Where to Find Every Unique Weapon in Fallout 4
Guns, guns, guns! You want ‘em, we got ‘em. Fallout 4’s Boston Commonwealth is littered with guns, explosives, and melee weapons dropped from enemies and tucked away in nooks and crannies. But some weapons stand out from the rest.
From explosive teddy bear launchers to flaming katanas, here are Fallout 4’s 50 most lethal weapons and how to get your hands on each and every one of them.
Those poor suckers won’t know what hit them.
50. Alien Blaster Pistol at UFO Crash Site
Batteries not included.
This gun is out of this world. Literally. You obtain it from an alien who crash landed its UFO. The crash site is southeast of Oberland Station. The injured alien is taking shelter in a nearby cave. Take the little guy out, and the blaster is yours!
Extraterrestrial sightings are a staple in the Fallout series. In every game, you can come across a bizarre UFO crash site and a hostile alien wielding a blaster straight out of Mars Attacks. In Fallout 4, you actually get to see the crashing saucer blaze across the sky.
The Alien Blaster Pistol fires slow-moving blue bolts and deals 50 damage. It boasts 100 fire rate, 119 range, 79 accuracy, a weight of 2.5, and a value of 1,551. While it uses alien ammo with limited availability, you can modify it to run on fusion cells with Science! maxed out.
49. Rockville Slugger Sold by Moe Cronin
Keep strong and swing on.
This nailed bat cuts AP cost by 40%, allowing you to go wild in V.A.T.S. and put your back into power attacks. Rockville Slugger deals 21 damage, costs 21 AP, weighs 3.5, and is valued at 133.
48. Kellogg’s Pistol Dropped by Kellogg
Also known by its other name, "Spouse Slayer".
This .44 pistol can be looted from the corpse of the mercenary who killed your spouse and abducted your son. Pay him back by stealing his prized revolver (and jacket while you’re at it). When you sift through Kellogg’s memories, you learn he received the gun as a gift from his mother. How sweet.
Kellogg’s Pistol deals 48 damage and has the unique ability of refilling your action points with every critical hit. It boasts 6 fire rate, 119 range, and 70 accuracy, weighs 4.3, and is valued at 449.
47. Righteous Authority Awarded for “Call to Arms” Quest
Danse hands his guns out like candy at Halloween.
This special laser rifle was modified by our good friend Paladin Danse of the Brotherhood of Steel. It doubles the chance of landing a critical hit and fills the critical hit meter 15% faster. This is especially great considering landing a fatal critical will burn your target to ash.
Righteous Authority deals 26 damage and has 50 fire rate, 203 range, and 76 accuracy. It weighs 5.5 and is valued at 326.
46. Railway Rifle in Big John’s Salvage
Turn your enemies into porcupines.
The Railway Rifle can be found in a number of locations. But what makes this gun special is its ammo type. You load up rail spikes and nail your enemies with every shot!
The Railway Rifle deals a whopping 100 damage. It has 10 fire rate, 119 range, and 69 accuracy. This hefty gun weights 14.4 and is valued at 290.
45. Silver Submachine Gun Awarded for “The Silver Shroud” Quest
Costume and hat sold separately.
If you want to roleplay while you roleplay, don the gear of the radio superhero sensation the Silver Shroud and dispense great justice across the Wasteland.
The Silver Submachine Gun, the Silver Shroud’s signature weapon, has the exact same stats as a normal submachine gun. The only difference is its shiny hue, dark wood, and the ability to turn its wielder into a crime fighting noir hero.
44. Pickman’s Blade Awarded for “Pickman’s Gift” Quest
Float like a butterly, sting like a bee.
The Pickman Gallery is a grotesque museum showing off visceral art and twisted pieces painted with blood. Inside you’ll find its resident, Pickman, being attacked by raiders (probably for a good reason). Save him, and he’ll give you the key to access his special blade.
Pickman’s Blade causes 25 bleeding damage and is equipped with a stealth mod that increases your damage multiplier while sneaking. Ordinarily, it deals 15 damage and uses 20 AP. This perfect little assassin’s tool weighs 1 and is valued at 143.
