Slice, blast, maim, eviscerate…there’s plenty of ways to kill your enemies in Night City, but there are some weapons that are just insanely powerful. Add in the right perks and character level and you’re basically playing on God-mode…without the mods. So if you’re interested in trying out some of the most OP weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, check out this list!
10. The Headsman
It may look like any old shotgun, but this baby’s got some hidden features!
See The Headsman in action:
Look at the reload speed!
The Headsman is an Iconic variant of the Constitutional Arms M2038 Tactician Power Shotgun. This Iconic variant does not come with a stock, but it does come with a very unique modifier. The Headsman’s unique modifier increases the number of projectiles per shot from 6 to 16, increases the chance to dismember enemies, and increases the chance to apply the Bleeding effect. However, these bonus effects do come at the cost of increased reload time, reduced rate of fire, and reduced clip size.
What's OP About The Headsman:
- The increased spread makes this shotgun far more efficient at killing groups of enemies clustered together.
- Unique modifier that increases the number of projectiles per shot from 6 to 16.
- Also has increased chance to dismember enemies and apply Bleeding effect.
The Headsman Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: "The go-to choice for when you've lost track of your enemies."
- Type: Power Shotgun
- Damage: 25-30
- Effect(s):
- Doubles the number of projectiles per shot and increases the chance for dismemberment or Bleeding.
- Increases spread, reduces reload time, reduces rate of fire and reduces clip capacity compared to the base version of the gun.
- +18-22 Chemical Damage
- Headshot Damage Multiplier: 1.87%
- Attacks Per Second: 0.76
- Clip Size: 4 rounds
- Attachment Slots: 1 Empty Scope Slot
- Mod Slots: 1 Empty Mod Slot
- Rarity: Epic/Iconic
How to Get The Headsman:
To get your hands on The Headsman, simply complete the Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Privacy Policy Violation in North Oak, Westbrook. You can find The Headsman on a Miltech Mech after you defeat them.
9. Mantis Blades

See Mantis Blades in action:
Watch V eviscerate a plethora of Arasaka security, mechs, and bots using only Mantis Blades!
The Mantis Blades are a brutal Cyberware Arm implant manufactured by Arasaka. The Mantis Blades consist of two blades, each of which is implanted into your forearm. What’s amazing about Mantis Blades is they remain retracted until you want to use them–making them a lethal surprise for your enemies. When the blades are extended, they resemble the forelegs of the Praying Mantis, hence their name.
Unlike most blades you can wield, Mantis Blades allow for unlimited Light Attack combos. Their Heavy Attack can also initial a Mortal-Kombat style finisher move on enemies with low health. Mantis Blades also allow you to block attacks from your enemies, and their integration into your body allows for easier movement than with any Katana you may wield. Plus, depending on the damage type you have equipped, you will have an added chance to apply a Status Effect to your target.
What's OP About Mantis Blades:
- Swiftly eviscerate your enemies–with Mantis blades you get to cut off your targets limbs and heads, with ease.
- Unlike other blades, Mantis Blades allow for unlimited Light Attack combos.
- The Heavy Attack initiates a brutal finisher move when your target is at low health.
- Mantis Blades can also be used to block attacks and if you block then attack, you will lunge farther than doing the same move with any Katana in the game.
Mantis Blades Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: "Arm blades designed with lethality and concealment in mind. As effective as they are flashy."
- Type: Cyberware Arms
- Damage/Effect(s):
- Mantis Blades cut through enemies like they were made of butter. They also unlock the ability to lunge towards a target and deal massive damage.
- Depending on your variant type, you can have 10% (Rare), 15% (Epic), or 20% (Legendary) chance to apply additional status effects.
- Attacks Per Second: Varies
- Attachment Slots: N/A
- Mod Slots: 1 (Rare), 2 (Epic), 3 (Legendary)
- Rarity: Rare/Epic/Legendary
How to Get Weapon Name:
You can purchase Mantis Blades from ripperdocs around Night City–different ripperdocs sell different variants.
- Starting at 20 Street Cred, you can purchase the Rare variant Mantis Blades for €$12,750, from any ripperdocs that do not sell the Epic variant (see list below).
