Once you reach Electro Valley at 3400 Trophies, you’ll be able to start purchasing Legendaries and unlocking them as you continue down trophy road, starting with some of the best Legendary Cards in the game, Mega-Knight, Log, Ram Rider, Electro Wizard, Inferno Dragon, Sparky, Miner and Princess. You’ll continue to gain amazing cards built for pushing or defending!
Although a deck can reach top ladder without a Legendary Card, you’ll find that they are not only some of the most fun, exciting and unique cards in the game but they also can help give a big advantage when trophy hunting or can compliment a deck with a unique ability.
Here are some of the best cards to pull from and to level up!
10. Magic Archer
Long range carnage

Magic Archer may not be the go-to for dealing with swarm pushes, but you’ll find he’s an absolute monster when lined up against an enemy tower, easily able to take half the health of a tower while being safe behind the river.
Not only this but he can also target a push on an opposite tower and defend from the safety of range. However, the real fun begins once he’s paired with Tornado for a guaranteed line up on the enemy tower, you’ll drive your enemy into a full panic mode as they try and figure out a way to defeat him or change his target.
Despite his broken range, Magic Archer is a glass cannon. He’s easily taken out by a Fireball or two Logs and struggles against many troops, including Wizard, Ice Wizard, Mega Knight, Knight, Skeleton Army, and Minion Horde. Essentially, great at long shots but not so much at close combat.The only reason he’s good is because he can absolutely melt a tower from across the bridge made easier with Tornado and a troop to hide behind like Knight or P.E.K.K.A
At just four elixir, he’s a cheap cycle card that, while lacking an evolution, fits beautifully into decks like P.E.K.K.A Bridge Spam or Hog Cycle. Over all, Magic Archer is a great versatile card that can be used in a variety of decks.
9. Graveyard
A Spell that Haunts Towers

Graveyard has always been one of the best spells in Clash Royale, especially when wielded by a skilled player. In cycle decks, it can melt an opponent's tower within seconds, taking out Tower Troops like Cannoneer or Dagger Duchess, especially when her knives are gone. Of course the standard Princess is just as vulnerable if the opponent fails to defend.
If paired with Tornado (Again), you can pull danger like Valkyrie away from the away to ensure a maximum amount of Skeletons. Distractions like Knight or Ice Golem are essential to keep the tower busy while the Skeletons go to town.
However, for as good as Graveyard is, there is one absolute counter; Poison. Poison absolutely and completely counters Graveyard, making it a near impossible match up. Sometimes, only the best Graveyard players could even stand half a chance against something like P.E.K.K.A Bridge Spam.
That’s not to say Graveyard is a card to never be played, it’s still great in Balloon Yard or Splash Yard, considering both decks and easily overwhelm an opponent's defenses while they forget about Graveyard and before either of you know it, the enemy has lost their tower. It’s also great to just try and get chip damage since Graveyard can be used as both a support and push card.
Because the Skeletons spawn in overtime, it is very difficult to time Arrows or Log to defeat all the Skeletons being risen from the dead. This allows you to at the very least get a bit of chip damage on the enemy tower. Consider Miner and Graveyard or Graveyard Freeze for a devilishly great combo.
8. Night Witch
Bats Unleashed

Although not seen in most decks containing legendaries, Night Witch still packs a punch that can easily take out threats like Hog Rider, Royal Giant and even heavy cards like Mega Knight or P.E.K.K.A. However, she’ll need support to tank hit points against anything that can fight back.
Her main ability revolves around her spawning Bats over time which allows her to be used as an air counter as well as a ground troop. Not just that but Night Witch is an absolute monster in Golem decks, both Elixir and regular Golem as well. Pairing her with Mirror can be devastating, doubling the Bat production, especially when combined with Clone. Even if your opponent uses Arrows, Night Witch can easily summon another Bat army.
Behind a Golem or Elixir Golem, she’ll be safe from ranged troops and can easily take out Valkyrie or even Mini P.E.K.K.A, since most players save their hard counters like Inferno Tower or P.E.K.K.A for the large troop, allowing your Night Witch to take out anything nasty in your way, especially if you can get two Night Witches down.
Even so, Night Witch isn’t invincible. cards like Firecracker or Poison can easily defeat her and although Poison can’t be countered, you can at least pull Firecracker or defeat splash cards like her with a Tornado pull, Fireball or Arrows.
7. Log
Squash your way to victory

Perhaps the most beloved and popular of the available legendaries, Log is also one of the most versatile, able to be played in nearly every conceivable deck. It can push back large troops like Golem, reset charges from charging troops such as Ram Rider or Prince and squash ground warms like Goblin Gang and Skeleton Army, as well as being able to reach the enemy tower for easy chip damage and for such a cheap price at just two elixir.
While it has no available evolution at the moment, it’s still a great cheap cycle card that has a lot of value. However, it finds itself utterly useless against air decks and spam such as Lava Loon Minions Spam or Lumberloon setups. Without a complementary spell like Poison or Fireball, its efficacy is minimal.
Because it has no way of defending against anything in the air, if Log is your only available spell, you’ll have a hard time defending against any pushes that are air based and God help you if an opponent figures out you don’t have any heavy spells. It’s still a great option to cheapen your deck as well as just being great to slow down troops and take out any ground swarms in your way.
6. Fisherman
Hooked on Elixir and Memes

