27 Apr 2022
15. Eren’s mother, Christa, being devoured by a Titan
14. Eren transforming into a Titan for the first time
13. Annie reveals that she’s a Titan
12. Bertholdt and Reiner’s reveal
11. The Beast Titan shows himself for the first time
10. Rod Reiss turning into an oversized Titan
9. Captain Levi beats Eren up in front of the Courtroom
8. Eren awakens his power to control other Titans
7. Everyone seeing the ocean for the first time
6. Captain Levi shredding the Beast Titan
5. Mikasa finally confesses her feelings to Eren
4. Erwin's final speech before charging towards the flying boulders
3. Sasha eating a potato in front of the guard
2. Titan Armin eating Bertholdt
1. Levi and Kenny Ackerman’s legendary fight scene
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