Here is a list of best PC games to play in 2015 and 2016
Whether you're an avid PC gamer or a newbie, there's always been one challenge that has plagued our kind throughout the ages. “Oh mighty vidya box, with your internal machinations of 60 frame-per-second beauty and your processing speeds of infinity and beyond, what, dare I ask, do I play on you?!” Readers, here you will see an absurdly large catalog of games ripe for the playing, all of which can be at your fingertips at a moment's notice... Depending on how fast your download speed is, anyway.
121. Sid Meier's Pirates (2004; 1987)
Yes, you can take the gold. No, it won't turn you Undead.
Developer: 2k Games (remake); MicroProse (Original)
Genre: Action Adventure / Strategy
Theme: Make your way in the world as a pirate.
Sid Meier's Pirates is centered around a young boy whose family is enslaved by a greedy Marquis. The boy becomes a pirate in order to take revenge, and becomes a pirate captain in the process. You can track down other pirates, which you can challenge for treasure, upgrade your very own ship, and eventually manage your own fleet!
Those sails look like swiss cheese...
This game probably appeals more to ages 14 to late 20's. Many players have probably also played the first iteration of the game, happy to have found a remake that captures all the awesome stuff about the first one. This game gives players tons of cool stuff to do.
Fighting other pirates, courting the beautiful daughters of governors, and managing a personal pirate fleet are only a few items on the list. Add to it the personalization of the character and ships, and you've got a game worth being on the list of 121 PC Games To Play in 2015!
120. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (2005)
Someone likes to play with their food...
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: Action (Stealth)
Theme: Black-ops agent assassinates the bad guy.
Break some necks in this awesome installment in the Splinter Cell series. You take on the role of Sam Fisher, a black-ops quick-thinking agent who infiltrates foreign countries in the name of national defense. Make your way through various stages, past (or through) the guards, and to your objective using a variety of Sam Fisher's skills and badass gadgetry that'd make James Bond into an avid gamer.
Don't mind me... Just keep playing Galiga...
This game appeals to anyone who loves stealth games and military / political storilines. If you're into Metal Gear Solid, try this on for size. It's chock-full of deadly missions, unique weapons and gadgets, tons of paths to choose from, and gorgeous visuals that make this game an immersive world full of challenge and freedom.
119. Battlefield Hardline (2015)
Miami Vice ain't got nothin' on these guys.
Developer: Visceral Games
Genre: FPS
Theme: Police vs Criminals
Visit sunny Miami, caught up in a drug war. Go through drug busts and gunfights in this story of cops vs cartel. Find the weapons that work best for you and get your crosshairs lined up, because you're about to put your headshot abilities to the test.
Looks like a great spot to watch the hills burn.
Battlefield Hardline offers several game modes, such as Heist, Blood Money, Hotwire Mode, Rescue, and Crosshair. The game also offers an interesting perspective: the eyes of law enforcement as they face down drug organizations. You can team up with other players for a common end, or fight against other players to win.
118. The Sims 4 (2014)
Oh god, now they have lives in their hands...
Developer: Maxis, The Sims Studio
Genre: Sim
Theme: Live life
Imagine controlling an average family's everyday life. You take care of them when they're hungry, you tell them to bathe, they can go swimming, get married, graduate college, and even die. That's what the Sims is all about. You can design their house, tell them what to do and when to do it, and watch their lives unfold at your convenience.
I like to think about myself while eating cereal too.
This is a good fit for anyone looking for something fun and relaxing to play. There's really not a competitive way to play this, aside from being a stickler about the entire family's happiness rating, but it's a really nice experience. It's earned its spot as one of the oldest running game series of all time, and it's definitely earned its spot on the list.
117. Alien: Isolation (2014)
Rule of thumb: Don't scream. It gets you found.
Developer: The Creative Assembly
Genre: Survival Horror
Theme: Aliens vs humans
Relive the suspense of the Alien movies in this survival horror adaptation! You play as Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, and must escape from one of the monsters from the hit movie Alien onboard a giant space ship floating out somewhere in space.
That's probably the most dramatic screenshot I've ever seen. Damn, it looks good.
This game makes you powerless against the alien threat, so there isn't a way for you to attack it. Instead, you'll have to rely on your wiles and stealth to escape the clutches of the monster and run away with your life intact. Alien: Isolation offers an atmosphere that keeps you panicking and the ship you're on is designed extremely well to freak you out whenever the opportunity arises.
Horror fans and sci-fi fans would definitely get a thrill out of this game.
116. Wakfu (2012)
Developer: Ankama Games
Genre: MMORPG, Strategy
Theme: Defeat Ogrest
Wakfu is a stylized top-down isometric MMO. You pick one of several races, which doubles as your class, then you must master your skill set to its fullest extent to survive and reach Ogrest, a monster of epic proportions who is the cause of all disaster in the world.
Item trades are really the only way to obtain items aside from drops.
First, the classes of the game are extremely unique in their implementation. While there are parallels between the classes in Wakfu and the staple classes of every RPG, there are at least three ways to play each class, and each has its own skill set.
In addition, the world is entirely changeable by players. Players can even be put in charge of continents, enacting a tax on others or changing the environment. You can find a profession and utilize it to your advantage, as the entire economy is player-run!
115. Ultra Street Fighter 4 (2009)
In real life, a kick to the face tends to end most fights in one round.
Developer: Dimps, Capcom
Genre: Fighting
Theme: Beat the opponent
Street Fighter is a classic franchise and everyone knows it. The plot of the game is set between Street Fighters 2 and 3, after M. Bison survives his meeting with Akuma.
The S.I.N. Corporation wants to complete their BLECE project, and this tournament is an excuse to lure Ryu to them and gain the last piece of data necessary for BLECE.
Crush THAT like sparrow's egg between your thighs!
Ultra Street Fighter 4 adds several new characters and stages, many more compared to the arcade versions. It's a lot of fun, so if you're a fan of the series or just love fighting games, take a look at this one for yourself.
114. The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (2006)
The Shivering Isles is totally worth springing for.
Developer: Bethesda
Genre: RPG
Theme: Save the world
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion captivated many a player before Skyrim came out. The player is a prison escapee who witnesses the assassination of the Emperor. You then journey to find his last living heir and shut down hell gates, through which daedric demons invade the world of mortals.
“Welcome to Oblivion! I'm Glen and I'll be your guide to the Land of the Damned!”
Oblivion has tons of quests, which is something that really comes standard in a Bethesda game at this point. There's also massive amounts of equipment to find, armies worth of enemies to defeat, and miles of land to explore. With the added story concerning the invasion of Mehrunes Dagon, the game goes an extra mile by presenting conquerable dungeons in the form of Oblivion gates, entryways into the realm of Dagon himself and monstrously deadly.
113. Total War: Shogun 2 (2011)
Choose your clan and battle for control of Japan.
Developer: The Creative Assembly
Genre: Strategy
Theme: Historical Warring
Total War: Shogun 2 places the limelight away from European conflicts and moves to Japan. Keep a watchful eye on your civilization as it grows into what you make of it.
Giant archers?! Oh god why!
You can choose from nine major provinces, each inhabitable by a different clan. Weather and climate can change the way the battlefield works and can mean the difference between victory and defeat, and you can participate in multiplayer battles with up to eight players! This is great for the strategist looking for something in the vein of Total War.
112. Xcom: Enemy Unknown (2012)
Shoot them before they can phone home.
Developer: Firaxis Games
Genre: Strategy
Theme: Humans vs Aliens
Xcom: Enemy Unknown gives players a gripping story about humanity fighting alien invaders as well as a great strategic experience. You are put in charge of Xcom, a special unit whose purpose is to combat the invading aliens with the greatest weapons humanity has to offer. So make good tactical use of your men and save Earth from alien destruction.
Oh look, it's raining alien.
The game offers more than one type of strategic gameplay. During missions, the player needs to decide which course of action to take, obviously, but another aspect of strategy is seen between missions. Players are to manage construction, manufacturing, and research projects as well as managing defenses against alien attacks worldwide.
Players can also see a memorial wall of fallen soldiers. It's a really immersive experience and anyone interested in a new strategy game will doubtlessly have a great time with Xcom: Enemy Unknown.
111. DC Universe Online (2011)
Be the Batman, or beat the Batman.
Developer: Daybreak Game Company
Theme: Become a super hero
The DC universe is overloaded with supervillains. I guess the Justice League finally realized they needed reinforcements, because now YOU get to be a hero, and fight back against the infamous rogue's galleries of DC's array of heroes. Or, if you'd like, add yourself to one of those galleries and whoop some hero butt.
Yes, you can be a Red Lantern.
The game offers quite a bit of variety as far as powers go. Some have to be unlocked through payment or DLC purchase but the game itself is free-to-play. You can customize a hero or villain to look the way you want, change the color scheme, and choose their power set.
Then you're off to fight baddies in huge maps and tons of quests. There's also some player housing you can get in on. If you're a fan of the DC comic book universe or simply an MMO fan, this would be fun for you.
110. Minecraft (2011)
Minecraft really is a place of endless possibilities. Except for round things.
Developer: Mojang
Genre: Sandbox, Survival
Theme: Don't die.
Minecraft simply drops the player in a procedurally generated world and leaves you to your own devices. Generally what you want to do is make an axe or pickaxe. Then, you work on carving out a hole somewhere to survive the first night.
Once you've got a good thing going, you can pretty easily start mining for better ores, meaning better stuff, including weapons, tools, armor, etc. It's not the kind of game you can “win” but it's still really entertaining.
Honey, our new neighbors want to see the house!
Minecraft has a fantastic modding community. When you're bored with vanilla minecraft, you have the option of adding tons of new materials and craftable items so there's always more to do in one way or another. Some mods can even add a story or new lore to the game.
Minecraft is the quintessential sandbox, so if you enjoy building things and going from having nothing to having everything, Minecraft is a fantastic fit. Just be careful. For the night is dark, and full of terrors... Y'know, as long as you're not playing on Peaceful.
109. GTA IV (2008)
Perhaps here, things will be different.
Developer: Rockstar North
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Be a criminal
Grand Theft Auto 4 gives you control of Niko Bellic, an Eastern European man recently disillusioned with the American Dream by his cousin Roman's state of living. Niko goes through a number of hardships for Roman, including killing his loan shark. He then meets a number of people who want others dead, and must decide which alliances to honor, and which to throw away in order to survive.
This is what happens when you get caught stealing doughnuts.
This iteration of Grand Theft Auto features a great story as well as a multiplayer mode. You gain access to tons of weapons to play with as well as numerous cars to tear up the city. If you're a fan of GTA, this is for you.
108. Deus Ex: Human Revolution (2011)
Developer: Eidos, Nixxes Software
Genre: Action Adventure, FPS
Theme: Cyborgs vs Humanity and the questions therein
You play as Adam Jensen, the security manager at a company called Sarif Industrie. After a terrorist attack, Adam is injured, and given the Six Million Dollar Man treatment. He then has to deal with the politics of being a cybernetically enhanced human as well as find the terrorists and their motives for attacking.
Detroit doesn't seem to have changed much.
