, this powerful two-pronged attack allows you to deal heavy damage from range before charging in with your lightsaber to deal the finishing blow.

However, this stance’s weakness is short-range combat which can be especially challenging considering that you need to hit enemies with your lightsaber to regenerate your limited ammo supply. This isn’t an issue against your average enemies like Bedlam Raiders or Stormtroopers who can be easily taken out from range or with lightsaber attacks. But in boss battles against  a powerful opponent who is evading your blaster bolts and unphased by your lightsaber strikes,, this is where you can run into trouble. That’s why the Blaster Stance  should always be paired with a close-combat stance like Dual Wield.

Choose the Blaster if:

  • You want a stance which will allow you to take out or deal heavy damage to multiple enemies from range.
  • You want a stance which will compliment your evasive playstyle because you find yourself avoiding direct enemy attacks and close-quarter combat wherever possible.
  • You want to do lethal, multi-target blaster attacks with the Quick Draw ability unlocked via the Skill Tree.
  • You are comfortable switching quickly to another stance like Dual Wield in the heat of combat if you find yourself swarmed by enemies.
  • You are a sharpshooter who is capable of dealing high damage precision shots.


  • Power: 3
  • Speed: 7
  • Range: 10
  • Defence: 5


3) The Crossguard Stance

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“A slow, yet highly lethal approach to combat. Powerful swings devastate enemies, but have very long wind-ups.”

The Crossguard Stance is the most powerful stance in the game, capable of inflicting high damage, attacking combos which will stagger even your most powerful enemy. Best in one-versus-one situations, this stance will take large chunks out of the health bar of any boss in the game, particularly when using abilities like Rending Strike.

This stance would be higher up the list if it wasn’t the most difficult stance to use. Its high impact swings are very slow, which means you must bide your time and adopt a defensive style while using this stance or otherwise you will leave yourself vulnerable to counter attacks mid lightsaber swing. Its slow swing also means that the Crossguard is not very effective against multiple enemies, meaning you should adopt a faster, multi-target proficient secondary stance like the Double or Single-Bladed stance.

Choose the Crossguard if:

  • Your playstyle is suited to slow, high impact attacks which will shatter enemy defences.
  • You are an expert at parrying attacks, breaking your enemies  guard and leaving them vulnerable to a brutal counter attack
  • You like to deal extremely high damage attacks with long windups, with the Rending Strike or Greater Cleaver Swing abilities.
  • You will not be thrown off by having to switch to a much faster stance like the Double-Blade mid battle when you need to fight multiple enemies.
  • You like to play more defensively and are good at timing your attacks.


  • Power: 10
  • Speed: 1
  • Range: 6
  • Defence: 8


2) Double-Bladed Stance

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‘A highly-mobile, energetic approach to combat. Best for dealing with many enemies at once.’

The high-octane destruction provided by the Double-Bladed is unmatched by any of the other stances. This stance is adept at crowd control and also dealing a flurry of attacks against stronger opponents. It also works well as a companion to any other stance in the game given its well-rounded stats and unparalleled multi-target abilities.

The Double-Bladed stance doesn’t have many weaknesses, but due to its slightly lower damage output it’s not as effective in boss battles as other stances like Dual Wield or Crossguard, so it is a good idea to have them selected as your secondary stances for those one-versus-one situations.

Choose the Double-Blade if:

  • You enjoy high-paced multi-target attacks.
  • You are good at putting together combo attacks because the Endless Hurricane ability is crucial when using this stance.
  • You have already learnt or are willing to learn to accurately throw your lightsaber; one of this stance’s best abilities is Controlled Throw which lets you throw your lightsaber and direct it wherever you want.
  • You can keep your cool even if surrounded by stormtroopers on all fronts; this stance requires you to get up close and personal.
  • You are comfortable switching stances to something capable of dealing higher damage when necessary.


  • Power: 4
  • Speed: 6
  • Range: 3
  • Defence: 6


1) Dual Wield

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“A purely offensive approach to combat. Overwhelm enemies with a flurry of strikes. Abort attacks by pressing L1.”

The Dual Wield is the best stance in the game because of its capacity for high-speed destruction. This highly offensive stance will have you tearing through enemy guards with unrelenting force. The Dual Wield stance is great for boss battles and one-versus-one situations because it's capable of melting the health bar of the strongest enemies in the game.

Despite its ability to pack a killer punch, the Dual Wield stance does have some shortcomings. It is not the most defensively sound stance and it only offers one multi-target ability – Dancing Blades. Therefore, this stance should be paired with a more defensive, multi-target stance like the Double Blades.

Choose Dual Wield if:

  • You like to leap into battle, dealing high-speed, venomous strikes which will have your opponent fighting on the backfoot in no time.
  • You are comfortable drawing out and taking down one target at a time when you are facing multiple enemies, or switching to a different stance which is better suited to taking down multiple targets.
  • You want to take advantage of its powerful special attack which puts you in a meditative, invulnerable state, which will allow you to automatically parry enemy attacks upon exit, before following up with a devastating counterattack which does extra damage if you have unlocked the Precision Release ability.
  • You are comfortable using a more technical stance which allows you to cancel attacks with L1 or LB.
  • You don’t mind sacrificing defence for high damage and speed.


  • Power: 6
  • Speed: 10
  • Range: 2
  • Defence: 3


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