AoT is an extensive anime with quite an elaborate storyline. While we love the entire anime, there are always a few scenes that we can watch on repeat without getting bored.
Here are our top 25 AoT best scenes that are worth watching again:
25. Levi versus Beast Titan (Round 1)
One of the most significant scenes in Attack on Titan was Levi's confrontation with the Beast Titan. The survey corps, particularly its captain Erwin Smith, made several sacrifices during the conflict.
Levi is hailed as humanity's hero and a beacon of hope. He battles external and internal forces attempting to weaken his determination. His battle demonstrates that he is tougher than those born and bred in this world. Still, it also demonstrates fragility since he understands that it might all be snatched away instantly.
This fight scene was hands down one of the best! I watch it on repeat and never get tired of it.
24. Mikasa Kills a Titan & Saves Hundreds
Mikasa saves the citizens by slaying a Titan barely inches from them in one of her most stunning actions from the first season. She slashes the Titan's throat and stares at the terrified audience, who cannot flee owing to a haughty merchant blocking the town's exit with a cart.
This sequence emphasizes Mikasa's battling spirit and reminds viewers that, despite her stern demeanor, she is a really caring person at heart. Mikasa's tremendous action movements and serene temperament make the scenario endlessly rewatchable.
This, among other things, establishes Mikasa as one of the most lovable characters in Attack on Titan.
23. Levi versus Kenny Ackerman
Levi's fight against Kenny Ackerman has to be one of the coolest scenes of AoT.
When Kenny reappears, Levi and Kenny are ready to kill each other, and a fast-paced, exciting action sequence begins. This incident contributes to Levi's tragic tale arc while also providing a humorous distraction from the Titan fight by demonstrating that humans may be villains in this story.
The human drama is compelling, but it's the stunning animation, as well as Levi's rage and anxiety, that makes this sequence worth revisiting.
22. Female Titan Goes Against the Survey Corps
The mystery surrounding who this Titan is persisting and the Survey Corps' efforts to catch her are among the anime's greatest combat scenes. The combat's surprises and turns enhance the whole experience, and witnessing individuals struggle for their life intensifies the stakes.
Remember how brutally Petra was smashed against a tree? Pretty brutal.
Although several characters die in this sequence, the awesome action and outstanding animation make it endlessly rewatchable.
21. Eren's First Transformation into a Titan
Well, well, well. I highly doubt that the fans could ever forget this one.
This scene sent chills down our spines because we didn't expect this to happen. When Eren was eaten by a Titan during one of their first true trips to kill Titans, it stunned viewers.
The alleged death was a fascinating moment for anime viewers because it implied that anybody, including the main character, may die at any time. On the other hand, Eren transforms into the Attack Titan, and that is when the real story begins.
Eren's subsequent rage saves Armin and Mikasa and produces a fantastic action sequence with several rewatchable moments, including Eren stomping on multiple Titans' skulls and shouting.
20. The Beast Titan's Introduction
The Beast Titan has proven himself a formidable foe, flinging massive stones at the Survey Corps as they prepare to launch an attack.
The Titans' inability to communicate was also established as one of the fundamental features of being a titan. But seeing the Beast Titan talk left everyone with their jaws dropped to the floor.
At first glance, the Beast Titan appears to come from a primitive culture, having never seen technology like the 3D gear. However, at the end of the series, the audience views the Beast Titan in a new light; he is amazed that Paradis's outdated people developed something to counter the Titans.
This is why this scene is one of the most repeatedly watched - the Beast Titan supremacy, I guess!
19. Sasha Eating a Potato = Absolutely Adorable
Sasha's cute entrance cements her as a popular character from the start.
Sasha is a gluttonous girl who loves food. She will go savage if it is taken away from her, resulting in humorous scenarios such as when she stands up to the intimidating squad commander while he rants at her.
Considering Sasha's unexpected death in season 4, this moment is a delightful recollection, and a different character introduction style than fans had previously seen in the anime.
18. Porco's Sudden & Saddening Death
Porco was one of the most good-looking characters on AoT. And, with his adorable looks and strong personality, it didn't take him a lot of time to become our favorite. His death scene is definitely one of the best but sad scenes because of how unexpected it was.
Apart from being so sudden, Porco's last appearance is quite memorable. His disheveled hair and the smirk he gives to Reiner are to die for!
We definitely were incredibly sad to see him go, and that too in his prime.
17. Levi Almost Killing Eren
In season 1, Levi almost ends up killing Eren. Almost, being the keyword here.
This scene in which Levi knocks up Eren is quite hilarious for me. Levi's actions were to prove that Eren is not a threat to humans by kicking him in the face and using his hair to hold Eren up.
In retrospect, it is endlessly entertaining to watch Eren get kicked, especially by fan-favorite Levi. This scene is worth revisiting because of the strong political strife that made the first two seasons suspenseful.
16. Eren Avenging His Mother's Death
Okay, this scene had me cheering and crying at the same time!
The Smiling Titan was Eren's major antagonist from the start of the episode, having devoured his mother in front of him.
Eren unlocks an ability that allows him to manipulate other Titans at this moment, leading a bombardment of Titans to overrun and eat the Smiling Titan. Eren's defense of Mikasa and his drive to win create a remarkable scene.
