5. Speedy Spider Generator Build

Slinking in the shadows will grant you great rewards. This generator rushing build relies on your ability to not be spotted by the Killer. If all goes according to plan, your team will be powering the Exit Gates in no time.
- Before you even touch a generator, a few things must be in place. Head to the basement. If you can acquire a few stacks of Stake Out by hiding in the Killer’s terror radius on your way, you will be one step ahead.
- Once at the basement, begin your Invocation: Weaving Spiders. If you have a fellow teammate join you, this will greatly decrease the amount of time your Invocation will take.
- When your Invocation is finished, a large chunk of charges will be removed from every generator that still needs to be repaired.
- You will need to try to hide in the Killer’s terror radius without being in chase to acquire full stacks of Stake Out. If you have already acquired your stacks, quickly head to a generator.
- The perk Resilience will provide a generator repair speed buff. This buff will remain active for the entire match since you are broken from Invocation: Weaving Spiders.
- The perk Hyper Focus will greatly progress your generator when you hit great skill checks.
- Any good skill checks will be changed into greats with your perk Stake Out as long as you have sufficient stacks.
Speedy Spider Generator Build Strengths:
- Generator repair reduction - This build reduces the maximum charges on generators that need to be repaired.
- Speed boost – You retain a constant repair speed boost from your Invocation: Weaving Spiders Broken status effect.
- Skill Check Progression – Any skill check, good or great, will count as a great skill check. These skill checks provide a generator repair boost with the perk Hyper Focus.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increase repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Brand New Part – toolbox repair action is replaced with Install Brand New Part. During installation, you will be faced with a difficult skill check. Upon succeeding the skill check the generator’s required charges are reduced by 10. This add-on is consumed after use.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Perks:
- Invocation Weaving Spiders: When in the basement near the circle, press the ability button to begin the Invocation. Invocations take 60 seconds. Other Survivors will see your aura during this and can join an ongoing interaction, increasing speed by 50% each. If they have an Invocation perk equipped, they increase it by 100% instead. Once Invocation is completed:
- You become injured and gain the Broken status effect for the rest of the trial.
- Reduce the maximum required generator charges of all remaining generators by 8/9/10.
- Completing the Invocation disables the perk for all Survivors.
- Resilience: You are motivated in dire situations. Grants 3/6/9% additional speed when repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, vaulting, cleansing or blessing a totem, opening Exit Gates, and unlocking while injured.
- Hyper Focus: After hitting a great skill check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of skill check trigger by 4%, the skill check cursor speed by 4%, and bonus progression for great skill checks by 10/20/30% of its base value.
- Stake Out: For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 token, good skill checks are considered great skill checks, consume 1 token, and grant an additional 1% bonus to generator repair progress.
- Invocation Weaving Spiders: When in the basement near the circle, press the ability button to begin the Invocation. Invocations take 60 seconds. Other Survivors will see your aura during this and can join an ongoing interaction, increasing speed by 50% each. If they have an Invocation perk equipped, they increase it by 100% instead. Once Invocation is completed:
4. Duo Generator Build

Do you and your bestie love to play together? This build can make you masters of generator repair. So, grab your duo and get to work. You will be required to stick together to gain the full benefit out of this build.
- Locate a generator using the perk Deja Vu.
- Together you and your duo will benefit from the perks Prove Thyself and Streetwise while repairing the generator.
- Once you two complete a generator, the perk Friendly Competition will activate.
- Use Deja Vu to efficiently locate another generator.
- The quicker you and your duo reach a new generator, the longer the both of you can utilize the benefit of the perk Friendly Competition.
Duo Generator Build Strengths:
- Aura reading - This build allows you to quickly locate generators. This is essential to get the most out of your generator repair speed buffs.
- Speed boost – As long as you and your duo are together you retain a constant repair speed boost from Prove Thyself and Friendly Competition.
- Item Efficiency – You are able to extend the uses in your team’s items, and you can replenish charges once they are depleted.
- Teamwork – You and your duo are tied at the hip. The longer you two can work together, the greater the benefit you receive when you use this build.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increase repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Brand New Part – toolbox repair action is replaced with Install Brand New Part. During installation, you will be faced with a difficult skill check. Upon succeeding the skill check the generator’s required charges are reduced by 10. This add-on is consumed after use.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet – Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Perks:
- Prove Thyself: For every other Survivor working on a generator within a 4-meter range, gain 6/8/10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other Survivors within range.
- Friendly Competition: You revel in the community spirit of a competition and inspire others to follow suit. Whenever you finish repairing a generator with at least one other Survivor, this perk activates. You and other Survivors who finish repairing the generator with you get a 5% increased repair progress speed for 45/60/75 seconds.
- Streetwise: Reduce consumption rate of item charge by 15/20/25% for you and allies within an 8-meter range. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
- Deja Vu: The auras of three generators which are in close proximity to one another are revealed to you. Gain a 4/5/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators.
3. Solo Speedy Generator Build