It gives players many ways to go about completing missions and has huge environments to play in. The story is also not afraid to tackle some really interesting questions about humanity versus machinery. If you like games with really in-depth story that isn't afraid to be intelligent, then you definitely want to pick this up.
Just as well, the gameplay is pretty expansive too, as you get a lot of different upgrades to choose from for your character and you can choose how to go about completing stages. So if stealth shooters are your speed, I'd recommend this to you as well.
107. Borderlands 2 (2012)
Be all the psycho you can be!
Developer: Gearbox Software
Genre: FPS, RPG
Theme: Be a badass
If you're ready to become the treasure hunter with the baddest ass in all the land, you need to start up Borderlands 2. Play as one of four (six counting DLC) characters who seek the Vault, a huge treasure trove of guns! Rub Handsome Jack's face in the dirt when you thwart his plans! There's plenty for you do do in Borderlands 2!
Out in the desert for a Sunday drive!
Borderlands 2 stars you as one of several heroes. You spec out your skill tree as you blow away presumably cannibalistic psychopaths with your mighty boom-stick, that you may or may not have found in a pile of alien dog doo.
There's a pretty fun story here, with Handsome Jack, a hunter turned douchebag, as your main insulting villain. His goal is to unlock the Vault and use it for his own ends. This game also has co-op multiplayer, so if adventuring alone sounds daunting to you, you can go with a friend and liven things up.
106. Dirt 3 (2011)
Developer: Codemasters
Genre: Racing
Theme: Finish First
Race in various types of events as you try to gain reputation points, which helps you earn the attention of sponsors who, in turn, give you more vehicles. There are also several party modes, which involve doing all manner of crazy things, including (but not limited to) spreading zombie plague, for example.
A Rockstar car, well done.
If you're looking for a racing game with some fun weird stuff involved, check out Dirt 3. That goes double for any racing genre lovers out there. There are some really great car designs, the handling and overall gameplay is pretty strong, and the party modes are so much fun.
105. Portal 2 (2011)
It's hard to over-state my satisfaction.
Developer: Valve Corporation
Genre: FPS, Puzzler
Theme: Do testing (for science!)
Back to the lab again with GlaDOS and her sadistic tests! Play as Chell as she takes on numerous challenges set forth for her by the most snarky robot you've ever met and make creative use of your Portal Gun to make it to the end alive.
Doing science together!
Portal 2 offers a strong single player campaign as well as, for the first time ever, multiplayer. You can play as one of two robots who are sent by GlaDOS to do more testing. Uncover some interesting information from Aperture Lab's own Cave Johnson. Just try not to bring lemons up around him (they don't get along well together).
104. Portal (2007)
It's for the good of all of us... Except the ones who are dead.
Developer: Valve Corporation
Genre: FPS, Puzzle
Theme: Get your cake
Portal is a game known and loved by all. Play as Chell, a young woman trapped in a rat-maze for humans who must “test” for “science” at the behest of a snarky computer lady named GlaDOS. You must master the use of the Portal Gun, a gun that shoots, well, Portals.
We do what we must because we can.
This is a challenging puzzler with a really sharp wit to it. GlaDOS makes listening to insults fun and all the little sentry-bots scattered throughout are both adorable and deadly. There's a lot of character to the game itself, and that's a great thing.
103. Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne (2003)
You can even play the original DotA on Battle.net
Developer: Blizzard
Genre: RTS
Theme: Fantasy World War
Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and its expansion: The Frozen Throne were really strong RTS games in their time. Follow the story of Arthas, a young Paladin, who embarks on a journey to end the Scourge, demonic forces that are turning people into zombies. You must lead your army to victory in a variety of missions.
Yup, those are Undead alright.
Warcraft 3 was probably my favorite RTS back in the day. There were four playable races (as opposed to the usual 3) and the expansion added an entire new campaign as well as cool new units to the already vast library of stuff to mess around with. If any RTS lover hasn't at least tried this classic, they might want to reconsider their identities as RTS lovers.
Also, the world and lore mixed with the style of the game make for really interesting exploration. It even spawned an MMO.
102. Dark Souls (2011)
Developer: FromSoftware
Genre: RPG, Action Adventure
Theme: Try not to die
Dark Souls presents a challenge like no other. Play through an epic quest surrounding an undead, you, trying to cure yourself and regain your humanity. Face massive bosses as you face hordes of undead (not usually at the same time) and find the source of this Medieval zombie apocalypse so you can put it to an end.
Redefining rage one battle at a time.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to just be in a video game. Like, as a normal person with no powers? Because unless you like to play a spellcaster or praise the hell out of the sun, that's basically how Dark Souls is going to go for you.
All joking aside though, the lore and world are pretty interesting. There's a lot there and fighting massive demons as a relatively feeble character really makes things interesting. You also get to feel good about beating video games again.
101. Fallout: New Vegas (2010)
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Genre: RPG, FPS
Theme: Take Vegas back.
Fallout: New Vegas begins by putting players in the role of an unfortunate courier. It seems you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and were almost killed over it. Make your way through New Vegas and find the person who tried to take your life.
Drinking on the strip is illegal in Fallout: New Vegas.
Fallout is a strong series by now, and Vegas is the latest in the growing list of Fallout Games. New Vegas is a really cool place to explore, and the characters you deal with along the way have some pretty strong identities. There are of course special items to find in the wasteland, and always some fun to be had.
I suggest getting the Ultimate Edition, as it comes with some really fun DLC, my favorite being the one with the angry toaster. Give this a go if you love the Fallout or Elder Scrolls series.
100. Lord of the Rings: Online (2007)
I want to go listen to the OST of Lord of the Rings now.
Developer: Turbine, Inc.
Theme: Defeat the evil forces
Lord of the Rings has been a pretty hot franchise for a while. It was really only a matter of time until it got an MMO. Tolkein's mystical Middle Earth just screams to be an MMO setting.
Beware the trees...
If you're like me, you love the lore inherent in Lord of the Rings, as well as its expansive land of Middle Earth. While we get to see so much of it, we're also free to imagine pieces of it, dark corners where literally anything could be waiting for us.
There are seven classes total, and ten if you get the expansions. You can also be one of four races (Elf, Hobbit, Human, and Dwarf) and there's player housing as well as a music system that works similar to MIDI, and have actual concert-type events. This is a really immersive game that knows its universe and fan-base well. If you're a Lord of the Rings fan, don't be shy about starting this up!
99. Star Trek Online (2010)
Developer: Cryptic Studios
Genre: MMORPG, 3rd person Shooter
Theme: Be a space captain
Star Trek has been a popular franchise for years now. There have been other Star Trek games, but not an MMO, and its success has made it deserving of a spot on our list. Captain your own Star Fleet ship and get promoted up the ranks to boldly go where no one has ever gone before.
Time to boldly kick someone's ass.
Star Trek Online offers an interesting promotion system for character advancement. You obtain Skill Points which you put into skills on a skill tree and your entire crew benefits from it. By the way, you also get your own crew to command, as well as your own ship, and eventually a fleet.
98. Outlast (2013)
Welcome home...
Developer: Red Barrels
Genre:Survival Horror
Theme: Escape the Asylum
Outlast is a well-known horror survival game in the video game community. To date, it's one of the best selling horror games on Steam. You play a freelance journalist who got a hot tip about inhumane experimentation going on in an asylum. To survive, you have to dodge the crazy-ass inmates and keep out of sight so you can get your story and get out.
“Let's get this manicure over with.”
Outlast, being the horror house it is, is not something I'd recommend for younger audiences, but anyone who loves games where they're constantly under threat of death and unable to fight back would love this. The game does a great job with its bad guys. They have really interesting ambient conversations which give way to creepy little events that the player is made to draw conclusions about on their own.
Some of the rooms contain small stories told in the form of decoration. For example, imagine a padded room with bloody handprints trailing out of it and into a room containing a bloody chair with spikes on the end of the arm rests. That kind of thing really adds to the experience of any successful horror game.
97. Far Cry 3 (2012)
All that island's missing is a five-star hotel.
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: FPS
Theme: Modern day pirates vs pissed off teenager
You've just woken up in a cage. Some pirates (not the yohoho kind, the human trafficking kind) have caught you and your friends, and are going to sell you off somewhere because human trafficking is way too lucrative a business. So you escape with your sibling, and barely manage to get away while your sibling dies.
It is your job to save your friends, get revenge on the pirates, and most importantly, get the hell off this island.
Have fun splitting heads and admiring a gorgeous island environment! Also, the animals in the jungle are a strong aspect in the game. You can find ways to use them to your advantage but be careful, as you might end up getting ripped to shreds as well.
You use their pelts to make upgrades for yourself. Your abilities come in the form of a tribal arm-band tattoo as well, so that's cool. This is a great adventure FPS, so if that sounds like your thing, at least give it a try.
96. Dead Rising 2 (2010)
“If only you could see me now, Pa!”
Developer: Blue Castle Games
Genre: Survival Horror, Action Adventure
Theme: Survive the zombie apocalypse
Players take on the role of the zombie massacre master: Chuck Greene. Chuck needs money, and so he's found himself in a city that's basically a gigantic casino... Except he needs to kill zombies to win an insane reality game show where contestants are made to fight zombies and survive for money.
Welp, they've risen. Time to put them back down.
Dead Rising 2 is widely considered the best of the three Dead Rising games. It contains all the crazy craftable weapons (like the Dynameat, Paddlesaw, or the Hail Mary). Multiplayer is also present, and the players can meet up in-game to duke it out with zombies back to back.
95. Elite Dangerous (2014)
Remember to keep your targeting computers on at all times.
Developer: Frontier Developments
Genre: FPS
Theme: Space ship combat
Many people have dreamed of exploring the infinite vastness of space. With Elite Dangerous, you can get an experience that can alleviate those hunger pains for exploration. And in your own space-craft, too!
Wait, how did Stitch get into this game?
Elite Dangerous presents players with 400 billion star systems, and amount unprecedented as far as open world (or universe) space games are concerned. There are also tons of ships to pilot and several classes to choose from, so there's a range of different approaches to the game you can try, to see what you enjoy best! This is something that appeals to the space explorer in people, so give it a look if you're a space buff!
94. Diablo 2 (2000)
Genre: RPG, Action Adventure
Theme: Demons vs humans
Diablo 2 puts the player on track to destroy an unnamed warrior who has become corrupted by the spirit of Diablo. Now demons are allowed to enter the world, and they're of course doing devilish things to the good people of Sanctuary.
I have no idea what's going on here... But I dig it.
There are seven classes in this sequel, if you count the ones that come with the expansion. You'll go about your mission, learning how to intelligently utilize an array of items, weapons, and epic magical abilities. There's also the addition of the multiplayer.
93. Stronghold Crusader (2008)
Developer: Firefly Studios
Genre: RTS
Theme: Medieval warfare
This medieval strategy game takes players back to the time of the Crusades. Lay siege to Jerusalem, participate in the battle of Nicaea, and make the biggest, baddest castle you can!
Best. Sand castle. EVER.
This is something I would recommend to someone who loves medieval RTS or a history buff with a penchant for strategy. If you've played the first one, you'll recognize a few of the characters as well as some new comers. These characters differ in tactics and difficulty, so be careful when choosing an opponent.
