25. Everburn Blade (Best for early game)
“Silent flames surge the length of the blade as soon as it clears the scabbard.”
Everburn Blade is one of the Martial Two-Handed Melee Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3. It’s a powerful Greatsword coated with flames that will never go out.
This weapon is extremely powerful early in the game, dealing a whopping 6-19 damage. In comparison, most weapons you’ll find at this point will only do around 0-9 damage. It’s not even difficult to get! The weapon is held by Commander Zhalk, a level 8 NPC with over 100 hit points. If you rescue Shadowheart, you can use her Command spell to make him drop it. No fighting is needed! However, whilst it’s great for the early game, it becomes pretty much useless past Act 1.
Why the Everburn Blade is great:
- OP for early-game fights - As mentioned before, this weapon deals a whole lot more damage than the rest of the weapons you’ll find early in the game. Acquire this, and you can get through Act 1 quite smoothly.
- Easy to acquire - Whilst players previously had to fight Commander Zhalk, you can now easily get him to just drop it.
The Everburn Blade is good for:
- Fighters
- Paladins
- Barbarians
- 6-19 Damage
- 2d6 +3 Slashing
- +1d4 Fire
- 1.5m Range
- Two-handed
- Dippable
The Holder of this Item gains:
- Cleave Action
- Lacerate Action
- Pommel Strike Bonus Action
- Ever-Burning
The Everburn Blade can be found on board the Nautiloid, held by Commander Zhalk at the very start of the game. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
24. Melf's First Staff
“In spite of (or perhaps because of) his suspiciously amusing name, the wizard Melf was actually quite a talented spellcaster and innovator in the field of the arcane. He even led an order called the Knights of Luna”
Melf's First Staff is one of the Quarterstaff Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3. Melf's First Staff is an enchanted staff that once belonged to the famous wizard Melf; it accordingly allows the caster to cast Melf's Acid Arrow and adds a bonus to spell saves and spell attack rolls
This is a great weapon for sorcerers and spellcasters, holding its value all the way up until the end of the game. It’s easy to get and gives a +1 to spell attack rolls and spell saves. This means you’re more likely to deal spell damage and less likely to receive it. Another great feature is that it gives you the option to cast Melf’s Acid Arrow, a spell which you would usually have to learn separately.
Why Melf’s First Staff is Great:
- Melf’s Acid Arrow - Once per Long Rest, you can shoot a green arrow that covers the target and the ground with acid. It deals a hefty 4d4 Acid damage immediately and 2d4 Acid damage at the end of the target's turn.
- Easy to get - Unlike some weapons, you don’t need to fight anyone for this! However, it’ll cost you around 188 to buy it from Blurg.
Melf’s First Staff is good for:
- Sorcerer
- Wizard
- Druid
- Uncommon
- 8-15 Damage
- 1d6 +1 Bludgeoning (1-Handed)
- 1d8 +1 Bludgeoning (2-Handed)
- Arcane Enchantment (+1 to Spell Save DC and Spell Attacks Rolls)
- Melf’s Acid Arrow (4d4 Acid damage immediately, 2d4 Acid damage at end of target’s turn)
Melf’s First Staff can be found amongst the wares of the merchant Blurg in the Myconic Colony. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
23. Hand crossbow +1
“A subtle magic runs through both strings of this crossbow, keeping the bows even once the lack is released.”
Hand Crossbow +1 is an uncommon, lightly enchanted (+1) variant of the Hand Crossbows family of weapons. It is a martial ranged weapon wielded in one hand. It's a light weapon that anyone can dual-wield without special training.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is full of different sorts of crossbows. The reason why the Hand Crossbow +1 stands out is because of its light enchantments. The bonus you get from this enchantment gives you +1 for both your attack and damage roll. That’s what gives this weapon an edge over the other crossbows. Using two of these with dual wielding will also allow you to deal a considerable amount of damage.
Why the Hand Crossbow +1 is Great:
- Easy to find - There are several different merchants you purchase this weapon from at various points in the game. The Emerald Grove, the Goblin Camp, Moonrise Towers, and the Myconid Colony.
- Powerful with duel wield - Whilst it may not seem incredibly impressive on its own, it can be a vital asset to your arsenal when used with dual wield.
The Hand Crossbow +1 is good for:
- Fighters
- Rangers
- Clerics
- Uncommon
- 2-7 Damage
- 1d6 +1 Piercing
- 15m Range
- Proficiency Unlocks - Piercing Shot, Mobile shot
The Hand Crossbow +1 can be randomly purchased from blacksmiths and merchants throughout Baldur’s Gate 3. A few confirmed merchants are:
- Dammon (Emerald Grove)
- Roah Moonglow (Goblin Camp, Moonrise Towers)
- Derryth Bonecloak in the Myconid Colony (Underdark)
22. Sword of Justice
“The words 'Deliverance. Justice. Vengeance.' are engraved on the base of this sword. They echo in your mind.”
Sword of Justice is an uncommon Greatsword that grants its wielder the Tyr's Protection weapon action.
