As if the movie wasnt enough, this game took it to a whole new level of scare, but is it work your time? Lets find out.
World War Z a multiplayer game you will either be addicted to or delete from your library. I have played this game for a long time, as an active player, this game gives you fast herds of zombies you can play with your friends, strangers and as a single-player.
Though it’s fun to be able to try out the different maps and fight for your life till the very end, the game has its faults. Its lack of options and story mode makes the game feel repetitive. But the upgrades you can get for your gun and skills make the game enjoyable to the point of addiction.
About World War Z
World War Z is a third-person shooter game. You get teamed up with the other players or bots to fight zombies and complete objectives to make it to the end.
You get the choice between 7 classes and gun loadouts to start the game. Each class gives you different perks and specializations. As in when you pick fixer you get to specialize in engineering and gunslinger you get range.
The game can give you 1,000 zombies at one time. And you get three different levels that you can play and complete.
The game was released on the 16th of April in 2019. It was published by Mad Dog Games. The game became popular, and people enjoyed the aspect of the game following the movie.
There is an average of 1,100 people playing within the last 30 days. And 546 active players right at this moment, giving you a great chance to find a match for your game.
By the end of 2019, over 2 million copies were sold. And 1 million copies within the first week of release.
The game was announced at the game awards in 2017 before it was released. The budget for this game has not been released. But the commercials for this game were done beautifully, creating a captivating trailer that caused us all to buy.
World War Z Story
The story of World War Z and why its such a smashing hit with its savage zombies.
Video owned by The RelaxingEnd, watch the walkthrough of this game and get a feel of the intesity the game throws at you like a football on sunday.
World War Z is a zombie-killing action game. Followings interesting stories and missions from around the world. This survival action game is based on the movie World War Z.
Each location has different stories, that you will follow to complete the location and objectives.
The game is made post-apocalypse. You must fight off thirsty zombies and protect your team and others within the game if needed.
The stories are interesting but lack any kind of update. It’s repetitive and seems a bit short when it comes to explaining the story in general.
If you are looking for a story like the Call of Duty campaign, you won’t get that here. The main focus is the combat and fighting for this game. The story itself could be done better within the aspect of a compelling story throughout.
World War Z Gameplay
World War Z has some of the best gameplay, you wont be dissapointed while you are being demolished by raging zombies, now thats living.
Video owned by jackfrags, do you have what it takes to stand against the mighty zombies?
When it comes to the characters, you have a list you can pick from. You don’t get to create it like an IMVU game.
You get what you get, and you can’t throw a fit. There are a decent number of options. So, you won’t feel annoyed with the limited 2 characters to pick from.
There are 7 classes within the game. Gunslinger who specializes in range. Fixer which specializes in engineering.
Hellraiser which specializes in explosives. Exterminator who specializes in crowd control. Dronemaster specializes in offensive and defensive drones.
Slasher which specializes in melee. Medi which specializes in healing.
You can expect to kill zombies throughout the game, protect your partners and heal them if needed and find new weapons and defense material to protect you are. You will find your classes upgrading as you play.
The more you use your class the better your weapon will become and the easier the zombies will fall like rain. Everything takes time to become the zombie exterminator you are meant to be.
The maps are decently big, you will follow the map to the designed location the game wants you to go to. You don’t get lost within where you need to be, but you do have a lot of space within the game to search around for new weapons and material.
You won’t find any other players but your team within these maps, but again, you will get zombies and lots of them. You will never feel bored within the game itself, because of the high zombie count and fast-paced gameplay.
This game could be fixed up by giving a bigger map and more of a story mode. It lacks within the aspect of being able to try something new. This game is replayable though.
You can try new levels and become stronger within your class or classes by playing your weekly and daily objectives. The harder the level the harder it is to take down a zombie.
World War Z Combat
Video owned by MovieWatcher159, if you are a fan of fast paced story modes this game will be up your alley.
The maximum level for this game is 999. Gives you a lot of gaming time before reaching that final stage.
To be able to grow your characters, you have to play the game. You have to use that character to be able to upgrade them.
But once you do, you will be able to increase their abilities, the effectiveness of their convent against the zombies. You will start with abilities and effectiveness from the start, but as you play those will grow to help you stand against the herds.
Once you start unlocking perks by leveling up, you will get the ability to use those perks to upgrade an ability the character has. You will then have to purchase the ability by going to the class customization.
There are a variety of weapons within this game. You get your primary and secondary weapon based on which class you pick. There are three tiers for the weapons. And tier three is going to be the strongest.
There are scout rifles, combat SMGs, shotguns, pistols, melee, assault rifles,bullups, RPG launchers, and more. Depending on the tier will depend on how much damage your gun will do and the specs about it.
PvE and PvP are both great with combat. You can work well with the bots and the team with the classes and weapons available.
The visuals are beautiful, clear, and intriguing. It can be overwhelming but in the best way possible. It keeps your eyes and minds busy on the next step ahead.
World War Z Quest/Mission System
This game lacks a bit of adventure, though the objectives and missions within the game help carry it along. While in the cities, you will be met with hurdles that stop you from reaching your goals.
Whether it’s you have to protect someone while they fix something, stop a herd from taking over a train or find the fuel for a boat so you can float off. You have to find a way through the hurdle to get to the end.
There are not many places you can just visit within these maps. Everything is set up to keep you moving throughout the game. There is no time to sit and look at the stars. You are on go speed the whole time.
World War Z Graphics
World War Z does not dissapoint with their creept zombies and clear visuals. Do not play at night, the zombies do not dissapoint on the scare factor.
The graphics are done well within this story. The zombies are fast and clear on the screen. Though they lack some updated features within the game when it comes to the zombies, you still get a great feel and scare when it comes to the graphics.
The combat is great and I enjoy the way they set up the visuals for this game but be careful of the lagging. There are moments you will feel one step behind and will die in minutes due to the high rate of zombies.
Everything looks realistic and modern, you never feel like the game is outdated. I was thoroughly impressed with the look of the graphics, it reminded me of Call of Duty 4 zombies.
World War Z Developer
The developer Saber Interactive took s great amount of time creating this game.He nailed it on the concept of matching the movie and created a great shooter game with fast zombies.
The game is a bit buggy; you may have to go into settings and switch up some things so that your screen and weapon aim where you want it to. The game will lag and become a bit slow while in high pressured moments.
The developer has been on top of anything the players have suggested. Make sure he creates updates that will give a smooth and enjoyable play for every platform. Though some things haven’t changed, you can tell he is actively working on things to fix the wrongs.
The developer uses his Twitter to engage and announce fixes. He recently updated in October and added notes to show his players what he has done. Which we all appreciate a developer who shows his audience the changes he’s made.
World War Z Price
The price of this game is 39 dollars unless you can find it within a sale. The game is on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo switch.
Most purchases for this game will be done outside of the game within your gaming store, but you can buy more maps for a bundle price if you would like.
Catch me cartwheeling across your screen as Lara Croft. Nintendo made me, but Xbox saves me. Fighting my way through the Call Of Duty, I found my true passion for gaming and writing.
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