43. Deliverer Awarded for “Tradecraft Quest”
"I'll deliver one bullet. Where do you want it?"
Tommy Whispers was the Railroad’s top agent. He died fighting the Institute to the bitter end. It all works out for you, though, since you get to use his prized gun!
The Deliverer is a semi-automatic 10mm pistol that’s superior to guns using the same ammo type. Its special effect improves V.A.T.S. accuracy and cuts AP cost by 25%. This handgun deals 25 damage and has 66 fire rate, 53 range, and 67 accuracy. It weighs 4.4 and is valued at 774. Not a bad backup to have!
42. Spray N’Pray Sold by Cricket
Making things more hazardous for everyone.
This legendary submachine gun pops enemies like balloons. Once you peg down Cricket, a wandering trader who’s known to hang around Bunker Hill, you can purchase it from her.
Spray N’Pray is blessed with an exceptional special effect—each automatically fired bullet is explosive. Don’t shoot near companions or at enemies too close to you! Friendlies will be caught up in the explosions. The gun deals 34 damage and costs 43 AP. It has 127 fire rate, 77 range, 69 accuracy, a weight of 19, and a value of 1,084.
41. The Last Minute Sold by Ronnie Shaw
"You mean their last minute."
This high-powered gauss rifle packs a huge punch. Its special effect grants 50% bonus damage to limbs, allowing you to cripple tough enemies (or feral ghouls for kicks and giggles). It can only be purchased at The Castle.
The Last Minute deals a devastating 192 damage. It has 66 fire rate, 203 range, 83 accuracy, a weight of 21.6, and a value of 6,500.
40. 2076 World Series Baseball Bat in Jamaica Plain
True baseball is homeruning a feral ghoul into the horizon.
Be just like a pre-war baseball champion and send your enemies flying across the Wastes with this unique bat. When the weapon’s special activates, it launches your target while cheers burst from… somewhere?
To get this weapon, simply go to the basement of Jamaica Plain Town Hall and search the display case in the Treasures exhibit.
The 2076 World Series Baseball Bat deals 16 damage, uses 35 AP, has a weight of 3, and a value of 325. No go show those amateurs what a homerun really feels like.
39. Broadsider Awarded for “Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution” Quest
Leave no battleship unsunk.
Fallout 4 may not have naval battles, but shooting actual cannonballs out of a 19th century cannon is the next best thing. This odd piece of artillery is given to you by an even odder crew of robots after you help them realize their dream of setting sail. Into a building.
Broadsider deals 108 damage with every impact and has 2 fire rate, 203 range, 63 accuracy, a weight of 27.4, and a value of 245.
38. Virgil’s Rifle Dropped by Virgil
The best anti-bully around.
Sick of super mutants stomping around like the own the place, leaving their gory meat bags all over, and generally just murdering everything that isn’t green? Then Virgil’s Rifle may be right for you! You just have to steal it from Virgil, first. It’s fine; he doesn’t need it.
Virgil’s Rifle comes with a special effect that increases damage done to super mutants by 50%. It deals 29 damage and has 66 fire rate, 227 range, 92 accuracy, a weight of 7, and a value of 402.
37. Survivor’s Special Awarded for “The Lost Patrol” Quest
Order up.
If you like to play scrappy, this rifle is perfect for you. The lower your health is, the greater the gun’s damage output becomes. To get it, just convince old Paladin Brandis to return to the Brotherhood of Steel. Or just, you know, grab it when he isn’t looking.
Survivor’s Special deals 31 damage (at full health) and has 44 fire rate, 47 range, 42 accuracy, a weight of 4.8, and a value of 340.
36. Zeta Gun in the Cabot House
Aww that tickles!
This gun is specifically modded to deal low radiation damage, but can be modified with a different part to restore its stats. The reason it’s outfitted with a limiter is most likely to generate non lethal levels of radiation to everyone but its intended target: Lorenzo. This weapon is a potential reward for completing “The Secret of Cabot House”.
Zeta Gun deals 10 radiation damage and 11.5 area of effect radiation and explosive damage. It has 66 fire rate, 119 range, 69 accuracy, a weight of 3.1, and a value of 156.