The Sword of Justice is arguably one of the best greatswords you can get towards the start of the game. Not only does it deal a considerable amount of damage, but it grants you Tyr’s Protection, increasing your Armour Class by +2. Its usefulness remains strong throughout Act 1 and even into Act 2, making it a brilliant weapon to acquire.
Why the Sword of Justice is Great:
- High damage - For an early-game weapon, it deals a lot of damage compared to the other greatswords found at this level.
- Tyr’s Protection - The +2 increase in armour class is incredibly useful and may end up saving your life more than once!
The Sword of Justice is Good For:
- Fighters
- Paladins
- Barbarians
- Uncommon
- 3-13 Damage
- 2d6 + 1 Slashing Damage
- 1.5m / 5ft Range
- Proficiency unlocks - Pommel Strike, Lacerate, Cleave.
The holder of this item gains:
- Tyr’s Protection - Surround a creature with a shimmering field of magic that increases its Armour Class Armour Class by 2. The spell ends when the Sword of Justice is unequipped.
The Sword of Justice can either be looted from Anders in the Risen Road Toll house or given as a reward for killing Karlach (Sad times) in the Hunt the Devil quest. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
21. Staff of Arcane Blessing
“Though dust has settled into every nook and cranny of this staff, it still emanates a soothing aura. Its previous owner cast it aside - forgotten because there was nobody to bless.”
The Staff of Arcane Blessing is an uncommon Quarterstaff that grants the wielder the ability to cast Bless. In addition, all Bless spells cast by the wielder grant an additional +1d4 to Spell Attack Rolls.
This weapon is incredibly useful due to its enchantments and Mystra’s Blessing. This blessing will grant you an extra 1d4 to Saving Throws and Weapon Attack Rolls and an additional 2d4 to Spell Attack Rolls! If you’re sick of missing shots, then you’ll surely find this quarterstaff helpful.
Why the Staff of Arcane Blessing is Great:
- Mystra’s Blessing - With an extra 1d4 to Saving Throws and Weapon Attack Rolls, and an additional 2d4 to Spell Attack Rolls, say goodbye to missed shots!
- Strong Damage - With 1-8 damage, plus your strength modifier, this weapon can deal a lot of damage on top of its already favourable stats.
The Staff of Arcane Blessing is good for:
- Sorcerers
- Wizards
- Druids
- Uncommon
- 1-6 Damage (One-handed)
- 1d6 +Strength Modifier Bludgeoning Damage (One-handed)
- 1-8 Damage (One-handed)
- 1d8 +Strength Modifier Bludgeoning Damage (One-handed)
- 1.5m / 5ft Range
- Proficiency Unlocks - Topple
The holder of this item gains:
- 1st level usage of Bless per Long Rest and causes all Bless spells cast by the wearer to act as Mystra's Blessing.
- Mystra's Blessing - Bless grants an additional 1d4 to Saving Throws and Weapon Attack Rolls and an additional 2d4 to Spell Attack Rolls
The Staff of Arcane Blessing can be found leaning up against a table in the basement of the Arcane Tower. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
20. Phalar Aluve
“The drow inscription on this blade appears to have been recently carved. It translates to: 'Though I have to leave you, I will dance forever in Eilistraee's Light.'”
Phalar Aluve is a rare, lightly enchanted (+1) special variant of the Longswords family of weapons. It is a martial melee weapon that can be wielded in one hand or with both hands for extra damage. As a finesse weapon, it can benefit from the wielder's Dexterity and not just their Strength.
This is a highly useful weapon due to its versatility and damage capabilities. It takes the role of the fabled “sword in the stone,” wielding magical properties such as the Phalar Aluve Melody. This allows it to either Sing or Shriek. Singing will allow all allies within a 20ft radius to gain a 1d4 bonus in Attack Rolls and Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence Saving Throws. Meanwhile, Shriek will give all enemies within 20ft a 1d4 penalty to Charisma, Wisdom, and Intelligence Saving Throws. Any affected creatures also receive an extra 1d4 Thunder Damage. All in all, these perks make this an extremely powerful weapon!
Why Phalar Aluve is great:
- Highly Versatile - Phalar Aluve can be used with a number of characters and builds whilst still dealing great damage.
- You can get it quite early - As this sword is buried in the Underdark, you won’t have to venture too far into the campaign to get it.
Phalar Aluve is Good For:
- Bards
- Fighters
- Rogues
- Rare
- One Handed: 1d8 +1 slashing damage + Strength or Dexterity Modifier (2-9)
- Two-Handed: 1d10 +1 slashing damage +Strength or Dexterity Modifier (2-11)
- 1.5m / 5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains - Lacerate, Rush Attack, Pommel Strike
The Holder of This Items Gains:
- Performance +1
- Phalar Aluve: Melody - The sword hums in anticipation, ready to Sing or
- Shriek.