Do you prefer to rely on yourself, but still want to be a productive teammate? This solo generator repair build is for you. This build does require some totem spawn knowledge, and a little setting up to gain its full potential. The small hassle is worth the reward though. You will always have a generator repair speed buff, whether you are injured or healthy.
- Before starting a generator, there are a few perks you need to activate to provide the highest efficiency with this build.
- Overzealous requires you to cleanse a totem to activate the generator repair speed buff. If you get lucky and find a hex totem, the repair speed is doubled.
- Stake Out needs to be charged by being in the Killer’s radius but not in chase. This can be accomplished by being near a fellow teammate in chase.
- Find a generator to repair. The perk Hyperfocus will activate, and you will need to hit great skill checks.
- Don’t worry if you hit a good skill check instead of a great, Stake Out has your back. This perk will turn a good skill check into a great.
- If the Killer comes sniffing around and manages to injure you, Overzealous will deactivate.
- The perk Resilience will activate when you are injured, providing a small reduction in generator repair speed compared to Overzealous. However, you now have a speed buff to other actions such as healing, unhooking and cleansing a totem.
- You can replace the perk Stake Out with another generator repair speed boost perk if you are extremely confident in your ability to hit great skill checks. This allows you to tweak the build to fit to your specific playstyle.
Solo Speedy Generator Build Strengths:
- Consistent generator repair speed – Whether you are healthy or injured, you maintain a generator repair speed buff.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time being able to repair generators quicker. You also save your team valuable time with the multitude of speed buffs you acquire from Resilience.
- Multipurpose - With this build you can repair generators faster. You can also cleanse totems more efficiently, which is extremely valuable when the Killer has a hex build. While the totems may be situational, Resilience provides a speed buff for multiple other main game mechanics.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Brand New Part – toolbox repair action is replaced with Install Brand New Part. During installation, you will be faced with a difficult skill check. Upon succeeding the skill check the generator’s required charges are reduced by 10. This add-on is consumed after use.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet - Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Perks:
- Hyperfocus: After hitting a great skill check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of skill check trigger by 4%, the skill check cursor speed by 4%, and bonus progression for great skill checks by 10/20/30% of its base value.
- Resilience: You are motivated in dire situations. Grants 3/6/9% additional speed when repairing, sabotaging, healing, unhooking, vaulting, cleansing or blessing a totem, opening Exit Gates, and unlocking while injured.
- Stake Out: For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 token, good skill checks are considered great skill checks, consume 1 token, and grant an additional 1% bonus to generator repair progress.
- Overzealous: After cleansing or blessing a totem this perk activates. Your generator repair speed is increased by 8/9/10%. This bonus is doubled if you cleanse or bless a hex totem. This perk deactivates when you lose a health state by any means.
2. Generator Gremlin Build