35. Zao’s Sword Awarded for “Here There Be Monsters” Quest
Made in China.
If you want this unique variation of the Chinese Officer’s Sword, you first need to find Zao. He’s a ghoulified captain in the pre-war Chinese Navy, living aboard the Yangtze, a hidden submarine located south of Boston Airport. Completing his quest will award you with the ghoul’s personal sword.
Zao’s Sword has the exact same stats as a Chinese Officer Sword. But it makes a great novelty item!
34. Old Faithful Sold by Arturo Rodriguez
Warning: Prone to frequent eruptions.
This laser pistol is an assassin’s best friend. When a target has full health, the first shot deals double damage. Couple that with stealth modifiers, and you’ve got yourself one smarting super mutant.
Old Faithful can only be purchased in Diamond City. It deals 29 damage and has 50 fire rate, 71 range, 71 accuracy, a weight of 4.5, and a value of 2,555.
33. Cryolator in the Locked Display Case at Vault 111
“Ice to meet you.”
Ever heard the term “so hot it’s cold”? Nothing encapsulates that better than a flamer that shoots ice beams. You can find this weapon early on in the game, though it’s tucked away behind a master lock in Vault 111.
Read the files on the local terminal, and you’ll learn the overseer just had to have a freeze ray. Not only that, but he puts the residents of Sanctuary in cryogenic ice boxes? I swear he’s one ice pun away from being a super villain.
Cryolator deals 20 ice damage and costs 21 AP. It has 90 fire rate, 71 range, 66 accuracy, a weight of 13.2, and a value of 302. Each shot fires a spray of ice that freezes enemies to the spot. It eats up cryo cells fast, however, so use it strategically. No need to go crazy, Captain Cold.
32. Grognak’s Axe in Hubris Comics
"I'll be a star!"
Every Fallout fan is familiar with the comic series Grognak the Barbarian. Picking up an issue will grant you the strength of the mighty warrior himself. But did you know you can find his costume at the feral ghoul infested Hubris Comics?
Grognak’s Axe can be found in a locked display case. It deals 25 damage and has a delightfully low AP cost for a medium speed melee weapon. So hack away! In addition, it has a weight of 10 and a value of 100. You’d think such a legendary prop would be worth more.
31. Salvaged Assaultron Head in a Chest at Fort Hagen Hangar
Mind the disclaimer.
Requires the Automatron add-on. This strange weapon is a severed assaultron head that’s been fashioned into a devastating energy pistol. A single shot isn’t much to gawk at, but it can be charged like a laser musket to unleash a powerful pulse.
Salvaged Assaultron Head deals 35 damage and has 11 fire rate, 93 range, 65 accuracy, a weight of 8, and a value of 40.
30. Junk Jet in the Control Room at ArcJet Systems
Think of it like a reverse vacuum cleaner.
Built by a disgruntled scientist tired of being underappreciated, the Junk Jet is a hefty launcher that uses—get this—all the crap you find in the Wasteland as ammo. Teddy bears? Check. Buckets? Check. Plungers? Why not?
You can charge your shots to increase your damage, otherwise Junk Jet deals 40 damage. It has 20 fire rate, 119 range, 75 accuracy, a weight of 29.9, and a value of 285.
29. Wazer Wifle Awarded After Completing Three Quests from Shaun
"What a cute wittle wazer wifle!"
If you played Fallout 3, you might recognize this weapon, given to you by a child in Little Lamplight. This time, it comes with a twist. This laser rifle never has to be reloaded. You can fire away until you run out of energy cells.
Wazer Wifle is a standard modded laser rifle with 55 damage, 50 fire rate, 191 range, 78 accuracy, a weight of 7.7, and a value of 399.
28. Big Jim in the Sewer Tunnel at Walden Pond
Its special effect is called Kneecapper for a reason.
This brutal pipe wrench has a 20% increased chance of crippling legs and ruining someone’s day.
Big Jim dishes out 13 damage, costs 35 AP, and has a medium speed. It weighs 2 and is valued at 150.
