Elodie Rakoto is a character that was introduced in chapter 18 called 'The Binding of Kin'. Elodie can be described as a fascinating girl, as described in her story, rather than going to classes, she would do research of her own and go out to explore. However, her exploration did exceed a bit too much when she managed to stumble into the fog during a trip to Dyer Island, the same island where Felix Richter managed to stumble against the fog as well, which you can call a great coincidence. Nevertheless, let's stumble upon her best builds.
5. Treasure Finder Elodie Build
4. Elodie Rakoto Exe
What the Elodie Rakoto Exe Build Excels In:
- With the perks of Dead Hard and Power Struggle, if timed properly, you will be able to dead hard to the nearest location where there are pallets such as a T-wall and be able to use power struggle to drop the pallet on the killer and then escape.
- With deception, you have the ability to get a great distraction whilst being in a chase, and then use a perk, appraisal, to find good items in the chest to progress through the game.
Build details & Perks:
- Dead hard: Press the Active Ability button while running to trigger the Endurance Status Effect for 1 second. Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Dead Hard cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Deception: Interact with a Locker while holding the Sprint button to trigger a Loud Noise Notification for the killer at your location instead of entering the Locker. You will not leave any Scratch Marks or Pools of Blood for the next 3 seconds. Deception can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.
- Power struggle: Reveals the Auras of available Pallets whenever you are in the Dying State. While being carried by The Killer, reaching 25/20/15 % Wiggling progression activates Power Struggle: You can drop a nearby, standing Pallet to stun the Killer and escape their grasp. Power Struggle deactivates after triggering successfully.
- Appraisal: Start the Trial with 3 Tokens: When a Chest has already been opened, consume 1 Token to rummage through it for an Item. Rummage through Chests 40/60/80 % faster. Rummaging is only available once per Chest.
3. Reindeer Elodie Build
Dead by daylight gameplay by Tithi
The Reindeer Elodie Build makes this list with a Christmas vibe as this build has a lot of power perks that would make this game a complete disaster for the killer. First of all, with an alert, you are able to see the killer's actions throughout the whole map, most popularly seen when kicking generators, therefore, revealing his aura a lot of times. With this perk, the advantages are that you have an idea where the killer is coming from/to, and also you have the chance to continue repearing the generator that he has kicked so that it would not regress. Overall making this a potentially amazing perk especially when all the survivors are working together, as you have the ability to notify other survivors of the killers' presence.
What the Reindeer Elodie Build Excels In:
- With the perk alert, you are able to read the killer's actions, most commonly where he is kicking a generator, you will be able to read his directions and check which generators you should be repairing next.
- The combination between alert and dead hard is very good, as you have the chance to think of an escape routine if you were to be ever in an exposed status by the killer whilst seeing the killer come towards and then use dead hard to rush in front of the killer.
Build details & Perks:
- Dead hard: Press the Active Ability button while running to trigger the Endurance Status Effect for 1 second. Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Dead Hard cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Alert: Whenever the Killer destroys a Pallet or a Breakable Wall or damages a Generator, their Aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds.
- Decisive strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds: When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed in a Skill Check to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 3 seconds. Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession. While Decisive Strike is active, performing Conspicuous Actions will deactivate it for the remainder of the Trial. Decisive Strike deactivates once the Exit Gates are powered. Increases the odds of becoming the Killer's initial Obsession by +100 %. The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
- Iron will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %. Iron Will cannot be used when suffering from Exhaustion but does not cause the Exhausted Status Effect.
2. Excitement Elodie Build
Dead by daylight gameplay by HiDro
The Excitement Elodie Build is a build that not only would excite Elodie, but also the players who are playing this build, as overall, this build is amazing when it comes to toxicity and cooperation. With perks such as quick and quiet and head-on, you have the ability to either be sneaky or destructible making life hard on the killer. Nevertheless, not only can the build advantage yourself but also others with the perk, borrowed time, which gives out an endurance status effect to your teammate saving lots of time, and making this build one of the most exciting builds to play with.
What the Excitement Elodie Build Excels In:
- The combination of head-on and deception, where you have the ability to either go to a locker or use deception to make a distraction as if you went into a locker.
- Borrowed time is overall a very good collaborative perk as it saves so much time and if the person affected by the perk gets hit by the killer, they have the chance to escape.
Build details & Perks:
- Head on: While standing in a Locker for 3 seconds, Head On activates: When performing a rushed action to leave a Locker, stun the Killer for 3 seconds if they are within range. Head On causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. This perk cannot be used when Exhausted or when you have accrued Stillness Crows.
- Borrowed time: Survivors you unhook benefit from the following effects: Extends the duration of their Endurance Status Effect by 6/8/10 seconds. Extends the duration of their Haste Status Effect by +10 seconds.
- Deception: Interact with a Locker while holding the Sprint button to trigger a Loud Noise Notification for the killer at your location instead of entering the Locker. You will not leave any Scratch Marks or Pools of Blood for the next 3 seconds. Deception can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.
- Quick and Quiet: Suppresses both the Loud Noise Notification and the sound effects triggered by rushing to vault Windows, Pallets, or rushing to enter or exit Lockers. Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.
1. Elodie Deception Build
What the Elodie Deception Build Excels in:
The combination of head-on and deception, where you have the ability to either go to a locker or use deception to make a distraction as if you went into a locker, with an additional perk of quick and quiet making it a quiet hide or distraction.
Having a second distraction perk, diversion, allows you to use a combination of two distractions, either with deception and/or followed by the perk diversion.
Build details & Perks:
- Deception: Interact with a Locker while holding the Sprint button to trigger a Loud Noise Notification for the killer at your location instead of entering the Locker. You will not leave any Scratch Marks or Pools of Blood for the next 3 seconds. Deception can only be triggered once every 60/50/40 seconds.
- Quick and Quiet: Suppresses both the Loud Noise Notification and the sound effects triggered by rushing to vault Windows, Pallets, or rushing to enter or exit Lockers. Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.
- Head on: While standing in a Locker for 3 seconds, Head On activates: When performing a rushed action to leave a Locker, stun the Killer for 3 seconds if they are within range. Head On causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Head On cannot be used when Exhausted or when you have accrued Stillness Crows.
- Diversion: Standing within the Killer's Terror Radius while not in a Chase for 40/35/30 seconds activates Diversion. Once Diversion is activated, press the Active Ability button while crouched and motionless to throw a pebble, creating a distraction for the Killer at a distance of 20 metres. The distraction consists of the following: A Loud Noise Notification. Scratch Marks Diversion's timer resets once the ability has been activated.
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