If you’re anything like me you love to sit down and watch professional CSGO players going ham on the server. And the only thing better than sitting down to watch a match is walking away with something for yourself when your favorite team wins big.
That’s why I have compiled a list of the Top 5 CSGO Betting Sites in 2020. These websites will offer the best experience and payout when looking to win big on your favorite CSGO matchups.
5) Betway

One of the premiere betting sites in the world betway kicks off our list. Not only are they one of the most well known and trusted betting sites on the internet but they are also a sponsor of the original greatest team in CSGO, Ninjas In Pyjamas (yes this is how they spell pajamas).
Although their site is mostly focused on sports betting the Esports area does a decent job at following all of the major tournaments and games. They also provide history on the teams to let you be more informed with your betting.
- Match Winner
- Map Total
- Map Handicap
- Odds/Evens
- Correct Scores
- Bet on Team winning one map
With a more user-friendly interface our fourth entry is UNIBET. Not only do they provide a better selection of games being played from both top tier and lower tier CS, but they also provide the Twitch live streams for the games.
UNIBET allows you to sit back place your bet and relax watching the game all in one place. Now that’s what I call service!
- Match Odds
- Total Maps
- Correct Map Score
- Map Betting
- Kill Betting
- Objective Betting
- Map Handicap
3) LuckBox
LuckBox is the first entry on the list that is purely an Esports betting website. You won’t find any information about Football or Hockey here, just the gods of fragging and their pure data.
The website provides the most selection of games to bet on as well as some of the most diverse types of betting you can do. After all it was designed by and for Esports junkies.
Just like the previous entry you can watch the livestream of the game on their website and bet in real time.
- Match Winner
- Winner by map
- Correct Score
- Map Advantage
- Round Advantage
- Odd/Even
- Total Rounds by Map
- Winner per Round
2) Pinnacle
Having celebrated their 20th birthday back in 2018, Pinnacle has solidified itself in the Esports scene and are not going anywhere.
With by far the most amount of betting options we’ve seen on this list so far (seriously they allow you to bet on almost anything you can imagine) it’s no wonder Pinnacle has been around so long.
On top of that their longevity means that you are getting some of the best odds and payouts available on the CSGO betting scene.
- Total kills by player, team, and overall
- Money Line by match and map
- Handicap by match and map
- Overtime betting
- Knife Kill betting
- Round Win by individual round and round grouping
- Winning Margin
- Ace betting
- Total Maps
- And more (please don’t make me list them all)
Our top spot goes to the titan of online Esports betting, GG.BET. This website holds the number one spot because it does everything the other sites do well but better. It is a dedicated Esports betting website that includes every CSGO professional and semi-professional game going on at any given time.
GG.BET also has the live streams for its users to easily bet while they watch and it is all packaged in an easy to use format so even my stupid self could figure it out. On top of all that it has a great record for being the best in payout and trust factor.
- Winner
- Total Maps
- Odd/Even Maps
- Total Rounds
- Map Handicap
- Correct Score
- Round Handicap
- Total Rounds per team
- Map Winners
- Total Rounds by Map
- Correct Score by Map
- CT and T Rounds Per Map
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