Phalar Aluve can be found lodged inside a large stone in the Underdark. You’ll have to pass a Strength or Religion check to get it out. Or alternatively, you could get a Cleric of Eilistraee to release it. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
19. Club of Hill Giant Strength
“Though this rotting chair leg doesn't look like much, every splinter vibrates with barely-contained power.”
Club of Hill Giant Strength is one of the Simple Melee Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3.
Who knew a chair leg could be so powerful? This weapon can deal quite a bit of damage, but one of its best features is Splinters of a Giant’s Might, which automatically sets the wielder’s Strength to 19! This is super useful for characters with low Strength, such as Astarion.
Why The Club of Hill Giant Strength is Great:
- Easy Find - You literally find it by sitting on a chair. If that isn’t peak laziness, then I don’t know what is.
- Boost of Strength - This is like the steroid of weapons. You don’t even have to do anything, and *boom* your strength is dramatically increased.
The Club of Hill Giant Strength is Good For:
- Monks
- Rogues
- Fighters
- Common
- 1d4 Bludgeoning
- 1.5m Range
Holder of This Item Gains:
- Concussive Smash
- Splinters of a Giant’s Might - Sets Strength to 19
The Club of Hill Giant Strength can be found by sitting on the stool at the top of the Arcane Tower and then breaking it. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
18. Sussur Dagger
“Smoke like whorls of sussur sap darken the metal of this dagger's blade and silence its victims.”
Sussur Dagger is one of the Melee Weapon Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3.
It’s a great off-hand option for Rogues or even just to give to Astarion early on. There aren’t many good dagger options available until Act 3, making this highly useful as a powerful throwable weapon, too.
Why The Sussur Dagger is Great:
- Silencing - This dagger grants you Enraged Throw, allowing you to silence far away enemy spellcasters. Even better, it’s a bonus action, which means you can still hit a closer target as a main action!
The Sussur Dagger is Good For:
- Rogues
- Barbarians
- Druids
- Rare
- 1d4 Piercing damage
- Weapon Enchantment +1
- Silences targets on hit
- 1.5m Range
- Proficiency Gains - Piercing Strike
To get the Sussur Dagger, you’ll need to complete the Finish the Masterwork Weapon quest. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
17. Sword of Lifestealing
“Folded into the steel of this menacing weapon is an alloy of enchanted metal. It waits like a leech in thick swamp water, awaiting a victim to taste, awaiting a chance to restore your heartiness and inflict suffering on your foes.”
Sword of Life Stealing is one of the Shortswords Weapons in Baldur's Gate 3. Sword of Life Stealing is a very rare shortsword sold by Dammon at the Last Light Inn in Act 2.
This weapon is a super effective addition to your party, especially if you’ve got items that increase your chances of a critical hit. With a critical hit, the Sword of Life Stealing grants you 10 temporary hit points and even deals an extra 1d10 Necrotic damage to your target.
Why the Sword of Life Stealing is Great:
- Huge Damage - Its original 1d6+7 Piercing damage combined with 1d10 Necrotic damage on a critical hit gives this weapon the potential for impressive damage.
- Extra Health - Alongside the extra damage you get with critical hits, you also gain a temporary extra 10 hit points. That’s always a plus!
The Sword of Life Stealing is Good for:
- Rogues
- Monks
- Sorcerers
- Very Rare
- 11-25 Damage
- 1d6+7 Piercing damage
- +1d10 Necrotic damage
- Weapon Enchantment +2
- 1.5m Range
- Proficiency Gains: Flourish, Piercing Strike
You’ll find the Sword of Life Stealing at the Last Light Inn with the Merchant Dammon. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
16. Staff of SpellPower
“A near-perfect relic that is only blemished by the collected palm-sweat of various archmagi from across the Realms.”
The Staff of Spellpower is a very rare Quarterstaff that can be obtained from the House of Hope.
Feature-wise, the Staff of Spellpower is quite similar to the Markoheshkir Staff, as it allows you to cast a spell without using a spell slot. This becomes incredibly useful when you reach high-level spells, as you can cast more than one.
Why the Staff of Spellpower is Great:
- Second to the Markoheshkir - The Merkoheskir is, no doubt, a significantly better staff (It’s legendary). However, The Staff of Spellpower is a great alternative when you haven’t found this one yet or have already had it equipped by another spellcaster.
- Arcane Enchantment - This enchantment allows you to gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls. Pretty Handy!
The Staff of Spellpower is Good For:
- Wizards
- Sorcerers
- Clerics
- Very Rare
- 1d6 +2 Bludgeoning Damage +Strength Modifier (3-8)
- 1d8 +2 Bludgeoning Damaging + Strength Modifier (3-10)
- Enchantment +2
- Proficiency Gains: Topple
- The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Arcane Enchantment - You gain a +1 bonus to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls.
- Arcane Battery - The next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot.
The Staff of Spellpower can be found in the House of Hope in a vault across from the entrance to the Boudoir. You’ll need to pass a DC10 Wisdom Check and a DC20 Arcana Check. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
15. Halberd of Vigilance
“A variant of this halberd's design was thrown out in the early stages of development by its forgemaster. This was because the halberd kept expressing itself. 'ALARM!' it would shriek in peril. 'POTENCY FILLS ME LIKE A SONG OF HOPE!' it roared in triumph.”
