[Top 5] Dead By Daylight Best Hag Builds
5. A Hag Favorite
This is a favorite build of a pro who plays the Hag and it’s a strong build for those who are trying to learn the hag or get better with her as their main killer.
- I like the Hag but I am by no means a pro, this is a good build to use if you’re trying to get better with the Hag.
- The Hag is a very versatile killer able to control the map with her illusion traps and also teleport to them to be able to strike survivors down.
What A Hag Favorite Excels In
- This build helps you learn the Hag as she becomes your new main killer, you’ll be able to get better with the Hag as you play the killer.
Build details:
- To start you’ll need the Dried Cicada add-on to be able to teleport farther, and Bloodied Mud to increase the range of effect of your traps.
- The first two perks you’ll need are Hex: Ruin from the Hag to make it harder to repair generators and Make Your Choice from the Pig to see when survivors help each other off of hooks so you can down them again.
- The last two perks you’ll need are Save The Best For Last from the Shape to attack faster and recover faster when attacking, finally, take Monitor & Abuse to increase your field of view and lower your terror radius until you start a chase.
4. Body Blocker Hag
This isn’t exactly a strong build but it is a fun build to use to capitalize on the Hag’s traps, this build is not one to use to climb ranks because it’s not always reliable but it is a fun build to try.
- There are certain add-ons for most killers that will ruin the power they use and the Hag is no exception but this build uses a somewhat bad add-on in a fun way.
- With this build the perks aren’t the most important part, the add-ons are, the perks will help you but this build is about the add-on’s unique effect.
What Body Blocker Hag Excels In
- You’ll have fun with this build, your traps will be able to trap survivors or block them from escaping for a few moments as you close the distance to them.
Build details:
- The add-ons you’ll need to make this build work are Scarred Hand and Waterlogged Show, The Scarred Hand makes it so your traps have collision now meaning survivors can’t run through them but makes it so you can’t teleport, the Waterlogged Shoe increases your movement speed and makes survivors suffer the hindered effect.
- The perks you’ll need to run are Save The Best For Last from the Shape to reduce your basic attack cooldown and Pop Goes The Weasel from the Clown to make generators regress more when you kick them after hooking a survivor.
- The Last two perks you’ll need are Agitation from the Trapper to be able to hook faster and lastly Hex: Haunted Ground from the Spirit to create two special hex totems that when cleansed from a survivor will make all survivors become exposed.
3. Beginner Hag
This is the best build for beginners because it doesn’t rely on perks from other killers to be stronger, use this great build if you want to learn the Hag.
- It’s annoying when you have to use perks from other killers to have a strong build so this builds remedies that by using perks available to the Hag and every killer.
- Most builds require other perks like Barbeque & Chili from the Cannibal but this build is great because it uses perks every killer has on their blood web.
What Beginner Hag Excels In
- Everyone will be able to use this build as they level up the Hag with each blood web with her.
Build details:
- Every perk you need is on the blood web of the Hag, you’ll need Hex: Ruin to make it harder for survivors to repair generators, Spies From the Shadows to find survivors, Bitter Murmur to find survivors after generators are repaired, and lastly Hex: No One Escapes Death to find the last survivors after all the generators have been fixed.
- The add-ons for this build aren’t necessary but the best things to take are add-ons that allow you to teleport at further distances.
2. Red Rank Hag
This is a strong build to help you build red ranks as the Hag when you play as the killer in Dead by Daylight.
- To me getting a red rank isn’t that important because the true purpose of any and every game is to have fun but if you want to get red ranks use this build.
- When you play the Hag you need to know where to place your traps so you can teleport across the map and catch survivors off guard.
What Red Rank Hag Excels In
- You’ll be able to climb ranks with Hag and get better with her as your main killer to hunt survivors and kill the little snots.
Build details:
- The first two perks you’ll need are Monitor & Abuse from the Doctor to increase your field of vision and Surge from the Demogorgon to make generators regress after putting a survivor into the dying state.
- The last two perks you’ll need are Corrupt Intervention from the Plague to block 3 generators at the start of the match, and finally Save The Best For Last from the Shape to decrease the cooldown of your basic attacks.
- The add-ons you’ll need are Dried Cicada to increase the range that you can teleport and Swamp Orchis Necklet to reduce the time it takes to set traps.
1. The Best Hag
This is the best possible build for the Hag that rounds out her flaws as well as capitalize on her strengths as she hunts the survivors and controls the map.
- The Hag is a great killer but can be either one of the strongest or weakest depending on how you play her, this build helps make her one of the strongest killers.
- This build makes the Hag much stronger than she normally is as a killer by using stronger perks from other killers to make her better.
What The Best Hag Excels In
- The Hag is a strong killer able to control the map but has a drawback because of her lack of speed and limits with her teleport ability because of the range, this build seeks to remedy this and make the Hag much stronger.
- This build makes the Hag much more well-rounded and strong because of the perks from the other killers that have stronger perks.
Build details:
- The first two perks you’ll need are Corrupt Intervention from the Plague to get more map control by making 3 generators impossible to work on, and next take Monitor & Abuse from the Doctor to lower your terror radius when not in a chase and increase your field of view also increase your terror radius while in a chase.
- Next, take a Nurse’s Calling to see survivors when they heal themselves or others so you can find them much easier, lastly, take Save The Best For Life to decrease the cooldown of your basic attacks.
- The add-ons you’ll need are Cracked Turtle Egg to increase the duration of your traps giving you more time to teleport to them and take Dried Cicada to be able to teleport at a much further distance.