Everyone loves killing zombies. But what is the best way to kill them? BLOW THEM UP!!!
In 7DTD, you can! There are plenty of explosives that can disintegrate and dismember your zombie foes.
Maybe you are just looking for a fun way to remove some of those pesky blocks. Either way, here are the best explosives you can get your hands on in 7 Day to Die. Just remember not to blow yourself up in the process.
5. Grenade
Grenades are a fun and effective weapon against zombies. They can be an asset during a horde night when groups of zombies are running after you. They do a good amount of damage to entities and have a decent range. They also don’t need many resources to craft this at the workbench once you have the schematic or unlocked the level 3 Demolitions Expert perk. Just don’t use these on blocks. They aren’t highly effective.
Why the Grenade is fantastic:
- Does 310 entity damage with a range of 5 blocks
- You can hold up to 25 in one inventory slot
- Being a thrown weapon, you time out your attack better without getting too close.
- Three seconds after being thrown, it will explode
More info on the grenade can be found here: Grenade Specs
4. Exploding Crossbow Bolt
The exploding crossbow bolt is a great ammo option for your crossbow. Not only will your target and all around it take damage upon exploding. The direct target can still take damage from the arrow itself. They can also damage blocks, so keep an eye out when you fire. Craft this at a workbench after reading the Exploding Crossbow Schematic, duh.
Why you should invest in exploding crossbow bolts:
- 250 Entity damage with a 4-block range
- Can hold of to 250 in one inventory slot
- Arrow damage and explosion damage!!
Complete specs can be found here: Exploding Crossbow Bolt
3. Rocket Launcher (HE and Frag ammo)
The rocket launcher is always a lot of fun. One of the perks of it in 7 days is that you can use two types of ammo. One is better for zombies (frag), while the other (HE) is great for clearing out blocks. Either way, you won’t be disappointed with the explosive outcome.
Why is the rocket launcher worth it?
- Frag ammo can do 650 entity damage with a nice 6-block radius.
- HE ammo can do a whopping 2500 block damage with a 5-block range.
- Each can hold 20 per slot
- Both can be crafted at a workbench after getting level 4 Demolitions Expert perk
Rocket Launcher and Ammo specs can be found here: Rocket Launcher
2. Air Filter Land Mine
Air Filter Mines are a must-have for your base. Nothing will stand a chance with these on your base parameter. While like tin mines and hub cap mines, you will get better results with these. Explode zombies, animals, and even players with these mines.
Why you need Air Filter Land Mines:
- No perk or schematic required to craft at a workbench.
- Mines can be picked up once you acquire level 3 of The Infiltrator perk.
- Hold 20 in one inventory slot.
More details found here: Air Filter Land Mines
1. Stick of Dynamite
Dynamite is my favorite explosive. I’m sure some of you would argue with me, but I need to always have some on me. You cannot only clear out a group of zombies instantly, but you can also do impressive levels of block damage. It can be crafted at the workbench after reading the schematic and getting level 2 Demolitions Expert.
Why you need dynamite:
- 500 entity gaming with a 6-block radius
- an excellent 3000 block damage
- Great way to trigger barrels to explode without getting too close
- Minimal resources to craft
More details on Dynamite can be found here: Dynamite
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