I am here to discuss the armor sets in 7 days to die. I will rate them from worse to best based on armor durability, stats, resistance, and movement.
Take note that all armor stats are the same for each level except the durability increase with each level.
#6 Padded armor
Padded armor is the first armor set that is available to make. It is lightweight and gives minimum protection against zombie attacks.
Stats :
- Level 6
- Armor rate- 2
- Effective Rate- 2%
- Stamina/s- 0
- Mobility- 0
- Cold Resistance- 0
- Heat Resistance- 0
- Max Durability- 300
- Level 5 Max Durability- 270
- Level 4 Max Durability- 240
- Level 3 Max Durability- 210
- Level 2 Max Durability- 180
- Level 1 Max Durability- 150
- Padded hood
- 5 Cloth Fragments
- 1 Duct Tape
- Padded Chest
- 5 Cloth Fragments
- 1 Duct Tape
- Padded Boots ( per boot)
- 5 Cloth Fragments
- 1 Duct Tape
- Padded Leg armor ( per leg)
- 5 Cloth Fragments
- 1 Duct Tape
- Padded Gloves ( per glove)
- 5 Cloth Fragments
- 1 Duct Tape
What is great about the set and where can it be made?
- It can be made in the inventory window under clothing crafting
- Or can be made in the workbench
- It is basic armor for starting out
- Low material cost
- Gives a bit of protection for beginners
- No level requirements needed
#5 leather Armor
Leather armor is the next set up as far as stats, yet this one is hard to make if you do not have enough leather. Also, if you do not have the level for the workbench you cannot use this armor in the early stage of gameplay.
Leather armor also restricts mobility so it is harder to get away from zombies if you are caught in a bind.
Level 6
- Armor rate- 4
- Effective rate- 4%
- Stamina/s -0.57
- Mobility- 4%
- Cold resist- 0
- Heat resist- 0
- Max Durability- 450
- Level 5 Stats Max Durability- 405
- Level 4 Stats Max Durability- 360
- Level 3 Max Durability- 315
- Level 2 Max Durability- 270
- Level 1 Max Durability 220
- Leather Boots (per Boot)
- 7 Leather
- 1 Duct Tape
- Leather Chest
- 7 Leather
- 1 Duct Tape
- Leather Gloves ( per glove)
- 7 Leather
- 1 Duct tape
- Leather Leg Armor ( per leg)
- 7 Leather
- 1 Duct Tape
- Leather Hood
- 7 Leather
- 1 Duct Tape
What is great about the set and how can it be made?
- Has to be made in a workbench
- Workbench is level restricted Advance engineering level 1
- Character level 25
- Intellect level 5 required
- To make a workbench you need the following:
- 25 Forged Iron
- 20 Mechanical parts
- 1 wrench
- 1 hammer
- 50 wood
- Level restriction required
- Hammer and forge level 2
- Character level 10
- Intellect level 4
- Better stats opposed to scrap armor and padded
- Higher level requirements. Therefore produces better armor
- The downside is it takes a lot of leather
- The leather is from animals
- Some chairs and sofas from buildings
#4 Scrap Iron Armor
Scrap armor is a mid-grade armor and works for early gameplay as it does not require much except for iron. Iron is easy to get if you take apart cars and other things.
You can also smelt iron ore out of rocks into iron for the armor. Good for hot areas like the desert but very bad for cold climate areas without having clothes on as well.
- Level 6
- Armor Rate- 5%
- Effective rate- 3%
- Stamina/s - -0.9%
- Cold resistance- 0
- Heat Resistance- -1
- Max Durability- 700
- Level 5 Max Durability- 630
- Level 4 Max Durability- 560
- Level 3 Max Durability- 490
- Level 2 Max Durability- 420
- Level 1 Max Durability- 350
- Scrap Boots (per boot)
- 120 Iron
- 3 Leather
- 2 Duct tape
- Scrap Helmet
- 120 Iron
- 3 Leather
- 2 Duct Tape
- Scrap leg armor ( per leg)
- 120 Iron
- 3 Leather
- 2 Duct Tape
- Scrap Gloves ( per glove)
- 120 Iron
- 3 Leather
- 2 Duct Tape
- Scrap Chest
- 120 Iron
- 3 Leather
- 2 Duct Tape
What is great about it and how is it made?
- It is a basic armor
- No level requirements
- Upgraded armor from padded
- Can be made in inventory under clothing or workbench
- A bit better stats from Padded armor
#3 Military armor
Military armor is another mid-grade armor. It is very hard to make or find at times and honestly because of the stamina penalty and mobility issues I would not recommend using this armor till late game stage.
