Hello Chief! I am very glad that you have found this article! Read through it and you will understand in detail why the Pets and a proper Pet + Hero combo is a crucial point of any attack strategy.
Having a proper Pet + Hero combination is crucial and makes any battle way easier. Pets complement Heroes, they can boost their survivability and their damage. If paired correctly, they can be teamed with the best corresponding Hero and make three-staring an enemy base much easier.
10. L.A.S.S.I + Royal Champion

L.A.S.S.I + Royal Champion is certainly one of the best pets to use at the beginning of your journey with them in Clash of Clans. L.A.S.S.I is the first pet you unlock in a Pet House and you can use it right away as a powerful ally to your Royal Champion.
The greatest feat that makes L.A.S.S.I a great initial pair for Royal Champion is its speed. L.A.S.S.I is very quick and jumps over walls, so Royal Champion is a great pair as they will target the same buildings most of the time and deal extra damage together than apart.
Since both are fast-moving attack units, they both complement each other and you don’t need to worry that L.A.S.S.I will wander somewhere off while your Champion is left alone. Try pairing this combo with some Freeze Spells to make sure they destroy a good portion of the enemy’s base.
L.A.S.S.I + Royal Champion Strengths:
- L.A.S.S.I shields Royal Champ from damage
- quick attack
- offensive-oriented combo
- fast-moving
- mostly attack same target
- huge joint damage
L.A.S.S.I + Royal Champion details:
- Royal Champion
- L.A.S.S.I
9. Frosty + Barbarian King

Frosty is one of the most popular Pets to team up with Barbarian King. It certainly makes the King follow through with a very strong attack and wreak destruction. For this reason, this combo is very popular among players.
One of the best arguments in favor of this combination is that Frosty helps Barbarian King tank the enemy’s base. Frosty uses Frostmites which freeze the defenses for a short period. This helps reduce the incoming damage and allows the King to tank the opponent’s base.
If your idea is to use the Barbarian King to tank, then Frosty is a natural choice of an ally for your Hero. Other than that, Frosty is certainly one of the best Pets to use with the King, so certainly try this combo out.
Frosty + Barbarian King Strengths:
- great at tanking the enemy’s base
- reduction of incoming damage
- supports and improves Barbarian King’s health and damage
- can help other troops significantly, by freezing the defenses
- allows the King to destroy as many defenses as possible
Frosty + Barbarian King details:
- Barbarian King
- Frosty
8. Angry Jelly + Barbarian King

Angry Jelly + Barbarian King can be one of the best combos to use in CoC. When paired with Hero’s Equipment, Angry Jelly allows your Barbarian King to take out a good portion of the enemy’s defenses.
In my opinion, Angry Jelly + Barbarian King is fun to use because of two main reasons. Firstly, you can get rid of defenses with your Barbarian King, especially if he uses the Giant Gauntlet. Secondly, Jelly targets the same units as your Hero.
This means much higher damage dealt towards a given target. Such a perfect synergy is one of the best aspects of this combo.
Angry Jelly + Barbarian King Strengths:
- makes tanking defenses easier
- allows Barbarian King to clear out many defenses right at the start of the attack
- the pet and the hero attack the same unit
- the combination makes for a stronger offensive
- a perfect combination to use with the Giant Gauntlet
Angry Jelly + Barbarian King details:
- Barbarian King
- Angry Jelly
7. Angry Jelly + Grand Warden

This is certainly a fun combination to use as well. Grand Warden and Angry Jelly can be used as a more offensive and aggressive approach. Pairing up these can lead to some heavy damage right off the start of the battle.
If your attack strategy involves using a Warden Walk, then the combo of Angry Jelly + Grand Warden might be perfect for you. The Warden will be able to deal a lot of damage then and his offensive will be enhanced.
If you manage to use the Fireball, then this combo can start the attack with huge destruction and become fun to play.
Angry Jelly + Grand Warden Strengths:
- heavy damage at the beginning of your attack
- aggressive and very offensively-oriented combination
- perfect addition in the form of Fireball can greatly increase the damage dealt with this combo
- great combo to use with the Warden Walk
- fun to play
Angry Jelly + Grand Warden details:
- Grand Warden
- Angry Jelly
6. Spirit Fox + Royal Champion

The Spirit Fox + Royal Champion combo is very fun and it looks almost perfect. Royal Champion is very often used to clear out bases and not lead the charge. Spirit Fox seems almost identical and that is why it is so perfect.
Royal Champion is very often used to clear out bases, attack from the back or the side etc. You often want it to take out as many defenses as possible. Spirit Fox will aid it perfectly with this job.
The Fox will turn your Champion invisible every 6 seconds, and your Hero will have the opportunity to clear out as many defense buildings as possible. Also, the invisibility will make defenses target other troops and your Royal Champion will be safe for longer and can destroy even more defense buildings.
Spirit Fox + Royal Champion Strengths:
- a perfect combination for Royal Champion
- allows the Hero to destroy a much bigger portion of its target buildings
- both the Hero and the Pet are fast-moving units which makes them perfect together
- the ability of the Pet complements the Hero perfectly
- when used with a good attack strategy, this combo can make destroying defenses effortless
Spirit Fox + Royal Champion details:
- Royal Champion
- Spirit Fox
5. Electro Owl + Grand Warden