92. Battlefield 4 (2013)
Aaaaand boom goes the dynamite.
Developer: EA Digital Illusions CE
Genre: FPS
Theme: Military combat
With awesome graphics, solid gameplay, and a multiplayer mode that's kept players coming back for more, it's not difficult to see why Battlefield 4 is an online hit. Figure out how to tactically use the map to gain an advantage over other players and make use of tons of weapons in the fourth installment of the series!
“Here comes the BOOM!”
The main thing that draws players to Battlefield 4 is the multiplayer. Sure, the game has its share of glitches, but the gameplay and design are still pretty solid. There are also three playable factions: China, the USA, and Russia.
The developers have also resurrected Commander Mode, which makes the game more strategic than most of the other games on the market. Pick this up if you like to compete with other players.
91. Payday 2 (2013)
Developer: Overkill Software, Starbreeze Studios
Genre: FPS
Theme: Rob banks
You're gonna be a bank robber. Payday 2 Puts players into the roles of big-time bank robbers and has you make the game live up to its title. So tell 'em to keep their heads down, don't let them be heroes, and make off with all their cash.
Not such a safe house anymore now is it?!
This is a game about pulling robberies. If you were looking for a game about several clowns turned business men, you should not have come here. These heists offer stealth options, for the most part, so just busting in with your gun in the air isn't something you have to do for every mission.
After completing the mission, you can choose from one of three cards called “Paydays.” These can be pretty much anything obtainable in the game, such as masks, weapon mods, experience boosts, etc. If you think this sounds interesting but want to hear more about it, check out our review.
90. Tribes: Ascend (2012)
Developer: Hi-Rez Studios
Theme: Faction vs faction
Tribes: Ascend is a free to play multiplayer FPS in which you choose a class loadout and join your faction against the enemy.
This picture is misleading, they're actually just on vacation.
There are a number of classes to choose from, and the player is given three to start with for free. They're the Juggernaut, Pathfinder, and Soldier. Each utilizes a different armor type, so there's something for you to test out from the beginning.
There are also vehicles included: the Grav Cycle, the Shrike, and the Beowulf. They're a bike, a plane, and a tank, respectively.
89. Mount and Blade Warband (2010)
Mount your blade and warband, private!
Developer: TaleWorlds Entertainment
Genre: Action Adventure, Strategy
Theme: Warfare of ages past
Mount and Blade Warband puts players in the middle of the fiercest of old time-y battles, including Napoleanic wars, Viking conquests, the Sarranid Sultanate, and more. Ready your weapons and keep a steady hand. You need to win some wars.
One of the many cities you'll be helping to take.
When I say you're put into the middle of these battles, I mean it literally. You play warriors fighting for their side, in large battles where chaos rules the day. It's a fantastic edition to a history game fan's collection as well as a great idea for someone who loves action RPGs.
88. Shank (2010)
It's time to get Shank'd.
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Be an action hero
Get ready to cut somebody in this raging action game! Play as Shank, the feral badass protagonist who needs to avenge the death of his girlfriend, Eva. Help him kill the Butcher and discover his ties to the mafia run by Caesar, a man whose past is tied to Shank's own.
If you love side-scrollers with high combos and chained kills, this is a good fit for you. The game's atmosphere of action hardness (for lack of a better phrase) works really well for it. This is something an action gamer should definitely check out.
87. Titanfall (2014)
Can I have oneeeeeee???
Developer: Respawn Entertainment
Genre: FPS
Theme: Humans in giant robots vs other humans in giant robots.
As a kid, so many people wanted to drive their own giant robot. I know I sure as hell did (I still want one). Become the pilot you always wanted to be and get your Titan (the name of the mechs) to hit the field, so you can crush the opposing players!
Looks like Santa came through for some lucky kid... That lucky kid wasn't me, but whatever.
Titanfall makes you the pilot of these gigantic mechs referred to as “Titans.” You play outside the mech until you decide to climb up inside the cock-pit and go to town on the peons below you. There are three unique classes for your titan, so you'll even be able to choose what works best in combat for you.
86. State of Decay (2013)
The state of decay is actually pretty fast if you consider how fast other players can kill you.
Developer: Undead Labs
Genre: Survival Horror
Theme: Humans vs Zombies
Get stretching, 'cause you're going to need to run. It's time to see if you have what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse. Scavenge weapons, ammo, food, water and even building supplies so you can stay alive, and hopefully someone will save you soon...
NO! You dance in a line, or you get shot in the head!
State of Decay tries to feel more like a survival game than an action game, which is definitely a good direction to go in. There's a bigger focus on slipping past the zombies, unseen, and snatching what you need before being noticed. There's not a whole lot to go around, and what you do with it could mean the difference between life and death.
85. Diablo: (1996)
Please enjoy your tour of Hell.
Developer: Blizzard
Genre: RPG, Action Adventure
Theme: Humans vs demons
Play the game that started it all. Take on the creeping evils that plague Sanctuary as one of three classes, and show Diablo himself what the rough side of your boot looks like!
And that would be the fires of Hell.
It kicked off the series in 1996 and has remained a strong presence in the video game world since then. This Diablo features three classes: Warrior, Sorcerer, and Rogue. Items come in different colors to denote when and how they can be used, so you'll have to think strategically to get everything you can out of them.
84. Cities: Skylines (2015)
That's how you grow a city.
Developer: Colossal Order
Genre: Simulation
Theme: Build a functioning city
You'll begin with a plot of land as well as an interchange exit from a freeway and some cash. It's your job to add buildings, roads, zoning, and basic facilities (i.e. Electricity, water, etc) in order to create a flourishing city.
Yup. That's a skyline, alright.
The game allows you to do a lot, with the design of the city left up to the player as well as financial balancing. There's also a transportation system based on the one found in Cities in Motion, the previous game. You also don't have to stick to any single type of plan for your city.
83. Hotline Miami (2012)
Busting ass like Ryan Gosling in Drive.
Developer: Dennaton Games
Genre: Shooter (top-down)
Theme: Be a badass.
Hotline Miami begins with the game's protagonist listening to strange messages on his answering machine. The messages are actually inferred orders to kill people at certain locations. The player then goes to a building quickly wipes out room after room of bad guys.
Sigh... Time to renovate the floors... Again...
First off, this game has an awesome soundtrack. Going through room after room, taking on enemy after enemy to these tunes makes you feel as badass as you're being. The game is super hard too, so if you're looking for a great challenge, look no further.
82. Deus Ex (2000)
Can you smash heads with your bare, cybernetic hands?
Developer: Ion Storm
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Cybernetics vs humanity
As the first in the series, you're gonna want to check out this one if you liked the other Deus Ex games. Players get to live the experience that started it all, taking down terrorists in this sci-fi action shooter.
Here's your chopper, Mr Anderson.
You face off against a terrorist organization that pretty much does whatever it wants to unchecked. Except now, you're here to check the hell out of them. This game holds up pretty well, and has multiple solutions to every problem.
There are also skills to learn, cybernetic enhancements to buy, and and weapons to mow down your enemies with. It's definitely worth it for anyone to grab.
81. System Shock 2 (1999)
Rather shocking...
Developer: Irrational Games, Looking Glass Studios
Genre: Survival Horror
Theme: What constitutes “life?”
If you thought GlaDOS was a nightmare, say hello to her predecessor: SHODAN. Players must journey through a ruined space station, crawling with undead weirdos SHODAN refers to as the “Many.” Unravel the mysteries of SHODAN's existence, the space station's ruined state, and how the Many got to be what they are.
Uh... Party time?
As a survival horror game, it has a great atmosphere going. There are tons of corners, and plenty of baddies ready to kill you. There's also some really creepy lore surrounding SHODAN and the Many that you'll have a lot to keep you up at night.
Ken Levine worked on it, so is it any surprise that the lore is awesome? Give this a go if you're looking for a scare or a unique survival horror FPS that pushes boundaries.
80. Zeno Clash (2009)
I am so scared, and yet... So... Intrigued?
Developer: ACE Team
Genre: FPS
Theme: Kill the enemy
Zeno clash drops the player in the grotesque and zany world of Zenozoik. The game's main character, Ghat, made an attempt to assassinate someone called “Father Mother,” who resembles what would happen if Slenderman mated with a vulture. Father Mother's “children” were none too happy about this and so they chase after Ghat, who runs away with a woman named Deadra.
Uh... Cute?
The game itself is fun, and there's a lot to see as far as the game's world goes. It's got a really interesting and unique aesthetic, but it's also grotesque (in a good way). It's like stepping into an insane person's dream, which really works for it because advancing in the game allows you to see more of what's there to see.
This is something I recommend to those who love FPS or those looking for a new visual concept for inspiration.
79. Ori and the Blind Forest (2015)
He's so cute when he's whoopin' baddies!
Developer: Moon Studios
Genre: Action Adventure / Platformer
Theme: Forest spirit returns life to the forest.
Players control Ori, an adorable kitten-lemur-thing that acts as the guardian spirit of the forest. Ori must brave enemies and solve puzzles in order to restore life back to the forest, which is done through collecting a number of mystical elements. There are a few surprises in the game, one of which I'm about to ruin.
Ori can also spit fire at enemies. It's combat, so it's probably not that big of a surprise, but it's still really cool!
Utterly gorgeous!
The game brings a good challenge, but it's also something that any audience can get into, be it adult, teen, or child. The gameplay is really cool, because there are some small skill trees in the game that allow Ori to do a few new tricks that help him out, but aren't necessary to get the most out of the game.
The scenery is great too and really has a strong atmosphere of mysticism and fantasy thanks to the backgrounds and music, which helps to keep the player immersed in the world and characters.
If you need to look a bit harder at the game, we've got more info for you right here.
78. Shank 2 (2012)
Scream your heart out, big guy.
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Be an action hero
You're put in charge of Shank, the badass cartel-destroyer, once again! This time, he needs to rescue his homeland from the evil General Magnus. Magnus has also kidnapped Shank's former mentor, Elena.
Arms can bend any way you want them to, silly.
Shank 2 is a side-scrolling action game, with a focus on combat. Kick enemies into the dust and throw them around, make use of a variety of weapons, and counter enemies when they get too brave. This is a great game for you if you love beat-'em-ups.
77. Civilization V (2010)
The world is now your toy.
Developer: 2kGames
Genre: Strategy
Theme: Go to war and become a world superpower.
Civilization V has been around for a while now, but it's still widely regarded as one of the best strategy games on the PC. Players begin in the country of their choice. As the player makes alliances, trades with other countries, and conquers others through warfare, their civilization grows more powerful.
Any last words, “Your Highness?”
If you're a fan of turn-based strategy, then this game is for you. It's pretty friendly to most age groups, it's a good mental challenge, and it's a lot of fun! There are plenty of progress trees to pick from, so replayability is really high.
76. Dragon Age: Origins (2009)
Yeah, but what's up with that caterpillar-centaur thing with all the nipples?
Developer: BioWare
Genre: RPG
Theme: Medieval fantasy
Dragon Age: Origins managed to get tons of awards thrown at it in 2009, so it's safe to say that it's pretty awesome. Players choose one of three races and their class, then runs off to fight back demonic forces that want to destroy the world.