Toolbox Gremlin activate! This build provides fast generator repair to power the Exit Gates in record time. The perks are simple and straightforward to use. If you do not like engaging with the Killer and prefer to perform speedy generator repairs with the help of a toolbox, this build is for you.
- Locate a generator to start repairs.
- The perk Streetwise will activate once you, or a fellow Survivor, use a toolbox to repair the generator. Streetwise will activate for any Survivor’s item in range.
- Hyperfocus will activate when you hit great skill checks. This will greatly increase the progress on the generator you are repairing.
- Stake Out is used as a safety net for Hyperfocus. As long as you have gathered tokens for Stake Out by being in the Killers terror radius but not in chase, any good skill check becomes a great.
- Once your toolbox is depleted, you can spend time in a locker using your perk Built To Last to recharge part of your item.
- Rinse and repeat until all the generators are repaired.
- You can replace Stake Out with the perk Prove Thyself if you are confident in your ability to hit great skill checks with Hyper Focus.
Generator Gremlin Build Strengths:
- Flexibility – You can be a SWF, duo or solo player and still use this build. If you are a more advanced player, you have the option to swap out Stake Out for another generator repair boost perk.
- Item Efficiency – You are able to extend the uses in your team’s items and you can replenish charges once the item's charges are depleted. Being able to reuse a toolbox comes in very handy for quick repairs.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time by being able to repair generators at an enhanced rate.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Socket Swivels – Increases the toolbox repair speed by 30%.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet - Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Perks:
- Built To Last: After hiding inside a locker for 14/13/12 seconds, with a depleted item in hand, 99% of its charges are refilled. Each use of Built To Last reduces the amount of charges refilled by 33%.
- Stake Out: For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 token, good skill checks are considered great skill checks, consume 1 token, and grant an additional 1% bonus to generator repair progress.
- Streetwise: Reduce consumption rate of item charge by 15/20/25% for you and allies within an 8-meter range. Once out of range, this effect persists for 15 seconds.
- Hyperfocus: After hitting a great skill check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of skill check trigger by 4%, the skill check cursor speed by 4%, and bonus progression for great skill checks by 10/20/30% of its base value.
1. Generator Repair Speed Build

This build is great for speedy group generator repairs. Even if you are a solo player, you can still run this build. Just find a fellow Survivor to get the most benefit. The perks in this build are decently easy to use. What better way to help your team than be a generator gremlin?
- It will be important to charge up the perk Stake Out by remaining within the Killer’s terror radius for a duration of time, but not in chase.
- Use Deja Vu to quickly locate a generator to repair.
- Make sure another Survivor is repairing the same generator as you to get the most benefit out of the perk Prove Thyself.
- Once you start getting skill checks on the generator, make sure to hit as many great skill checks as you can. Hyperfocus will greatly increase the generator repair progress.
- If you happen to hit a good skill check instead of a great, Stake Out will automatically revert that skill check into a great.
- You can replace the perk Stake Out with Streetwise if you are confident in your great skill check abilities. This will extend the use of your toolbox.
Generator Repair Speed Build Strengths:
- Generator repair speed – The combination of Prove Thyself and Hyperfocus is phenomenal for generator repair. Along with Stake Out as a safety net for Hyperfocus, you will be hard pressed to find a better perk combination for great generator repair.
- Time efficiency – You save your team time being able to maximize your efficiency on generator repair speeds.
- Teamwork – This build provides massive benefits when another teammate is also running these perks. Even if you are a solo player, you can still provide a helping hand to your team by ensuring you are repairing a generator with a fellow Survivor.
- Flexibility – You have the option to swap out the perk Stake Out if you are a more advanced player. This allows you to add another speed boost perk on top of all the others already in the build.
Build Details:
- Item: Commodious Toolbox
- 32 charges that increases repair speed by 50%, unlocks the sabotage action and increases sabotage speed by 50%.
- Addon 1: Wire Spool – adds 12 charges to the toolbox.
- Addon 2: Brand New Part – toolbox repair action is replaced with Install Brand New Part. During installation, you will be faced with a difficult skill check. Upon succeeding the skill check the generator’s required charges are reduced by 10. This add-on is consumed after use.
- Offering: Any Bog Laurel
- Bog Laurel Sachet - Grants 50% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objectives category.
- Fresh Bog Laurel – Grants 75% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Fragrant Bog Laurel – Grants 100% bonus Bloodpoints in the Objective category.
- Perks:
- Deja Vu: The auras of three generators which are in close proximity to one another are revealed to you. Gain a 4/5/6% repair speed bonus on the revealed generators.
- Hyperfocus: After hitting a great skill check while repairing or healing, this perk gains 1 token, up to 6 tokens. Each token increases the chance of skill check trigger by 4%, the skill check cursor speed by 4%, and bonus progression for great skill checks by 10/20/30% of its base value.
- Prove Thyself: For every other Survivor working on a generator within a 4-meter range, gain 6/8/10% repair speed bonus. This same bonus is also applied to all other Survivors within range.
- Stake Out: For each 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s terror radius and not in a chase, you gain a token up to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. When Stake Out has at least 1 token, good skill checks are considered great skill checks, consume 1 token, and grant an additional 1% bonus to generator repair progress.
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*All image credit goes to the creators*