Stardew Valley is all about the simple things in life and making the most of what you have. However, that doesn’t mean everything in the game is cheap. For those farmers who like the finer things in life (Haley fans, I’m looking at you), this article lists the top 15 most expensive items you can buy in Stardew Valley.
15. Galaxy Sword - 50,000 G
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Space. The final frontier... But what if it was an epic sword that could slay monsters? Need I say more?
If I do, just know the sword is unlike anything you've seen before. You can get it yourself and tell me if I'm wrong. It's a decent sword with a cool legend behind it if you're feeling creative enough to connect it to where you find it. Its usefulness comes from its ability to create an Infinity Blade and because it unlocks the Galaxy Hammer and Galaxy Dagger, both of which are cosmic weapons of terror.
How to Get a Galaxy Sword
There are two ways to get a Galaxy Sword. The first and most likely way you'll first obtain it is by donating all four Dwarf Scrolls to the Museum. Doing this gives you the Dwarvish Translation Guide.
The guide helps translate a gravestone that points the farmer to the Three Pillars in the Northeast of the Desert. You can place a Prismatic Shard and gain a Galaxy Sword in return here.
The second way you can get a Galaxy Sword is by buying it from Marlon in the Adventurer's Guild. You can only do this after losing or selling the original Galaxy Sword.
14. Auto-Petter - 50,000 G
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Sometimes, you need to run somewhere as soon as you wake up but dozens of animals look at you with their big ol' eyes, begging for pets. It's times like these that you need some patented Joja Co. technology!
Let me state openly: I am anti-Joja. However, I can give credit for making a useful gadget. In real-life scenarios, one would typically nail a brush to a post for cattle to rub on, but in the advanced world of Stardew Valley, there are two robot hands to do it for you. It will never beat homegrown human scritches. Your animals will let you know.
How to Get an Auto-Petter
The easiest way to get an Auto-Petter is through JojaMart after completing the Joja Community Development Form.
However, if you aren't a traitor of the Valley, you can also find it in various treasure chests within Skull Cavern.
Another way to get an Auto-Petter is by killing monsters and breaking crates and barrels in the Mines during the 'Danger in the Deep' Quest. After you've activated the Shrine of Challenge, you can get one.
13. Galaxy Hammer - 75,000 G
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Hey kid, have you ever wanted to beat the ever-loving loot out of monsters with a hammer made of pure starlight?
I'm sure many of y'all remember the galaxy craze of the early 2010s, where anything you could buy had a galaxy print version. I miss that. I’m not even joking, the galaxy is beautiful and something many people take for granted. Space is immense and terrifying. ‘And so is this hammer’ is what I imagine the monsters I'm fighting are thinking before they die.
How to Get a Galaxy Hammer
There are a few steps to getting your hands on a Galaxy Hammer besides gathering the gold to purchase it.
First, you wait until Spring 3 for the Mines to open. This is the easiest part because the first few days in town fly by quickly.
From here, you need to reach level 5 in the mines by fighting monsters and cracking open rocks. New players can be intimidated, but I promise you'll have a blast, especially if you find bombs.
After reaching level 5, you complete the Initiation quest given by the Adventurer's Guild. For this, you just need to kill 5 slimes which shouldn't be too hard by this point.
And voila! You've unlocked membership to the Adventurer's Guild where you can buy a ton of weapons and armor!
12. Modern Double Bed - 8,000 Q (80,000 G)
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Sleep is important. Especially in a game that debuffs you for every few minutes you stay up past midnight. Gamers would be out of luck. Grandpa gives you a bed, of course, but it's out of style. You can change that with a quick purchase!
For those looking to redecorate their home without buying a Furniture Catalogue, it might be handy to just pick one up from the Casino. Where else does one buy a mattress? Implications of what this bed has seen aside, the Modern Double Bed is a cute yet simple addition to any modern farmhouse.
How to Get a Modern Double Bed
There are two ways to get this bed. You can buy one through the Casino for the low, low price of 8,000 Q.
You can get Qi coins by converting gold or by testing your luck at one of the various gambling games strewn about the Casino.
The alternative is to spend 200,000 gold on the Furniture Catalogue, where you can pick up the bed for free alongside other decorations for your home and farm.
11. Top Hat - 8,000 Q (80,000 G)
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Some clothing items in Stardew Valley have uses; rings and boots give you various buffs. Some are just pretty, like the hats and shirts that you can make! But one hat above all has the property of style AND function. With the top hat, you can look like a true gentleman, maybe even cosplay Abraham Lincoln if you're feeling kooky.
