What are some of the scariest monsters from video games?
Developers have become really good at preying upon gamers basic senses to invoke a state of horror and paranoia.
Horror video games exploit the player’s sight, hearing and fear of the supernatural to cause even the most hardened gamers to rethink a short bathroom break.
With the horror gaming genre being flooded with great games, this top 15 scariest video game monster countdown will surely narrow and redefine your understanding of the word fear.
15. Creepers (Minecraft)
Coming in at number 15 is creepers from the video game minecraft.
These oddly pixelated monsters seek nothing more than your head on a plate and the destruction of your recently constructed block home. Their iconic hiss is all too familiar and will instantly alert a player to their near imminent demise.
Commonly seen staring through the window of your home, their pitch black eyes and dark green skin will certainly echo throughout your memory for years to come. Even worse, these green soulless monsters can appear with a shrouded blue aura indicating their evolution into a charged creeper. But there’s no need to fear, death will be painless and free of charge.
14. Hybrids (System Shock 2)
Arriving as a shock to the visual senses is deformed humans known as hybrids.
These humanoid creatures are the result of a parasitic worm infecting a human host. Hybrids are usually portrayed with a massive worm extending from the chest to the back of the skull.
These terrible creatures come in several forms for your horrific pleasure. Pipe, shotgun and grenade hybrids commonly always appear at the worst times. Defeating a hybrid may not be the most painstaking task, but forgetting their grunts and groans will not be nearly as easy.
13. Nosalis (Metro 2033)
Leaping and screaming their way into number 13 is the mutated mole abomination only known as the nosalis.
These scary monsters will commonly attack you throughout each level of metro 2033. Nosalis are generally portrayed with large claws, arched spines and massive jaws filled with razor sharp teeth.
Being territorial pack hunters, these underground mole like monsters have reached terrifying sizes as a result of enormous amounts of radiation. Although weak individually, this weakness is made up for by the sheer numbers attacking players from every angle.
If a nuclear apocalypse ever does occur, be sure to bring lots of friends and even more bullets, because the nosalis will be waiting.
12. Clickers ( Last of Us)
If you are fortunate enough to survive the initial outbreak, be sure to look out for the scary monster coming in at number 12.
Clickers, appearing in the award winning game of the year The Last of Us, are humanoid monsters experiencing the third stage of the Cordyceps fungal infection.
Having lost their visual senses, clickers rely on echolocation to find their prey. Their disfigured faces resemble fungus growing from decaying wood. Stealth will be your best friend if ever faced with the unfortunate experience of encountering a clicker.
11. Fast zombies (Half-Life 2) Ravenholm
Forget your typical image of the slow walking seemingly turtle like zombies.
These old, outdated scary monsters have been updated for your horrific pleasures to version 2.0. Half-life 2 redefines the idea of zombies and throws gamers into the fray with startlingly fast zombies.
These zombies are humans that have been mind controlled by head crabs. Fast zombies appear to be missing all of their skin and stand as nothing more than a pile of reddish pink muscles. Capable of climbing and leaping, these monsters will slash at you with sharp claws and make sure to give you a few heart stopping moment.
10. Cherubs (Doom 3)
Your idea of babies is going to be completely warped when you see this monster crawling its way into number 10. Cherubs are crawling, flying babies, which enjoy killing just as much as a warm bottle.
Recognizable by their large heads beating wings and insect like arms, cherubs are far from your typical aww provoking infant. If encountered make sure to feed these hungry hell born infant abominations with as much gunpowder and lead as humanly possible.
9. Necromorphs (Dead Space)
Necromorphs are the mutilated reanimated corpses residing within the stations of the dead space franchise.
Existing only to spread their plague to the next unsuspecting victim, they are by far one of the most terrifying scary monsters to make the top 15 cut. Necromorphs are extremely aggressive and resilient.
These monsters display a number of odd appendages ranging from extra hands and arms to sickle like protrusions developed only to assist in the players ensuing carnage.
Deaths via necromorph attacks are rarely painless. The screams from their victims and trails of blood will haunt your memories of this phenomenal game for ages.
