Attack on Titan is filled with epic scenes that had us jumping out of our chairs. Apart from them, AoT also features many badass scenes that show us what really badassery is.
In this post, we'll discuss the Top 15 AoT Most Badass Moments that got us like, "oh dang, that was good!"
So without further ado, let's dive in.
15. Gabi Blowing off Eren's Head
Gabi is a sassy girl with her fair share of badass moments. And one of those moments is when she blows off Eren's head a split second before he and Zeke could touch each other to activate the Founding Titan's abilities.
Not only does she take a clean headshot, but Gabi also does it with a gun twice her size! How badass.
14. Eren Fighting till His Last Breath in a Titan's Mouth
Well, this scene got all of us chewing our nails and fingers, didn't it?
When Eren helped Armin out of the Titan's mouth in season 1, we were all in awe of his bravery. But soon enough, the Titan closed its mouth, and we all went into shock then.
However, the way Eren fought till the end as he tried to hold the Titan's mouth open and escape really got us cheering loudly for him.
That was really badass of him.
13. Reiner Saving Porco
Reiner didn't really have a lot of badass moments, but this one is very memorable. In season 4, when Eren is about to rip out Porco from the Jaw Titan's nape, Reiner (on the verge of dying) turns into his titan form.
The moment he does, Reiner murmurs, "You guys won't even let me die in peace." And then attacks Eren to save Porco's life. This was one hell of a badass moment and got us all starry-eyed for Reiner!
12. Mikasa Showing Up to Help Eren
"Imada, Mikasa."
We all remember this legendary phrase because - dang, man! Our list would have been incomplete without this spectacular scene as it displayed two extreme emotions; loyalty and trust.
Eren trusted Mikasa to help him out in times of despair, and Mikasa would never abandon Eren out of love and loyalty. Moreover, the moment she shows up and blasts the nape off of the Warhammer Titan, that was so cool!
11. Gabi Saving Kaya
Gabi has been an annoying character, true. But she has had her badass moments, and honestly, this was an epic one.
In this scene, Kaya is cornered by a Titan and calls out to Sasha to save her the way she did before. But as we all know, by this point Sasha isn't alive anymore - so who helps Kaya? That's right, our girl Gabi!
Gabi uses a big gun from a distance to hold off the Titan for a few moments. She then quickly runs towards it, asks Kaya to run away, jumps on the boxes, inserts the gun in the Titan's mouth, and - boom!
Simply, wow.
10. Captain Levi Evading Kenny's Squad
Well, Levi takes another spot on this list. And this time, he does it because of his encounter with Kenny and his squad.
From the beginning of this scene till the end, Levi escapes every single member of the Kenny squad, including Kenny - pure badass. We absolutely loved this scene for Levi's defense stance, critical thinking, and looking absolutely handsome while doing so.
9. Floch Attacking the Ship
All Hail, King Floch!
You can never be Eren’s number 1 fan because Floch will always have that spot no matter what. In his last scene, he fights off the Cart titan, Jean, Mikasa, and Hange, to blow up the ship out of this world.
He was always considered a weak character, but this shows how courageous and determined he was to help Eren in his task to save Paradis. This has got to be one of the most badass scenes of AoT because, dang, Floch was good!
8. Commander Erwin Charging Towards the Beast Titan
My soldiers scream!
My soldiers rage!
My soldiers fight!
Commander Erwin's last words were of bravery, dedication, and resilience. The Survey Corps were up against the Beast Titan, who had them cornered and showered them with stones.
Despite being weak and outsmarted, Erwin had the heart to charge toward the Beast Titan. Some might say it was a stupid move. Still, it has to be an incredibly badass move for us because even thinking of going up against a titan as scary as the beast titan is terrifying.
7. Eren Holding His Ground Against the Smiling Titan
This is simply one of the most iconic and badass moments in the history of AoT. The Smiling Titan has been Eren's enemy since the pilot episode when it ate his mother. A couple of seasons down, this Titan reappeared to devour Hannes and wanted to eat Mikasa.
However, we can see how courageously Eren holds his ground and punches the Titan's hand to protect Mikasa. By doing so, not only was he able to get it to back off but also got all the other titans to attack it.
This was so badass! Seeing Eren control all the titans and take his long-awaited revenge. Absolutely amazing.
6. Armin's First Transformation
How do you define badass? Well, for us, it's getting something difficult done in the most relaxed way. And this is precisely how Armin transformed into the Colossal Titan in Marley.
While his transformation is incredibly epic, bringing chaos and destruction - it's equally tragic. Armin's appearance in the war as the Colossal Titan helps Eren in his cause but also compels him to betray his principles.
5. Levi Showing Porco the Devil that He Is
Oh, this scene got us chanting Levi's name!
In season 4, when Eren and his friends are up against the Warhammer Titan and Eren is about to eat Lara Tybur, Porco attacks him from behind. He latches onto his shoulder, trying to throw him off.
However, at that moment, Levi appears out of nowhere and slashes a part of his face that loosens his grip on Eren. In a split second, he swings and comes back to attack Porco with a thunder spear, who tries to flee the scene.
This is Levi's first appearance in season 4, and it left all of us speechless!
4. Eren Going Up Against Reiner & Co. without Any Reinforcements
Eren was overpowered and outnumbered, while Reiner had a fleet of an army approaching him. Yelena was legit screaming at Eren to back off and not attack Reiner because of his current state.
However, Eren looks at her for one second before walking towards Reiner in his full glory! We were in awe of Eren's bravery and badassery because that was really, really cool.
3. Erwin Not Moving an Inch in the Presence of the Armored Titan
We are sure that this scene had everyone fangirling or fanboying over Erwin. In season 3, the Survey Corps and Eren are trying to take back the Shiganshina district. This scene features Erwin and Reiner (as Armored Titan) standing right next to each other.
As Reiner continues to look at him, Erwin further takes his hood off only to show Reiner who he is looking at. This gesture, followed by Erwin's plain, ice-cold look, displays how much of a badass he is.
2. Zeke Coming to Save Eren
In season 4, Eren was trying his best to fight against the Marleyian soldiers, the Jaw Titan, and the Armored Titan all at once. While he can fend most of them off on his own, the Armored Titan had him good towards the end.
However, Zeke swoops in just then to save his baby brother, Eren! Standing on top of the wall, he throws a big rock at the Armored Titan and sends him flying off to the other end.
1. Levi Attacking the Beast Titan
If the word badass had a face, it would be precisely like Levi Ackerman's. The world's strongest soldier of humanity is the King of badassery and savagery, which makes him a fan favorite.
His fight against the beast titan has to be one of the most amazing ones because of how badass Levi was. Even though he is in an open field with a giant, scary titan, Levi shows him who's the boss here.
His swift and unpredictable attacks confuse the beast titan to the point that he loses the fight.
And that's the end to the top 15 badass moments in AoT. Do you agree with us, or is there a better moment you'd like to share with us? Let us know in the comments below!
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