Samira is back in TFT with her S for Style, but this time she doesn’t activate her ultimate but uses her gun to fire a bullet that breaks the enemies’ armour.
Samira is a strong pick in the early rounds, as she can deal a lot of damage.
In this article, we will mention the combos to place Samira in, her best items, and how to make sure you take out your enemies.
Hm. How come no one ever tells me to reload?
Samira is a really good pick in the early rounds as she shares the challenger trait, which gives her and her teammates a lot of extra attack speed.
She also shares the Noxus trait, which buffs her and gives her more stats.
Samira’s stats, traits, and items are all to be discussed down below to make sure you get the best outcome from placing her on your team.
Best Samira builds in TFT Set 9
Samira’s stats:
Cost: 1 Gold
Health: 500 / 900 / 1620
Mana: 30
Armor: 15
MR: 15
Ability Power: 100
DPS: 35 / 63 / 113
Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
Atk Spd: 0.7
Crit Rate: 25%
Range: 4
Samira’s traits:
1. Noxus
champions gain Health, Ability Power and Attack Damage. This is increased by 5% for each different opponent that either you have conquered in combat or is dead.
3 170 Health, 17 Ability Power, 17% Attack Damage
6 340 Health, 34 Ability Power, 34% Attack Damage
9 700 Health, 70 Ability Power, 70% Attack Damage
2. Challenger
Challengers gain bonus Attack Speed. When their target dies, Challengers dash to a new target and increase their Attack Speed bonus by 50% for 2.5 seconds.
2 30% Attack Speed
4 60% Attack Speed
6 95% Attack Speed
8 140% Attack Speed
Samira’s ability
Samira shoots at the current target and deal damage to the first enemy hit while reducing their Armor.
Damage: 200/200/210%
Carousel priority:
These are the components you would need to focus on since the very first circle in order as you will need them to build up the required items for the team in most of the comps you will find bellow:
Samira’s best items
1. Infinity Edge
Grant 35% bonus Attack Damage and 15% bonus Critical Strike Chance.
Damage from an Ability can critically strike.
2. Guinsoo's Rageblade
Attacks grant 5% bonus Attack Speed. This effect stacks.
3. Last Whisper
Grant 10% bonus Attack Damage. Any physical damage dealt 50% Sunders the target for 5 seconds.
This effect does not stack.
Best comps for Samira
6 Noxus
5 Shurima
2 Strategist
2 Juggernaut
To achieve the required synergies, this combo needs at least 2 more emblems, or hearts, the Noxus and Shurima.
If you want to get the most out of this comp, level up your primary characters to 2 or 3 levels because this is a rapid reroll to level 8 with a high economics.
As your primary damage dealers in this comp, Cassiopia and Azir are important.
Best build for this comp:
1. One of the major damage providers in the game is Azir, a Shurima who has increased attack speed and healing while also possessing the strategist trait, which gives the frontline more tankiness and the backline more damage.
2. Sion is a fantastic tank on the front lines since he can take a ton of damage and, even if he does, he will simply revive and continue to inflict damage.
3. Darius is one of TFT's best frontlines since he can take a lot of damage while still doing more damage.
4. Darius and Nasus are both excellent frontline tanks because they both possess the Juggernaut attribute.
5. Swain should be selected because he can enhance both the Strategist and noxus attributes.
6. Cassiopia, who can inflict a ton of damage from the backlines, is a wonderful choice for the backlines, especially early in the game.
7. Samira will be enhancing the noxus trait while dishing out some solid damage from the support positions and tearing through the armor of the opposition.
8. K'Sante is one of the most important selections because he possesses the Shurima trait and can easily remove the enemy team's key champion off the field.
6 Challenger
3 Ionia
2 Shadow Isles
Since the majority of the comp only costs four gold, this is a quick reroll to level 8 with a solid economics. However, be sure to level up Kalista first.
The major attribute of this combination is the challenger trait, with Kalista serving as the primary damage dealer.
Best build for this comp:
1. As she possesses both the challenger and shadow isles qualities, which enable her to eliminate adversaries, Kalista is the key damage producer in this composition.
2. Gwen is an excellent front line that will both deal and take a lot of damage.
3. Kai'Sa is the second source of harm because she also possesses the challenger feature, which would further speed up her attacks.
4. You'll gain the challenger trait from Samira.
5. Yasuo is a fantastic damage producer and a critical selection because he possesses both the Ionia and challenger attributes, which would quicken his attacks and improve the likelihood that he will be endowed with a potent ability.
6. Shen, who possesses the Ionia trait, is a fantastic tank on the front line.
7. Warwick has the challenger trait and is afraid of foes.
8. Since Irelia will be your third member of Ionia and sixth challenger, she is a must for this competition.
6 Noxus
2 Challenger
2 Juggernaut
2 Rogue
2 Zaun
The main damage dealers in this comp are Katarina and Darius.
This comp revolves around 1-2 expensive champions, so to ensure you have enough copies, you should quickly reroll to level 6 with strong economy.
Optimal group for this build:
1. As she possesses both Noxus and rogue traits, Katarina serves as the primary damage dealer.
2. Darius, a tank with the Juggernaut and Noxus traits active, is the second damage dealer on the front lines.
3. Samira would be a fantastic choice because she possesses both challenger and Noxus traits and will deal a ton of damage in the opening rounds.
4. Warwick is necessary because he will share the Zaun trait with Ekko, the Challenger trait with Samira, the Juggernaut trait with Darius, and the Challenger trait with Zaun.
5. Swain, a Noxus, will take good damage while fighting on the front lines.
6. Your second Zaun member and second Rogue, Ekko, has been transformed into assassins by Katarina.
7. Cassiopia is your fifth member of the Noxus.
8. Your massive Noxus tank in the front lines is Sion.
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