Oh. Head-spiders. Lovely.
If you like RPGs where you strategically manage your party, this is something you'll love. You can set them to certain automatic behavioral settings, or jump into them directly and control them as you see fit. While there's not really a morality meter, there is something called “party favor,” which determines whether or not party members are happy with you.
75. Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn (2013 – Enhanced Edition)
Look at all the pretty sparklies at 0:51!
Developer: BioWare
Genre: RPG
Theme: Save the World
Baldur's Gate 2 picks up where the original left off with the story of the game's protagonist and revolves around him seeing the changes to the world we played in the first time around. Coordinate your party well for the second undertaking of this classic fantasy RPG.
The warriors have got to be cooking under all that metal.
This new chapter in the series features three new classes (Barbarian, Monk, and Sorceror) as well as a multiplayer mode, where up to six players can go on an adventure together. You can also join or take over strongholds, which are determined by the class you picked for the protagonist. This is great for fans of old RPGs, and a fantastic fit for those who love Dungeons and Dragons.
74. Killing Floor 2 (2015)
The exit is a lie. And also an ultimaetum.
Developer: Tripwire Interactive
Genre: FPS
Theme: Humans vs zombies
Killing Floor 2 is an FPS with horror elements. By horror elements, I mean gruesome monster enemies that seem to have metal tacked into them referred to as “Zeds.” Wipe out the waves of undead scrambling towards you and give the boss an extreme close-up of the floor as you shoot for your life!
No killing! I must DANCE!
If you like co-op shooters or arena FPS type games, you'll be at home on the killing floor. You can choose from a variety of perks that function like class abilities before starting a match. Players can earn exp for their classes and use a variety of weapons to eviscerate their enemies.
73. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2005)
Sunny San Andreas!
Developer: Rockstar North
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Do crime and come out on top
The GTA series has had a massive following for a really long time. Now, PC users can take on the role of CJ Johnson and help him take his life back. You'll end up in brutal gang fights and reconcile (or don't) with his family and friends.
This is another hit open-world crime sandbox, and is one of the most beloved games of all time. You'll be able to tear around Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas in your favorite car, while shooting your favorite guns. Just remember to get something to drink once in a while, I recommend the coffee.
72. Baldur's Gate (1998)
Developer: BioWare
Genre: RPG
Theme: Medieval fantasy
If you remember Baldur's Gate, then you've been in the gaming world for a while, my friend. For those of you that haven't had the pleasure, Baldur's Gate puts players in a high-concept fantasy world with all the stuff we love: dragons, fairies, kingdoms, etc. It's you job to investigate conspiracies between factions, vanquish gigantic monsters, and become a hero in this classic RPG.
Is it exorcism time? Hullabaloo and howdy-doo...
There's a lot to do and see. The game takes a real Dungeons and Dragons approach to its world, so expect things like demons, orcs, villages of varying races, tons of politics, and even more lore to check out. This kind of game is something an RPG buff absolutely needs to see for themselves, as its the reason why so many people fall in love with RPGs in the first place.
71. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (2015)
Here's your obligatory “Jackpot.” Jackpot.
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Vanquish the demons.
Devil May Cry is giving the same special treatment it gave to Devil May Cry 3 to Devil May Cry 4 in this re-telling of Nero and Dante's battle against a demonic church. Choose your favorite character and get some SSS's as you blow away your enemies with gun and blade.
Time for some Roulette?
Devil May Cry 4; Special Edition presents to use five playable characters: Nero, Dante, Lady, Trish, and Virgil. Capcom has also added new costumes that can change how you play that character, akin to how Devil May Cry 3's costumes worked. Legacy Dark Knight mode is also included, which throws more enemies at players.
70. Just Cause 3 (2015)
Squirrel mode!
Developer: Avalanche Studios
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Beat the evil dictator
Okay, so it's not exactly out yet, but from what we've seen, it's going to rock your socks off. Go to the lovely Mediterranean island of Medici and start kicking some evil dictator ass! With an array of awesome weapons and nifty (read: “badass”) gadgets, stopping him from taking over the world should be no problem.
What? You said you wanted to go for a ride...
There's a lot of cool stuff coming to us in Just Cause 3. First up, the wing-suit lets you glide around like a flying squirrel, making travel much easier and much more interesting. There are better parachute shooting mechanics, allowing for more stabilized aiming.
You can also tether things to other things with your grappling hook. Look at the picture above for an example of the fun you can have with that. Bottom line: This game looks awesome and we're so confident that you're going to love it, we even gave it a spot on our list.
69. PlanetSide 2 (2012)
Lol I get it.
Developer: Daybreak Game Company
Theme: Sci-fi warfare
PlanetSide 2 is actually a remake of the original PlanetSide from 2003. Players join thousands of other players in large-scale conflicts, fighting as one of many classes. Travel across a unique world to battle for the supremacy of your faction, and be a hero.
I wonder if that spiky palm tree thing grows spiky coconuts?
PlanetSide 2 incorporates several continents, each with its own unique terrain to provide greater variety in multiplayer matches. There are also quite a few classes to choose from, allowing players to slide into whatever matches best with their play-style. There's also plenty of room to experiment and even more room to be competitive, but we understand if you want more info.
68. Company of Heroes 2 (2013)
Developer: Relic Entertainment
Genre: RTS
Theme: Relive historic events
Company of Heroes 2 puts players on the Eastern Front during World War 2, in control of the Soviet Union's forces. Decimate the Nazi army and bring your troops home in this historical RTS game.
Company of Heroes 2 Utilizes a number of features to keep the player on their toes while also making the game more realistic. For starters, there's the TrueSight system, which makes troop visibility play a larger role in your campaign. There's also a weather system, which can impede your troops or give you an opening to use to your advantage.
Troops can now die of freezing. Units can occupy civilian buildings as well. This is a great challenge for any WW2 buffs out there, as well as those looking for an RTS.
67. Eve Online (2003)
All those lasers make me nervous as hell.
Developer: CCP Games
Genre: MMORPG, Simulation
Theme: Space
Eve Online has been around for a long time, but has still managed to retain a large player base. Players choose a race, profession, and get a customizable ship, then explore the massive universe at will! Players can perform their trade or choose factions and fight against other players in large-scale PvP battles.
Prepare for... Ludicrous speed!
Eve Online is a massive universe for players to live an inter-galactic life inside of. There's a handful of classes, from Miner to Space Pirate, there is always something to do. Eve Online contais a player-run economy, putting the game at the center of several online scandals.
Nothing major, just in-game currency stuff. The game requires you to make decisions as you might in the real world, which gives a whole new level of immersion to it. The player base is pretty diverse, and there's a community to support everyone.
66. Warframe (2013)
Yes, you too can be that awesome.
Developer: Digital Extremes
Genre: 3rd Person Shooter / MMO
Theme: Aliens vs Aliens
The story of Warframe revolves around you, a member of a dying alien race that has the power to tip the scales against another dying alien race that wishes for inter-galactic supremacy. You take on your enemies in exciting missions that you can do alone or with other players with weapons you can buy for real cash or craft yourself in-game.
Somebody's 'bout to get cut.
Warframe has a really cool aesthetic - it takes Japanese traits and applies them to an alien style. You end up with areas similar to the one shown above, which makes the game beautiful and interesting to navigate through. It's pretty accessible to anyone who's played 3rd-person shooters or hack 'n' slashes before, but if you haven't it's still easy to pick up.
One of the coolest thing about the game is the warframes (surprise!). It's essentially a class change that gives you access to more powerful abilities and a variety of ways to play through missions. I highly recommend giving it a go.
65. Europa Universalis 4 (2013)
Developer: Paradox Development Studio
Genre: Strategy
Theme: Be the best country
This game gives you a map of the globe and allows you to interact with the various cultures and civilizations composing the world. Players can conquer through military means, become masters of international trade, or become a superpower among other options.
Literally take on the world.
The game offers a lot of influencing factors in order to present a strong challenge. You must take into account everything down to the opposing country's religion in order to make the best decision possible. With the amount of freedom given by all the win possibilities, it grants players a really personalized experience and leaves plenty of room to experiment and try new tactics.
64. Star Citizen (TBA 2016)
But I want it NOWWWWW.
Developer: Cloud Imperium Games
Genre: Sandbox, FPS, Simulation, RPG
Theme: Space-traveling
Star Citizen, while not out yet, has promised us a lot. It's a space sim, but also a sandbox with FPS and RPG elements. Choose from tons of ships, upgrade them, and go about doing whatever it is you want to do in a massive universe designed for every player to find something for them.
To infinity... AND BEYOND!
So many people want to play the hell out of Star Citizen, and it's no surprise as to why. With the level of player-driven content this game will have, there's a lot you can do to impact the community at large. You can make waves, and that might just be the next step in online gaming.
63. Fallout 3 (2008)
Some days, I wonder what the super mutants eat. Then I remember.
Developer: Bethesda
Genre: RPG, FPS
Theme: Survive in the nuclear wasteland
Fallout 3 stars you, the Vault Dweller, as you escape from the society locked away under ground and emerge into the Capital Wasteland. You seek your father, a brilliant scientist known even to the waste-landers. Embark on your journey to find him and change the world.
Welcome to the Capital Wasteland, CHIIIIIIILDREN!
Fallout 3 is like Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, if it took place in Washington D.C. after nuclear fallout. There are scores of quests and locations to explore, as well as interesting characters and deadly enemies to meet. The special weapons available to craft and find are great as well, and help to add to the expansive world at large.
With the edition of the Brotherhood of Steel DLC, the game's main story becomes open ended and you can continue exploring. It comes standard in the Game of the Year Edition, so it's highly recommended you go for that version of the game.
62. Half-Life 2 (2004)
No, this video does nothing to confirm Half-Life 3.
Developer: Valve Corporation
Genre: FPS
Theme: Humans vs Aliens
Half-Life 2 has you take on the role of Gordon Freeman. He just got out of stasis thanks to the G-Man and gets put on a train to City 17. Freeman tries desperately to protect Earth from the alien threat and utilizes many weapons in the process.
No, there are FOUR gunmen in the picture.
Half-Life two is well known for its engrossing story and physics engine. It's also famous because Half-Life 3 is something the fans have been asking for for several years now. This game has a strong following.
61. Dragon Age 2 (2011)
I want those swords.
Developer: BioWare
Genre: RPG
Theme: Save the World
Dragon Age 2 allows players to live through the story as a custom character who was born a part of the prestigious Hawke family. Make friendships and rivalries, master your combat abilities, and save the world from the looming threat of dark forces.
Eye or throat?
As the second chapter in this series, the game builds on top of the first one, allowing for more freedom of play. You can fight as your custom character, or as one of the party members. There's always someone new to recruit and you can influence the relationship your character has with the other party members.
60. Kerbal Space Program (2015)
Is this what God feels like?
Developer: Squad
Genre: Sandbox, Simulator
Theme: Get to space.
You control a space program and working under you are these... Things... Called Kerbals. Direct the Kerbals so that their space program can be a success! Make space-traveling items out of predetermined items so they can reach space!
He looks so excited. It's a shame no one told him there wasn't enough fuel to get back.