27. REBA II Awarded by Barney Rook
The Wasteland's equivalent to bug spray.
If you like crab cakes, you’ll love this powerful hunting rifle that dishes out 50% bonus damage to mirelurks and insects. You need to pass a persuade check, pickpocket the key to its container, or simply be a cold-blooded killer to get your hands on it.
REBA II deals 37 damage and has 3 fire rate, 131 range, 71 accuracy, a weight of 9.6, and a value of 215.
26. Eddie’s Peace Found During “Long Time Coming” Quest
"Rest in pieces."
This scoped .44 pistol decimates anyone who enjoys walking with its 50% bonus limb damage. You’ll find it on pre-war crime lord Eddie Winter’s body after you put him on ice.
Eddie’s Peace deals 52 damage and has 6 fire rate, 83 range, 81 accuracy, a weight of 5, and a value of 454.
25. General Chao’s Revenge Sold by Trudy
Saw through metal chassis like a Salisbury steak.
Man, screw technology. It got us into a big messy war and left us with hard-to-kill murder bots. Take out your misguided anger on the protectrons and assaultrons of the Wasteland with this sword and its 50% bonus damage against robots.
Gernal Chao’s Revenge, which also appears in Fallout 3, deals 28 damage and costs 35 AP. It has a medium speed, a weight of 3, and a value of 775.
24. Le Fusil Terribles on a Shelf in the Captain’s Cabin in Libertalia
Making every day terribles.
Fight through the raider encampment in Libertalia to earn this destructive combat shotgun. Each shot deals 25% extra damage and limb damage at the cost of heavy recoil. If you can handle the kickback, you’ll tear enemies apart!
Le Fusil Terribles deals 99 damage. It has 20 fire rate, 71 range, 29 accuracy, a weight of 15.7, and a value of 389.
23. Sentinel’s Plasmacaster Sold by Teagan
World's nerdiest sniper rifle.
Do you consider yourself an assassin of science? Because this plasma gun’s special ability deals double damage to targets at full health, making it perfect for stealth characters and insta kills.
Sentinel’s Plasmacaster deals 24 damage and 24 energy damage and costs 34 AP. It has 33 fire rate, 119 range, 148 accuracy, a weight of 4.8, and a value of 148.
22. Justice Sold by Penny in Covenant
“For great justice!”
This combat shotgun comes armed with the chance to stagger opponents. Astonish your enemies with the long arm of the law.
Justice deals 50 damage and has 20 fire rate, 35 range, 28 accuracy, a weight of 15.5, and a value of 1,076.
21. Wastelander’s Friend Sold by Deb
“I fight for my friends.”
Don’t underestimate the power of 10mm pistols. This unique weapons dishes out 50% bonus limb damage—enough punch to cripple the hardiest of foes!
Wastelander’s Friend deals 27 damage and has 46 fire rate, 83 range, 76 accuracy, a weight of 6, and a value of 772.
20. Tinker Tom Special Sold by Tinker Tom
Perfect for executing long range criticals.
If you’re a member of the Railroad, you have access to some pretty nifty gear. Such as this sniper rifle, which has a special ability that grants pinpoint accuracy during V.A.T.S. so long as you’re undetected.
Tinker Tom Special deals 63 damage and has 3 fire rate, 185 range, 112 accuracy, a weight of 16.7, and a value of 1,287.
19. Furious Power Fist Dropped by Swan
Unleash the fury.
The damage of this hefty weapon increases with each consecutive hit you land. So pummel away! All you have to do to earn this power fist is defeat Swan, the massive behemoth living in Swan’s Pond. No big deal.
Furious Power Fist deals 78 damage, strikes with medium speed, weighs 5.5, and is valued at 545.
18. Shem Drowne Sword Awarded for “The Gilded Grasshopper” Quest
"Stick them with the pointy end."
This unique revolutionary sword inflicts radiation damage. You can pick it up in Shem Drowne’s grave after completing The Gilded Grasshopper quest.
Shem Drowne Sword deals 16 damage plus 9 radiation damage. It costs 35 AP, swings at medium speed, weighs 3, and is valued at 250.
