25. “When people are faced with a situation they don’t understand, it’s easy for fear to take hold.” - Armin Arlert
Armin always knows what to say in moments of despair… for the most part.
24. "I want to see and understand the world outside. I don't want to die inside these walls without knowing what's out there!" - Eren Jaeger
Well, Eren– You got what you wanted!
23. "One day or another, everyone you care about eventually dies. It’s something we simply can’t accept. It’s a realization that could drive you insane." - Hange Zoe
This sounds exactly like something Hange would say. If you know, you know.
22. "I think the best discipline is pain" - Levi Ackerman
Leave it to Captain Levi to give us… inspirational… quotes?
21. "Nothing can suppress a human's curiosity.” - Eren Jaeger
Are you sure about that, Eren?
20. “The only thing we’re allowed to do is believe that we won’t regret the choice we made.” – Levi Ackerman
19. “To surpass monsters, you must be willing to abandon your humanity.” -Armin Arlert
I can certainly say that a lot of the characters lose their humanity by season 4!
18. “You gonna care what other people think and be someone you’re not your whole life?” – Ymir
17. “I wasn’t free. I realized that I had been living in a birdcage all that time. The world was so big but they’d forced me into a tiny cage.” – Eren Jaeger
He has truly never been free— his whole life was quite literally preplanned.
16. “Everyone I’ve met was all the same. Drinking, women, worshiping God, even family, The King, dreams, children, power– Everyone had to be drunk on something to keep pushing on. Everyone was a slave to something. ” - Kenny Ackerman
The last words of a very wise man indeed.
15. “Even in moments of the deepest despair…I guess we can still find hope, huh?” -Hange Zoe
Leave it to Hange to provide the chill, comic relief for everyone when their world is quite literally falling apart.
14.“I don’t know what’s right anymore, but I do know that I have to face the consequences of my actions and carry out my duty as a warrior to the end.” – Reiner
Wise words Reiner! I mean, you did lie to all of your “comrades” about being the Armored Titan.
13. “If you think it’s natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely, you understand that sometimes a single death can save many lives.” – Mikasa Ackerman
Coming from Mikasa, who has almost sacrificed her life multiple times to save Eren.
12. “What’s so good about giving up? Is it better to escape from reality to the point where you’re throwing away your hope?” – Eren Jaeger
Eren will absolutely never give up on anything, ever.
11. “We’re going to explore the outside world someday, right? Far beyond these walls, there’s flaming water, land made of ice, and fields of sand spread wide. It’s the world my parents wanted to go to.” – Armin Arlert
Another quote that did NOT age well. Be careful what you wish for, Armin!
10. “You’re not soldiers, you’re not warriors, you’re just murderers.” – Eren Jaeger
Eren, upon learning who the true enemy has been all along.
9. “You don’t stand a single chance to win unless you fight.” – Mikasa Ackerman
Wise words from Mikasa herself, straight out of the bloodline of warriors.
8. “Someone who cannot abandon everything cannot achieve anything.” ― Armin Arlert
Coming from Armin himself, the man who will sacrifice everything for the sake of his friend's safety.
7. “It all stopped mattering to me. Who people were, where they came from, whether they lived or died. I couldn’t find any value in life, including my own.” -Annie Leonhart
We know, Annie. We know.
6. “If you begin to regret, you’ll dull your future decisions and let others make your choices for you. All that’s left for you then is to die. Nobody can foretell the outcome. Each decision you make holds meaning only by affecting your next decision.” – Erwin Smith
Erwin knew exactly what to tell Captain Levi in his moment of sorrow and mourning.
5. “Believe in your own power.” – Mikasa Ackerman
This is something we could even apply to our daily lives. You can do anything you put your mind to!
4. “If you don’t want to die– THINK!” - Levi Ackerman
Wow, Levi! Thanks for the advice– I’ll take thinking into consideration next time!
3. “You couldn’t save your mom, because you weren’t strong enough. I didn’t face the Titan, because I wasn’t brave enough.” – Hannes
Ah, but he was brave enough in the end. As Eren also became strong enough.
2. “People are crazy for believing that these walls will protect us forever. Even though the walls have been intact for the past 100 years, there’s nothing that can guarantee they won’t be broken down today.” -Armin Arlert
I know Armin is eating his words now!
1. “On that day, mankind received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of the titans, and were disgraced to live in these cages we called walls.” - Eren Jaeger
This certainly might be the most legendary quote of them all, straight out of the first episode. His words aged… interestingly.
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