- Level 6:
- Armor rate- 6%
- Effect Rate- 6%
- Stamina/s- (-)0.57%
- Mobility- 4%
- Cold Resistance- 0
- Heat Resistance- 0
- Max Durability- 1000
- Level 5 Max Durability- 920
- Level 4 Max Durability- 840
- Level 3 Max Durability- 760
- Level 2 Max Durability- 680
- Level 1 Max Durability- 600
- Crafting:
- Military Boots (per boot)
- 12 Military fiber
- 3 Leather
- Military Helmet:
- 12 Military Fiber
- 3 Leather
- Military Gloves ( per glove)
- 12 Military Fiber
- 3 Leather
- Military leg armor ( per leg)
- 12 Military Fiber
- 3 Leather
- Military vest ( chest armor)
- 12 Military Fiber
- 3 Leather
What is great about it and how it is made?
- Better protection compared to the prior armor
- Has level requirements
- Needs a Chemistry Station to craft Military Fiber ( the following is how you make the chemistry station)
- Chemistry station requires Yeah, Science level 1 and Intellect level 6
- 2 Beaker
- 1 Burning Barrel
- 3 Cooking Pots
- 15 Short Iron Pipe
- 40 wood
- Military Fiber requires Yeah, Science level 2 and Intellect level 7 ( to make you need the following)
- 1 Bottle of Acid
- 1 Duct Tape
- 1 Scrap Polymers
- 10 Plant Fibers
- Or you can get Military Fiber from scrapping lower level Military armor
- Military Fiber can only be made in Chemistry Station
- Armor is made in Workbench only
- Requires Hammer & Forge level 5 Intellect level 10 and character level 100
#2 Iron Armor
Iron armor is a top grade armor for stats and mobility. It does have level requirements but is the best armor to use until steel armor.
You can use it at lower levels if you find armor pieces but be warned of its stamina effects and mobility issues as it is considered heavy armor.
- Level 6
- Armor rate- 7%
- Effective rate- 6%
- Stamina/s- (-)0.9%
- Mobility- (-)6%
- Cold resistance- 0
- Heat resistance- (-)1
- Max Durability- 800
- Level 5 Max Durability- 720
- Level 4 Max Durability- 640
- Level 3 Max Durability- 560
- Level 2 Max Durability- 480
- Level 1 Max Durability- 400
- Iron Helmet
- 24 Forged Iron
- 4 Leather
- Iron Gloves ( per glove)
- 24 Forged Iron
- 4 Leather
- Iron Boots ( per boot)
- 24 Forged Iron
- 4 Leather
- Iron chest
- 24 Forged Iron
- 4 Leather
- Iron Leg Armor ( per leg)
- 24 Forged Iron
- 4 Leather
What is great about it and how is it made?
- Best armor until Steel armor
- Requires having a forge for making forged iron
- Has level restrictions
- Level 3 Hammer & Forge required
- Character level 35
- Intellect level 6
- Made in workbench only
#1 Steel armor
Steel armor, is by far the best in the game for effectiveness. Though because of level restrictions this is a late game stage armor.
Pieces can be found around the world yet without having the right skills up it will cripple your ability to move around effectively. Does take a lot of forged steel to make a complete set or more depending on if you are crafting for friends as well.
For this armor make sure you have heavy armor leveled up or you will be crippled by the pentalities.
- Level 6
- Armor rate- 9%
- Effective rate- 9%
- Stamina/s- (-)0.9%
- Mobility- 6%
- Cold Resistance- 0
- Heat Resistance- (-)1
- Max Durability- 1000
- Level 5 Max Durability- 900
- Level 4 Max Durability- 800
- Level 3 Max Durability- 700
- Level 2 Max Durability- 600
- Level 1 Max Durability- 500
- Steel Boots ( per boot)
- 24 Forged Steel
- 4 Leather
- Steel Helmet
- 24 Forged Steel
- 4 Leather
- Steel gloves ( per glove)
- 24 Forged Steel
- 4 Leather
- Steel leg armor ( per leg)
- 24 Forged Steel
- 4 Leather
- Steel Chest
- 24 Forged Steel
- 4 Leather
What is great about the armor and how is it made?
- The best armor in the game
- Best stats
- Very low mobility requires heavy armor stat level to decrease penalties
- Only available in workbench for crafting
- Has level restrictions which are the next three bullet points.
- Requires Hammer & Forge level 5
- Character level 100
- Intellect level 10
- Requires a lot of leather from animals or sofas
- Forged Steel requires a lot of iron and clay in the forge
- Has the best durability of all armor so you can take more damage
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