17. Tesla Rifle Dropped by Ivy in Fort Hagen Hangar
“Let the hate flow through you!”
Unleash your inner Sith with this energy weapon from the Automatron add-on. Each electrical shot arcs from one target to any fools standing nearby (including innocent bystanders). You can get this gun during the quest “Headhunting” by looting Ivy.
Tesla Rifle deals 32 energy damage and has 40 fire rate, 83 range, 70 accuracy, a weight of 8.1, and a value of 90.
16. Prototype UP77 “Limitless Potential” in a Hidden Room at the University Credit Union
“You’re gonna go far, kid.”
This laser rifle never has to be reloaded, so keep firing until your energy cell supply runs dry. If you like the sound of that, head on over to University Point and visit the University Credit Union. This never ending weapon is kept in a locked safe inside a locked vault. Time for a heist!
Prototype UP77 “Limitless Potential” deals 24 damage and has 90 fire rate, 227 range,96 accuracy, a weight of 3.9, and a value of 306.
15. Deathclaw Gauntlet Found During “The Devil’s Due” Quest
“Uh excuse me? You just punched a hole in my chest?”
Constructed out of two deathclaw finger bones, this power fist packs a seriously mean punch. I’m talking rude.
There are actually a few different ways to get a hold of this menacing claw. If you want one right away, head to the Museum of Witchcraft to start “The Devil’s Due” quest. When returning the egg to the deathclaw nest, this little guy will be there.
Deathclaw Gauntlet deals 25 damage and costs 40 AP. It slashes at medium speed, weighs 10, and has a value of 75.
14. Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun Awarded for “The Secret of Cabot House” Quest
In the name of science, anything goes.
The mod making this gamma gun unique can be removed and added to other weapons of its type. Installing it gives each bullet a knockback effect that stuns enemies with far greater impact than a normal gamma gun. Just talk to Jack Cabot in Cabot House and complete his quest to get this far out device of science.
Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun deals 25 damage and 10 radiation damage. It has 66 fire rate, 203 range, 69 accuracy, a weight of 4.5, and a value of 752.
13. Experiment 18-A Sold by the Synth Requisition Officer
Time to guinea pig this bad boy.
This automatic plasma rifle comes with 25% more fire rate and 15% faster reload. Once you reach the illusive Institute, you can purchase this weapon for yourself.
Experiment 18-A deals 56 damage and has 136 fire rate, 206 range, 140 accuracy, a weight of 6.6, and a value of 1,809.
12. Partystarter Sold by KL-E-0
“I don’t start parties. I finish them.”
Are you an assassin who’s tired of the same old, same old? Sniper rifles, silenced pistols, and combat knives getting dull? Well look no further than this missile launcher, complete with a night scope and 50% bonus damage against humans!
Believe me when I say they’ll never see it coming.
Partystarter deals 150 damage, weighs 21, and is valued at 314.
11. Syringer Sold by Doctor Sun
If I was a cheesy Saturday morning cartoon villain, I’d say, “It’s time for your shots!”
Do you consider yourself a mad scientist? If so, this rifle was made for you. It uses syringes as ammo, which you can construct at a chemistry station for varying effects. Ever wanted to see a bloatfly burst from a raider’s chest Alien style?
Me neither. But now you can!
Syringer deals damage based on the type of syringe loaded up. Its exact stats depend on the mods it spawns with.
10. Death From Above Sold by Teagan
Like lightning striking from the heavens. Only more explodey.
The only significant difference found in this missile launcher is the 75% increase in movement when aiming down. So get a running start and blow away anyone on the wrong side of your sights.
Death From Above deals 151 damage and is no different than a standard variation of missile launcher.
9. Ashmaker Awarded for “The Big Dig” Quest
Soul Survivor used ember!
This minigun fires a barrage of orange pellets that quite literally lights enemies up. Anyone caught in the fire will catch on fire as they take additional incendiary damage. To earn this destructive weapon of chaos and mayhem, complete “The Big Dig” quest in Goodneighbor.
Ashmaker deals 8 damage and 15 fire damage and has 272 fire rate, 131 range, 35 accuracy, a weight of 27.4, and a value of 1,582.
