On July 3, 2020, Diablo III began it’s 21st season. With this season, we’re getting new class sets, changes and rewards. Here is what we can expect in the newest season.
The power of the elements are on your side
The theme for this season is Trials of Tempest. What this means is that during the season, your character has a chance to periodically channel elemental power, unleashing elemental attacks on your enemies. A couple of examples of what you can do is summon a wall of flame, or use giant snowballs to crush your enemies!
New armor sets will be available to earn
Demon Hunters and Necromancers get new armor sets with this season. Demon Hunters get the Gears of Dreadlands set, which focuses on enhancing their primary skills. Necromancers get the Masquerade of the Burning Carnival, which enhance their Simulacrums. All classes will get a complete set of armor for completing chapters 2, 3 and 4 of the season journey as well.
For cosmetic rewards. Diablo III is bringing back the rewards introduced in season 9, as well as a couple of new ones. The new additions will be a Stupendous Contraption pet and the Industrial Portrait Frame.
There will be a few extra challenges for players
There are various Conquests this season that are confirmed, having both new and returning challenges for players to try. Some require killing a certain number of monsters under certain conditions, such as ‘Curses!/Stars Align’, and others are speed runs for either the game itself or rifts, like ‘Sprinter/Speed Racer’!
In addition to the recent release of the season, Diablo III released a patch shortly before it which gave balance changes to various classes and abilities. As the season goes forward, we can expect more patches and updates.