Another very good combination, is the mixture of offensive Owl with the Warden. This combination can certainly be used to help your Warden with the attack. Remember, however, that it will be best to set him to Air Mode as Electro Owl has very low HP and could be taken down very easily and quickly.
The overall power of this combo is great as the Warden increases the area of Owl’s attack significantly, more than any other Hero. What’s more, an addition of Electro Owl to Warden is a great merger of offensive and more laidback attack units.
Like I have already mentioned, you cannot use this combination without setting your Hero up to the Air Mode. Your Owl could get taken down very easily and quickly. Try to avoid that from happening and the Owl will surely benefit you a lot.
Electro Owl + Grand Warden Strengths:
great offensive power
chained attacks
huge tile range with the combo of Owl with the Warden
mixture of offensive Owl and a little more defensive-like Grand Warden
both attack the same building dealing twice the damage than any alone could have dealt
Electro Owl + Grand Warden details:
Grand Warden
Electro Owl
4. Poison Lizard + Grand Warden

This one is probably the best combination that involves the Grand Warden. It is certainly my favorite one and I always use it. I prefer Warden in the Ground Mode and Poison Lizard is perfect exactly for this Warden mode.
Although Poison Lizard is not the best Pet to use for every single attack, it is very fun to use. It acts as an extra Poison Spell, infecting everything around it, while doing it at very high speed. So if you enjoy highly offensive and quick attacks, then use this combination for sure.
While choosing to use this combo, remember to set your Grand Warden to Ground Mode. Setting it in Air Mode will not have the same results and your attack will be seriously weakened.
Poison Lizard + Grand Warden Strengths:
- poison spilt everywhere across the base
- very aggressive attack option
- inflicts damage across the enemy’s base
- uses poison as the main strength of the attack
- even if the Pet dies, the damage inflicted upon surrounding buildings will make it easier for other troops to destroy
Poison Lizard + Grand Warden details:
- Grand Warden
- Poison Lizard
3. Phoenix + Barbarian King

We are opening the top 3 now. With the third place, we have a clear number one combination involving Barbarian King. If paired up with the Phoenix, your King can deal the most damage and can help you win the battle the most.
The biggest advantage of this combination is that Phoenix revives the Hero once it dies. Even though it is only for a limited period, it still allows you to deal some damage. Especially since the revived Hero is invulnerable for that limited period. That is why I would recommend you always try to pair the Phoenix with the Barbarian King.
Not only that, the Phoenix alone is a very powerful pet, dealing Splash Damage all over the enemy’s base. For that reason, it is a very good idea to have him with you, paired with the Barbarian King.
Phoenix + Barbarian King Strengths:
- revives the dead Hero
- allows for the Hero to deal much more damage than he could normally
- Phoenix deals high Splash Damage on his own
- revived Hero is invulnerable
- enables Barbarian King to wreak more havoc than usual
Phoenix + Barbarian King details:
- Barbarian King
- Phoenix
2. Unicorn + Archer Queen

You might have wondered why there was not a single Archer Queen combination in this ranking. The reason for that is simple. Archer Queen doesn’t have any really good combination with any pet, the only exception is the Unicorn which makes for one of the best Pet + Hero combinations in the game.
A unicorn is the ideal Pet for an Archer Queen because it allows for Queen’s survivability to rise exponentially. The Unicorn is perfect for a long-distance Archer Queen who can escape from the hit of other defenses and be healed.
This attack is the most useful when paired with the Archer Queen Walk. Then, you can successfully keep healing your Archer Queen and be sure that is can do substantial damage.
Unicorn + Archer Queen Strengths:
- a perfect combination of a Pet and a Hero
- Unicorn complements Archer Queen in the best way possible
- Archer Queen can be healed very successfully throughout the offensive
- the combo makes for the really good offence support
- the Archer Queen’s ability to survive rises a lot with the Unicorn.
Unicorn + Archer Queen details:
- Archer Queen
- Unicorn
1. Diggy + Royal Champion

Diggy is one of my personal favorites. It is a very fun Pet to have and it serves well when combined with Royal Champion. Diggy and the Champion is one of the most perfect if not the most perfect combination.
Diggy perfectly complements Royal Champion and this is this combination’s greatest power. The Royal Champion can spend time taking out the defenses, while Diggy hits them hidden under the surface.
Both of them do a perfect job and allow for a greater cleanup of the enemy’s base. When upgraded to max levels, both Royal Champion and Diggy, your attacks will gain a very strong combo to be reckoned with.
Diggy + Royal Champion Strengths:
- a perfect combination of a Pet and a Hero
- Diggy complements Royal Champion ideally
- great joint offensive
- both target the same thing
- easier to clear out the defenses using this combination
Diggy + Royal Champion details:
- Royal Champion
- Diggy
Here was my ranking of the top 10 best Pet + Hero combos. Hope you enjoyed it and give me your opinion on it!