Experience a rich world with awesome graphics in these first person games
When you play a game with good graphics, you feel like you're really in another place. When you're in a forest, grass and trees are everywhere and they sway in the breeze. When you're in the city, rain falls and soaks into the cement, reflecting the warm glow of streetlights above. When you're somewhere cold, your breath freezes in the air. When you're somewhere hot, sweat beads off your skin.
Everything looks unique. Believable. Your surroundings pulse with life.
Some games have graphics so amazing, they'll convince you you've been taken to another world. Here's a list of 10 of them.
10) Alien: Isolation
In Alien: Isolation, you play as Ellen Ripley, daughter of Amanda Ripley, the protagonist of the world-famous 1979 film to which this horror game serves as a sequel. In the game you must navigate shadowy hallways, unlit corridors, and shiny futuristic interiors all while being stalked by the Alien, a fearsome insect-like creature with a thirst for human blood.
You know you're always being followed. But you never know from where. Polished chrome floors glisten with the reflection of the flickering lights above, vapor steams from pipes, and long shadows pass over the path ahead of you.
The game has a perfect sense of atmosphere, aided by its gorgeous high-end graphics. With impressive lighting effects that build a tense atmosphere, it is a terrifying horror experience.
Lurking in the shadows.
9) Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
What better way to sell a futuristic setting than with graphics so great they look out of our time?
In Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, taking place in 2065, you are placed in the role of a cybernetically enhanced soldier operating in a special forces team. In this world technology and the soldier have become united into one, designed into killing machines.
To reflect the futuristic plot, the game benefits greatly from its high production values. From intense firefights littered with flashes and smoke to the snow crunching under your feet as you stalk through the woods. Black Ops 3 enjoys gorgeous textures and breathtaking visual effects and is littered with action-packed setpieces to show them off.
Modern graphics, futuristic warfare.
8) Doom 4
An upcoming continuation of one of the most beloved first-person shooter franchises ever made, Doom 4 is sure to begin a new era in graphics quality.
You play as a lone space marine cast into an invasion of demons from hell. We've seen this plot before, of course. But it isn't broken, don't fix it, right? The Doom premise has always served up a perfect mixture of action and horror, and it always will. But while the setting has been done before, the amazing visuals have not.
The creatures of Doom 4 are modeled meticulously with rotting flesh and dripping blood, and as you fight through endless waves of them, the player will witness oceans of detailed gore that will make you feel like a real action hero.
Demons have never looked more real.
7) Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
Another upcoming title, Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 will be the next installment in a series that has long been known for its long draw distances and heavy detail. Through the eyes of the hidden assassin you are put in control of, you will witness this game's gorgeous vegetation, teeming wildlife, beautiful skies, and endless sweeping views of forests and river valleys as you wait patiently to take out your prey.
Since you'll be playing as an expert sniper, you'll be busy scanning the huge environments this tactical adventure has to offer, waiting for the perfect shot.
Enjoy the wonder of nature as you wait for your kill.
6) Dying Light
Dying Light is a vast, diverse, open-world experience that takes place in the ruins of Harran, an abandoned city that's been quarantined due to zombie outbreak.
You are left only your quick reflexes to explore the cityscape, making use of your parkour skills. It's up to you to defend yourself with the makeshift weapons you collect or craft in what is truly a concrete jungle.
The game makes sure to use its graphics to help make the world look huge. From haunting views of deserted streets and crumbling skyscrapers, to the rips and blots of rotting zombie skin, it always has a sense of scale to it. Dying Light is a dream come true for high-end PC gamers and zombie fans alike.
Beautiful chaos.
5) Homefront: The Revolution
The upcoming Homefront: The Revolution takes the future down a dark turn. In the world of this game, the United States has been invaded and occupied by the forces of North Korea. You, a member of the American resistance, must stalk your way through the game's open world and fight to free your home.
From what gameplay footage and screenshots we've seen, The Revolution is bound to be a bloody one. The clothing and movements of your fellow resistance fighters are lifelike and realistic, and the bold flash of gunfire and the impact of destroyed homes and streets make the world seem lived-in.
With such a believable environment, the player's struggle for freedom will look just about real.
Rebellion in the shadows.
4) Kingdom Come: Deliverance
A Kickstarter-backed title with a strong and supportive community, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an upcoming RPG set in the medieval Kingdom of Bohemia in the Holy Roman Empire.
The developers of the game promise epic, large-scale medieval battles. Gleaming swords, knights in armor, spearmen and archers and brave horsemen charging into battle: Kingdom Come will immerse you, making you really feel like just one man among many, lost in the heat of battle.
To help with that immersion, players can see that the graphics of the game are incredibly impressive, especially considering they are still in development. If you're a gamer who truly appreciates awesome graphics, keep this title on your radar.
Fight in the forests and hills of lush Europe.
3) Dead Island 2
We've not seen much of Dead Island 2 yet, but judging by the gorgeous visuals of the original game in the series, this upcoming sequel is bound to be graphically groundbreaking.
In Dead Island 2, the zombie epidemic from the first game has expanded and toppled the state of California, prompting the United States government to put the region under full quarantine.
This leaves you, a survivor lost in the infected hordes, to survive and scavenge your way. From the gameplay footage we've seen so far, the game captures the Golden State's diverse terrain and bright sunshine in its full beauty. Explore the sandy beaches and green hills of California at your pleasure, beating down on hordes of zombies along the way.
The apocalypse is sunny and bright.
2) Battlefield 4
The Battlefield name has long enjoyed a reputation for graphical awesomeness. Battlefield 4, with its large host of maps set in diverse locations worldwide, earns that reputation with flying colors.
Whether it be in the metropolitan streets of Shanghai, the biting snow of rugged mountain landscapes, lush jungle networks or sandy islands, this huge first-person shooter takes gaming to a whole new level of immersion.
Sunlight and dust catches on the polished metal of your weapons, rain and snow soaks into your clothing, and walls crumble into dust when pounded with gunfire. As you take part in the intense firefights of the 64-player multiplayer matches, Battlefield makes players really feel like a soldier lost in the chaos of war.
Find yourself in the battlefield.
1) Crysis 3
First-person shooter Crysis 3 takes place in post-apocalyptic New York City. The once-great metropolis has been turned into a vicious jungle and you, the supersoldier Prophet, are left to take a stand and defeat the alien Ceph who have made the Earth their own.
A pretty awesome premise, right? And the game has the graphics to boot. Running on the world famous CryEngine, the Crysis franchise is known for unrivaled graphics technology.
The game is simply filled with brilliant green vegetation, as well as crumbling urban decay. It radiates with vibrant colors from all corners. If you're someone who seeks stunning graphics in video games, Crysis 3 is an example of brilliance.
Endless jungle.
So, readers of Gamers Decide, what did you think of our list of 10 first-person games with awesome graphics? While the argument on whether graphics make or break a game has been going on for just about forever, there's one thing we know for sure: as a gamer, being able to enjoy breathtaking visuals can never hurt.
Did we miss anything? Should we change the order at all? There are games with better graphics being made all the time, so it's hard to limit a list of them to 10 items. Technology is evolving every day, and so long as hardware becomes more and more powerful, video game graphics will just keep getting better.
There's a bright future ahead of us, and many more worlds to see.
Suggested Reading
1) 10 Best First-Person Shooter Games to Play in 2015
2) 10 Things that Make an FPS Awesome
3) 10 Best Sniper Games to Play in 2015
4) 7 New Call of Duty Games Released in the Past 5 Years