- At 25 Street Cred, you can purchase the Epic variant Mantis Blades for €$20,450 from:
- Ripperdoc in Wellsprings
- Fingers in Japantown
- Octavio in Rancho Coronado
- Aldecaldos Ripperdoc in Aldecaldos Camp
- Ripperdoc in Arroyo
- At 45 Street Cred, you can purchase the Legendary variant Mantis Blades for €$35,550 from:
- Ripperdoc in Downtown
- Ripperdoc in Wellsprings
8. Ba Xing Chong
Now that’s a cyberpunk-looking shotgun!
See Ba Xing Chong in action:
I would hate to have to clean up the aftermath…
The Ba Xing Chong is an Iconic variant of the Kang Tao L-69 Zhuo Smart Shotgun, painted black and red, but more notably, being infamous for having belonged to Adam Smasher. The Ba Xing Chong has a unique modifier that equips explosive tips to each Smart projectile, greatly increasing the potential to dismember, and thereby brutally eliminate, your targets.
What's OP About Ba Xing Chong:
- Its Smart Projectiles are equipped with an explosive tip, adding an additional layer of explosive damage, increasing the odds of dismemberment and death for your targets.
- Headshot damage multiplier of 100%.
- Additional effects increase the damage dealt.
Ba Xing Chong Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: “The perfect arsenal for a one-person army.”
- Type: Smart Shotgun
- Damage: 27-33
- Effect(s):
- Fires explosive rounds and tears enemies to shreds.
- Headshot Damage Multiplier: 100%
- +19-23 Physical Damage
- +19.46% Crit Chance
- +83.40% Crit Damage
- +10% Bleeding Chance
- Attacks Per Second: 0.87
- Clip Size: 4x8 rounds
- Mod Slots: 4 Empty Mod Slots
- Rarity: Legendary/Iconic
How to Get Ba Xing Chong:
To get your hands on the Ba Xing Chong, you must finally meet Hanako at Embers. But in all seriousness, you must start the Nocturne Op55N1 mission, during which you will have an epic fight against Adam Smasher. After defeating him, loot the Access Token from his corpse and complete the mission. After doing so, reload the game and return to the Ebunike, where you unlocked a shipping container with Grayson’s key during Johny’s Chippin’ In side quest. Returning to the Ebunike, you will find Adam Smasher’s vault–and since you have the Access Token, you can now enter it. Inside his vault, you will find the Legendary Crafting Spec for Ba Xing Chong. **Since this is a Legendary Crafting Spec, you will need the Edgerunner Artisan perk unlocked in order to craft it.
7. Psalm 11:6
“Let him rain coals on the wicked!”
See Psalm 11:6 in action:
Those are some scorching shots!
Psalm 11:6 is an Iconic variant of the Nokota D5 Copperhead Power Assault Rifle. This Iconic weapon is painted with a flame decal over its entire base, alluding to its special modifier and its namesake. Prepare to dispense Old Testament justice on your enemies with Psalm 11:6’s unique modifier, which changes the damage type to thermal, greatly increasing the chance to rain “fire and sulfur” on your enemies.
What's OP About Psalm 11:6:
- In addition to the base damage, each shot applies an additional 31-38 thermal damage.
- Each shot wields an 18% chance to burn your enemies.
- Headshot damage multiplier and 24.08% additional crit chance.
Psalm 11:6 Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: "Let him rain coals on the wicked; fire and sulfur and a scorching wind shall be the portion of their cup."
- Type: Power Assault Rifle
- Damage: 41-50
- Effect(s):
- Pure hellfire–additional Thermal damage, greatly increasing chance to apply Burn.
- +31-38 Thermal Damage
- +24.08% Crit Chance
- +18% Burn Chance
- 1 Headshot Damage Multiplier
- Attacks Per Second: 6.38
- Clip Size: 30 rounds
- Attachment Slots: 2–Empty Scope Slot, Empty Muzzle Shot
- Mod Slots: Empty Mod Slot
- Rarity: Rare/Iconic
How to Get Psalm 11:6:
To get your hands on Psalm 11:6, you can find its crafting spec during
simply complete the Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Just Say No in Northside, Watson. After defeating Tom Ayer, you can find the Psalm 11:6 Crafting Spec on his corpse. In order to craft the weapon, you will need the Edgerunner Artisan perk.