8. Good Intentions Dropped by Clint
Sending good intentions your way.
If you land a critical hit with this weapon, the target will fly into a frenzy and attack anyone unfortunate enough to be standing nearby. You can get this laser rifle when you take out Clint, the leader of the gunners, at his camp near Quincy Ruins.
Good Intentions deals 28 damage and has 113 fire rate, 194 range, 74 accuracy, a weight of 7.8, and a value of 393.
7. Kremvh’s Tooth Hidden Underwater in Dunwich Borers
“Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Ug-Qualtoth?”
This sacrificial dagger was used by the cultists of Dunwich Borers to worship a Lovecraftian god. This lethal, cruel blade is well guarded and hidden away in the dungeon’s underbelly. You’ll have to explore the wretched quarry to obtain it.
Kremvh’s Tooth deals 28 damage and poisons targets. It costs 30 AP, swings at medium speed, weighs 2, and is valued at 50. Oh and it also sacrifices the souls of its victims to the old gods. Probably.
6. Reckoning Sold by Level 4 Workshop Merchant
He keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’
This unique ripper (a mini chainsaw used by the military) comes with the ability to decrease damage taken by 15% when standing still. So just stand there and hack away, you madman.
Smiling Larry sells this weapon if he’s settled at one of your settlements. Assign him to a weapons emporium, and you’ll be able to purchase this weapon of unnecessary violence.
Reckoning deals 8 damage, costs 40 AP, swings at a very fast speed, weighs 6, and is valued at 750.
5. The Gainer Unlocked by a Puzzle at Vitale Pumphouse
Blaze a trail across the Wasteland.
This high-powered revolver dishes out bonus fire damage and ignite targets. So dispense justice like a blazing cowboy. To get this weapon, go to Vitale Pumphouse south of Hub City Auto Wreckers to find a locked door. Enter the code written on the adjacent wall (0, 4, 5, 1) to nab this revolver for yourself.
The Gainer deals 48 damage and 15 fire damage. It has 6 fire rate, 119 range, 74 accuracy, a weight of 4.6, and a value of 468.
4. Overseer’s Guardian Sold by Alexis Combes
We’ve got a new overseer in town.
One of the game’s most powerful guns, this combat rifle can be purchased as soon as you enter Vault 81. You can modify it however you want, and its superior stats ensures you can use this from early levels to the end of the game.
Overseer’s Guardian deals 55 damage and has 90 fire rate, 109 range, and 76 accuracy. It weighs 15.7 and is valued at 1,268.
3. Shishkebab Dropped by Slag
Let there be fire.
Did somebody order a flaming katana? Of course you did; who the hell wouldn’t! This flaming sword makes a return in Fallout 4, blazing the way to victory.
Shishkebab deals 13 damage and 13 energy damage. Power attacks cost 35 AP. Its speed is medium, its weight is 3, and its value is 200.
2. Big Boy Sold by Arturo Rodriquez
Wham, bam, goodbye ma’am.
This legendary Fat Boy fires two mini nukes at the price of one! Know what that means? That’s right—this baby deals the most damage out of all Fallout 4 weapons.
Big Boy deals 936 damage per shot. It weights 30.7 and is valued at 12,405. It’s a whopper all right!
1. Final Judgment Available During “Airship Down”, “Precipice of War”, or “Rockets’ Red Glare” Quests
“May God have mercy on your soul.”
Capable of reaching obscene damage outputs while maintaining decent fire rate and accuracy, this laser Gatling gun is one of the most powerful weapons in Fallout 4. You can achieve this by installing the Charging Barrels mod, which couples with the weapon’s special to increase fire rate by 50% and damage by 100%. This is Elder Maxson’s signature weapon for a reason.
Final Judgment deals 26 damage and has 340 fire rate, 203 range, 48 accuracy, a weight of 19.3, and a value of 3,804. Hot damn.
And there you have it. Every unique weapon in Fallout 4 and where to find them. The most powerful weapons are yours for the taking. Happy hunting!
Do you have a favorite weapon you like to use? Got any stories of destruction to tell? Leave your battle tales in the comments below.
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