5. Stealthy & Invulnerable
Proving That Gen Rushing Is Broken - Dead by Daylight
This build consists of Dead Hard, Resilience, Prove Thyself, and Iron Will. While Dead Hard is a perk unique to David King, Resilience is a common perk; Prove Thyself is unique to Dwight Fairfield, and Iron Will belongs to Jake Park.
To be able to use this build you will need to level each survivor that has these unique perks to 30/35/40 and onwards. At one of these levels, teachable versions of these perks will appear. After unlocking them, it will be available for every other survivor.
Then, you will need to get them from the bloodweb for the survivor you want to play as. If you unlocked many teachable perks, you might struggle to find these specific perks as it is totally random for them to appear. So, this means that the less teachable perks you've unlocked, the easier you will get the ones you want.
This build's purpose is to ensure that the generator will be completed.
What Stealthy & Invulnerable Excels In
- Dead Hard will allow you to avoid any type of hit once.
- Iron Will grants you total silence while injured.
- Resilience grants you up to 9% bonus speed in certain actions while injured. 9% might sound little, but it makes a huge difference.
- Prove Thyself grants you up to 45% repair speed bonus. For each survivor repairing with you, you get a 15% bonus. It also gives you up to 100% bonus bloodpoints.
Build details:
- Dead Hard is mostly used during a chase, however, you can also use it while repairing a generator. For example, you can take a hit, and then use Dead Hard to avoid one hit, and complete the generator if it's about to finish.
- You can silently repair a generator while the killer is distracted.
- Prove Thyself and Resilience will speed up the process of repairing.
- You can also include a toolbox of any kind to be even faster.
4. Resilience Value All The Way
Dead By Daylight No Mither Gen Rush Build - Survivor Builds 2019
This build consists of Prove Thyself, Resilience, This Is Not Happening, and No Mither. No Mither is unique to David King, and This Is Not Happening is a common perk. The teachable version of No Mither can be found in David King's blood web at level 40 and onwards.
This build's purpose is to get the most value out of the perk, Resilience.
What Resilience Value All The Way Excels In
- Resilience grants you up to 9% bonus speed in certain actions while injured. 9% might sound little, but it makes a huge difference.
- It also allows you to get yourself up from dying state and reduces your grunts of pain by 50%. You don't leave bloodstains, either.
- Prove Thyself grants you up to 45% bonus repair speed.For each survivor repairing with you, you get a 15% bonus. It also gives you up to 100% bonus bloodpoints.
- This Is Not Happening gives you up to 30% bigger great skill check zones while injured.
Build details:
- Prove Thyself and Resilience will speed up the process of repairing.
- You will be able to use Resilience AND This Is Not Happening any time with the help of No Mither. In other words, you will always have a 9% speed boost for everything, as well as 30% bigger great skill check zones.
- This Is Not Happening is popular among new survivors since they have a hard time hitting great skill checks. However, even an above-average player can benefit from this perk. Hitting great skill checks grants you a 1% bonus. Constantly getting them will speed up the process.
- You can also include a toolbox of any kind to be even faster.
3. Easy Skill Checks & Protection of Regression
Rushing Gens in Killers' Faces with Fast Track and Brand New Part
You will need Repressed Alliance, Resilience, This Is Not Happening, and Fast Track for this build. Repressed Alliance is unique to Cheryl Mason from Silent Hill DLC. Its teachable version can be found at level 40 and onwards in her bloodweb. You have to pay real money for this character to get both the survivor and her three unique perks instantly.
Or you can purchase all perks from the Shrine of Secrets with in-game currency. But you will have to be patient and lucky to get the ones you want. Because the perks appear randomly, and there are only four perks every week; two killer and two survivor perks.
As for the perk Fast Track, it belongs to the survivor, Yun-Jin Lee. It can be found at level 30 and onwards in her bloodweb. She is a free-to-unlock character. To be able to do that, you will need 9000 iridescent shards. You get them by leveling up your account. If you don't have time to collect them, you can just purchase her DLC.
This build's purpose is to prevent the generator from regressing and make it easier to hit skill checks, especially the great ones.
What Easy Skill Checks & Protection of Regression Excels In
- Repressed Alliance allows you to block out a generator after reaching a certain amount of repairs. With this perk, the blocked generator cannot be kicked by the killer.
- Fast Track gives you a 1% bonus for each token you have. A hooked survivor gives you up to 3 tokens and a total of 27 tokens.
- Resilience grants you up to 9% bonus speed in certain actions while injured. 9% might sound little, but it makes a huge difference.
- This Is Not Happening gives you up to 30% bigger great skill check zones while injured.
Build details:
- Repressed Alliance will ensure that your efforts won’t go wasted. This perk is a great counter to the killer perk, Pop Goes To Weasel. This perk also stops the regression caused by Hex: Ruin. If the killer waits out the blocked generator, this will give enough time to repair at least 2 generators, which is a great trade.
- Fast Track gives you a free Brand New Part add-on effect.
- This Is Not Happening is popular among new survivors since they have a hard time hitting great skill checks. However, even an above-average player can benefit from this perk. Hitting great skill checks grants you a 1% bonus. Constantly getting them will speed up the process. Also, with this perk, you will be able to easily get use of Fast Track.
- Prove Thyself and Resilience will speed up the process of repairing immensely.
2. Long-lasting Toolbox
Making GEN RUSHING Faster With This Perk Build - Dead by Daylight
For this build, you need Built To Last, Prove Thyself, Resilience, and Streetwise. You can unlock all of these perks easily since none of them belongs to a licensed character. This build's purpose is to get the most value out of your toolbox.
What Long-lasting Toolbox Excels In
- Built to Last allows you to get half of your item's health after it's fully depleted.
- Streetwise allows you to reduce the depletion rate of all items by up to 25%.
- Prove Thyself and Resilience will speed up the process of repairing.
Build details:
- You have to get a good toolbox to get the most value out of this build. If you don't include one, you will be wasting two perk slots. You can add add-ons to your toolbox to be even faster or to make it last even longer.
- Built to Last is unique to Felix Richter. The teachable version of this perk can be found in his bloodweb at level 30 and onwards.
- Streetwise is unique to Nea Karlson. She’s a free-to-play survivor, so all you need to do is to level her up to 40 to unlock this perk for everyone. This perk along with Built to Last will allow you to use your toolbox during almost the entire match.
1. Just Fast & Instant
The ULTIMATE Genrush Build! - Dead By Daylight
This build consists of Fast Track, Prove Thyself, Resilience, and Stake Out. Stake Out is unique to David Tapp from The Saw chapter. You will have to buy his DLC to get his perks.
What Just Fast & Instant Excels In
- Fast Track gives you a 1% bonus for each token you have. A hooked survivor gives you up to 3 tokens and a total of 27 tokens.
- Prove Thyself grants you up to 45% bonus repair speed. For each survivor repairing with you, you get a 15% bonus. It also gives you up to 100% bonus bloodpoints.
- Stake Out will give you a 1% extra bonus when hitting great skill checks.
- Resilience grants you up to 9% bonus speed in certain actions while injured. 9% might sound little, but it makes a huge difference.
Build details:
- Fast Track gives you a free Brand New Part add-on effect.
- Prove Thyself and Resilience will speed up the process of repairing.
- Stake Out combined with Fast Track will complete almost half of a generator.
- Bring a toolbox of any kind to finish generators even faster.
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