How many of these sword fighting games have you played?
Sure, guns are great. But over the centuries, one of the most widely used weapons has gone mostly unchanged: the sword. Whether you’re wanting to hack and chop your way through a crowd, or show off your finesse with a blade against your mortal foe, there’ll definitely be a game for you this year!
15. Mordhau
What happens when your neck meets my sword?
The first game on our list, Mordhau is an upcoming multiplayer skill-based hack and slash, produced by an indie dev team. While still in early Alpha, it’s a very promising game and has already garnered a steady following.
With its name originating from an adaptive style of German swordplay, Mordhau throws you into the thick of medieval bloodsport. In duels to the death against one or more enemy players, the outcomes of the fights are determined entirely by the skill of the duelist.
Mordhau is unique in that it’s the first melee-based combat game to offer the player absolute control over every aspect of the game: from movement, every step, every swing, which enables players to fluidly string together movements, to complete customization of weapons and armor.
Mordhau features realistic combat and reactions – a slash to the neck will result in decapitation.
A wide variety of armor and weapons enable different styles of combat.
Mordhau closed alpha gameplay
14. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor
Venture into the world of Middle-Earth, where the Dark Lord awaits.
While by no means a new game, Shadow of Mordor remains one of the best in its genre. More than just your average hack n’ slash, the game is universally praised for its innovative usage of artificial intelligence.
Set between the events of Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings in Middle-Earth, Shadow of Mordor follows the tale of Talion, a guard stationed at the Black Gate of Mordor, after his family’s death at the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron. Aided on his quest for revenge by a like-minded wraith, the epic narrative culminates in a fantastic battle.
The game is best known for its groundbreaking Nemesis AI system, wherein player interactions with non-playable characters are remembered by the game and serve to further the plot development. Depending on how a fight with an enemy leader ends, the enemy may or may not return with a vengeance, or possibly convert enemies over to the player’s side. In this game, everybody has a motive.
String together moves to brutally execute your enemies!
One against many… there is no surrender.
13. Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide
A fresh foray into the universe of Warhammer.
Although technically a first-person shooter, Vermintide features a diverse array of melee weapons as well. Many characters are in fact more tailored to using swords and blades over guns, and there is always an abundance of enemies to cut your way through.
Vermintide is a multiplayer game established in the Warhammer universe, with a fairly straightforward plot: along with several friends, your character is stranded in the city of Ubersreik as an army of Skaven, anthropomorphous rodents, invade and seal off any exits and external help. Establishing a small base within the city walls, you and your friends must fight through hordes of loathsome rat-men to survive, occasionally going on missions to farm food and loot.
The game is reminiscent of the style created by Left 4 Dead, although it innovates by including elements of MMO games, such as a scaling loot system and gear types. Vermintide’s loot system is found rewarding by many players, as different loot tiers with varying weapons makes gameplay rewarding. There is also a variety of DLC to expand upon the stock game with hourse of extra gameplay.
When one blade isn’t enough, don’t hesitate to bring out a second.
“I’ll… I’ll stick ya, you… rat!”
12. Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends
A modern throwback to classic hack n' slash, Dynasty Warriors is oddly cathartic.
The most recent release in the main Dynasty Warriors series, this game takes us back to the roots of sword fighting games: classic hack n’ slash. The basics are all present, in their purest form: chaining together combos to deal massive damage to your enemies.
The series’ historical fiction plot revolves around the Chinese Tale of the Three Kingdoms, and players are able to take control of one of over 82 characters featured in the game. The goal? To conquer all of feudal China as a legendary hero – fight your way in incredible one-against-a-thousand battles!
Dynasty Warriors features an additional Ambition Mode alongside the base game, wherein players are tasked with maintaining and upgrading a peasant base, as well as a Challenge Mode played in arcade-style combat. The game is best played with a controller.
This game takes fighting through crowds to the next level.
Alone, but unfazed.
11. Life is Feudal: Your Own
(S)wordplay on "futile" hints at what the game entails.
Life Is Feudal: Your Own is a multiplayer life-simulator set in the Middle Ages. The game takes realism to the next level, with randomized crafting, lifelike physics, and intricate combat and virtual society.
This open-world game places 64 players into 3km square maps, and grants players access to a rich crafting system – recipes are different for each player, and can only be found through experimentation. Players can team up, or they can instead opt to fight to the death. The swordplay is exceptional, as it is entirely physics based. There is no targeting system, and instead of preprogrammed attacks, players are able to create their own through their mouse movements.
The game is also known for the construction and terraforming abilities it enables. Players are able to set up a base virtually anywhere on the map, and the bases can be continually upgrade into castles and towns. In addition, the lack of predetermined player classes and skill caps enables players to continually progress and develop,
That sword swing is likely to decapitate the other player… if the sword can still be swung after that hammer blow to the arm.