6. Divided We Stand
See Divided We Stand in action:
Look at how handy those projectiles are!
Divided We Stand is an Iconic variant of the Nokota D4 Sidewinder Smart Assault Rifle, painted orange with a New United States flag decal on the magazine. Its unique modifier makes the weapon fully automatic, allows you to target up to 5 targets simultaneously (while you have Smart Link implant installed), adds additional chemical damage to bullets, and has a high chance to apply the poisoned effect. But that’s not all–the modifier also increases the chances that the bullets will miss the target and explode into a Bio-hazard cloud that is guaranteed to poison nearby enemies. Overall, if you have a Smart Link implant, the damage dealt by Divided We Stand is essentially doubled.
What's OP About Divided We Stand:
- Up to 5 enemies can be targeted simultaneously with homing projectiles!
- Every bullet deals additional chemical damage with chance to poison.
- Missed bullets can explode into Bio-hazard clouds that poison nearby enemies.
- All the added effects essentially double the damage of the weapon (as long as you have a Smart Link installed).
Divided We Stand Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: "Be a patriot. Express your support for the Second Amendment."
- Type: Smart Assault Rifle
- Damage: 23-28
- Effect(s):
- Modified automatic targeting system allows the weapon to target up to five targets simultaneously.
- Bullets may create Bio-hazard clouds which apply a heavy Poison effect.
- Headshot Damage Multiplier: 100%
- Attacks Per Second: 6.00
- Clip Size: 30 rounds
- Mod Slots: 1
- Rarity: Rare/Iconic
How to Get Divided We Stand:
You can acquire Divided We Stand in the Stadium Love side mission. There are two options–(1) if you beat Walker’s score in the shooting contest, you’ll be rewarded with Divided We Stand, or (2) if you choose to fight the 6th Street members, you can loot them to find Divided We Stand.
5. Lizzie’s Tech Pistol
Shoot your shot in style!
See Lizzie’s Tech Pistol in action:
Style and speed–what could be better?
Lizzie’s Tech Pistol is an Iconic variant of the Militech M-76e Omaha Tech Pistol. Formerly owned by Susie “Q,” it is painted partially purple with a Mox logo on the grip. Lizzie’s Tech Pistol is not only the fastest firing pistol in the game, but it has a unique modifier that adds another round per shot (4 instead of 3 rounds per shot), and when fully charged will add yet another round per shot (5 rounds per shot instead of 3).
What's OP About Lizzie’s Tech Pistol
- With 17 attacks per second, Lizzie’s Tech Pistol is the fastest firing pistol in the entire game.
- An additional round per shot (and two extra rounds per shot when fully charged).
- On top of that, every shot deals additional thermal damage, with the chance to burn your enemies.
Lizzie’s Tech Pistol Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: "It may look like a toy, but it sure doesn't shoot like one."
- Type: Tech Pistol
- Damage: 12-15
- Effect(s):
- Fires an extra round per shot.+10-12 Thermal Damage
- 1.80 Charge Time
- 1.32 Charge Multiplier
- +10% Burn Chance
- Headshot Damage Multiplier: 150%
- Attacks Per Second: 17.00
- Clip Size: 10 rounds
- Attachment Slots: 1 Empty Scope Slot
- Mod Slots: 1 Empty Mod Slot
- Rarity: Rare/Iconic
How to Get Lizzie’s Tech Pistol:
You can get your hands on Lizzie’s Tech Pistol during the Automatic Love main mission. While in Lizzie’s bar, you can find the gun laying on a table in a private room adjacent to Judy Alvarez’s tech lair.
4. Jinchu-Maru
How can you pass on a katana that sleek and stylish?
See Jinchu-Maru in action:
Looks like Heads (and limbs) Will Roll!
This katana once belonged to Goro Takemura, who gifted it to Sandayu Oda during Oda’s apprenticeship. It subsequently became Oda’s signature weapon–a visual standout for its nearly solid black color with the Arasaka logo on the blade rather than the hilt.
