Bethesda to Make it Big With Fallout 4 Merchandise
Bethesda may just be willing to cash out on their star Cash Cow of the moment, Fallout 4, just not in the manner everyone expected - selling merchadise! Believe it or not, but a die-hard fan of the series has just launched this petition to Bethesda Softworks, Bethesda Game Studios, Obsidian Entertainment, Black Isle Studios, Interplay Entertainment, Micro Forte, Masthead Studios, 14° East (all developers associated with past Fallout titles) urging them for the commercial production of Nuka-Cola, a soft drink made famous by the video game franchise.
The fan in question, Kyle Germuth of Kitimat, BC, has not only insisted on the production of Nuka-Cola, but also want’s Bethesda to include special pin numbers on the inside of every bottle cap. These numbers would then allow lucky winners to receive a free key for the digital copy of Fallout 4.
There is of course no indication to suggest that Bethesda will go through with this novel idea, although the petition has gathered considerable pace as of the time this article is being written (more that 2,500 supporters). But Bethseda have indulged the fans of their Fallout 4 cravings by announcing the addition of a real-life, actual Pip-Boy with each purchase of the Collector’s Edition of the game, which would come with the capacity of inserting their IPhone or Android device into the sleeve of the Pip-Boy, and with a special Pip-Boy Companion App installed, it would function just like a Pip-Boy in real life – allowing the player to check inventory, stats, and play back audio logs.
Sure Bethesda, deny the rumors as much as you like, fans will keep their fingers crossed anyway.