Halberd of Vigilance is a very rare Halberd that deals additional Force damage, gives a bonus to Initiative, and grants Advantage on Perception checks and Reactions.
Compared to the previously mentioned weapons, this weapon is quite powerful with its additional force damage, making it great for opportunity attacks, not to mention the fact that you get a little bonus for initiative rolls and perception checks.
Why The Halberd of Vigilance is Great:
- Cheeky bonus - Everyone loves a good bonus for their initiative and perception.
- Large Range - This weapon has a great feature called ‘Extra Reach’, making the range of this up to 8ft!
The Halberd of Vigilance is Good For:
- Paladins
- Fighters
- Barbarians
- Very Rare
- +2 Enchantment
- 1d10 +2 Slashing Damage + Strength Modifier (3-12)
- 1d4 Force Damage
- 2.5m / 8ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Rush Attack, Lacerate, Cleave.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Sentinel Weapon: +1 Bonus to Initiative rolls and Advantage of Perception Ability checks
- Adroit Reflexes: Attack Rolls as a Reaction gain Advantage.
You’ll find the Halberd of Vigilance in the wares of Lann Tarv, a trader on the ground floor of Moonrise Towers. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
14. Handmaiden's Mace
“This mace was designed by Lolth's assassins to fell heretics who dared turn their back on the Spider Queen. However, even the best-laid designs fall to nothingness when brought to bear against Shar's faithful.”
Handmaiden's Mace is a very rare, moderately enchanted (+2) special variant of the Maces family of weapons. It is a simple melee weapon wielded in one hand.
Stats-wise, this mace has the potential to be one of the best in the game. Whilst it doesn’t have a huge amount of magical ability, it deals huge amounts of weapon damage due to its enchantment. It also deals additional poison damage, making it useful in sticky situations. However, one of the best aspects of this weapon is the fact it increases strength to 18!
Why The Handmaiden’s Mace is Great:
- Low Strength Characters - Due to the weapon’s ability to raise one’s strength to 18, it’s great for balancing out characters in your party who have low strength.
- Extra damage - The weapon’s extra enchantment, alongside its poison damage, comes together to pack quite a nasty punch!
The Handmaiden’s Mace is Good For:
- Warriors
- Bards
- Clerics
- Very Rare
- +2 Enchantment
- 1d6 + 2 (3~8) + Strength Modifier Bludgeoning damage
- 1d6 (1~6) Poison damage
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Concussive Smash.
The Holder of This Weapon Gains:
- Strength set to 18.
You’ll find the Handmaiden’s Mace in the Cloister of Sombre Embrace beneath the House of Grief. It’s dropped by Viconia DeVir.
13. The Dead Shot
“When the archer Frederik Durlusk died, his only request was to be buried with his favorite bow. This is that bow.”
The Dead Shot is a very rare, moderately enchanted (+2) special variant of the Longbows family of weapons. It is a martial ranged weapon that's wielded with both hands.
The reason why the Deadshot is such a great bow is simply down to its boost to ranged attacks and its increased chance of Critical Hits. Any BG3 fan knows that Critical Hits are everything, so items that make it easier are always valuable.
Why The Deadshot is Great:
- Improved crits - When using this weapon, the number needed to roll a Critical Hit is reduced by one. What makes it even better is that the effect can stack.
- Powerful Ranged Attacks - When using ranged attacks with this weapon, your proficiency bonus is doubled! Pretty neat!
The Deadshot is Good For:
- Fighters
- Paladins
- Rangers
- Very Rare
- +2 Enchantment
- 18m/60ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Hamstring Shot, Brace.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Improved Critical - The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.
- Keen Attack - The wielder doubles their Proficiency Bonus when rolling ranged attacks with this weapon unless they have Disadvantage.
You’ll find the Dead Shot at the Stormshore Armoury in the Lower City in the wares of a merchant named Fytz the Firecracker. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
12. Gontr Mael
“Gontr Mael blasted from the corpse of the Steelwatcher Titan: a bow formed from the boiling slag and weird whispering gyros inherent to the mechanical giant. It must have acted as the Titan's abdomen, exchanging muscle for immaculate steel.”
Gontr Mael is a legendary Longbow that can possibly inflict Guiding Bolt on its target and grants the Celestial Haste and Bolt of Celestial Light actions.
While you have to go through quite a fight to get it, the Gontr Mael is a strong weapon with the chance of inflicting a powerful Guiding Bolt. This takes a DC 15 Dexterity saving through to avoid. Its +3 enchantment and great range make for a fantastic addition to your ranged characters,
Why The Gontr Mael is Great:
- Great Damage: The 4-11 damage range plus your Dexterity modifier allows for quite a powerful hit, especially if it inflicts Guiding Bolt as well.
- Boost of Speed: This weapon’s Celestial Haste feature allows you to Hasten for 5 turns without suffering any bad conditions when it ends!