This kind of game can be enjoyed by anyone. It presents an interesting challenge while providing humor. There are three game modes: Science Mode, Sandbox Mode, and Career Mode, so it's sure to provide quite a bit of game time, plus plenty of hilarious goofball Kerbal things.
59. Grey Goo (2015)
Is it bad if I want my next phone to be made out of Goo?
Developer: Petroglyph
Genre: RTS
Theme: Humans vs Aliens vs Other Aliens
Grey Goo centers three factions: the Humans, the Beta, and the Goo. The humans received a signal in space from their past creation, the Grey Goo. The humans learn of their past folly as a race of ancient protectors, the Beta, enter the fray.
Players must manage their faction skillfully to conquer enemy armies. Simply start by gathering resources, then decide what those resources must go towards in order to overrun your enemy's base.
Grey Goo vs... Is that a mecha?!
This is a great new RTS to add to anyone's collection. There are three playable races with their own distinct set of units and tactics. The player needs to manage their resources skillfully in order to get the best out of their faction.
58. Age of Wonders 3: Eternal Lords (2014)
There's a lot to do and see!
Developer: Triumph Studios
Genre: Strategy, RPG
Theme: Unite the World
Age of Wonders 3 is technically the fourth game in the series, coming after Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic. You take on the role as a leader in the military. It's then your job to explore the world and unify the vibrant races that inhabit it!
How they haven't melted is a miracle.
Take on a class role that dictates the mechanics of the civilization you will lead in this strategic RPG. You can level up as leader and recruit other hero-type characters to aid you in your objectives. Your actions also have an impact on your character's moral alignment, so there is more than just one way to play.
57. WWE 2K15 (2015)
Chair! Hit 'em with the chair!
Developer:Yuke's Co., Visual Concepts
Genre: Sports / Fighting
Theme: Pro wrestlers fight each other.
This is the latest installment of the WWE 2K series. Pick your favorite WWE fighters and duke it out in the dream-match you've always wanted to see. Use a variety of moves at your fighter's disposal to put your opponent in a lock, keeping them down, or knock them out to make yourself victorious.
There's also a career mode, so players have a chance to win their way to the top.
WWE 2K15 employs a new system that sets it apart from the rest of the series. In an effort to achieve a more realistic WWE experience, several mechanics have been added, including a rock-paper-scissors style joint-locking system that allows players to attack while defending themselves. The game succeeds in being both challenging and a strong new standard for the series.
56. Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012)
There can be only one!
Developer:Criterion Games
Genre: Racing
Theme: Finish First
Need For Speed: Most Wanted is probably something that sounds familiar to you, with the big hullabaloo about it being a while back. This isn't the same game, but it still gives you one hell of a ride.
There's a list of the Most Wanted, which you can beat and get a copy of the car for while becoming the Most Wanted yourself. Surge ahead of your opponents and cross the finish line to be victorious.
No, YOU pull over!
Need For Speed: Most Wanted lets players tear around Fairhaven City, an average city with a serious street racing problem. Ambush Races are super cool because they start you, the player, surrounded by police, and force you to bust through and evade them. If you like racing games in general, this should do well in your hands.
55. Resident Evil: HD Remaster (2015)
The freaks come out at night.
Developer: Capcom
Genre: Survival Horror
Theme: Zombies vs humans
Go back to you roots with Resident Evil: HD Remaster. It takes place in 1998, with a special forces unit sent to check out some crazy mess going down in Raccoon City. Next thing they know, they're struggling to stay alive as undead everything tries to turn them into dinner.
The remake on the right contrasted with with original on the left.
This is one of the most loved games of all time, which is why it's a fantastic idea to get your hands on it if you never had the opportunity to play it before. With new graphical effects, sound, and new controls, the horror of being trapped in Raccoon City is bolstered. The game also retains the original challenge, meaning you'll still have a chance to earn those bragging rights.
54. Dark Souls 2 (2014)
Cursed is an understatement. That character has to die over and over again constantly.
Developer: From Software
Genre: Action Adventure, RPG
Theme: Medieval humans vs zombies vs demons.
Back again to test your patience and resolve, it's Dark Souls, this time with a large 2 at the end. In this new entry in the series, you play as a character referred to as the “Bearer of the Curse.” As you seek a cure, you battle immense and deadly bosses among hordes of monstrous undead, all the while struggling to collect enough souls to heal yourself.
My bet's 40. He dies 40 times.
If you want a game to really put you to the test, this would be the game to play. Try not to die (you will anyway) while playing through a story that shows you an immense yet strange world of death and foreboding beauty. You'll come across secrets as well as other players, so you won't be totally alone on your journey.
53. Dead Space (2008)
In space, no one can hear y-OH GOD WHAT IS THAT?!
Developer: Visceral Games
Genre: Survival Horror / 3rd person Shooter
Theme: Survive the alien flesh horrors
Dead Space has been out for a while now, but it's still around because it's simply great. Take a game that drives you insane with paranoia, and put it in space.
You play as Isaac, an engineer whose ship is responding to a distress signal. Aboard the distressed vessel, everyone notices signs of struggle and the ship in complete disrepair. It's up to Isaac to survive the onslaught of alien horrors and get the hell off that ship.
Try Ctr+Alt+Del.
If you shoot and kill an enemy, make absolutely sure you've curb-stomped it a few times. If you don't, it will stand back up as soon as you turn your back and maim you. Seriously though, it's a great game to play in the dark.
In addition to enemies making you paranoid, you've got some cool weapons to experiment with and upgrade along with a creepy dead space colony infested with creepy zombie aliens to see. It's worth every penny.
52. Grid 2 (2013)
Yeah, but can they pull a big ass safe down the highway?
Developer: Codemasters Southam
Genre: Racing
Theme: Finish first
Blow the other racers out of the water (or maybe off the street instead) as you barrel forward in your favorite picture-perfect car! Enter yourself in a number of game modes that offer different experiences with each race!
How do they stay so shiny in all that dirt?
Grid 2 features several game modes, including LiveRoutes mode. In this game mode, the track can change at any moment, which can change the flow of the race at the drop of a hat. You can also pick from Drift, Touge, Checkpoint, Vehicle Challenges, Time Attack, Eliminator, and of course, Race.
51. Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 (2009)
Developer: Relic Entertainment
Genre: RTS
Theme: Aliens vs humans vs aliens
Play as the Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, and Tyranids in this RTS based on the popular Warhamer 40k universe. Carefully choose which units to take into battle and strike with intelligence with Dawn of War 2's unique new approach to RTS tactical gameplay.
Some assembly required.
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War 2 attempts something new with this iteration of the series by excluding base building from the gameplay mechanics. Instead of building a massive army and marching on the enemy base, you choose which units you will need at the beginning of the mission, make them, and after that you go through the mission with what you have, unable to make reinforcements. This provides a challenge not normally found in RTS games, and is a bold move by the developers.
50. Mass Effect 3 (2012)
Is there a class that can eat dragon souls, though?
Developer: BioWare
Genre: Action Adventure, RPG, 3rd Person Shooter
Theme: Preserve life in the Universe
Mass Effect 3 places users in the hard, ass-kicking boots of Commander Shepherd for the third and final time. It's your job to defeat the greatest threat to life in the universe and stomp anyone who gets in the way. Players use a deadly arsenal of crazy sci-fi weapons against evil aliens and machines, while also making game-altering decisions along the way.
The bigger they are, the easier it is to hit them.
This is the final installment of Commander Shepherd's story (that we know of) and as such takes the player to battles with universe-sized stakes. There's also a multiplayer co-op mode that allows friends to join in on the story and have a hand in shaping it.
49. NBA 2k15 (2014)
It's like TV!
Developer: Visual Concepts
Genre: Sports
Theme: Basketball
NBA 2k15 puts players in charge of the championship basketball team of their dreams, and even makes them the star player. Take control of your favorite players and make your name in history as you go for the champioship.
Plan out your plays carefully!
Players can now scan their face and put it onto an in-game body, allowing them to see themselves in the game playing alongside the pros. The career mode has new mentor and upgrading systems as well. There's also a coaching system that offers players advice depending on how well they do on the court.
48. DayZ (2013)
Episode One: How to not die!
Developer: Bohemia Interactive
Genre: FPS, Survival
Theme: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
The Zombie Apocalypse scenario saw lots of attention in the tween-thousands, and Day Z reflects the creativity that arose from so many different takes on the idea. It's an open-world survival game where players build weapons, vehicles, shelter, and take out zombie threats as well as humans.
Woah, someone's eating like a king tonight!
DayZ is a great realistic take on the idea of zombies overrunning the world. It allows an amount of freedom not presented in any other zombie game on the market (as of writing this, anyway). The addition of craftable vehicles is something players have wanted for a long time, and this game delivers.
47. FIFA 15 (2014)
Take on the world.
Developer: EA Canada
Genre: Sports
Theme: Soccer
FIFA 15 puts you, the player, in charge of a world class soccer team. Learn the ropes and win games with your dream team to win the World Cup!
Plan carefully!
FIFA 15 gives players something new feature in the ability to sign loan players for a limited amound of time in matches. Players can also create a hypothetical squad of their desired players in all of the game. This is the kind of game made to be a Soccer (or Futbol) lover's dream, so if that applies to you, then this is a great fit for you.
46. Magic: The Gathering (Duels of the Planeswalkers) (2012-2015)
Build your deck carefully.
Developer: Stainless Games
Genre: Strategy, Card Game
Theme: Use your cards well.
Magic: The Gathering is one of the most popular card games out right now, going strong for several years. It was only a matter of time until a video game arrived allowing players to enjoy it on their PCs. Make the deck of your choice and take on players from around the world as well as AI opponents to offer a variety of challenges.
Pick a card. Any card. As long as, y'know, it's a legal move.
Each Duels of the Planeswalkers adds new card sets to experiment with, and sometimes incorporates new game modes as well. In Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014, a mode called Two-Headed Giant allows players to tag team with their individual decks against another team of two players, allowing for a whole new experience with the game.
45. Dying Light (2015)
Day of the Dead with some seriously hardcore parkour.
Developer: Techland
Genre: Action Adventure, RPG
Theme: Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
Have you ever wondered what would happen if there were a zombie survival game with open-world opportunities? If so, Dying Light is the result. Make weapons, sneak through hordes of zombies, and run for your life in this action-packed open world adventure.
D'awww! Lookit that face!
There's a lot to look out for and a reason to be afraid of the dark. When night falls, certain nocturnal zombies come out of the woodwork. These monsters are faster and more aggressive as well as more resilient than normal day-walking zombies.
Your parkour skills are going to need to be top notch if you're going to try and brave the night. You really do run for your life in this game, albeit there are plenty of weapons to make protecting your life a little easier. This is a great game for anyone who wants a rush while playing an awesome zombie game!
44. The Walking Dead (Episode 1: 2012)
Keeping everyone alive is sometimes more trouble than it's worth...
Developer: Telltale Games
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Survive your story
The Walking Dead video game series puts the player in charge of character decisions in order to influence the outcome of the story. Be sure to make the right ones, or you could end up in a worse situation than before.
Who's next?