One of the most overpowered and frustrating cards to go against in the entire game, Fisherman can sometimes be just a better Tornado. Where Tornado fails to pull a Golem towards the King Tower, Fisherman succeeds with flying colors. He can pull P.E.K.K.A from a tower, pull an enemy troop towards danger and even cancel a Mega-Knight jump. But he is not without his flaws.
Fisherman’s biggest strength is also his biggest weakness. Never EVER place your Fisherman behind a King Tower because he will walk towards the Princess Tower and if your opponent is smart or has a heavy troop like Golem or God forbid a Giant Skeleton, your Fisherman will pull that troop towards your tower, essentially turning your own troop against you.
Fisherman is a card best used to get danger away from special troops or your tower. One such play is using Fisherman to pull a deployed P.E.K.K.A away from your Royal Giant or Electro Giant. This essentially nullifies any heavy counters that could harm your pushes.
5. Lumberjack

One of the most underrated cards in the game, Lumberjack is an absolute menace when not taken seriously. Some players have the tendency to let Lumberjack go just to save elixir but soon find their towers missing half health!
Lumberjack is valued at four elixir and can be used as a great defensive and offensive troop with Rage built in. He can be used in a great variety of decks that range from Hog to Balloon, Elite Barbarians and even P.E.K.K.A and Golem. If you can use Rage on Lumberjack, he can take out a multitude of troops, including Valkyrie and is even able to take down a Mega-Knight down to near death.
The fact he can be played as both an offensive card and defensive card means you can continuously cycle him for cheap rushes and cheap defenses. In Giant decks or Elixir Golem decks with support like Sparky or spawner cards like Witch, a deployed Lumberjack is a ticking time bomb that will only intensify your push at defeat.
Lumberjack also has a good amount of health that can resist a Mega-Knight deploy and a few spells, but he is weak to heavy spells like Lightning or Rocket. However, the fact that so long as you have some support troops with Lumberjack, you can get value with his dropped Rage is insane, especially when you consider how much stronger Rage makes troops and how it now destroys weak ground and air troops.
4. Mother Witch
Placed curses on every troop

One of the best cards and one of the most annoying, Mother Witch is a card that easily turns swarms against the opponent. She can turn any troop into a weak hog that will fight for your team. The key is to ensure she targets weak troops like Bats or Skeletons. This is because she practically does next to zero damage against a heavy troop or even smaller troops like Knight.
The moment you start spawning in hogs from an opponent's swarms, you can easily turn the tides of war as an onslaught of hogs go forth to battle. God help your opponent if they use Evo-Skeletons because you’ll just have infinite ammo for hogs.
Mother Witch is a great counter to swarms and is one of the most annoying cards in the game when playing against her. But she is absolutely weak in terms of health, defeated with a single Fireball or few swings from a Knight. But when used properly, she can easily turn over a losing trade to a winning one. The Mother Witch is also a great defense against air troops as she actually does a good amount of damage against said troops like Baby Dragon or Balloon.
3. Princess
Long range annoyance

Oh God the Princess, the most annoying chip card ever conceived but there’s a reason as to why she’s so good and one of the best legendaries in the game. Her long rage is absolutely incredible and getting consistent damage against pushes and on the enemy tower.
She’ll stay at the bridge forever until the enemy does something to get rid of her, ensuring constant damage for you as she wittles down the health of the enemy. She’s also great at defending with support as she takes out swarms and wittles down the enemy offenses as well as keeping your heavy hitters safe.
Relatively weak against practically every spell other than Zap and Snowball, you’d think this would be a big weakness but it makes her perfect for Log and Arrow bait in practically every deck. Her speed also ensures at least one shot on the enemy but since most players aren’t as fast in their reactions as some higher ranked players, Princess can get up to two shots on a player or even three.
Her range is also her biggest strength and overall a great cheap card to include and works in most all decks she’s placed in, being even stronger in Bomb Tower, Hog and Log Bait decks as well as being relatively easy to leave up and obtain.
2. Mega Knight
Midladder Menace

The midladder menace himself and the bane of nearly every push, Mega-Knight is one of the most overused and powerful cards in the game with really only having one weakness in air troops. Everything else can be squashed out and with spell or troop support, Mega-Knight can nearly be unstoppable.
There’s a reason as to why Mega-Knight is so popular and it’s because he can be quite versatile and can even be used as a push card and be in fast cycle decks, believe it or not, such as Miner Mega-Knight Wallbreakers Spam.
Because of his ability to spawn in with damage, he is the ideal troop to completely counter any ground pushes your opponent may come up with, including P.E.K.K.A pushes. Mega-Knight is also one of the most frustrating cards to go against, especially if you give him support like Wizard or Magic Archer who would be able to get rid of any air swarms or you can equip Lightning to play against cards like Inferno Tower
You can also play Mega-Knight as a tower distraction or even a push card if you pay attention to your opponents elixir count and because of his jump mechanic, he can get damage on any late troops being placed or even better, damage on your opponents tower.
1. Electro Wizard
Infinite stun!

Arguably the best available wizard at your disposal and the most valuable legendary to upgrade, Electro Wizard can aid in a multitude of situations and even nullifies a large amount of cards, such as Ram Rider, Battle Ram, Sparky, both Inferno Dragon and Tower, all weak swarms, air and ground and so much more.
This is because of unique spawn ability, similar to Mega-Knight’s, in which E-Wiz spawns in with his own Zap mechanic. He can also target across troops and buildings across the bridge, stunning them so your troops can get the upper hand
Similar to Ice Wizard who slows down troops, Electro Wizard will continuously stun troops and reset any charge attacks from cards like Prince and Sparky or even prevent damage over time from Inferno Dragon and Inferno Tower. So much so that these cards are essentially nullified to the point that they are worthless to your opponent if they can’t out cycle your Electro Wizard.
Because he’s practically the only legendary that can render an opponent’s card useless, Electro Wizard is a must have and is relatively easy to level up, as well as being versatile and finding a place in nearly every deck.