Okay, I might have been exaggerating with how cool this hat is. In all honesty, it's just a plain ol' top hat. But isn't it fun to think about the costuming possibilities? After all, Halloween is a thing in Stardew Valley, even if called by a different name. The only special thing about this hat is its price which is absurdly high for some reason.
How to Get a Top Hat
Have you heard of 'The Mysterious Qi'? I'm sure you have: it's a set of quests triggered in the early game that unlocks access to the Casino in Calico Desert where you can gamble and shop with Qi coins.
Oh, you haven't been to the Desert? You take the bus there, first unlocking the bus in the Community Center. All you need is 40,000 G! What a steal.
10. Alien Rarecrow - 10,000 Q (100,000 G)
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Nothing is scarier than a scarecrow. That is if you're a bird trying to munch on some free crops. 'But why stick with a boring old farmer?' I hear you ask. There's no need to because there are 8 rarecrows to spice up your farm with both function and fashion.
I'm an alien kind of person. I like sci-fi and weird animals. It comes with being autistic, I think. There's something about little green men with big eyes and space onesies that really tickles my fancy. So when I learned of the alien rarecrow, it was the first thing I spent my Casino winnings on. But can you blame me? It's adorable!
How to Get an Alien Rarecrow
You'll need access to the Casino for this item, so make sure to complete all 3 quests for 'The Mysterious Qi'.
Additionally, you'll need at least 10,000 Qi coins. You can get these by converting gold at 1,000 gold per 100 Qi coins.
Another way to get the needed Qi coins is to gamble! If you're feeling lucky, see how much you can earn at the slot machines or CalicoJack tables.
9. Golden Egg - 100,000 G
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Who doesn't love eggs? Even if you aren't a fan of them as food, their usefulness in creating the cutest chickens you've ever seen is irrefutable. Especially if they're gold! I hear they're magical...
There are several special eggs in Stardew Valley. Before I knew about the incubator, I found a dinosaur egg! And I ate it. I felt so dumb once I realized you can hatch any egg you come across. I think I would have protected my special golden egg if I had one.
How to Get the Golden Egg
There are many ways to get a Golden Egg but they all require the Farmer to reach Perfection.
Once you're perfect, you can buy it from Marnie for 100,000 G.
Alternatively, you can pay Mr. Qi 100Q for it.
Additionally, you can take your chances fishing it up in a treasure chest, just keep in mind there's only a 0.12% chance of that. (You might have better luck with it appearing in a random event.)
8. Furniture Catalogue - 200,000 G
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You can buy several items after your first house upgrade. The best is the Furniture Catalogue. It's a hefty price but gives you unlimited access to every regular furniture item.
Decorating is a widely underrated part of the Stardew Valley fun. Many people assume that the pixelated art style limits the amount of customization. But they'd be wrong. Hundreds of items can decorate your house and farm, making it really feel like home. Rather than waiting for the randomized stock, the Furniture Catalogue provides you free unlimited access to almost every item in the game, meaning that you can freely change up your farm as regularly as you do.
How to Get the Furniture Catalogue
The first thing you need to do for this item is upgrade your house once. Upgrading requires 10,000 G and 450 wood, raising the price of this item just a bit.
From there, all you do is go to the Carpenter's Shop on a regular day between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Robin should be there for you to buy things from.
7. Town Shortcuts - 300,000 G
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Ever notice those piles of wood lying around Pelican Town? They're shortcuts that need to be built by Robin, something that's rather expensive.
One of the worst parts about Stardew Valley is the roundabout way to get to some places. Getting to the beach or the Cindersap Forest without developing your own shortcuts or routes is tedious. However, with just a bit under half a million gold, a new house, and a fully complete Community Center, you can finally build the shortcuts you've seen hidden around the town.
How to Get the Town Shortcuts
The most expensive items are only available later in the game, usually after the Community Center is done. This is one of them, but if you're wealthy enough to afford this, the Community Center is most likely near or fully complete.
However, this item requires one step further than the usual Community Center. It requires you to first build a home for Pam (and Penny if you aren't married to her) before being allowed to buy the shortcuts.
6. Movie Theater - 500,000 G
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What do the villagers of Stardew Valley do for fun besides standing in the same spot every day? They go to the Movies! Well, they used to before Joja Mart took over.
I've always been interested in the mundane lore behind Stardew Valley. War and magic are cool, but what types of movies are there? Is there internet? There isn't even a park which makes me think that going to the theater was one of the hobbies many villagers participated in.
How to Get the Movie Theater
This is another perk to finishing the Community Center either through the Junimos or Morris at Joja Mart.
If you're taking the Joja path, you’ll need to pay Morris 500,000 gold after completing every other community upgrade. How generous of him.
If you're taking the Community Center path, all you need to do is finish the Center and enter the Joja Mart to find one last bundle, which unlocks the Movie Theater.