The Walking Dead video games offer a dramatic and well crafted story that has already left many a player wanting more. You make decisions for a variety of events and are occasionally thrown into situations that test your reflexes by making you input a variety of keys before the main character bites the dust. It's a great game for anyone looking for something light that allows for story-altering decision-making.
43. Alliance of Valiant Arms (2009)
Lock n' load.
Developer: Red Duck Inc.
Genre: FPS, Multiplayer
Theme: Carry out the objective
Players will complete missions or eradicate the members of the opposing team as a member of the EU forces or playing as one of the NRF. You take on one of three classes (rifleman, point man, and sniper) and master their play style in order to beat your opponents at either getting the objective completed first or wiping them out entirely.
Shot through the heart... Or maybe the face?
It's a great shooter, especially if you're interested in competing as a team against teams of other players. There's a wide variety of game modes, so there's lots to try and learn. If you're interested but afraid to make a fool of yourself in front of other players, you can do an AI mission and allow yourself to learn at your own pace.
42. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (2010)
Yeah, but when does Vinn Diesel come onscreen and give me a fist-bump?
Developer: Criterion Games
Genre: Racing
Theme: Go faster
Put the pedal to the metal in this high octane racing game. Weave in and out of other cars to stake your claim as speed-king of the road. Use sweet and sleek cars built to test the limits of vehicle acceleration.
Police chases just leveled up.
Hot Pursuit takes on gameplay styles of previous games while also presenting new cars and an open world where racers can outmaneuver the chasing police, or even be the police! The driving system is pretty responsive, so it's fun for everyone, even beginners! If you're a car enthusiast and love going fast, give Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit a try.
41. Mass Effect 2 (2010)
Note: this isn't necessarily the language you'll have to play in.
Developer: BioWare
Genre: Action Adventure / 3rd Person Shooter
Theme: Preserve life in the Universe.
Mass Effet 2 lets players behind the eyes of Commander Shepherd again in this sequel. Players can import save data from the previous game to continue playing as the Shepherd they worked so hard to shape. Likewise, players new to the series can jump right in and start shaping Shepherd's character their own way.
Just blasting some aliens, don't mind me.
For starters, the gameplay mechanics feel more streamlined than the first. Everything has a more engrossing feel. As you play, you get equipment that allows you to upgrade the way your version of Commander Shepherd approaches combat while he gains levels to unlock more abilities and more ways to fight.
40. Guild Wars 2 (2012)
Developer: NCSoft
Theme: Fantasy RPG
Guild Wars 2 takes place several years after the events of the final installment for the first game: Eye of the North. You begin by picking a race and a class, then you pick your characters biography. This determines who they are as characters, which is an interesting mechanic not usually seen in MMOs.
You then journey forth into a living world full of beautiful natural and artificial structures and unfold your character's story. Master your skills to defeat your foes and advance to defeat the ultimate enemy.
Don't mind the moon, it's probably not falling.
If you enjoy MMORPGs, this is a great game to check out. It has a really strong PvP base as well as PvE, and a truckload of skills and equipment to make the character you've always wanted to play. It takes a really cool approach to its role-playing aspect and contains tons of skills to master, so it's well worth mentioning on this list.
39. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (2012)
Got ammo?
Developer: Treyarch
Genre: FPS
Theme: Fulfill the mission
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 puts the player in the year 2025 as well as the 1980s. You choose your arsenal and fire in a variety of missions, culminating in one of several endings.
Cool guys never look at explosions. Or apparently even cities ravaged by hellfire.
The game incorporates several endings, each of which give a unique treatment to the game's story. These are dictated by the decisions the player makes during play, giving a bit more depth to the way the player approaches the situation. There are also new weapons and more maps to play.
38. Warhammer: Space Marine (2011)
40,000 tons of whoop-ass.
Developer: Relic
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Fulfill the mission
Based on the acclaimed table-top game and taking place in its universe is Warhammer 40k: Space Marine. Players use Captain Titus, a Space Marine who's seen his share of action. The Orks are invading a protected planet, and Titus is here to protect it. Unleash the power of a devastating arsenal of weapons and live the story!
The galactic firing squad's here to dish out some punishment.
There's a great story to enjoy for players looking for that sort of thing as well as an 8 vs 8 online combat mode for those looking for some PvP action. In addition, there are loads of weapons to play around with, so you'll have your hands full for a good while.
37. Mass Effect (2007)
Buckle up, kids.
Developer: BioWare, Demiurge Studios
Genre: Action Adventure, RPG, 3rd Person Shooter
Theme: Preserve order in the galaxy
Take the roll of Commander Shepherd and build his persona from square one! Influence those around you as well as future events with the choices you make and unravel the mystery of what's happening to the galaxy. Properly utilize the best weapons you can find as well as skillfully take down monstrous and evil denizens of the universe and start your path on thwarting the greatest threat known to life.
Commander Shepherd, it's rare to see you out of bed with your crew?
Ever wanted to be the captain of your own ship and crew, flying around and checking out strange planets, influencing alien politics, and even finding love with a member of an alien species? This is right up your alley then, friend! You'll get to romance various shipmates as well as kick some serious tail in a vast universe made for exploring!
36. Left 4 Dead 2 (2009)
Where'd all that marinara sauce come from?
Developer: Valve
Genre: Multiplayer FPS
Theme: Humans vs Zombies
Left 4 Dead 2 is similar to its predecessor in that it focuses on four individuals trying to survive together during a zombie apocalypse. These four must brave their way through various environments and utilize them to their advantage to escape the zombie hordes hot on their trail. You begin the stage with a few weapons and make your way to the next safe house- a check point to stock up on ammo and heal yourself.
What's scarier than a clown? A zombie clown.
The game can be enjoyed by pretty much anyone. To win, all four players must arrive at the end of the stage, which is usually in the form of a helicopter. So rev up your chainsaw and load up your shotgun, because the horde's on its way and you need to protect your getaway chopper!
35. Wasteland 2 (2014)
Time to learn battle tactics!
Developer: inXile Entertainment
Genre: RPG
Theme: Survive in the wasteland
Wasteland 2 takes place in an alternate timeline, where a nuclear holocaust occurred in 1998. The player controls a squad of recently recruited rangers, investigating the murder of a ranger called “Ace” and trying to uncover the mystery behind the strange radio signals that speak of man merging with machine.
That's a hell of a roach problem...
There's a great story to see as well as some really tough battles ahead. Someone who enjoys a good challenge or loves games based on the Nuclear Fallout scenario would be right at home here. If you're curious, give it a go.
34. Game of Thrones (2014)
They're rich; don't they have a more comfortable looking throne?
Developer: Telltale Games
Genre: Graphic Adventure
Theme: Don't die.
Recently, Telltale's games have been taking off. They utilize the video game medium to tell an interactive story, and their stories are pretty fantastic. In this case, they tell the story of a small, relatively unknown family in the Game of Thrones universe.
You tell 'em, Tyrion.
This game is something even people who generally don't like video games can get into. It offers an active approach to story-building, which isn't necessarily new to the gaming world, but it helps that its got a fantastic story to go alongside it. The story is told in episodes, at the end of which a counter is brought up to show how many people have chosen which path.
33. Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011)
Just remember to run in a zigzag when out in the deserts of Tattooine...
Developer: BioWare
Theme: Become a member of the Star Wars universe
Almost everyone knows what Star Wars is and why it's awesome. But have you ever thought “What if I was a Jedi?” Of course you have. Finally, we can enact a Star Wars-esque life in Star Wars: The Old Republic!
Learn your Jedi (or Sith) skills so you can protect or exploit the galaxy! Become the greatest bounty hunter! Or even get rich and buy and awesome house. Seriously, player-housing is really nice in this game.
Pro tip: Let the Wookie win.
Character customization is pretty great in this game. There are ten character species in the game as well as four primary classes and eight advanced classes for each faction. You get your own starship and you can even by housing on strange planets.
In addition, each class has their own branching storyline that changes based on character alignment. It's a really great way to get a personalized experience out of an MMO. If you;re a fan of Star Wars or just looking for a cool MMO to try out, give The Old Republic a chance.
32. Don't Starve (2013)
Remember, the key is to not die.
Developer: Klei Entertainment
Genre: Action Adventure, Survival
Theme: Don't die.
Players can take on the identity of a number of characters, including (but not limited to): a scientist, a pyromaniac, a bodybuilder, and a demon. You must brave this strange wilderness, filled to the brim with predatory animals and monsters that really like the idea of eating you. Unravel the mystery of why you're there, and maybe your captor will let you out...
A fine method to avoid going insane at night. Yes indeed, no intrusive thoughts here...
This game is one of the more interesting survival games for the PC. You can choose from a variety of characters to play as, who all offer a different difficulty depending on your play style, as well as make tons of strange constructions to keep yourself from going crazy at night and dying. Don't Starve also offers Don't Starve Together, a two-player experience which allows for fun with your friends and a much tougher world design.
The game is a rogue-like, so your map will be different each time you load up a new file. As a last thing, the style in which the world is drawn is phenomenal. It's so much fun to explore just to see what everything looks like.
31. Tomb Raider (2013)
Adventuring is stressful.
Developer: Crystal Dynamics, Nixxes Software
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Journey on and live through the adventure
Laura Croft is back in this reboot of the beloved series. Be ready to jump, run, swim, climb, and every manner of athletic feats as Laura tries to get off this island of mysteries and death, maybe even solving the mystery in the process.
Woah, down boy!
If you're familiar with the Tomb Raider franchise then you know about its challenging platforming playgrounds as well as its adventurous and imaginative story. If you love adventure and stunning environments, or even Tomb Raider games in general, this is something you're very likely to enjoy.
30. Total War: Arena
I can't hear you over MY SPEAR IN YOUR ABDOMEN.
Developer: The Creative Assembly
Genre: Strategy
Theme: War!!!
Arena is currently in development, but it's shaping up to be a great experience! Learn how to balance the mix of real-time strategy and MOBA gameplay to lead your army to victory and win the day!
And the winner for the Most Fabulous Helmet Award goes to...
Arena currently utilizes a free-to-play model, and is the first in the Total War series to do so. The final result will feature 10 vs 10 matches, promising to be a great group game for a wider competitive audience. If you're into RTS, MOBA, or strategy in general, I recommend giving this one a look!
29. Assassin's Creed 2 (2009)
Somebody's going to have to explain all those bodies.
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Kill the target
In this sequel, characters get to play as Ezio, a loudmouth playboy turned assassin after his family was killed. Utilize his array of different weapons and new gear to take revenge without leaving the safety of the shadows.
Ezio and his backup thwartin' some guards.
Assassin's Creed 2 is great for anyone who loves a crazy story and stealth games, were there's an open world to mess around in between missions. They've also done a lot of expanding since the original Assassin's Creed by adding more weapons, new ways to use the hidden blade, new hiding mechanics, and a really cool character to follow.
28. Total War: Attila (2015)
There's so much to see in Total War: Attila!
Developer: The Creative Assembly
Genre: Strategy
Theme: War!!!
This is the ninth standalone game in the Total War series. The Roman Empire has split and players May choose to play as either the Eastern Empire or the West. Take special care to be tactical, as there are many enemies looming over Rome, and none wish to see it reign over them.
Is it time to burninate the country side?