The Gontr Mael is Good For:
- Fighters
- Paladins
- Rangers
- Legendary
- 1d8 + 3 (4~11) + Dexterity Modifier Piercing damage
- 18m/60ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Hamstring Shot, Brace, Bolt of Celestial Light
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Promised Victory - On a hit, possibly inflict Guiding Bolt Guiding Bolt (DC 15 Dexterity saving throw) upon the target.
- Gontr Mael - Glowing: This object shines with a glowing light in a radius of 6m.
- Celestial Haste - Can cast once per Long Rest.
You’ll find the Gontr Mael in the Steel Watch Foundry as a looted item after defeating the Steel Watching Titan. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
11. Duellist’s Prerogative
“A blade gifted to Lora by her own mother, Lenore the Fleet. When challenged to duels, Lenore's opponents assumed she had received this nickname from some naval exploit. They found out how wrong they were when her blade blurred faster than the eye could follow.”
Duellist's Prerogative is a legendary, highly enchanted (+3) special variant of the Rapiers family of weapons. It is a martial melee weapon wielded in one hand. As a finesse weapon, it can benefit from the wielder's Dexterity and not just their Strength.
The Duelist’s Prerogative is arguably the best weapon in the game if you’re using a build that uses the Defensive Duelist feat. It grants a helpful amount of combat actions, which allows you to have several special reactions during combat.
Why The Duelist’s Prerogative is Great:
- Multiple Modifiers - During combat, the weapon’s piercing damage can use modifiers from either Strength or Dexterity, which is very handy!
- Elegant Duellist - This ability allows you to get Critical Hits with a 19 whilst also giving you an additional reaction per turn.
The Duelist’s Prerogative is Good For:
- Rogues
- Bards
- Fighters
- Legendary
- 1d8 + 3 (4~11) + Strength or Dexterity Modifier Piercing damage
- 1d4 (1~4) Necrotic damage
- +3 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Flourish, Piercing Strike, Weakening Strike.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Elegant Duellist - While your off-hand is empty, you score a Critical Hit when rolling a 19. Moreover, you gain an additional reaction per turn.
- Withering Cut - On a hit with a melee weapon, use a reaction to deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
- Challenge to Duel - Challenge an enemy to attack only you, inflicting Bleeding on the target.
- Dueller's Enthusiasm - While you are not dual-wielding, you can make an additional melee attack.
You’ll find the Duellist’s Prerogative as a reward after completing the Save Vanra quest. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
10. Knife of the Undermountain King
“Snatched from the realm of the mad wizard Halaster Blackoak, this knife became a prized keepsake of a duergar king.”
The Knife of the Undermountain King is a very rare magical shortsword that increases the frequency of scoring Critical Hits and grants Advantage against enemies in the shadows.
Not only does this weapon look pretty cool, but it contains several properties that vastly improve the wielder’s capabilities. Its increased chance of scoring Critical Hits combined with an advantage on Attack rolls on Obscured targets makes this a very fine weapon indeed.
Why The Knife of The Undermountain King is Great:
- Multiple Modifiers - Much like the previous weapon, this weapon’s piercing damage can use modifiers from either Strength or Dexterity.
- Critical Hits - With an increased chance of scoring critical hits, this shortsword can become one of your most helpful weapons.
The Knife of The Undermountain King is Good For:
- Rogues
- Bards
- Rangers
- Very Rare
- 1d6 + 2 (3~8) + Strength or Dexterity Modifier Piercing damage
- +2 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Flourish, Piercing Strike.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Organ Rearranger - The wielder scores a Critical Hit when rolling a 19. When they roll 2 damage or less, reroll the dice, taking the highest result. (This effect applies to all attack and damage rolls while the weapon is equipped, whether they be physical or magical attacks, and not just rolls made using the weapon itself.)
- Shadow Blade - You have Advantage on Attack Rolls against Lightly or Heavily Obscured targets when using this blade.
You’ll find the Knife of The Undermountain King in the wares of A’jak’nir Jeera in the Creche Y’llek. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
9. Nyrulna
”The forgemaster Lirrico designed this weapon for the champion of the wind goddess Akadi. A key component in the forging was his home city's wind, and for a year after the weapon was made, no wind blew there at all.”
Nyrulna is a legendary, heavily enchanted (+3) special variant of the Tridents family of weapons that deals bonus Thunder damage and can be thrown to create an explosion that also deals Thunder damage.
This is a fantastic weapon for several reasons. First of all, it deals impressive amounts of damage, including Thunder and Necrotic on top of that. Second of all, it not only grants you immunity to fall damage but also boosts your movement speed. Not only this, but it even teleports back to you if you throw it!
Why Nyrulna is Great:
- So much damage - Dealing 11-26 damage in total, with Thunder and Necrotic damage, this weapon packs a very impressive punch.
- Cool features - Although it may not be useful in all situations, the increased movement speed and fall damage immunity is incredibly handy when you need it most.
