The Void is energy in which your Amp is the lens, channeling the power of raw Voidstuff through this mysterious piece of equipment that looks like you tore off some Sentient bits (or in some cases, Corpus MOAs) and slapped it onto your wrist.
Like choosing the glass for casting light through a magnifier, the output of your Amp depends on the pieces you choose for it. This article will help guide you for what kind of Amp you want to build, whether it’s for tearing apart Eidolons or cruising the Starchart.
1. Hunting down Eidolons (Teralyst, Gantulyst, and Hydrolyst)
Amp 222 & 223/227
- Amp 22X (Shwaak, Shraksun) is a weapon that has been atop the meta since hunting Eidolons became a reality in Warframe. Perfect for stripping the shields off of lumbering hulks with its widespread, shotgun-like firing and general ease of accessibility.
- The Shwaak Prism and Shraksun Scaffold are commonly used in combination with the Juttni Brace, Lohrin Brace, and Certus Brace. (222, 223, and 227 respectively).
- The Lohrin Brace (12% crit and status) and Certus Brace (20% crit) share similar stats, though Certus is preferred when accessible, as the status effect from Void damage is a bullet attractor, which many players find useless. However, Lohrin requires Observer (Rank 2 in The Quills) whereas Certus requires Instrument (Rank 4 in Vox Solaris), thus making Lohrin far more accessible.
- The Juttni Brace however, has a -1 second Amp recharge delay, allowing you to fire more often.
- Knowing the difference between Amps 222 and 223/227, it is down to personal preference - more damage vs better firing rate.
2. Hunting down Vomvalysts (Planes of Eidolon)
Amp 232
- For cleaning up Vomvalysts (the little roaming, ever judging flying box shaped faces) for farming or aiding in capture for your lumbering Eidolon made of lumber, 232 (Shwaak, Klebrik, and Juttni) is your go to Amp.
- While the default Amp is more than enough to deal with Vomvalysts, Amp 232 provides an easier method of capturing as the Klebrik ‘attaches’ onto units and delivers all of your damage onto them.
- With this Amp, you are essentially Ghost Busting these things, which is both satisfying and much easier on your hands.
3. Sentients & Shadow Stalker (Spoilers. Whoops)
Amp X13/X17
- If you’re here chances are you already know what these are. If not, then, what are you doing? How did you get here?
- Either way, defeating Hunhow’s shadow has never been easier (sadly), and Sentients themselves can be sent to the Void with a X13 or X17 Amp (essentially, any Amp with the Pencha Scaffold). Charged shots with the Pencha can easily chase away any pesky Stalkers sneaking snapshots of you and your buds with anywhere between 3-5 shots.
- Sentients such as Mimics and Battalysts will at most take 5 fully charged shots themselves, which can be easily accomplished with a cheeky hidden Operator Skyrim crouching nearby. It’s quite energy safe, given it’s slow recharge, so it’s doubtful that you’ll run out while fighting your floating machines from Tau.
- It’s availability makes it quite easy for newer players to obtain as well.
4. Surfing the Starchart (Grineer, Corpus, & Infested)
Amp 627
- Here’s where things get rather tricky.
- Using the Amp for Starchart is...not the best strategy. Amps deal Void damage, which is alright (only alright???) against Sentients because they can’t adapt to it. Against everything else? Every Grineer unit will receive less damage against the Void, and fossilized Infested as well. On top of that, their armor will also be helping negate that damage further.
- However, if you’re looking for a challenge or just feel like pitting your small chair child against hordes of Capitalist cultists, technocyte virus flesh masses, and the chittering of thousands of bipedal killdroids, then this is the Amp for you.
- Amp 627 (Lega, Shraksun, Certus). A true testament to delivering the raw power of the Void against your pitiful foes (unless they’re armored). The Lega is a flamethrower-like Prism that will melt down unarmored targets such as Chargers and Crewmen in seconds, which are quite prevalent and conveniently in large groups.
- The Shraksun is more of a personal preference, but it will help push enemies who get too close away from you, such as a swarm of Infested.
5. Best for Pure Damage
Amp 227 + Virtuos Fury
- The 227 returns with a vengeance! But, I hear you ask, “Didn’t you already mention the X27?” True, but in order to deal the most damage, Shwaak and Shraksun require a boost to go beyond the limits that’s quite out of range for most players. You see, both firing modes have a guaranteed chance of inflicting an Impact status effect. How is that relevant?
