Levi Ackerman is a well renowned name in the world of Anime. Here are his top 15 best scenes that are worth watching again!
15. Levi's First Appearance

Until now, the titans have been portrayed as an almost unbeatable force. As the cadets fight for control of the Trost area, they are revealed to destroy a small number of titans at a high cost of lives. Levi is seen effortlessly killing two titans while serving with the Scout regiment beyond the city gates.
Levi's victory against these giants is an illustrative example of the versatility of ODM weapons. In this scenario, Levi employs his all-time favorite fidget-spinner technique and owns the arena.
14. Surviving the Thunder Spears Explosion

Do me a favor and recall the purpose of the thunder spears. Yes, they were employed against the Armored Titan because there was no other way to crack his thick shell. Therefore, this makes the thunder spears immensely powerful.
And Levi Ackerman survived that explosion. Yes, the thunder spear explosion. A human with no regenerative abilities and zero titan powers survived getting exploded by a thunder spear.
If this doesn't speak volumes about his strength, then what does?
13. The Final Fight Against Kenny's Squad

Even though Kenny's and Levi's first encounter was way more exciting, the showdown between the Special Operations Squad and Kenny's Squad was a sight to behold. It wouldn't be wrong to say that as AoT progressed with its story, Levi and the Scouts changed from heroes to villains in a heartbeat.
They dared to stand up to the Military Police and the royal family. As a result, they became the target of a new anti-personnel squad's persecution and pursuit. Led by the notorious killer Kenny the Ripper, who played a significant role in Levi's formative years, they committed a string of brutal murders.
And what a face-off it was! Both the teams were highly skilled, and their mind-blowing techniques with killer timings made this entire scene much better.
12. The 57th Expedition

After Eren and his companions are accepted into the Survey Corp., Levi supervises the young Titan shifter on his first mission beyond the Walls.
Levi's Special Operations Squad, consisting of himself, Eren, and Mikasa, led the 57th Expedition Beyond The Wall to Shiganshina to retrieve crucial intelligence after the city was destroyed.
When the Scouts returned, they found themselves surrounded by Titans and pursued by a mystery female Titan.
Before helping take down many Titans and ultimately capturing the Female Titan, Levi gives Eren a sobering message on the consequences of his actions in combat. Levi's natural leadership skills were displayed for the first time in this situation.
11. Levi Defeating Beast Titan for the 3rd Time

I mean, there's not much left to say after the heading, though. Levi was up against the magnanimous Beast Titan for the third time, and he managed to pin him down again. Even though Zeke manages to win this round by blowing up Levi at the end, that doesn't even count.
Because blowing up a human Zeke? Really? Was that 5 feet guy that scary?
10. Levi's Conversation with Commander Erwin

Levi, who is often stoic, managed to move not only Erwin but everyone watching. In the face of defeat, Erwin revealed his deepest desires for humanity. Despite this, Levi is aware of the need for the situation. He instructs his closest buddy to abandon the fight and head toward certain death.
Levi pledges to Erwin before abandoning him to his certain death. This vow serves as his motivation during the last season.
Thinking back on all he's given up thus far, Levi finally comes to terms with the hopeless reality that he can't save even his closest friends. Levi's commitment to Erwin is the most crucial thing in the world, even if the world will end in the last episode of Season 4.
9. Levi Graces Shiganshina Once Again

Getting back to Shiganshina took Levi and the members of the Survey Corp. a lot longer than they had anticipated.
It was still their goal to find whatever Grisha Yeager had left behind in case it held the secret to defeating the Titans. Considering how likely the Colossal (Bertholdt), Armored (Reiner), and Beast Titan would all show up, that was easier said than done.
Levi wasted no time in charging towards Reiner, a former Scout, as the Scouts uncovered him hidden behind the walls. His lightning reflexes and boiling rage sparked a brief but violent encounter that set the tone for the struggle to regain Shiganshina.
8. Levi Being a Neat Freak