The game gives players a dynamic interactive look as history unfolds. This is perfect for a history buff or someone who loves strategy games. This entry in the series brings with it better interface, siege utilities and battles, more army types, and enhanced battle pacing.
27. Nosgoth (2014)
Welp, I'm sold. C'mere, Steam!
Developer: Psyonix
Genre: Multiplayer Third Person Shooter
Theme: Humans vs Vampires
In Nosgoth, you have a team and you play as a class of fighter, in this case a human or a vampire. That class has special abilities that you must learn to utilize successfully in order to beat back enemy players and eventually win the match. Sounds simple, but it can be really competitive if you're playing against other players who are close to your skill level.
Prepare to get wrecked.
If you're into Team Fortress 2, then you'll definitely want to check this one out. It's full of competitive players and gets new players pretty often. This is the kind of game you get better at as you play, so no worries if you're not quite up to snuff with the pros when you start out.
26. Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (2011)
I must have seen that dungeon twelve times by now.
Developer: Bethesda
Genre: RPG / Action Adventure
Theme: Slay the dragons
Become the Dragonborn, the one human who shares blood with dragons! You must slay the dragon king, Alduin, in order to save Tamriel from being overrun by the fierce and mighty dragons! That's just the storyline, you're not limited to just that.
Get the best gear and travel around the gorgeous land of Skyrim, home to the Nords. Join various guilds, including (but not limited to) the secretive Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild. Even collect the daedric prince's equipment and use it to your advantage.
Everything the light touches... Will be yours...
Skyrim has a fantastic open world, but there's always some location popping up on your map as you explore that there's not really any waiting time between adventures. Sure, one quest might be put on hold to explore this or that, but that's part of the fun.
Of course, there are tons of mods. There are people who have re-textured the entirety of Skyrim, added new spells or equipment, and even added new locations, so fresh content is always available for when you feel you've gotten the most out of the game or your character. This game is fantastic for players of any skill level, as it incorporate several difficulty settings.
25. Arma 3 (2013)
Take a look at all the shiny new toys in ARMA 3!
Developer: Bohemia Interactive
Genre: FPS
Theme: Complete the objective
ARMA 3 is a military shooter in which the player goes through “episodes” to advance the story. It's set more than twenty years after ARMA 2. NATO is trying to hold of CSAT and the player, controlling Corporal Ben Kerry, is sent on various missions to aid NATO.
Tank cover is best cover.
This game incorporates an open world style to it, which is something not very common with military FPS games. This open world contains several fully destructible villages as well as vehicles. It also throws in several different mission types and a variety of weaponry. ARMA 3 is a pretty unique game with several aspects going well for it.
24. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (2011)
Assassinate like a pro.
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Templars vs Assassins
Get ready for another trip into the Animus to discover more about the Assassin's Creed universe while assassinating Templars. Players take on the mantle of Ezio Auditore once more, this time loaded with new assassin team mechanics and craftable grenades! Master you assassin's arsenal so you can go all out against the Templar cover-ups and unveil more of the truth behind the story!
Something tells me he's using Eagle Vision and watching his mark instead of the sunset.
Brotherhood incorporates some cool new stuff compared to Assassin's Creed 2. It contains an open world, just like the previous games, but also adds team mechanics into the mix. Now you get to take your assassin partners along with you on jobs, to make your assassinations go more quickly and smoothly.
There's also a city building minigame which allows players to restore the capital city as they see fit, unlocking goodies in the process, as well as cool new tools added to your arsenal, so you'll have something for every situation.
23. Far Cry 4 (2014)
It's so pretty!
Developer: Ubisoft
Genre: FPS
Theme: Fight the Dictator without giving way to greater evil.
Far Cry 4 stars a main character returning to his homeland to spread his mother's ashes. He meets Pagan Min, a cruel and psychotic dictator who outlaws things on random whims. You must fight against his army and return your homeland back to the people.
Oh sunrise, you're so pretty. I hope you don't get murdered by Pagan Min.
Far Cry 4 takes the strength of Far Cry 3's atmosphere and applies to the Tibetan mountains. The game itself takes place in a fictional country, but the land and the people seem to have such a rich culture you might swear it's real. Color also plays a big part in the game, making for a more picturesque experience.
Hunting sees some new and cool features, like the introduction of the elephants, which are particularly fun because you can ride them into battle! Nothing says “Fight the power” like getting a head-shot from the back of an enraged elephant. There's such an interesting world to interact with that makes this game definitely worth playing.
22. Batman: Arkham Knight (2015)
Time to take back the night.
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Be a super hero
Batman: Arkham Knight hasn't been out long, but it was a highly anticipated sequel to the Arkham family. It stars one of the most well-known super heroes of all time in one of the most crime-ridden cities ever to grace fiction. You get to take on Batman's gadgets and badass fighting skills, as well as the Batmobile!
That suit's SO COOL THOUGH.
Arkham Knight is actually the name of a new villain, created solely for the purposes of this game. He sports a batman-esque helmet (which has the ears) but the rest of him is armed to the teeth with paramilitary gear. Batman must fight against him and his permanent “solutions” for dispensing justice against the criminals of Gotham.
Along with that, we still get tons of territory to explore and other villains to beat up in this action-packed sequel. There have been some complaints about a 30 frame-per-second cap, but that can be changed and fixed. Rocksteady is also working to fix this issue all the same, and the reviews that don't base themselves solely on the frame cap are pretty good. Give it a go.
21. Mortal Kombat X (2015)
The official Goro trailer. ^
Developer: NetherRealm Studios, High Voltage Software
Genre: Fighting
Theme: Save the World
Mortal Kombat has been around for a really really long time. Since it's survived this long, they have to be doing something right. It's the quintessential fighting game, even non gamers have heard of it before. Choose your character and completely eviscerate your enemies in the ultimate fighting game!
Enjoy the afterlife, mortal!
Mortal Kombat has gotten attention in the past for being insanely gory. That still holds true for this iteration of the game. If you have issues with guts, blood, and utter brutality, this might not be the game for you. As for the rest, get ready for an awesome fighting game that can push your competitive side to the limits.
20. Bioshock: Infinite (2013)
Huh. Seems Revenge of the Jedi is playing at the Regent.
Developer: Irrational Games
Genre: FPS
Theme: Infinite possibilities
The Bioshock series has been known to bring up complicated subjects and present them through the video game medium with really strong game mechanics, blending both intelligence and fun.
Bioshock: Infinite puts the player in the role of Booker DeWitt, a man hired to “bring the girl, and wipe away the debt.” He journeys through the floating city in the sky: Columbia, and meets Elizabeth, an earnest young woman with a boundless curiosity. She and Booker must escape the city together, and “wipe away the debt.”
Mecha George Washington's here to cap your ass!
This game takes the FPS genre and adds the spice of super powers to it with the drinkable Vigors found around the city and give the player the best partner anyone could ask for. The game isn't a protection mission, which most players find daunting. In fact, Elizabeth can't die.
She only serves to aid the player in succeeding. She can throw ammo, health packs, and even money your way, as well as create cover out of thin air! This game is something I'd recommend to anyone looking for both a fun yet challenging FPS and an amazing story to go with it.
19. Ark: Survival Evolved (2015 – Early Access)
I want a T-Rex to ride, dammit!
Developer: Studio Wildcard, Instinct Games
Genre: Action Adventure / Survival
Theme: Survive
Ark: Survival Evolved starts out with your character naked and scared on a strange island. You learn to craft things, including (but not limited to) walls, weapons, and even a ride-able pet T-Rex. As you survive and level up, you learn more about the island and gain more crafting possibilities, allowing for more elaborate survival means.
I changed my mind. I want a pterodactyl instead.
Imagine if minecraft had dinosaurs and more realistic graphics. Now imagine you can craft guns as well as swords (there's probably a mod for that somewhere). Also, the world is so incredibly gorgeous!
If you're into survival games or adventure games, get ARK. It's still in early access on Steam, but it's still a must-play. Who knew surviving on an island inhabited by dinosaurs could be so much fun?
18. Counterstrike: Global Offensive (2012)
Rave on!
Developer : Valve Corporation, Hidden Path Entertainment
Genre: FPS
Theme: Complete the Objective
Counterstrike: Global Offensive is a multiplayer-based online shooter with a huge fan-base. Basically, get your weapons, carry out your objective, and don't let anything get in your way. It's straightforward in theory, but having multiple objectives on an elaborately built map forces the player to be tactical, making this game more than just a bullet buffet.
The rain seems a little heavy today.
Counterstrike is mainly for those looking for a competitive multiplayer experience. Learn to master intricate maps and even throw in some skins for extra customization to get a totally personalized character to stomp people with.
17. World of Tanks (2011)
Pro tip: tank jousting probably isn't as good of an idea as it seems.
Developer: Wargaming
Genre: Shooter / MMORPG
Theme: Defeat the enemy
If you've played most military-styled shooters, you're probably familiar with driving one of the heaviest vehicles known to mankind: the tank. This new hit multiplayer experience is all about being a boss with a tank. Simply choose your tank and go to town on either your enemies' lives or their base territory.
Ready for a rekking?
Here's the perfect game for your local tank enthusiast. It's also great for competitive types. With really awesome settings and more different types of tanks than you ever thought existed, World of Tanks is definitely something to go check out.
16. World of Warcraft (2004)
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Theme: Become a fantasy hero
World of Warcraft is one of the most well-known MMOs worldwide. You begin as a fledgling character of one of the vibrant races in the game and strike off to help out your faction. As you do quests and level up, you get to visit new lands and fight monstrous bosses while getting awesome equipment and crazy skills.
Now there's a thing you can buy from the store called “Boosting,” so if you don't want to spend a ton of time grinding and leveling up, you have the option to buy a Boost, which immediately rockets your character to ten levels below the level cap.
Chillin' on the beach!
This is a great game for people of all ages, because it's surprisingly easy to catch on to. It's also fairly simplistic until you're at higher levels, which can be more competitive. The world is a fantastic exploration experience too.
It's strange (in a good way) and you can find nice little secret spots to just hang out or screw around in. If you're interested in giving it a try, you can play a character for free until you hit level 20.
15. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014)
What's the kill-count at?
Developer: Sledgehammer Games
Genre: FPS
Theme: Kill the enemy.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a kickass military-based shooter that always seems to go above and beyond with its beautiful graphics and array of weaponry. Maybe that's why the game is so popular, especially for people interested in competitive multi-player shooters? Make sure your skills are up to snuff and get ready to rack up some headshots.
What's your weapon of choice, Mr. President?
Advanced Warfare takes what we all know about Call of Duty and adds onto it with kickass new weapons, beautiful and fun new maps, and brings with it all the excitement from the past games. Currently, you can find the Exo Zombie DLC which entails zombies trying to kill you with exo-suits on, which increase their maneuverability.
This game is one I'd recommend to anyone with a competitive spirit or anyone who loves shooters in general. It even offers a single-player campaign, so if social play isn't your thing, there's still something for you.
14. Xcom: Enemy Within (2012)
I wonder if aliens haven't invaded yet because they know we play games like this?
