So What Are The 10 Most Addictive Video Games in 2015?
Every gamer at one point has had a game that sucked them into a virtual wonderland that makes them forget about the world around them and lose track of time.
That moment where you begin bargaining in your head by saying things like “one more hour”, then one more hour turns into two, three more, and before you realize it, it’s 4 AM and you have to wake up in a few hours. Sure, we could have went to bed like a normal person would, but, then we wouldn’t have unlocked an achievement or reached a goal that we set out for before logging in.
Addictive games tend to have the most players involved with them. A game that can be beaten is short lived, however a game that can’t be beaten, or has a great multiplayer experience, will keep you playing; always striving for that next challenge or achievement. These are 10 of the most Addictive PC games we have been able to experience in 2015.
10. Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V: Official Gameplay Video
GTA V is the game that gamers had been waiting on to come out for PC. Initially, it was only released for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 back in 2013 but, was recently released for PC in April 2015. Grand Theft Auto is one of the most well known names in the gaming industry, who doesn’t enjoy being a rebel wreaking havoc throughout a city? This game allows you to do what you would like, in a realistic city setting.
You can steal cars, perform stunts, fly helicopters, perform bank heists to see how long you can last against the police and much more. Not only is the game a sandbox of badassery but it also has a modding community behind the title and if we are to assume the mods will be even a fraction of previous Grand Theft Auto titles then we can rest assured knowing this game will not get boring any time soon and keep us on the edge of our seats begging for more.
9. Starcraft II
Ghosts of the Past Trailer - StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
Luring you in with its sci-fi charm and intense warfare action, Starcraft will always have a passionate player base.
There’s a reason there are over 300,000 active players for this title as reported by SC2Ranks. This Real Time Strategy game that lets you command hordes of aliens, humans and creatures to battle other players sucks you in from the get go.
With its competitive atmosphere allowing players to gain a rank depending on how well they play against one another it’s no wonder this game is played regularly. There’s always a challenge, a new opponent, a new strategy. This game tests your wits and reaction time so it’s no wonder the game is still one of the most active titles on the market.
8. Guild Wars 2
Journey into the Heart of Maguuma in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
This MMORPG approaches the genre in a different light than most are used to and feels like a breath of fresh air. It’s a true evolving, breathing atmosphere that makes each step in it’s world a nail biter. The details in the virtual world are beautiful and it appeals to many different types of players.
Whether you want to get together with your Guild and throw a party, go around mining and picking flowers, grind on creatures of all shapes and sizes or be thrown into huge war zones to battle it out against other players you can do all of this and more. This game gives you a sense of freedom that might even be considered a double edged sword since its freedom begins feeling more like a trap when the more time you sink into the game, the less likely you are to leave.
7. Call of Duty
Official Call of Duty®: Black Ops III Reveal Trailer
No matter what type of gamer you are, you have heard of Call of Duty at one point or another. It’s the most well known shooter of all platforms, and rightfully so.
This game has short matchmaking times and truly throws you into the action. The campaign isn’t anything grand but the online multiplayer is where this games charm comes from. You rank up by playing and your rank unlocks different weapons and perks to play with and makes you want to level up to unlock that next upgrade. Call of Duty accomplishes something that other shooters haven’t quite been able to grasp. No matter what type of player you are, you are going to have a lot of action.
You’ll be captivated by the amount of explosions, gunshots, and free running you experience the instant you join a game. If somehow the multiplayer PVP action isn’t up your alley they have Co-Op choices as well that range from fighting through waves of zombies, going through a campaign mission or fighting off waves of terrorist scum. Although it may seem to glorify war a bit too much to some, at the end of the day you won't want to stop playing, this is easily one of the most addictive games of recent, and older, years.
6. Hearthstone
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Cinematic
“Lions and tigers and bears - oh my!” Well, not quite, but this card game has attracted a lot of attention.
Nothing is quite as satisfying as pulling that card that can turn the tide of battle in a single turn, which is the norm in this game. The crash of cards hitting one another and the feeling of when you get a combo out is more than satisfying enough yet they take it one step further. This game is friendly to casual players and to hardcore players.
