What are the best Archwings in Warframe and what purpose do they serve?
Archwings are used in Warframe to traverse environments that would be very difficult or impossible to do by foot. Some of these environments include space, open worlds, and underwater. They are required for certain missions in space, but also very useful for traveling around big areas when available.
There are currently only 5 archwings in Warframe. These archwings come with differing stats and offer different abilities that are very helpful in certain situations.
5. Odonata
Odonata, the first archwing.
The Odonata is the first archwing that players receive in the game. It is the starter archwing which comes with decent abilities to aid the player during combat. It is best used for disrupting and diverting enemy fire. It may also be used for defensive purposes, but is not the best when compared with other archwings.
Archwing stats:
Health: 300 (900 at max rank)
Shield: 300 (900 at max rank)
Armor: 100
Energy: 100 (180 at max rank)
Flight Speed: 1.00
How to get this Archwing:
Players must complete “The Archwing” quest.
How to do the quest and acquire your first archwing.
4. Odonata Prime
The primed version of the first archwing.
Odonata Prime is an upgraded version of the regular Odonata, featuring better base stats. It performs exactly the same as the normal version with the same abilities.
Archwing stats:
Health: 400 (1200 at max rank)
Shield: 400 (1200 at max rank)
Armor: 100
Energy: 100 (180 at max rank)
Flight Speed: 1.05
How to get this archwing:
Cracking void relics which contain parts of this archwing (Note: The void relics for this archwing are currently vaulted at the time of writing this.)
Alternatively, you may buy the parts off of other players for platinum.
3. Elytron
The explosive Elytron.
The Elytron is a durable archwing with offensive capabilities in the form of explosives. This is a really good archwing for those who want to deal Area of Effect damage with its explosives. Very useful for dealing with numerous enemies and crowd control.
Archwing stats:
Health: 450 (1350 at max rank)
Shield: 450 (1350 at max rank)
Armor: 150
Energy: 125 (225 at max rank)
Flight Speed: 0.90
How to get this archwing:
- The blueprint for the Elytron and all of its parts can be researched in the Tenno Lab of the Clan Dojo.
How to acquire the Elytron parts.
2. Itzal
The BL(ITZAL), the speediest archwing that can blitz the opposition.
One of the most useful archwings as it provides the most mobility out of all of them. The Itzal allows the players to blitz pass enemies as it is able to go invisible, teleport short distances, and unleash attack drones. It also comes with the ability to form black holes that pull both enemies and loot towards the user. This archwing is best used for quickly moving through large areas, minor crowd control, and looting purposes.
Archwing stats:
Health: 200 (600 at max rank)
Shield: 200 (600 at max rank)
Armor: 50
Energy: 200 (360 at max rank)
Flight Speed: 1.20
How to get this archwing:
The blueprint for the Itzal and all of its parts can be researched in the Tenno Lab of the Clan Dojo.
How to get these speedy pair of wings.
1. Amesha
The guardian angel, the Amesha.
The Amesha is a defensive archwing which does its job really well. It offers abilities that range from diverting enemy fire to healing allies. Its defensive abilities make it a very useful and easy archwing to use if survivability is a high priority. Additionally, it can make missions like Mobile Defense very easy as its abilities can defend objective points from enemy fire.
Archwing stats:
Health: 400 (1200 at max rank)
Shield: 200 (600 at max rank)
Armor: 200
Energy: 200 (360 at max rank)
Flight Speed: 1.10
How to get this archwing:
- The blueprint for the Amesha and all of its parts can be researched in the Tenno Lab of the Clan Dojo.
How to acquire the space guardian angel.
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