“Hello MTV, and welcome to my crib!” “I built it with some random dude on my server!”
10. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
There's nothing more badass to fight with a sword than dragons.
I’m sure plenty of you have been waiting for this title to appear. Although again, by no means a new game, Skyrim is the most recent game in the main Elder Scrolls series. Upon its release, it showcased a groundbreaking landscape, and took previously-developed AI to the next level with NPC-NPC interactions.
Take control of the Dovahkiin as you strive to ward off the end of the world, heralded by the dragon Alduin the World-Eater! Wielding a combination of magic and melee weaponry, engage dragons in herculean combat. Establish a name for yourself as the last of the Dragonborn and save the world, in the province of Skyrim! Swordplay
Character development plays a major role in the game, with experience leading to level increases, which then grant points to be put into a skill of the player’s choice. Visual customization is also very important, as character appearance and race play a role in relationships with NPCs. Although an older game, mod development is still incredibly active and the graphics are kept up-to-date as such.
Use magic to enhance the effectiveness of your blows.
Strike down enemies with your fearsome prowess with a blade!
9. Gloria Victis
Are you a hero? An outlaw? Or just a citizen skilled with a blade?
Gloria Victis is a MMORPG that is still in pre-Alpha. Under development by an independent games studio, the game is based loosely in a medieval European setting with some elements of fantasy and mythology incorporated.
Choose a nationality and build a character customizable to every detail, and engage in fast-paced PvP combat with other players. Combat tactics are extremely important with the game’s untargeted combat mechanic, and can easily decide the victor of a skirmish. A variety of settings exist where the player can engage in combat – do you wish to be a gladiator in a tournament? Or maybe a knight on the battlefield? Or perhaps you’re less concerned about your image and reputation and wish to be a bandit or outlaw awaiting easy targets?
The game also features a surreal amount of additional features, such as an economy system and housing. Players are able to choose from a wide variety of crafts, and are capable of either specializing in one and adapting it to a profession, or becoming a jack-of-all trades who uses their skills to survive. You can also team up to build bases and cities with allies!
Fight against enemy players in the open-world environment!
A large selection of weapon exists for you to master.
8. Dark Souls 3
The final installation of the Dark Souls series will make you tremble in fear.
One of the most anticipated games of 2016, Dark Souls III was released to critical acclaim. The series is notorious for being ridiculously difficult, yet some player still strive to find ways to make it even more challenging.
Dark Souls 3 puts you in the place of an undead warrior, Intense melee combat and bosses of epic proportion and skill await you on your journey to discover why the curse of the undead has once again arisen. With multiple plotlines and endings, there will be plenty to keep you occupied until you’re ready for the next game on our list!
A high level of precision in movements and timing is required to be successful in Dark Souls 3, whose bosses and enemies are designed not just to pose a challenge, but to actively best and kill the player, according to the game designer. Parrying and dodging blows is extremely important, as enemies deal significant damage to the player character. The game has set records by becoming Bandai’s most successful game ever, with over three million copies already having been sold in the two months since its release.
Engage in mortal combat with nightmarish bosses!
Expansive, beautifully eerie landscapes are all yours to explore at your own pace.
7. Ryse: Son of Rome
Anything must be done to preserve the honor of Rome!
Originally an Xbox exclusive, this third person hack n’ slash was released on PC in 2014 to moderate success. It’s often cited as underrated, and there truly are several aspects where this game shines bright, especially in its combat.
Ryse: Son of Rome puts you in the shoes of Marius Titus, a Roman Centurion who ascends the ranks to ultimately command the Roman Legion. After the brutal slaughter of your family, you seek vengeance against the Celtic barbarians responsible. However, things are not as simple as they outwardly seem and many surprises lie in wait as you lead your forces.
The game’s combat mechanics revolve around the concept of fluidity, with gameplay designed specifically to enable fluid movements and strikes, counters, and blocks. Weapons and shields can be found in abundance on the corpses of your slain enemies, and you’re able to fight with whatever you deem the best fit for yourself.
Slay your enemies… avenge your family!
Beautifully crafted environments and incredible armor detailing are just two bonuses to this game.
6. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Explore the Northern Kingdoms as a heroic Witcher.
Another open-world RPG, the highly anticipated Witcher 3 was released to widespread success last year. Featuring a world over 30 times larger than that of its prequel, The Witcher 2, it also offers over 100 hours of gameplay.
The game follows the story of monster hunter (or Witcher) Geralt of Rivia, as he travels through the lands known as the Northern Kingdoms. After the events in the past two titles in the series, Wild Hunt finally brings the incredible story of Geralt’s journeys to a close, as he deals with a changing society. Beautifully laid out settings and interactions enhance the gameplay experience.