15. When Eren Wraps His Scarf Around Mikasa
Mikasa gets abducted after her family members are slaughtered. Still, she ends up murdering her captors when Eren intervenes to save her. Mikasa, depressed and lonely, is consoled by Eren, who drapes his scarf around her neck and invites her to come home with him.
This scene demonstrates that even the furious Eren and stoic Mikasa can be kind. Thus making it worthy of being rewatched again and again.
14. Levi versus Female Titan
Another Levi scene - well, what can we say? He is truly the best of the best!
Levi going against the Female Titan to retrieve Eren showed fans how skilled he is. We also get to see "Levi the Fidget Spinner" for the first time in the series. Captain Levi ends up severely injuring the Female Titan, taking Eren back.
13. Eren versus the Female Titan (Round 2)
Eren finally gets his chance to avenge Annie for lying to her comrades. His rage is something the fans are well aware of, but Eren completely loses himself in this battle. Eren versus Annie round 2 takes place in the streets of Stohess, where Eren goes crazy.
He doesn't care about anything that comes in his way because his ultimate goal is to catch Annie and get his queries addressed.
This scene is worth watching again because of Eren's fury and how he got Annie to submit. Even though she secures herself in a crystal, we still consider it a win for Eren.
12. Levi Attacks the Jaw Titan
This scene literally gave all the fans goosebumps!
When Eren was up against the War Hammer Titan, the attack was further intensified by the Jaw Titan's appearance. However, Eren had his back covered thanks to Captain Levi, who showed up in time and threw the Jaw Titan off Eren's.
11. Beast Titan versus Survey Corps
Commander Erwin's motivational speech and those three golden phrases deem this scene worthy of being watched repeatedly. Because of the thrilling twists and turns, this confrontation kept all the fans on their toes.
10. Sasha Saves Kaya
One of the best scenes in Attack on Titan's history is when Sasha saves Kaya from a titan.
We always saw Sasha as a carefree individual who prioritized eating her potatoes. However, in this scene, we see how competent of a soldier she is. And not only this, but she handled this with a smile on her face.
9. Eren versus Warhammer Titan
We've seen Titans' battles before, but what transpired between Founding Titan and the War Hammer Titan Warhammer was too savage to be referred to as a fight.
Eren smacks Lara in the face and then knocks her numerous times before she can turn into Titan. Later in the battle, Warhammer Titan and Marley's soldiers overcome Founding Titan, and Eren seems defeated.
Mikasa, as always, had Eren's back. She uses Thunder Spears to sever Warhammer's neck while Marley Force is defeated by Survey Corps.
8. People of Paradis Looking over the Sea
After all the hardships, the Eldians finally saw the world outside the walls - that was one heartwarming scene!
The fans realize the importance of this scene for Eren and his friends, as this proves to be one of the milestones in the storyline of AoT.
7. Survey Corps versus Reiner & Bertholdt
The battle of Shiganshina is an epic battle we witness in season 3. This sequence is worthy of being rewatched for the plot twists, the legendary -fighting techniques, and the adrenaline rush you feel just sitting in your cozy room.
6. Ymir's Transformation into Her Titan Form
Ymir's transformation into the jaw titan to save her scout friends was a scene that we all loved! It showed her bravery and determination to risk her life for her colleagues.
Also, we didn't really see that coming. So, it caused a lot of us jump out of our seats and go like “what!?”
5. Reiner & Bertholdt Reveal
Well, this one was incredibly fantastic! Reiner didn't beat about the bush about who he was and his intentions.
This reveal surprised all the fans because it was so sudden, because it was so casual! Nobody expected Reiner to just come up to Eren and be like, “hey, I’m the one you’re looking for. I’m the Armored Titan who tore down your wall.” But guess what - he really did this!
4. Armin Turning into Colossal Titan
The first time Armin transformed into the Colossal Titan, that was something else. It was weird to see the kind-hearted Armin, who is more brains than brawn, turn into something destructive and chaotic.
3. Mikasa's Unexpected Arrival to Save Eren
We didn't know what would happen when Eren was up against the War Hammer Titan and on the verge of losing against her. But, fortunately, just as Eren said, "Now, Mikasa!" she flew out of nowhere, attacking the War Hammer Titan with thunder spears - that's when all the fans completely lost it!
We all were cheering like crazy because it showed how Eren was never really alone if he had Mikasa on his side.
2. Eren Sealing the Gate with a Boulder
In season 1, this was an impossible thing to do without the help of a titan. And with Eren's newly discovered powers and sheer determination, the Eldians could get the job done.
Although many quests were achieved with the help of Attack Titan's abilities, this holds a special place in our hearts because it was the first. No one was sure if Eren could do it or not. However, once the wall was sealed, that's when the people of Paradis and AoT fans saw hope!
1. Eren Taking the Founding Titan
There is no doubt that Eren took the Founding Titan in style!
He convinced Ymir Fritz that she didn't have to be a slave to the royal blood. For the first time in forever, Ymir felt like someone cared for her and wasn't here to exploit her. This scene sent chills down my spine, and I'm sure it's a favorite of many AoT fans.
Do you agree that these scenes are worth watching again? Which one is your favorite? Or do you have a scene that isn't mentioned in this post? Comment down below and let us know!
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