This weapon is great, because it has a unique modifier that increases critical chance by 100% while the Kerenzikov implant is active. It also causes the last strike of a combo attack to deal double damage. Furthermore, it deals double damage against enemies who have twice V’s current health.
In order to receive the full benefits of this weapon, make sure to have the Kerenzikov implant in your cyberware! Even if you don’t usually like melee weapons, give this one a try. The opportunities for double damage and one-hit kills makes it worth it!
What's OP About Jinchu-Maru:
- Increases critical chance by 100% while the Kerenzikov implant is active, making it a one-hit-kill weapon while the implant effect is active.
- Every last strike of a combo attack deals double damage, with an already high base damage.
- On top of that, this weapon always does double damage against enemies with twice V’s health.
Jinchu-Maru Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: “The purest essence of a katana. No add–ons, no modifications–-only razor-sharp steel.”
- Type: Katana - Blade
- DPS: 1,300.9
- Damage: 260
- Effect(s):
- Gain 100% Crit Chance when Kerenzikov is active.
- Last strike in combo deals double damage.
- Doubles damage against enemies that have twice your health.
- Attacks Per Second: 5.00
- Attachment Slots: Empty Melee Mod Slot
- Mod Slots: 2 (Epic)/ 3 (Legendary)
- Rarity: Epic/Iconic
How to Get Jinchu-Maru:
You can obtain the Jinchu-Maru in the Play It Safe main mission. In this mission, Takemura and V will launch an assault during Saburo Arasaka’s funeral in Japantown. During the mission, players will have to fight Sandayu Oda–one of the game’s big bosses–and after you defeat him, he’ll drop Jinchu-maru.
3. Overwatch
That’s a high-quality scope you got there.
See Overwatch in action:
Headshots for days!
Overwatch is an Iconic variant of the Techtronika SPT32 Grad Power Sniper Rifle. Originally the Overwatch belonged to Mitch, who used it during the Unification War, but in 2077, Mitch gives to Panam. Eventually Panam offers up her signature weapon to you, as a reward for rescuing Saul. The sniper comes equipped with a Millitech HPO Mk.77 Kanone MAX scope and custom silencer. It also has the unique effect of having increased reload speed and additional damage per shot.
What's OP About Overwatch:
- Overwatch has very high base damage (1026-1254), but with the right build, it can do up to 10 times that damage.
- Comes equipped with a custom silencer, making it perfect for stealthy takedowns.
- Unique effect increases reload speed, which greatly helps with swiftly taking down multiple enemies.
Overwatch Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: “A sniper rifle that belonged to Panam. Increased reload speed and lethal accuracy – a rifle you can count on.”
- Type: Power Sniper Rifle
- Damage: 1026-1254
- Effect(s):
- Comes with a custom silencer.
- +741-906 Physical Damage
- +40.89% Crit Chance
- 108.26% Crit Damage
- +54.35% Bonus Ricochet Damage
- +10% Bleeding Chance
- 2.10 Headshot Damage Multiplier
- Attacks Per Second: 0.3
- Clip Size: 4 rounds
- Attachment Slots: 1 Empty Scope Slot
- Mod Slots: 1 Empty Mod Slot
- Rarity: Rare/Iconic
How to Get Overwatch:
There are two ways to get ahold of Overwatch. Unless you’re willing to wait til the end of the game, you’re going to want to go for the first method: During Riders on the Storm, as long as you get Saul out safely, Panam will gift you Overwatch at the end of the mission. However, maybe something goes wrong. You still get a chance to get Overwatch. After completing the game with The Star ending, you’ll return to the “Point of No Return,” where you’ll be rewarded with Overwatch.
2. Overture
It may look basic, but this bad boy packs a punch!
See Overture in action:
Part hand-gun, part sniper.
Not to be confused with Overwatch–although this bad boy can act as a silenced one-shot kill gun as well–the Overture is a Power Revolver manufactured by Malorian Arms (the same manufacturer that created Johnny Silverhand’s iconic gun). The Overture is a powerful, high-quality, double-action power revolver that holds six 0.42 caliber rounds. Offered at every rarity level, you can acquire this gun early on in the game and upgrade to higher rarity variants as you progress. Higher variants and higher character level have a profound effect on improving the weapon’s stats. By default, the weapon has glowing iron sights, but you can also install a scope and muzzle at Rare rarity or higher.