5. Community Upgrade - 500,000 G
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Who doesn't love Penny and Pam? Even if you don't like one, the other is usually too endearing to hate. That's why we should lend a helping pocket and build them a new house!
I’ve always been sad that Penny and Pam are the only people living in a trailer in a town full of massive houses and businesses. Despite Pam's alcoholism, she and Penny deserve to be treated like the rest of the community. The Farmer is a unifying force in the community, helping integrate them rather than ostracize them from their neighbors.
How to Get the Community Upgrade
Fully upgrade the farm and the Community Center/Joja Warehouse. Easy enough, right?
While completing these, collect as much wood as possible. You'll need 950 pieces to give to Robin alongside the 500,000 Gold.
4. Island Obelisks - 1,000,000 G each
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Picture it: you need to pop over to Ginger Island for a few items but you're low on gold. Willy can't even give you a discount on that steep 1,000 gold fare. If only you had an Island Obelisk to whisk you there for free.
Traveling is the bane of my existence, in real life and video games. I love the ability to fast travel but I don't like how consumable Warp Totems are. If you're like me, impatient, then this is a must-have on your farm. It's a steep one-time price but worth it if you travel between Stardew Valley and Ginger Island regularly.
How to Get an Island Obelisk
First, you need to complete the Community Center, it doesn't matter what way you do it. It's harder than it sounds, so prepare for at least an in-game year of grinding.
After you have finished 3 bundles, go see Willy and he'll show you his broken boat. It's up to us to fix it! For some reason.
Next, you need to finish the Goblin Problems quest given by the Wizard to be able to access the shop where you can buy this obelisk, among others.
3. Statue of Endless Fortune - 1,000,000 G
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Everyone wants friends but it's hard to make them, especially if you don't know what they like and don't. What if you magically had a way of knowing what to get people on their birthdays? Welcome to Endless Fortune.
One thing is certain: Pelican Town residents are really picky. Clint is constantly disgusted with what I give him and refuses to elaborate. Very rude. The only person's interests I could remember was Abigail's, and that's purely because she freaks me out. Those gems can't be good for her digestive system. Regardless, if you're a perfectionist like I am, it could be very helpful to have something that constantly produces valuables.
How to Get the Statue of Endless Fortune
First things first, complete The Mysterious Qi quest. There are 3 in total and they're very easy to complete once you find the items you need.
Secondly, make sure you have 1,000,000 gold. That's it!
2. Return Scepter - 2,000,000 Gold
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Picture this, it's nearly 2:00 AM and you're deep in the mines, killing monsters and gaining ore. You're too far away from home to run it in time. You just used your last coffee. You check your inventory, no Warp Totems either. You're going to pass out and lose so much hard work. Consider how nice it would be to pay a hefty sum and never have to deal with that again.
Every Stardew Valley player has been caught off guard, fishing, foraging, or mining when they collapsed from exhaustion. Harvey or Linus appears, and your wallet is lighter than it was before. There was a period where I would refuse to mine without a Warp Totem home. Of course, those are tedious to make and take up a lot of inventory space if you have more than one. The Return Scepter is a perfect replacement, reusable and compact!
How to Get the Return Scepter
The first step to getting the Scepter is to donate 60 items to the museum. Gunther isn't the one who gives you the Scepter, but he does give you a key to the sewers.
Once you have the key, you can unlock the Sewers where you meet Krobus. He has a shop where you can buy various things, including the Scepter. It's as easy as that!
1. Gold Clock - 10,000,000 Gold
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Stardew Valley is all fun and games until you realize that chores will follow you any and everywhere. After all, running a farm is hard work. Someone's gotta get rid of all those weeds. Unless...?
I once spent an entire in-game day planning out and carefully organizing plants and fences just to wake up the next day to ruin. There was a thunderstorm that destroyed so much of my hard work. Had I known about this building (and been 10,000,000 gold richer), I could have been spared such a tragedy. That was pretty early in my game though, and this item is only available much later.
How to Get the Gold Clock
Most importantly, you're going to want to be stinking rich. I mean, just Joja levels of money-hungry. This is the MOST expensive item in the entire game, at a whopping 10,000,000 gold.
You need to complete either the Community Center Bundles or the Joja Community Development Form to access this. It also wouldn't hurt to have a few hearts with the Wizard before attempting this because the Dark Talisman quest is needed.
Lastly, you need to finish the Goblin Problem quest to access the Witch's Hut. Then, you'll be able to buy it at the Wizard's Tower.
I can be your angel or your devil… mainly depending on the game and character options. Typically I opt for demons because I’m emo. See you in the gaming underworld.
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