Nyrulna is Good For:
- Fighters
- Barbarians
- Paladins
- Legendary
- 1d8 (1d6)+8 Piercing Damage
- +1d6 Thunder
- +1d4 Necrotic
- +3 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Piercing Strike, Crippling Strike, Zephyr Flash, Zephyr Break.
The Holder of this Item Gains:
- Zephyr Connection - This weapon will return to your hand when thrown. You cannot be forced to drop the trident. When thrown, the weapon creates an explosion that deals 3d4 (3~12) Damage in a 6m/20ft blast centred on the target.
- Veil of the Wind - You gain a +3m/10ft bonus to movement speed and jump distance. Equipping this weapon gives you Immunity to falling damage.
- Nyrulna: Glowing - This object shines with a glowing light in a radius of 6m/20ft.
You’ll find Nyrulna in the Circus of The Last Days in Rivington. You’ll have to win the jackpot from Akabi after first pickpocketing or trading his Djinni Ring. You’ll then have to open a DC 20 locked Painted Chest in the Jungle, right next to the exit portal. It’s also possible to win the jackpot by passing a DC15 Performance check after noticing Akabi is cheating. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
8. Selune's Spear of Night
"'One of the goddess Selûne's titles, Moonmaiden, has often been debated among the ecclesiastical. Common symbology certainly rejects the assumption of virginity. More to the point, 'maiden' itself carries some dusty connotations. How about Lunar Lady? Keeps the alliteration, too' - Margaery Henderplum"
Selûne's Spear of Night is a legendary Spear that allows the wielder to cast Moonbeam and grants Advantage on Wisdom Saving Throws and Perception Checks.
Whilst this weapon can only be attained when following Shadowheart’s personal quest, I’d argue that it’s definitely worth following through to get it. Not only does it do some nice damage, but it grants you Darkvision and gives you a useful advantage of Wisdom Saving throws and Perception Checks.
Why Selune’s Spear of Night is Great:
- Plenty of Features - With this weapon, you’ll not only gain the advantages mentioned earlier, but also Moonbeam and Moonmote.
- Exclusive - This item is only attainable if you follow Shadowheart’s storyline. Whilst it may be annoying for some, I like how it’s exclusive to her specific plot. You’ve gotta work for it.
Selune’s Spear of Night is Good For:
- Paladin
- Barbarian
- Fighter
- Legendary
- 1d6 + 3 (4~9) + Strength Modifier Piercing damage (One-handed)
- 1d8 + 3 (4~11) + Strength Modifier Piercing damage (Two-handed)
- +3 Enchantment
- 1.5/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Rush Attack, Maiming Strike.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Selûne's Blessing - You gain Advantage on Wisdom Saving throws and Perception Checks.
- Darkvision - You can see in the dark up to 12m.
- Moonbeam - Call down a silvery beam of pale light that deals 2d10 Radiant damage to any creature that enters it or starts its turn in the light.
- Moonmote - At the start of their turn, each hostile creature within the light must succeed a Wisdom Saving throw, or they must treat the lighted area as Difficult Terrain. Each ally within the light deals an additional 1d4 Radiant damage on a hit with melee attacks.
You’ll find Selune’s Spear of Night as a reward for sparing the Nightsong during Shadowheart's personal quest, The Chosen of Shar. This spear is granted after completing Infiltrate Moonrise Towers, upon speaking to Dame Aylin in camp for the first time. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
7. Rhapsody
“Cazador's love of poetry arose after he read on the naked stomach of a dead child in his homeland. The child was hung from the lowest branch of a tree. Cazador read the poem, and looked at the child, and he knew that here was the artform for him.”
Rhapsody is a very rare, lightly enchanted (+1) special variant of the Daggers family of weapons that grants better Attack Rolls, damage, and Spell Save DC for every foe slain (up to 3) and possibly inflicts Bleeding while the wielder is Hiding or Invisible.
Considering most players tend to ignore daggers, this is quite a useful one. It has an effective amount of damage and has stackable buffs. However, many players have had issues getting or using this weapon as it is reportedly very buggy.
Why Rhapsody is Great:
- Stackable Buffs - By stacking the Scarlet Remittance ability, you can gain up to a +3 bonus on Attack Rolls, Damage, and Spell Save DC!
- When it Works, it Works - Despite its bugs, this is a pretty nifty dagger and comes in handy when you’re in a tight squeeze.
Rhapsody is Good For:
- Rogues
- Barbarians
- Druids
- Very Rare
- 1d4 + 1 (2~5) + Strength or Dexterity Modifier Piercing damage
- +1 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Piercing Strike.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Scarlet Remittance - Gain a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls, damage, and Spell Save DC for every foe you slay, up to a maximum of +3.
- Sweet Bloodletting - Possibly inflict Bleeding when hitting a creature with this weapon while Hiding or Invisible.
The Rhapsody is dropped by Cazador Szarr after defeating him. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
6. Orphic Hammer
“Every contract a devil makes has some form of insurance - this one is cast in infernal iron and was forged in deep, ruinous hellfire.”
