[Top 25] Clash Royale Best Cards to Max

Let’s face it. For a card game, Clash Royale goes the extra mile in terms of giving you choices to pick from. With such a huge variety of cards to play with, it is hard to know which ones should be prioritised for levelling up. This list is here to suggest which cards can help you in the long run against if you choose to maximise their levels, allowing you to climb up the ladder quickly and strategise your decks further!
25. Zap

Elixir: 2
A cheap spell that is good for interrupting Inferno Dragons and Inferno Towers, and zapping smaller troops.
Why you should max it:
- Can get rid of Goblin Gangs
- Good for area damages so can replace Log
- Paired with Ice Golem it can counteract swarms like Minions
24. Valkyrie

Elixir: 4
Perfect for attacking, she can destroy swarms of skeletons easily and stop tanks like Mega Knight temporarily, making her a good team player.
Why you should max it:
- Upgrading her puts her at better odds against spells which can slow her down or destroy her
- As you go up the ladder more decks incorporate swarm cards such as Tombstone or Graveyard which she is good against
23. Giant

Elixir: 5
Focused on buildings, he is the perfect tank to utilise against enemies.
Why you should max it:
- The new meta has improved him making him stronger and a better choice to include in decks
- Can get rid of smaller building cards that may distract him quicker
22. Baby Dragon

Elixir: 4
This flying soldier is perfect for both defence or a strategic offence, and has splash damage to hit multiple troops at once.
Why you should max it:
- Better at taking down Golems and Minion Hordes
- Stands a better chance at not being killed off by spells such as fireball
21. Ice Spirit

Elixir: 1
For only one elixir, this spirit packs a punch and can take out swarms with just one hit.
Why you should max it:
- Perfect for cycle decks and can take out larger groups like Goblin Gang
- Gives other troops more time to form an attack
20. Fireball

Elixir: 4
With insane versatility and incredible value for the amount it costs, this spell is a good way to immediately take out troops.
Why you should max it:
- Can take out group cards such as Musketeers
- Stands a good chance against opponents using elixir pump which is a tricky card to be up against
19. Mega Knight

Elixir: 7
The tank that fights back, taking out troops with just one hit of his giant hands makes hima good choice for those who are unsure on how they want to strategise their decks.
Why you should max it:
- Gives him more of a chance against Inferno Tower and Valkyrie
- Perfect area damage
18. Goblin Barrel

Elixir: 3
With the ability to go anywhere in the arena this card is perfect for a sneak attack when the enemy is busy at the bridge.
Why you should max it:
- Log and Zap are the biggest enemies against this card and maxing out Goblin Barrel gives you a better chance at surviving them
17. Balloon

Elixir: 5
With an improved speed drop thanks to the new meta, this flying building orientated tank in the air is the best offensive when played correctly
Why you should max it:
- So that it does not stop against rocket
- It’s big bomb at the end cann create more damage
- Zap will have less of an effect against it
16. Dart Goblin

Elixir: 3
This speedy card can take out whole tanks and balloons when placed in a safe location, it is also the perfect distraction when tanks arrive
Why you should max it:
- Can be used in any deck as a strong attacker
- Better chance against Logs that will try to hit it down
15. Inferno Dragon

Elixir: 4
A flying Inferno Tower, this potential tank and attacker is crucial against cards such as Mega Knight
Why you should max it:
- Makes it less vulnerable to Snowballs, Fireballs and Tornados
- Stands a better chance against swarm cards like Bats
14. Poison

Elixir: 4
The slow and steady card that takes out troops over time, perfect to place near buildings too for maximum effect.
Why you should max it:
- Works well against Witch and Nightwitch
- Can severely damage tanks that move slowly like Lava Hound
13. Inferno Tower

Elixir: 5
The building that never stops, with an increase in damage and higher meta points, it is easily one of the best buildings to be incorporated into a deck.
Why you should max it:
- Can do better damage on Hog Riders and Ram Riders that are hard to stop if the enemy uses log behind them
- Can pick up the pace quicker if Zap is used against it
12. Pekka

Elixir: 7
A scary tank to be up against, Pekka is the best solution against other tank cards and can do serious damage to towers if given the chance.
Why you should max it:
- Useful win condition
- Can defend well against higher troops like Valkyrie
- Stands a better chance against spells like Poison
11. Minion Horde

Elixir: 5
This flying group is the swarm to watch out for, with versatility and range it can easily take out ground tank cards.
Why you should max it:
- Less vulnerable to Poison and Fireball
- Perfect for a bait card and could then stand against spells like Arrows
10. The Log

Elixir: 2
Easy to use and perfect when facing bait cards with a clean one shot against troops.
Why you should max it:
- Can one shot troops like Goblin Barrel
- Do stronger damage against witches and even take down lower level ones entirely
9. Tornado

Elixir: 3
The sneaky spell that not only moves troops but also hits them at the same time, ideal to be used to get troops to activate your king tower.
Why you should max it:
- Perfect in any deck, it will be a useful investment
- Can take out whole spam cards in one go
8. Princess

Elixir: 3
The small but mighty archer that can stand at the bridge away from the towers and chip away at them.
Why you should max it:
- Doesn’t get instantly hit by Log
- Has a strong splash damage
- Stands a better chance against spells
7. Goblin Gang

Elixir: 3
Able to take out swarms on the ground and air, alongside tanks, this versatile team is the ideal attacking or defending card to have.
Why you should max it:
- Can survive zap which is its biggest enemy
- Can do better damage against small building cards
6. Miner

Elixir: 3
The king of chipping away, this fast and versatile card is the perfect beginning card to use in any match.
Why you should max it:
- Doesn’t take a lot of damage from Log
- Uses its constant damage skill and makes it a deadly card that is hard to initially stop
- Can help in a pinch against other cards due to its ability to go anywhere in the arena
5. Ice Golem

Elixir: 2
The ultimate counter this card can distract and eventually freeze opponents, for such a low price it is definitely worth its value
Why you should max it:
- Can one shot clones easily
- Can then distract troops for longer if upgraded
4. Dark Prince

Elixir: 4
A fast tank that can do serious damage to towers if left unattended!
Why you should max it:
- Can take big spells like Fireball, Rocket
- Perfect chance against Sparky because of its shield
3. Mini Pekka
Elixir: 4
Everyone’s favourite counter card with a hard hit, making it cheap and ideal against tanks
Why you should max it:
- To give it a better chance against swarm troops
- Stands up against tanks such as Mega Knight
- Counters Hog Rider because of its speed
2. Bandit

Elixir: 3
The sneaky bait card that can quickly run from far away and make the ultimate attacking or defensive move.
Why you should max it:
- It can outrun spells easily
- Used in almost every bait deck so it is a long-term investment
- Can deal with fast cards better like Mini Pekka
1. Bats

Elixir: 2
A flying swarm that should never be underestimated, especially when used against solo targeting cards like Inferno Dragon.
Why you should max it:
- Stands a better chance against spells
- Can do quicker damage on tanks
- Counters virtually every ground card and is useful against them