Because I'm a neat freak myself, I love rewatching this scene!
Weirdly so, but it satisfies my obsessive self as the scouts scrub each and every spot. It's the first time I've ever seen a man this serious about cleaning, and honestly, it's a treat to watch.
7. Crazy Levi versus the Abnormal Titan

After the deaths of his two closest companions in the ova, Levis transforms into the stubborn and self-assured soldier we know and love from the show.
The battle also showcased Levi's lightning-quick reflexes and his ability to unleash his vicious side. Even though he understood how to slay a titan, he chose to bleed it to death instead.
Even a single hit on an aberrant titan is impressive, but what Levi accomplished is beyond the comprehension of any ordinary soldier. It's pure class!
6. Levi Representing the Devils of Paradis Island

Ah, this entrance of Levi has to be his best entrance for me!
When Eren is in a pickle, i.e., the Jaw Titan right on his shoulder, Levi appears out of the blue and slashes a part of his face off in one swift and clean move. With the same pace, he quickly turns around and uses his ODM gear to complete his attack.
This scene of Levi is so freaking good that I can't help rewatching it repeatedly.
5. Levi Smiling

One of the rarest yet sweetest moments of AoT was this; when Levi smiled wholeheartedly.
Levi Ackerman has a sorrowful life. Levi has seen everything from his difficult childhood to his challenging adulthood. He has lost everyone close to his heart, making him the loneliest man in the entire series, even more than Eren.
However, when Historia punches him after becoming the Queen, Levi smiles for the first time. And it's not a short smile. It's a very warm and hearty smile that makes you love him all over again.
After all, this cutie deserves it.
4. Fidget Spinner Levi Ackerman

This is the moment, the very scene when I legit screamed, "Levi the fidget spinner!" on my TV's screen.
Killing out many Scouts, including the Levi Squad, proved the Female Titan was a cut above the rest. If there was doubt that Levi was the strongest soldier, this battle only served to solidify that notion further. After establishing such a formidable foe in the first season, one may expect a more drawn-out struggle.
This fight involved Mikasa, although Levi didn't require her assistance. His pinpoint accuracy in combat against a titan showed in every blow he delivered. Eren was brought back thanks to his Levi Ackerman.
3. Killing His Titan-Turned-Comrades

In season 4, the scouts transformed into Zeke's titans right before Levi's eyes. This immediately happens when Zeke escapes Levi's captivity to carry out this plan with Eren.
Just moments after the titans appear, Levi is in pure shock. He doesn't know what to do because these crazy titans were once his comrades and his dear colleagues. To further elaborate, all the scouts on the ground transform into titans and instantly attack Levi.
He hesitates at first but eventually assumes his true nature, finally defeating every titan present there.
2. Reunion with Kenny Ackerman

Due to Kenny's sneak attack, Levi is on the run, and the pursuit for Eren and Historia is on full speed.
The action that unfolds is among the most thrilling and rapid-fire in all anime. When Levi chases after Eren through the city, he is met by an elite squad, but Levi yet again proves to be the best of the best.
This sequence's stunning animation and Levi's beautiful moves are beyond description.
I literally lost my voice during this scene.
1. Battle Against the Beast Titan

Levi Ackerman's best scene in Attack on Titan is undoubtedly this epic battle between the two greatest warriors, i.e., Levi and the Beast Titan.
In this scene, Levi slaughters a dozen Titans while chasing the enormous Beast and suddenly attacks the Beast Titan. He swiftly slashes the massive titan to pieces and rams his blades into the neck of its pilot, Zeke.
This ruthless exhibition of Levi's strength was a first for his adoring public. This is a classic battle from one of the greatest anime shows ever. And I assure you that it will always be my favorite!
And as the list ends, so does our time to discuss Levi Ackerman, for now at least. He is such an interesting character with so much badassery and savageness that it's impossible not to like him!
Do you agree with the top 15 Levi scenes worth watching again? Comment down below and let us know.
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