11. Darkest Dungeon
Darkest Dungeon gameplay video.
Four adventurers live for the thrill of finding gold and riches in some of the land’s deepest and darkest dungeons. But dungeon-crawling comes at a price. Your health, your sanity, and your life are always in constant danger.
Darkest Dungeon was released in early access on February 3, 2015 and should be fully released in 2016, but it is in pretty good shape at this point. It is a single player, dark fantasy, turn-based combat game that has 13 hero classes and 4 dungeon environments. In this side-scrolling dungeon crawler you will have a party of four heroes that must delve into the deepest, darkest dungeons to battle forces of evil.
It’s not just about battling and dungeoning however. The deeper you go into dungeon, the more stress it puts on your characters, and they become affected by it. If they become too stressed or too close to death, they will begin to act irrationally and usually negatively.
Afflictions such as paranoia, masochism, and fearful are just a couple of the types of mental health stresses your character may face. This is why keeping them comfortable, healthy, and happy is important.
We’ve lost a friend, but we must keep going!
With 13 classes to choose from, you will find yourself mixing and matching to put together the best party possible. Classes like Abomination, Hellion, Man-At-Arms, Crusader, and Plague Doctor are just a few of the playable classes currently available.
I picked up a copy of this game recently and find it enjoyable and challenging. I’ve died A LOT. In fact, it seems like death is typical in this game. If you enjoy challenging dark fantasy games, then give Darkest Dungeon a try.
Who will you choose to fight the darkest creatures in the dungeon?
10. Ori and the Blind Forest
Ori and the Blind Forest gameplay
A catastrophic event has left Ori as an orphan and has put the forest in which he lives in danger. He must now embark on a quest to save the forest with a friend at his side.
The game is a single-player 2D platformer action game with striking visuals and beautiful soundtrack. From the beginning you play as Ori, a white guardian spirit. He pairs up with Sein, the light and eyes of the forest’s Spirit Tree.
After the forest has been the victim of a disastrous event, a near death Ori finds himself at the Spirit Tree, which saves his life. Spirit Tree’s light and eyes, Sein, finds Ori and guides him on his adventure.
To save the forest, Sein and Ori must restore three elements to the forest: Water, Winds, and Warmth. On their adventure they make friends and foes while saving the life of the forest.
Ori and the Blind Forest has some amazing reviews. In fact, nearly everything I read was positive. When I come across a game like that, I know I have to play it.
A prickly adventure.
9. Warhammer: End Times-Vermintide
Warhammer: End Times-Vermintide gameplay
In a post-apocalyptic world, a band of heroes must come together and fight against the vermin horde that are wreaking havoc upon the lands.
If you have ever wanted to exterminate vermin, then Warhammer: End Times-Vermintide might just be the game for you. Set in the Warhammer universe, this first person shooter is co-op and multiplayer.
As a hero in Warhammer you can choose to be the Witch Hunter, Dwarf Ranger, Empire Soldier, Waywatcher, or Bright Wizard. Each hero has their own set of skills and with them you will be put up against the Skaven, who are a rodent-like race of creatures.
In order to progress, you must fight off waves of these enemies. At the end of each level, you gain experience and loot so that you can unlock better weapons.
Getting up close and personal.
8. Darks Souls II
Dark Souls II: Gameplay Trailer
Inflicted with a curse that never allows him to truly die, a haunted hero must find a way to break the curse that tortures him.
The protagonist is an undead human and he is cursed with always resurrecting after death. He finds his way to Drangleic, where he speaks with Emerald Herald and is tasked with a quest that will begin the path to breaking the curse.
His quest is to acquire four Great Souls. To do this, he has to battle powerful undead. This is only the beginning to a complicated series of tasks that he is required to complete.
Dark Souls II is a story with twists and turns within in the plot that will keep you engaged until the very end.
Enemies will not stand in his way!
7. Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
User created gameplay video that shows and explains new features in Heavensward.
The Warrior of Light has escaped the grasp of the Syndicate and is forced to take refuge in Ishagard. A new journey awaits here where dragons and man have been at war for more than a thousand years.
An MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward is the first game expansion to the original game named A Realm Reborn. In it you take on the role of an adventurer that must now fight to stop a raging war between man and dragons.
Played in third person point of view, you take on the role of an adventure and have several classes to choose from. New to this expansion are three new hero classes: Dark Knight, Machinist, and Astrologian. The classes are independent from those of A Realm Reborn, abd you must have a previously made character who has completed A Realm Reborn storyline.
I played FFXIV in early 2015 and then picked it up again after the expansion. One of my favorite aspects of this game is the dungeons. There are many dungeons both required and optional that made this game a challenge for me.
Then there are the Primals, which are single boss encounters that offer up a tough fight, especially their extreme mode versions. Can you imagine fighting a horde of Moogles? I have, and it’s as terrifying as it is fun.
If you’ve never given FFXIV a chance, but are looking for a new MMO to play, I definitely recommend it. You’ll have to start from its roots, A Realm Reborn before marching into the Heavensward expansion, but it is worth it, even just for the story.
A battle is more than strength and magic; it takes wits as well.
6. Trine 3
Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power trailer
No longer content with the powers they possess, three heroes decide that it is time to return them to Trine, the Artifact that holds their powers. In the process they make a huge mistake that results in the escape of an ancient sorcerer. With each other’s help, they must undo the damage they have brought upon themselves and the world around them.
Trine 3 is a 3D platformer game that is both visually pleasing and challenging. You take on the roles of heroes from previous games, Pontius the Knight, Zoya the Thief, and Amadeus the Wizard. As these heroes, you solve puzzles and adventures that are full of action.
Trine 3 is the third installment in the series. It also has local and online co-op that allows up to three players.