8. Big Daddy (Bioshock)
The phrase who’s your daddy has a completely different meaning hundreds of feet below the ocean’s surface. With sunlight being rare if not non-existent, the mind has nothing but time to summon the worst possible creatures from the depths of the imagination. Stepping out of the abyss is bioshocks iconic big daddy.
Cocooned in metal suites of brass armor, big daddy’s prefer to substitute a massive drill for a right hand. Ever watching and over protective, these massive red eyed monsters exist for only two purposes, little sister's protection and your death.
7. The Gatherers (Amnesia series)
The only thing worse than a grotesque scary monster, is an immortal grotesque scary monster.
Gatherers are servants of the primary villain Alexander of Brennenbur. These disfigured human like creatures are unyielding loyal. A mere glimpse is all it takes to initiate their urge to hunt.
Being un-killable, the player’s only option is to hide and avoid detection. If both options are immediately unavailable there is no need to worry because death will be swift.
6. Lickers (Resident Evil)
Leave it to the resident evil staff to turn the idea of French kissing into a horrific terrifying experience.
Inappropriately invading your personal space is number six the licker. These mutated creatures use an excessively long tongue to cause all manners of displeasure to their nearly helpless human prey.
Created by the injection of the T virus into living tissue, these scary monsters exist only to kill. Pink in appearance and walking on all four, the licker will literally scale any obstacle to make sure you experience an untimely demise.
5. Pyramid Head (Silent Hill series)
One of the most recognizable monsters of any horror gaming series is our surprisingly non square friend pyramid head.
Dragging his large sword across metal walls and floors produces an unforgettable screech which announces the player's impending death. Literally represented by a character with a pyramid head, this monster may be thought of as the physical manifestation of punishment or judgment for the games main character James Sunderland.
Make sure you prepare your mind adequately, for pyramid head's appearance will shake even the most stable gamer’s mindset.
4. Alma Wade (Fear)
Chilling, but accurately defining the word fear, Alma Wade psionically summons herself into our number four position.
This little girl turned psychotic by several experiments designed to strengthen her mental abilities seeks only revenge against the people who brought her so much pain. Usually displayed wearing her red blood soaked dress or completely nude, this monster has left all forms of humanity behind.
Adopted at the age of 3 by the Arhacham Technology Corporation, they immediately recognize Almas potential and instantly begin to shape her into the vengeance seeking monster we have come to fear.
3. Witch (Left 4 Dead)
The infected human known as the witch is the only time you should avoid helping a crying half naked mourning woman.
Nearly immune to the onslaught and chaos of her fellow zombies dying around her, the witch only reacts to an uninfected human proximity, damage or light.
Once startled the witch mercilessly hunts the human who startled her and viciously attacks with sharp claws. Her familiar cry and shriek nearly always precedes at least one character death. Her speed is far greater than the average infected so make sure to avoid the witch at all costs, because running is not an option.
2. Slender Man
Sporting his fashionable black or gray business suit with a white or red tie, slender man claims his number 2 position in our top 15 countdown.
Slender man is a supernatural monster that does not have any discernible or recognizable facial characteristics. Simply tall and slender, this monster does not go for the typical attack and destroy method. Slender man prefers to stalk his target and mentally cripple the victim long before a physical attack is ever made.
1. Freddy (Fight Nights at Freddys)
Proudly claiming the number one spot of scariest video game monster is the adorable child loving animatronics monster known as Freddy the bear.
Arguable cute and cuddly by day, but ferocious and murderous by night, Freddy the giant brown bear waits for just the right moment to kill the helpless security guard watching over his establishment. Using cameras and doors with limited power due to budget cuts, Freddy stalks his children’s establishment with his friends waiting for just the right opportunity to strike.
Make sure you conserve as much power and energy as possible in this simplistic horror game, because the moment you lose concentration Freddy will appear to claim your helpless soul.
Each gamer has their own idea of what the top 15 scariest video game monsters of all time should be. If you have any suggestions or honorable mentions feel free to leave a comment below.
If this article was not enough to stop your heart, feel free to give these articles a try. Im sure they will finish the job. Horror Games and Horror Game Trailers