The Orphic Hammer is a legendary, plot-critical Warhammer with the power to shatter infernal bonds.
This weapon is extremely powerful, which is why it’s introduced in Act 3. Not only does it have +3 Enchantment, but it grants you Advantage on ALL Saving Throws against spells. If you’ve got a team of melee fighters, this weapon is excellent for them.
Why The Orphic Hammer is Great:
- Lifesaver - If one of your characters tends to get hit by spells a lot, this will certainly help them out, granting them Advantage on all saving throws for spells.
- Important To The Plot - Unlike many other weapons, this one actually contributes to your story if you choose to go down that path. Also, it looks super badass.
The Orphic Hammer is Good For:
- Fighter
- Ranger
- Barbarian
- Legendary
- 1d8 + 3 (4~11) + Strength Modifier Bludgeoning damage (One-Handed)
- 1d10 + 3 (4~13) + Strength Modifier Bludgeoning damage (Two-Handed)
- +3 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Backbreaker, Concussive Smash, Weakening Strike, Unshackling Strike.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Spell Resistance - Advantage on Saving throws against spells.
If you made a deal with Raphael in the Deal with the Devil quest, then you’ll obtain it there. If you refuse a deal, then the hammer can be stolen from the Archive in the House of Hope. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
5. The Blood of Lathander
"The large chunk of amber set into the handle of this luminous more supposedly holds four drops of godly blood fallen to the earth in a battle between an avatar of Lathander and a maddened Chosen of Mystra."
The Blood of Lathander is a legendary +3 Mace found through the Find the Blood of Lathander quest. It continuously sheds light, blinds nearby Fiends and Undead with its light can heal its wielder, and allows the wielder to cast Sunbeam.
This weapon is a powerful one with some really useful benefits. Its main ability is to constantly pour out a bright light that pushes back the darkness and blinds certain enemies. It also gives you a very useful hit-point bonus if you’re knocked down to zero!
Why The Blood of Lathander is Great:
- Goodbye Darkness - If you’ve been struggling to get around those dark areas and you don’t have anyone with helpful Darkvision, this weapon will definitely come in handy.
- Sunbeam - This spell will blind every creature in its path, dealing Radiant damage on top of that. Your party may want to wear shades.
The Blood of Lathander is Good For:
- Warriors
- Bards
- Clerics
- Legendary
- 1d6 + 3 (4~9) + Strength Modifier Bludgeoning damage
- +3 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Concussive Smash
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Lathander's Blessing - Once per Long Rest, when your hit points are reduced to 0, you regain 2~12 hit points. Allies within 9m also regain 1~6 hit points.
- Lathander's Light - Sheds holy light in a 6m radius. In combat, fiends and undead standing in the light are Blinded.
- Sunbeam - Can cast once per Long Rest.
You’ll find the Blood of Lathander in the Creche Y’llek, which you can get to by following the Blood of Lathander quest. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
4. Silver Sword of the Astral Plane
“The fervour with which the Githyanki express devotion to their queen is admirable to some, disquieting to others. When confronted with the fallibility of the divine (since no one is wholly perfect), who knows what reactions such folk might evince.”
Silver Sword of the Astral Plane is a legendary greatsword that grants special bonuses when wielded by a Githyanki.
The weapon is absolutely formidable. Whilst its bonuses are exclusive to Githyanki characters, it packs an incredible amount of damage. Another aspect that makes this a fantastic weapon is that you can actually get it in Act 1. If you’re bringing Lae’Zel along for the ride, this can make her an absolute powerhouse.
Why The Silver Sword of The Astral Plane is Great:
- Githyanki Perks - If you give this weapon to a Githyanki, you’ll gain significant bonuses such as additional Psychic damage and advantages on several saving throws.
- Easy to Acquire - As mentioned, this weapon can be attained in Act 1 with a clever trick. Granting you huge amounts of damage early on.
The Silver Sword of The Astral Plane For:
- Fighters
- Barbarian
- Paladins
- Legendary
- 2d6 + 3 (5~15) + Strength Modifier Slashing damage
- +3 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Pommel Strike, Lacerate, Cleave, Soulbreaker.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Githborn Psionic Weapon - When wielded by a Githyanki this weapon deals an additional 1d6 Psychic damage.
- Githborn Psionic Resistance - A Githyanki holding this weapon has Advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws, resistance to Psychic damage, and cannot be Charmed.
You’ll find the Silver Sword of The Astral Plane by showing the Ophic Hammer to Kith’rak Voss in Act 3. Alternatively, you could kill him and get it. You can also attain it in Act 1 by disarming Voss by using Comman or Disarming Attack during the Githyanki patrol encounter before entering the Mountain Pass. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
3. Bloodthirst
“The Lord of Murder wasn't always a lord. He was once just a petty killer. When Bhaal first drew blood in a Baldurian back-alley, it dropped to the ground and lingered. When he ascended, this dried blood-drop grew, warped - and became sharp.”