- The answer is simple: the Arcane Enhancement Virtuos Fury.
- With this Arcane Enhancement, it has a chance of increasing the damage of the Amp upon inflicting a status effect. Can you see where I’m going with this?
- As much as I’d love to include Pencha, as it has superior damage over the Shraksun, it simply doesn’t have the opportunity to hit as many targets outside of a line and thus carries with it a lower chance of inflicting statuses. Plus, you’d need to sacrifice crit damage for better status chance. Not a good trade.
6. Best for Siphoning Kuva
Amp 632
- Shooting at Kuva clouds really isn’t that much of a big deal if you’ve got a steady aim and aren’t falling asleep: you either hit it with your Void Dash, or smack it with your Amp’s beam.
- But! For those of you who either don’t want to admit you’re not a good shot (don’t tell anybody!) or if you do want to fall asleep at the keyboard while swarms of Kuva clouds race past you, then the following Amp will certainly help you out at the very least.
- Amp 632 is a simple beast for simple tasks. Like the ghost buster from the Vomvalyst Amp section, you’re going to want the Klebrik (3) for auto targeting the Kuva. Since Kuva isn’t exactly an enemy, you’re not going to need to wait very long.
- Really, you can put anything on this Amp, so long as it has the Klebrik. However, I don’t suggest you try to improve the damage, since it’s quite possible (and quite easy) to “kill” the cloud. Sure, it comes back almost immediately, but it’s still annoying. Hence, Lega is the hand holding you back from utterly obliterating that sweet essence.
7. Best Amp for Profit Taker
Amp 1XX
- The Mother Orb. The Profit Taker. You have to get pretty far with the Vox Solaris to even be able to take this giant four legged rhyming spider on, and it’s essentially invulnerable to all damage.
- That is, invulnerable to all damage except for the elemental conveniently displayed atop her forehead (yes, it’s a her). It only changes after taking a specific amount of damage from that element, but, if that’s inconvenient for you and your party, then using an Amp can easily change that.
- How? Easy. You need to shoot it with your Amp. Well, actually not easy, because getting close to this thing is easier said than done, but with Amp 1XX, you can use it’s long range capabilities to deal with this. Raplak (1) is both long range and a hitscan weapon, meaning that it will instantly hit what you’re pointing at.
- With this, you’ll be able to take advantage of openings against the boss much easier.
Helpful Schools to Amplify Your Amps
Need some extra firepower to enhance your suicide squad of Operators? The following schools can help give your chair bound characters some much needed buffing.
1. Madurai: Void Strike
- The description speaks for itself: “On leaving Void Mode, the next 1-8 (increasing by 1 for each rank) attacks deal 5% (5-12% for each rank) additional damage for every second spent cloaked”. While it may cost you additional energy being cloaked, what’s not like to about this?
- Extra damage is quite literally a click away! Hold crouch for a few moments, bam! More bang for your Void buck.
2. Unairu: Unairu Wisp
- Want to give your team-mates some love? Unairu Wisp allows you to have a 25% (increasing in intervals of 25% for each rank: 25-100%) chance to bring forth a Wisp that will allow you or your fellow Operators to gain:
- 20% damage (20-40-60-100% for each rank) for:
- 3 (3-6-9-12) seconds.
3. Zenurik: Energizing Dash
- This is for players who want to give both Warframes and Operators more chances of using Warframe abilities, Operator Void Abilities, and Amps more efficiently.
- By Void Dashing, you create a zone that allies can pass through for extra energy for 4 (4-4-5-5-6-8) seconds
- Where allies gain 3 (3-3-4-4-5-5) energy per second for:
- 10 (10-15-20-22-25-30) seconds.
- Essentially, you can easily help your squad sustain their damage rather than the other schools’ methods of increasing your damage. Also, it’s simply better for a general purpose build, as once again, using Operator mode is rarely done on the Starcharts, save for you particularly skilled players looking for a challenge.
I hope this guide helped all of you struggling Tenno trying to amp-lify your gameplay or simply find out what kind build you want to go for! Compiling this information was fun, but the Warframe universe is ever expansive in it’s changing meta!
What are your suggestions for Amps? What are your favorites? Any tips for new players, or wanting to add to this guide?
Please comment down below and share your knowledge, sages of the stars!
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