P.A.M.E.L.A set to come out on February 2017
P.A.M.E.L.A is set in a former Utopia that has collapsed due to a horrific disease
NVYVE Studios announced in an update on steam that they have pushed the release of P.A.M.E.L.A from Fall 2016 back to February 2017. The change in schedule comes as the team buys itself more time to polish and perfect their open world survival horror game; adding new features and getting rid any problems that have come up.
Though you may be wondering about the exact day the game will be released on in February, the developers are not able to give an exact date for the release of P.A.M.E.L.A. They have said in their recent steam update that although they are confident about a release date for February, they cannot give a precise date for the game to be released. However, we can look forward to possible confirmation of the release date shortly into 2017. So you won’t have to wait too long to know when you can get your hands on the open world survival horror game.
Free Roam Survival Horror
As you explore the fallen Utopia and take on various foes, you can uncover the truth about what happened to the former Utopia
P.A.M.E.L.A is a first person open world survival horror game. It is set on the Utopian city of Eden which has become a desolate shadow of its former glory. Players take control of a Sleeper who has awakened from cryosleep in Eden and must make use of various hi-tech weapons and equipment along with constructible items that can be upgraded to help you fight through the former utopia. Players will ally themselves with P.A.M.E.L.A, an Artificial Intelligence who oversees Eden. The omnipresent A.I will provide help for the player during their struggles in Eden.
P.A.M.E.L.A Announcement Trailer
Every encounter is unique
The behaviour of other characters is determined on your actions
There are a wide range of features for this game. You can interact with different characters, including citizens just trying to survive, to security droids and robotic custodians. These different groups have their own unique behaviour and their interactions with the player will change based on the player’s actions, becoming either friends, or foes. You can deal with hostiles with a collection of powerful weapons and equipment that can be customised. You can also enhance your character’s body through the use of bio-augments to make enemy encounters easier.
Developers at Work perfecting P.A.M.E.L.A
Incredibly polished visuals are something to look forward to for the February Release of P.A.M.E.L.A
NVYVE has been working hard on working on their first sci-fi free roam survival horror game for the past two years. To give a snapshot of the amount of work, here is a list of the current improvements made to the game according to the developer blog. Several hundred new animations have been prepared for the NPCS that players would interact with, along with the addition of two new hologram effects for the shield bracelets in the game. New level geometry has been organised and imported for the Garrison district area and a texture batch for the props of the Garrison district were complete. Certain textures and models in the game being removed after the developer’s most recent optimisation pass. Motion Capture There have also been improvements to motion captured animations in addition to the final batch which has been recorded.. More improvements to graphics also include the continuation on integrating the new super-menu for inventory, equipment and upgrades, more colour depth has been applied to grayscaled textures and work has commenced on a new model for “Afflicted” NPCs. So as you can see, the team has been hard at work on this game since they have started the project 2 years ago. Their work has been continuous and while the delay is a huge drawback that may disappoint a lot of people, it is better to receive a quality product and enjoy a game that the developers have spent a lot of time working on, than to play a mediocre game that was rushed by the developers. All in all, one can safely say that from this update alone, we can look forward to something extraordinary when P.A.M.E.L.A is released
A game that is worth the wait
Time will tell if the game is worth the wait, but looking at the screenshots and looking at the developer updates, it is easy to see that we can expect something incredible from P.A.M.E.L.A. Also, you don’t have to just wait in anticipation for this game to relase, but you can also check out their Developer Blog on steam which they constantly update to inform you about the newest update to their game. That way, you can see the game as it develops with possible new screenshots included in each update.
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