Together we will prevail!
5. Mordheim: City of the Damned
Mordheim: City of the Damned campaign trailer
Bloody war ravages the streets of Mordheim after a twin tailed comet has crashed into the streets. The stone it left behind is now a treasured piece, and there isn’t anyone who won’t fight to the death to get their hands on a piece of it.
Choose your side.
You must pick a Warband, such as the Skaven, Reikland Mercenaries, Cult of the Possessed, or Sisters of Sigar. Each Warband has their own unique story, along with strengths and weaknesses. This is who you will take into battle to get your hands on Wyrdstone.
Control your troops.
Explore the map to discover treasure. Ambush and defeat enemies. Hire new mercenaries and equip better gear. You make the calls.
Mordheim: City of the Damned is a recently released adaptation based on the tabletop game of Mordheim, which is part of the Warhammer World. It is a turn-based tactical game that combines RPG elements with combat and unit customization.
The winner gets to keep the gold.
4. Minecraft: Story Mode
Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1 play through
A terror has been unleashed upon the world and Jesse and his friends are the only ones who can stop it.
Minecraft Story Mode is a point-and-click adventure game from Telltale games.
The protagonist, Jesse, and his friends go to the Endercon Building Competition. While there a catastrophe occurs, which results in Jesse and his friends taking on a quest to find “The Order of the Stone,” a group of fighters from a legend.
You will have the choice to make decisions, and those decisions are remembered by other people in the game. You also have to collect items and solve puzzles to progress in the storyline as well. Elements of building will be also be part of the game.
Part of an episodic series and also on my list of “To Play” games, Minecraft: Story Mode is a fun take on the traditional Minecraft with a story to follow.
Saving the world with friends!
3. Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt
Witcher 3 Official gameplay trailer
The Wild Hunt is on your tail as you search for the Child of Prophecy. She is a weapon that everyone wants to control. The fate of the world lies in your hands.
The third story in the Witcher series puts you in the shoes of Geralt, the protagonist from the other games in the series. Geralt is a Witcher, stronger than a mortal man, and trained from a very young age to fight and kill monsters. It’s who he is and what he does.
Your quest is to find and save the Child of Prophecy. In an open world setting, you choose your path through the choices you make and the consequences of the choices. You will fight monsters, make allies and enemies, and explore the vast regions of the world.
Will you find the Child of Prophecy in time to save the world?
A worthy opponent for a game of chicken.
2. Pillars of Eternity
Pillars of Eternity gameplay teaser
Upon arriving in a town called Dyrwood, a hero finds that it is cursed by a plague where children are born without souls. Wanting to help the citizens find the truth, he sets out to find the last survivor of an order of gods and uncover the secrets of the Hollowborn Plague.
Pillars of Eternity first gives players the option of customizing their own character. After you have done this, you begin your journey.
Before you arrive in Dyrwood, you are on a path to the town when your caravan is attacked. You hide, but witness a ritual on the rest of the caravan where their souls are taken. Witnessing this made you a Watcher, a person who can read souls.
When you are safe, you finish the rest of your journey to the nearest town. When you arrive in Dyrwood, you discover that the town’s children are being born without souls, something the townspeople call the Hollowborn Plague.
The group of people being accused of this are called animancers. They are known for manipulating souls, so they are easily blamed for the curse.
However, the animancers claim their innocence and you begin to investigate, soon realizing that there is certainly more to the story. Thus begins your quest to uncover the truth of the Hollowborn Plague.
This game has many elements of a fantasy RPG. You can choose your class: Barbarian, Chanter, Cipher, Priest, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, or Wizard. You can choose your race: Aumaua, Dwarf, Elf, Godlike, Human, or Orlan.
You fight with a party of companions that you meet while exploring the world. Beware, if they die, they are gone forever. But you can also create new recruits to hire as well, so it’s not the end of the world.
The game also has a variety of difficulty modes, based on your experience with real-time party based RPGS. You can go easy, if you have little to no experience, all the way up to the Path of the Damned.
Who will you choose and what path will you forge?
Dragons make worthy foes.
1. Heroes of the Storm
Heroes of the Storm Natus Vincere vs. Team Dignitas World Championship 2015
Placed on the battleground, you and your team must defeat the enemy core before they defeat yours. Will you succeed or will they?
I’d like to first start off by saying, I wasn’t a fan of MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). But then Heroes of the Storm came out, and while I was hesitant, I found that I LOVED it.
Heroes of the Storm is a MOBA created by Blizzard, the same developers who have brought gamers World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, and Diablo 3. Those are three games I enjoy, so when Heroes launched, I decided that I needed to try that as well.
It’s an online 5 versus 5 game, similar to other MOBAs like League of Legends and Smite. The goal is to defeat your opposing team, by destroying their core.
One thing that I noticed that differs in Heroes from League especially is the use of “items” is non-existent. Your choice of skills is what makes your hero strong, not weapons, armor, and potions. Some love this feature and others don’t.
Another thing that I like about this game is that each map has a set of objectives. One map you may have to capture towers that destroy their core. Another one has you fighting to be the first to get a curse that will disable the other teams’ towers.
The objectives are key in matches. If you fail to complete them, then you will likely lose.
Each Tuesday, heroes rotate and become free, giving you a chance to try new ones.
The game is free to play; all you need is a Blizzard account. If you’re wary of MOBAs like I was, give this one a try.
These are just a few of the great fantasy games to play out there. Check out some of the articles below to find more great games with fantasy themes.
11 Best Medieval War Games to Play in 2015
11 Best Fantasy War Games to Play in 2015
10 Best PC Games We Fantasize About Being In
The Secret World Review and Gameplay
Bless Online: 10 Interesting Facts About This Awesome MMORPG