Bloodthirst is a legendary Dagger wielded by Orin that makes critical hits more likely and allows the wielder to cast True Strike.
This is a pretty nifty dagger to have around, especially compared to other daggers. Whilst it is found in Act 3, it becomes incredibly powerful when dual-wielded with Crimson Mischief, as they give you an increased chance to attack with Advantage. Not only this, but they deal extra damage if you do achieve the advantage!
Why Bloodthirst is Great:
- Increased Critical Hits - Critical Hits can turn the tides of a battle, which is why this weapon is fantastic, giving you increased chances for Critical Hits.
- Range of Perks - The list really does go on when you look at all the abilities gained when you wield it. It even has special perks for off-hand attacks!
Bloodthirst is Good For:
- Rogues
- Barbarians
- Druids
- Legendary
- 1d4 + 2 (3~6) + Strength or Dexterity Modifier Piercing damage
- +2 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Piercing Strike.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Improved Critical - The number you need to roll a Critical Hit while attacking is reduced by 1. This effect can stack.
- Can cast True Strike, Bound Weapon
- (Main hand only) Exploit Weakness - Creatures hit with this weapon receive Vulnerability to Piercing damage.
- (Off-hand only) True Strike Riposte: When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you may retaliate and gain True Strike.
- (Off-hand only) Armour Class +1
You’ll receive Bloodthirst as a reward after defeating Orin during the Get Orin’s Netherstone quest. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
2. Crimson Mischief
“When she was a girl, she toyed with nastiness and sadism. Children often grow out of this; they get hobbies. For Orin, that taste for cruelty fermented, and in a way she did find hobbies. Ones that screamed.”
Crimson Mischief is a legendary Shortsword that, when wielded in the main hand, grants additional damage when attacking with Advantage and against targets with 50% or less of their hit points. When wielded in the off-hand, it instead allows the wielder to add their Ability Modifier to their damage.
This weapon becomes incredibly powerful when dual-wielded with Bloodthirst, as it gives you an increased chance to attack with Advantage. Not only this, but they deal extra damage if you do achieve the advantage!
Why Crimson Mischief is Great:
- Multiple Modifiers - Much like the previous weapon, this weapon’s piercing damage can use modifiers from either Strength or Dexterity.
- Extra Necrotic - The added Necrotic damage from this weapon gives it a nasty edge over Bloodthirst, making them lethal together.
Crimson Mischief is Good For:
- Rogues
- Bards
- Rangers
- +2 Enchantment
- 1d6 + 2 (3~8) + Strength or Dexterity Modifier Piercing damage
- 1d4 (1~4) Necrotic damage
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Flourish, Piercing Strike.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- (Main hand only) Prey Upon the Weak - This weapon deals an additional 1d4 Piercing damage against targets with 50% of their hit points or fewer.
- Redvein Savagery - When you make an attack with Advantage, the target takes an additional 7 7 Piercing damage.
- (Off-hand only) Crimson Weapon - When you make an attack with your off-hand weapon, you can add your Ability Modifier to the damage of the attack.
You’ll find Crimson Mischief in Act 3, after it’s dropped by Orin during the Get Orin’s Netherstone quest. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
1. Balduran Giantslayer
“Wielded by Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate and friend to his guardian dragon, a great glittering wyrm called Ansur. Fellowship can be undone, though, as easily as you or I might unlace the strings of our shoes, and it was in a time of skullduggery and hardship that Balduran killed Ansur, carrying out the deed with this sword.”
Balduran's Giantslayer is a legendary Greatsword that receives a doubled damage bonus from Strength and grants special bonuses against Large, Huge, and Gargantuan creatures.
This weapon is an absolute beast of a Greatsword. It deals huge amounts of damage and is fantastic for taking down huge enemies due to its bonuses. Not only this, but it even increases the size of its weilder, making you a giant yourself!
Why The Balduran Giantslayer is Great:
- Giantslayer - True to its name, this weapon is great to taking down those huge enemies.
- Giant Form - If you’ve been dreaming about becoming a giant, today is your lucky day. This ability will grow your character into a hulking beast, giving you extra damage and an additional 27 temporary hit points!
The Balduran Giantslayer is Good For:
- Fighters
- Paladins
- Barbarians
- Legendary
- 2d6 + 3 (5~15) + Strength Modifier Slashing damage
- +3 Enchantment
- 1.5m/5ft Range
- Proficiency Gains: Pommel Strike, Lacerate, cleave, Topple the Big Folk.
The Holder of This Item Gains:
- Giantslayer - On a hit, double the damage from your Strength Modifier. This weapon grants you Advantage on Attack Rolls against Large, Huge or Gargantuan creatures.
- Giant Form - Grow to a fearsome size. Your weapons deal an additional 1d6 damage and you gain 27 temporary hit points and Advantage on Strength Ability Checks and Saving throws ( Recharge: Short Rest).
You’ll find this weapon in The Dragon’s Sanctum in Wyrmway after defeating Ansur. For an in-depth tutorial about how to get it, watch this quick video:
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