Wild Hunt was incredibly successful, selling over 6 million copies in only 6 weeks. An advanced NPC AI system in conjunction with environmental influences cause the world to change drastically with the time, as well as with your actions. Similar to Skyrim, combat typically involves the combined use of skilled swordplay and magical abilities.
Side quests enable you to be more than just a monster hunter. See injustice? Are you a vigilante?
Actions speak louder than words. Especially true when it comes to swords.
5. Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord
Combat on horseback is a defining feature of Mount and Blade.
Scheduled for release sometime in 2016, Mount and Blade 2 will serve as the prequel to the first game, Mount and Blade: Warband.
Bannerlord is set in a fictional land around 600-1100 AD. The game is to include six major factions that use unique battlefield weaponry and strategies, and players will be able to align themselves with a faction to make use of specific abilities. The game will feature heavy multiplayer gameplay in addition to a singleplayer campaign, and multiplayer servers are expected to be able to host hundreds of players in a battle at any time.
Bannerlord will make use of a new, more sophisticated AI system – anything the player is able to make use of, NPC AI will be able to use as well. This development means that players will have to be far more tactical with their decisions than in the past, as enemies will be able to evaluate situations and make choices in much the same way they can. Strategic military movements will be of the utmost importance.
Your mount is as important as your sword.
In addition to swordsmen, players can also choose to be archers.
4. Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Deliverance will be had... on the sharp edge of a sword.
Scheduled for a 2017 release date, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is set in the Kingdom of Bohemia in the Middle Ages.
The game aims to deliver a historically accurate singleplayer experience, encouraging players to explore and use their highly interactive environments to change the outcomes of fights. The game will be one of the most accurate ever created, as the creators are also looking to historians to go so far as to create historically accurate music from the time period.
In addition to combat, player interactions with NPCs will change their status and the final outcome of the game. Conversations are timed and AI is extremely immersive to the point where even horse AI can influence battles. Quests don’t have any specific pathway to follow so long as the objective is achieved, and most exploration is left open to the player. Ultra-realistic physics used to calculate the force of blows, as well as its advanced AI aim to provide a gameplay experience like no other. I simply cannot wait for its release!
Mow down your enemies with heavy strikes!
A vast landscape is left open for you to explore.
3. Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II
Arrrrr! Or is it chaaaaarge?!
What once began as a mod for Half-Life 2 ultimately ended up becoming a fully-fledged game: Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II. The game comically pits the three factions in its title against one another, each seeking to conquer their foes and achieve an ulterior goal, whether that be to loot treasure, increase their territory, or appease their gods.
The three-team dynamic makes this game different from most. Players are able to choose from a selection of 9 individual classes, each with their own weapons and abilities, as well as a variety of play styles and maps. Although combat is fairly simplistic, some surprising weapons are able to change the tides of any battle in short notice.
Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II has been one of the most successful Half-Life 2 mods to date, with a large, dedicated player base still active and continually working to improve upon the original mod. 9 more classes are planned for future release!
As a pirate captain, use your attack parrot to peck at your enemies!
Butcher enemy players as a barbaric Viking!
2. For Honor
Does honor truly exist on the battlefield?
Although also slated for a 2017 release, we’re so excited about For Honor that it still makes the list. Announced at E3 2015, For Honor is a tactical multiplayer melee game.
Players dive headfirst into the middle of a clash between two teams as a member of one of three factions. Different classes and abilities are again available for players to choose between, and consecutive player kills enable additional skills to be unlocked.
One of the systems featured heavily in introductions to the game has been the “Art of Battle” system – this enables players to skillfully attempt to predict future enemy movements and strikes by carefully observing changes in character behavior and small movements, and enable a pre-emptive attack or an appropriate defense, depending on your playstyle. We eagerly look forwards to hearing more about For Honor and can’t wait to get our hands on it!
Incredible visuals contribute to breathtaking battles.
Try not to leave yourself vulnerable when you strike!
1. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Straightforward combat and excellent gameplay take Chivalry to number one.
And finally, number one on our list!
In Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, a multiplayer game set in a fictional medieval world, players are able to customize their character’s gear and weaponry, as well as skills, and march into battle. Characters belong to one of two armies fighting for control over the land of Agatha, and also fit into one of four classes: the ranged archer, the nimble man-at-arms, the flexible vanguard, and the unstoppable knight.
One notable feature of Chivalry is its ultra-violent gameplay – gore is heavily displayed, and overdone to the point of being somewhat comedic. Otherwise, gameplay is very self-explanatory and user-friendly, which puts this game on the top of the list. Most attacks and blocks can be conducted simply with the use of the mouse, and does not require entering in complex keyboard combos.
Despite its humble origins as a Half-Life 2 mod by independent developers, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare sold over 2 million copies within the first two years of its release.
The fighting in Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is very in-your-face
That concludes our list for the top 15 sword fighting games for 2016! What other games heavily featuring sword combat are you looking forwards to playing?
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