The Best StarCraft 2 Players in the World Right Now

Best StarCraft 2 Players
16 May 2019

Who are the Best StarCraft 2 Players in the world?

There are many professional StarCraft 2 players, and it takes a lot of dedication to rise in the ranks.

These individuals have played hundreds of games to get to where they are. 

Here is a list of the current top 5 StarCraft players in the world.

Top 5 Best Terran Players

5. [Dopen] KeeN

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KeeN is a Terran player from South Korea. He is a part of Team RevolutioN and has countless wins and awards to his name.

KeeN is an amazing player, debuting in the Code A tournament of GSL May. He has many strategies, and is constantly surprising people with his skills as a Terran player. KeeN rose through the ranks unexpectedly, as many people thought he would fail early on. Despite these initial doubts, he has quickly become a fan favorite as Terran and is known for his variety of strategies.

4. MarineLorD

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MarineLorD is a 23-year-old player from France. He began playing in May o 2011, joining BLAST in November 2011.

MarineLorD is known for his unusual way of using the mouse while playing, as he has the y axis rotated almost 90 degrees. This makes his starting rank of Platinum even more impressive. He has earned $63,910 since he began.  He stopped playing for 5 years in 2013 but returned in 2018, playing Terran for O’Gaming TV

 3. [EXEED] Clem

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Clem began playing StarCraft at the age of 10. He is currently 16 years old and has earned over $10,000 from StarCraft 2.

Clem participated in multiple tournaments during the Heart of the Swarm expansion, but he never passed the qualifiers until season 20, when he took a spot after FireCake’s ban. He has come in first place in many tournaments since then, racking up wins and money over the last 6 years. Part of the issue that people have with Clem is that he was so young and that he was kicked out of tournaments. Despite opposition, he has pushed on, creating a name for himself in the game.

2. [IWaRI] souL

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A Polish StarCraft 2 player, souL is currently playing for Wind and Rain. SouL is currently 20 years old and began playing at 15 years old.

souL qualified for the 2015 WCS season 2 Challenger League after defeating Eki, DaNa, SppaceMarie and Mizu. He was only 17 at the time, two years after beginning to play the game. souL was later announced as a member of Brawl eSports and has been playing ever since. His amazing mouse usage and efficiency has led him to be one of the top players in the world.

1. [OGKR] INnoVation

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INnoVation is a 25-year-old South Korean StarCraft player. Over the course of his career, he has accumulated $509,000 in earnings and has dedicated a great portion of his time to the game.

He is nicknamed “The Machine,” and rightfully so. He moves like a machine in the way he plays the game, moving units quickly and efficiently while gathering resources, and scouting out enemy bases. He has played in many tournaments and has won many awards, such as 1st place in the 2017 Global StarCraft 2 League Season 3.

Top 5 Best Zerg Players

5. SortOf

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SortOf is a 25-year-old Zerg player from Sweden. He began playing professionally in March of 2011 and has been playing ever since.

He has been around since the StarCraft: Brood War days, reaching an A rank during them. He earned the nickname “The Direwolf” after his run at the World Championship Series 2012 in Sweden, and he plays with a Day[9] keycap, because he thinks it gives an edge over his opponents. Day[9] is a Brood War StarCraft player, and he may very well have the edge since he has been playing since the Brood War days.

4. Cham (Chammy)

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Cham is a Mexican Zerg player who is currently on Scythe Esports. He is 21 years old and has an MMR of 6600.

Since the Wings of Liberty StarCraft, Cham has been playing in World Championship Series. He came in 4th for the season 1, 2 and 3 of Copa America 2014. He has earned $61,000 to this day and has been playing Scythe Esports for over a year.

3.   Starbuck

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Starbuck is a Slovenian Zerg player. He is only 21 years old and has been playing since Wings of Liberty. He typically plays long macro games, but he has his own special tactics that he adds in.

He has played many ladder games and has had practice with several styles, making it difficult to know what to expect from him.

2. Namshar

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Namshar is a 25- year- old Zerg player from Sweden. He has been successful in his professional gaming career, as he has so far made $33,000.

Namshar recently qualified for WCS EU Season 3 Challenger League. He has played in WCS EU Season 3, going 2-3 vs TLO. He has been an active StarCraft 2 player, attending numerous events, his first one being in 2014. He finished in the bottom 2 of the group after a close series against Balloon.

1. Scarlett

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Scarlett is a 24-year-old Canadian Zerg player. She is currently playing for the Tollenz Lions and has been playing since the original Wings of Liberty.

Scarlett plays Zerg efficiently. She uses Mutalisks to rush, having quick counter-attacks ready at all times. She dominates games with Swarm Host’s even mid-game. Although not a fan of the name, she has been called the “Queen of Blades” for her excellency in playing Zerg. Scarlett is one of the only female players, there being only two others, to win a professional game on Korean TV. Her best matchups are Zerg vs Terran, although she has also proved herself capable of defeating Protoss.

Top 5 Best Protoss Players

5. Harstem

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Harstem is a 24-year-old player from the Netherlands. He has played StarCraft since Wings of Liberty and has won $93,000.

In his first tournament in Heart of the Swarm, he advanced to the semifinals in the first day. He beat souL, ParanOid, Tarrantius and BlinG. He came in first for the Gold Series International 2016 and uses old school tactics to win his games.

4. HellraiseR

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HellraiseR is a Protoss player from Ukraine. He has won #3,568 as of today.

He has won tournaments in the Premier League and the Championship of Ukraine. He also won first with his team in the Russian StarCraft 2 Team League Season 11 and 12. He is currently playing for Iron Chain and holds a 1-2 score against HeroMarine.

3. Hurricane

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Hurricane is a South Korean player who is currently teamless. He is 22 and has earned $55,000.

He was the world champion for 125 days total. This is a record, beating the previous holder by 42 days. He placed 1st in the Hong Kong Esports Tournament and won $10,000 from it. His strategies are complex, and he has multiple up his sleeve.

  2. MaNa

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MaNa is a 24-year-old player from Poland. He is a part of Team Liquid, formerly playing for Mousesports.

He has been playing since the Brood War team and was a well-known player. He made it into TSL2 and has said that his Brood War rank was A. This set him up well for StarCraft 2, and he quickly moved up in the game rankings when Wings of Liberty was released.

1. PtitDrogo

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PtitDrogo is a 22-year-old player from France. To date, he has earned $88,000 with much more expected in his future.

He often goes for Drones in order to weaken the enemy early on. This earned him the nickname “Drone Killer” after regularly killing more than 25 drones against Scarlett and Lambo. He currently plays for Iron Chain and has been making a name for himself in the Legacy of the Void expansion. He beat Scarlett and Lambo, going 2-0 against both. Soon after, he secured back-to-back HSC quarterfinal wins.

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