Boasting high numbers of livestreamers that show off it’s gameplay daily, you can see for yourself that this game makes you want to keep coming back for more. Decks can be similar, but no two are ever alike. The adrenaline you feel from this game will keep your heart racing and on the edge of your seat holding your breath. Be wary before launching this game as you may forget the world outside.
5. Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Trailer
“Bingo Bango Bongo Bish Bash Bosh!” - The warcry that every Counter Strike player knows.
The game that broke the Esports barrier for Valve and has been one of the most played on Steam since its release. The game might not have a campaign but it has an amazing multiplayer and modding community behind it. Unlike many shooters this one has a lot of things to learn and you always have room to improve. With a ranking system that truly challenges you to improve and in depth teamplay mechanics, this game is a battle between skill.
The beeping sound that begs you to accept a match, the dink sound of getting a headshot, and the feeling of your heart beating out of your chest are just some of the normal sounds you will get addicted to while playing this masterpiece. This is one of the games that you have to play to understand but, be warned, this is one of the most addictive games of 2015 and will take over your life.
4. World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor Cinematic
If you haven’t been addicted to WoW then you probably know someone who is or has been. Azeroth, the world this game is set in, is a surreal fantasy many get lost in. Are you a collector? They have pets, cosmetic gear, and mounts to horde to your liking. Are you wanting to challenge yourself with endgame content? You need to find a guild and work together to fight through hordes of enemies that may even have the ability to kill you in one hit before reaching a boss that you need to coordinate as a team to take down.
Are you more of a casual player? Theres easier versions of endgame content to go through so you can still experience what Blizzard, the company behind this major title, throws at you. No matter what you crave in an MMORPG, WoW has something for you. There’s a lot of reason behind World of Warcraft being chosen as one of the most addictive games, as it has been for over a decade now.
3. Minecraft
Official Minecraft Trailer
Growing up I used to play with Legos a lot, same with many other people. Who doesn’t love to get lost building a city from blocks, creating traps and amazing designs, leaving it on display for people and when you get bored destroying it all and restarting, letting your imagination take the wheel? Minecraft does just that. You can destroy the world around you, hunt animals, create anything that you’re willing to put the time and imagination into, fight enemies at nighttime and in the caves throughout the map and so much more.
The developers must have scraped their brains while creating this gem, each new step uncovers a world of untouched exploration ahead. It’s impossible to avoid finding adventure as every turn will lead to something as extraordinary, like a ravine, a cliff, a den of skeletons, a mineshaft filled with hidden treasures and spiders, villages and so much more; too much to list. This game since it’s launch has been one of the most addictive games on the market and this holds true to this day.
2. Dota 2
Dota 2 Gamescom Trailer
Another game from Valve on this list that has stayed on the top of the charts for Steam since it’s release back in 2013. This holds true since people are regularly putting in hundreds of hours into this game making it still one of the most addictive games. As a MOBA this game brings in a more hardcore crowd, it’s not new player friendly but that’s part of the reason it’s so addictive.
There’s a steep learning curve but once you start grasping the game you won’t be able to leave it. As with most, theres a ranking system and players are competing for the top ranks daily. The game never gets dull as you have over 100 heroes to choose from to play as, ranging from basic archers to dragons and demons, there’s always a new challenge waiting for you.
1. League of Legends
League of Legends Cinematic: A New Dawn
Similarly to Dota 2, League of Legends has made waves in the gaming world since it’s release. The game is regularly patched and releases new champions to play quite often. There is a lot of background and lore within the game to learn of why your champions are fighting one another, but the real attraction is the atmosphere. The game is designed for competition in mind. It’s simple in nature but has a lot of tricks to challenge you with.
It’s new player friendly, but also has a hardcore competitive Esports scene in mind as well. You have to work to unlock your champions but nothing is more satisfying than unlocking a champion and learning the ins and outs that they have to offer. Good luck trying to leave the fields of justice, once you lock in, there is no turning back.
There are too many games that appeal to a lot of different people, with more coming out every month, to crunch into a single list, what are the most addictive games you have played? Share your opinion in the comments below.