What's OP About Overture:
- Higher variants and higher character levels make the Overture’s damage a one shot kill for most enemies.
- Adding a scope and silencer makes the Overture (especially at higher rarities and character levels) function like a shorter-ranged sniper rifle.
- Headshot damage multiplier of 200%.
Overture Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: “Packs one hell of a kick.”
- Type: Power Revolver
- Damage: Varies depending on variant and character level
- Effect(s):
- Headshot Damage Multiplier: 200%
- Attacks Per Second: 1.34
- Clip Size: 6 rounds
- Attachment Slots: 2–Empty Scope Slot, Empty Muzzle Slot
- Mod Slots: Available at Rare variant or higher
- Rarity: Common/Uncommon/Rare/Epic/Legendary
How to Get Overture:
You can purchase Overture variants and crafting specs from weapon vendors around Night City. You can also get an Epic variant with a unique modifier during a cyberpsycho encounter.
- Common through Epic variant Overtures can be purchased from:
- Aldecaldos Weapon Vendor in Rocky Ridge
- Marty Jenklow in Biotechnica Flats
- Weapon Vendor in Arroyo
- Weapon Vendor in Rancho Coronado
- Weapon Vendor in Red Peaks
- Crafting Spec can be purchased for €$10,500 from:
- Robert Wilson in Little China
- Maelstrom Weapon Vendor in Northside
- Weapon Vendor in Kabuki
- Weapon Vendor in Northside
- An Epic variant with a unique modifier can be acquired during the Cyberpsycho Sighting: Seaside Cafe. You must neutralize Dao Hyunh and you can retrieve this Epic Overture variant.
- Crafting Spec can be purchased for €$31,500 from:
- Weapon Vendor in The Glen
- At 43 Street Cred, you can purchase a Legendary variant from:
- Weapon Vendor in Arroyo
1. Headhunter
Now that’s a knife!
See Headhunter in action:
Playing on God-mode.
The Headhunter is an Iconic variant of the Punknife that was added in Patch 1.6. The Headhunter has a unique modifier that “marks” enemies when they are hit by the blade. On top of that, these marked enemies suffer 250% increased damage from a headshot. This means that if you throw the Headhunter at an enemy’s head, it is essentially an insta-kill (for most enemies). On top of that, (thanks to Patch 1.5) after you throw the knife at the enemy, the blade will return to you and clear the “mark”. The magical ability (maybe it's an undisclosed cyberware feature that links the knife to your hand) of the knife returning to your hand makes for truly OP stealth or midst-combat kills–whatever you prefer.
What's OP About Headhunter:
- With a headshot damage multiplier of 250%, if you throw this at an enemy’s head, it’s basically an insta-kill.
- After 6 seconds, the knife returns to your hand after throwing it at an enemy–or if you walk over their corpse, the knife will be returned to your hand and the cooldown time reset.
- The insta-kill headshot paired with the knife magically returning to your hand allows you to stealthily traverse enemy territory (of course you can also use it effectively in the midst of combat).
Headhunter Full Details:
- *Stats and price vary depending on rarity and character level/perks*
- Official Description: "Throwing this knife is like imposing a death sentence."
- Type: Knife - Blade
- DPS: 569.3
- Damage: 168
- Effect(s):
- Headshot Damage Multiplier: 250%
- +106-130 Physical Damage
- +5% Crit Chance
- +10% Bleeding Chance
- -15% Weapon Switch Duration
- Attacks Per Second: 3.38
- Recovery Time (after throw): 6 seconds
- Mod Slots: 1-3
- Rarity: Rare/Iconic
How to Get Headhunter:
You can purchase the Headhunter for upwards of €$15,000 from the Melee Weapon Vendor in West Wind Estate. Sometimes it does not show up in the vendor’s inventory–simply skip time or kill some time until roughly 24 in-game hours have passed and it should appear.