Developer: Firaxis Games
Genre: Strategy
Theme: Defeat the Aliens
Xcom: Enemy Within is a thrilling sci-fi strategy game pitting the player (controlling a squad of specially-trained soldiers) against alien forces threatening Earth and the survival of the human species. Learn how to tactically use your forces to take out alien targets and save humanity from annihilation.
Looks like we got a good old fashioned Martian Standoff.
Enemy Within offers a lot of new content for players. There's a new resource to collect, a new faction, new ways to dive into the game's lore, and 47 new maps to play on. Just as well, the new missions will force you to play tactically, and bring a greater challenge with the revival of Base Defense missions.
13. Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls (2014)
Who said Hell wasn't all fun and games?
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Genre: RPG
Theme: Escape Death... By literally fighting it.
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls is the newest expansion out for Diablo 3. In this game, the Angel of Death, Malthael, appears to steal the Black Soulstone in order to harness its power and destroy all life. As the protagonist, you need to become strong through fighting hellish monsters and getting better gear so you can boot Malthael's ass back to whence he came.
Mugging people in back-alleys: Diablo 3 style!
This isn't exactly a game for small children, but if you're into RPGs and/or the Diablo series's awesome lore, give this a go. With the addition of Reaper of Souls, there's a new class called the “Crusader” as well as a fifth act and a new Adventure Mode. In Adventure Mode, players can fully explore the world without having to create an all new character.
12. Grand Theft Auto V (2015)
I'm drooling all over my keyboard, Rockstar.
Developer: Rockstar Games
Genre: Action / 3rd Person Shooter / 1st Person Shooter (if you roll that way)
Theme: Criminals do crime, and do no time.
There's more to do in this game than any other I've seen in... Well ever, actually. First off single player takes you into the lives of Michael, Franklin, and Trevor. These are the games main characters, and each has a significant role to play in the story of the game.
You can even take video of your exploits and piece it together to make almost lifelike short films, if being a director is one of your interests. The world in this game offers so much to players (including full-length television shows) that you'll end up losing so much time to do something not even related to advancing the game's story. Online is fantastic, as things can get entirely out of hand.
As you do heists, you can call in large vehicles like jets or tanks and wreak havoc on all the other players on the map. And, if you're sick of all the fighting, there's Passive Mode, just to protect you from getting caught up in the war zone of San Andreas.
Just a casual Sunday night drive in lovely San Andreas...
Players who love GTA and shooters are all over this game. It really does have a little something for everyone without hurting its core mechanics, which is rare to see nowadays. This is one of the most fantastic games out right now for the PC. If you ever find an opportunity, snatch it up. You'll be glad you did.
11. League Of Legends (2009)
LOL WHAT?! Did Amumu just own the guy chasing him?!
Developer: Riot Games
Genre: MOBA
Theme: Fight for Supremacy
League of Legends has become the arena of choice for many MOBA players, and is one of the central games for e-sport players around the globe. It has such a powerful fanbase that the champions of 2014 earned $50,000.00 for their win. The game itself becomes trickier when trying to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each champion and buying the best items to exploit the enemy weaknesses while covering your own.
Awww, where ya goin', buddy?
The player base seems to be composed of people in their late teens and early twenties. If you already love games like DOTA 2, or are interested in checking it out, definitely take a look. With a gallery of 125 champions (and growing), it's not hard to see why so many people get interested in the first place.
There is such a large variety of play styles and possibilities that a personalized experience can be found for the less competitive players, which the more competitive have an active metagame to keep them adapting and changing against their rivals. You're really missing something if you don't try it out.
10. Heroes of the Storm (2015)
He's the butcher. That makes the opponent the meat, I guess.
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Genre: MOBA
Theme: Take the enemy base
The newest MOBA on the block is Heroes of the Storm. As with all MOBAs, you need to select a character, level it up, and build its strength with items in order to over power enemy characters and push all the way to their base. Heroes of the Storm offers a whole new roster unique champions (including champions from other Blizzard series like Warcraft, Diablo, etc.) as well as three game modes where players can choose to play with other players or AI-controlled characters.
Jaina Proudmoore here to freeze your heart!
It's also worth mentioning that it's pretty new and with Blizzard at the helm, you're in for some exciting new updates. Blizzard aims to make Heroes of the Storm different from the rest of the MOBA genre and in their efforts to take it in a new direction, they are referring to it as a “Hero Brawler.”
9. The Elder Scrolls: Online (2014)
Dragon Knight is apparently a class... Does that make them Dovahkiin?
Developer: Zenimax Online Studios
Theme: Save the World
The game starts you off by having you design your character. After that, you're to face the Daedric Prince known as Molag Bal. Thwart him and his minions and become among the heroes of Tamriel using all the skills, spells, and weapons at your disposal.
Welcome to scenic Coldharbour!
By now, we should all be familiar of what to expect from Bethesda and the Elder Scrolls games. A fantastic open world with everything to do, where you can get lost in the sheer vastness of everything and stumble upon a dungeon no one knew was there, is exactly what The Elder Scrolls: Online strives to do while adding an MMO flavor on top of everything,
8. Path of Exile (2013)
I already want it!
Developer: Grinding Gear Games
Genre: Action Adventure / RPG
Theme: Survival
The game begins by plopping your character on the beach of a cursed continent. It's apparently the place where banished people are sent. You must survive in the wilderness of this continent, against all of the horrors it contains.
This lavascape sure seems to have a great architect.
This is a thrilling action RPG with a dangerous and fascinating world to explore. There are strange and exotic items, cool skills, and tons of monsters to fight in this action-packed experience. It has a hard mode for the more hardcore audience and a normal mode for those interested in just playing the game, so there's something for everyone.
7. Hearthstone (2014)
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Genre: Strategy
Theme: Card Battle
Hearthstone is Warcraft in the form of a collectible card game, played online. The game offers a variety of play modes, each of which offers a different experience with the game. The main goal is to bring the opponent's hero's life down to zero by playing the cards in your hand.
Bolster your forces!
Hearthstone is strategic in a similar, yet ultimately different way than the Warcraft RTS games. There's a huge community, so the likelihood of finding people to help you understand the game better is very high. It even has a few expansion packs out, such as Goblins vs Gnomes and Blackrock Mountain Adventure.
6. Starcraft 2 (2010)
The new Protoss unit is really awesome looking.
Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Genre: RTS
Theme: Destroy the enemy base
Starcraft 2 is the true sequel to the original Starcraft games, with Starcraft: Brood War being the last place we left off. Starcraft has been extremely popular in certain areas of the world, causing it to be one of the more popular games serving as an e-sport. Starcraft gives players a faction-based army to control in order to destroy the enemy's base.
Someone get a mop.
Starcraft 2 is a really great RTS with it's own awesome style. It's something I recommend to those seeking a challenging community or a classic RTS experience. In particular, the distinctness of all three of the factions makes this game both fun to master and gives tons of potential play time.
5. Batman: Arkham City (2011)
I love the smell of toxic waste in the morning.
Developer: Rocksteady Studios
Genre: Action Adventure
Theme: Be the Batman
Batman is a superhero we all know and love. He fights for good under the cloak of night against the maniacal and corrupt forces of evil that plague Gotham City. This is a sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum, but jumping right in is no problem even if you haven't played the first one.
You take on the role of Batman, badass gadgets and ninja skills included. You lurk about various parts of Arkham City, a sequestered-off piece of Gotham City that currently houses Gotham's worst criminals, and protect the innocent political prisoners from the harsh actions of those who belong there.
Now that old theme song's stuck in my head.
Arkham City is one of the most interesting and extensive locations in gaming. When you're tired of working through the story, feel free to take a break after the mission and just swing around town.
There's always a street crime to thwart, so you can take a moment to try out your newest gadget or move. You can also take part in the various side missions the game has for you. There are a number of them in unique stages, so make sure to try them all out. It's fantastic!
4. DOTA 2 (2013)
Learn something from the DOTA 2 pros.
Developer: Valve
Genre: MOBA
Theme: Overrun the enemy base
DOTA 2 is the original MOBA, as far as anyone needs to be concerned. Choose from a multitude of different heroes to use in battle against opponents across densely populated battlefields. Build armor and weapons to aid your character's unique abilities and charge full steam ahead into another player's champion.
I want that, and that, and- OOH! Three of those, and...
DOTA 2 is one of the biggest games in the e-sports circuit right now, with its International Compendium tournament's prize pool boasting over $15,000,000.00 and counting. It's great for those looking for something competitive to become a part of as well as those who are interested in MOBAs. There's even a tutorial for players who are new to the idea of MOBAs.
3. Final Fantasy 14: Heavensward (2013)
But this is the last one, right?
Developer: Square Enix
Theme: Save the World
This new installment in the Final Fantasy series is taking what happened with Final Fantasy 11 and fixing it. The game incorporates a branching class system, so you start out as choosing from one of two (later it's one of four) starting classes, and from there you move upwards towards more specialized classes. As you level, you can get more skills, which you'll need to use in tandem with your items and equipment to bring down bosses and eventually save the world.
Not sure if teleporter... Or gigantic clock-face...
If you've always marveled at the graceful and enigmatic environments of the Final Fantasy series, this is a good fit for you. Likewise, anyone who enjoys a good MMO will find themselves very at home in this game. Keep in mind that Heavensward is actually an expansion recently released for the game, which introduces a new playable race, more crafting recipes, and new areas.
2. Pillars of Eternity (2015)
Giant monsters make the tastiest victory meal.
Developer: Obsidian Entertainment
Genre: RPG
Theme: Save the World
Begins with you, the player, setting up your character's race, class, and name and then throws you into the world of Eora. You need to master your character's skills, deck them completely out with magical weapons and armor, and be ready for a rich and engrossing world with a story to match. Then, hone your strategy know-how, because you're going to be using it in this fantastic indie RPG.
So... How long do we wait until it gets back up again?
Pillars of Eternity takes an interesting approach to the battle system. It uses a real-time tactical style with pauses incorporated to create an action-packet, yet strategically inclined battle atmosphere. It brings a new spin to both action based combat as well as strategic planning! The world is also incredibly well crafted. This game is easily one of the best indie games out this year so far.
1. The Witcher 3 (2015)
Geralt reminds me of someone who loved bubblegum... Who was it...
Developer: CD Projekt RED
Genre: Action Adventure / RPG
Theme: Defeat fantasy monsters.
At the top of our list, standing tall, is the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The player is put back into the role of Geralt, the rugged yet smooth-talking badass witcher from the first two games as he journeys to find someone, a woman, who was kidnapped long ago by an evil group called the Wild Hunt. Utilize tons of player-crafted potion, medieval weapons, and your combat skills as you fight your way through the extensive world of the Witcher 3.
Four against one? Those aren't good odds... For you guys, anyway.
The world is beautiful, and teeming with life in every nook and cranny. There's always a quest to complete in a world comparable to, and possibly even bigger than, Skyrim. It's a fantastic challenge as well as an adrenaline rush on top of being so extensive and gorgeous to look at.
That's 121 games that we think YOU should check out in 2015! it may seem like a lot, and sometimes, it may seem daunting, but we're gamers. None of that nay-saying applies to us in the slightest! The year isn't over and won't be for a while, so that should be plenty of time to beat your favorite titles!
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