Kate Denson is one of the 33 survivors, who personally was released in chapter 8, curtain call, together with the killer, the clown. Kate Denson not only has her beauty but also her skills with one of her standing out perks, windows of opportunity, being one of the most powerful perks in dead by daylight. She can be described as a hopeful songbird, able to make most of her surroundings, and therefore let's look at her builds that could make the most out of her perks.
5. The Windows of Kate Denson
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Gaming Army
The windows of Kate Denson is one of the most popular builds when it comes to beginner builds as not only does it help you with finding the right loop spots and windows but also allows you to use those windows with the support of Lithe where you can escape the Killer much faster and find another loop area in time whilst your teammates are doing generators. Self-care is another perk excellent for beginners as beginners don't have time to look for other survivors on the map to get them healed. If they do, they are most likely to get caught; therefore, with self-care, you can heal yourself peacefully and continue with the generators and objectives. Overall, they make it an excellent build for good beginners to practise on.
What The Build Excels In:
- With windows of opportunity and lithe, you can see windows and then use the exhaustion perk to make a quick escape without the effort to look around whilst in a chase.
- The ability to heal yourself after taking the opportunity to escape the Killer with the perk of self-care, although it takes more time, slowing down the game.
Build details & Perks:
- Lithe: After performing a rushed vault, break into a sprint of 150 % of your average Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Lithe causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Lithe cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Self-care: Unlocks the Self-Care ability, allowing you to self-heal without needing a Med-Kit at 25/30/35 % of the average Healing speed.
- Borrowed Time: Extends the duration of their Endurance Status Effect by 6/8/10 seconds. Extends the course of their Haste Status Effect by +10 seconds.
- Windows of Opportunity: Opportunity Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability. The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 24/28/32 metres.
4. Unbreakable Kate Denson
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Mike Dark TV
The Unbreakable Kate Denson Build is somewhat a build that has a strength in getting up at a faster rate. For instance, all the perks have strengths in running abilities against a chase with the killer, and with unbreakable, if a teammate is nearby, he will be able to pick you up whilst the killer is distracted and therefore be able to restart the chase with the exhaustion perks status renewed. Nonetheless, with the perk iron will, the chasing is much easier as it makes it harder for the killer to find you whilst being in a chase as you do not release any grunts of pain. Otherwise, it is an excellent build for chasing, and recovery and a great distraction whilst your teammates are doing the objectives and progressing through the match.
What The Build Excels In:
- Ability to speed up the game with the perk resilience and therefore to have to progress much faster with generators and healing.
- Nonetheless, apart from resilience, iron will allow you to do the actions without making any grunts of pain to the Killer, therefore not alerting the Killer of your position.
Build details & Perks:
- Resilience: Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 3/6/9 % when in the Injured State.
- Unbreakable: Past battles have taught you a thing or two about survival. Once per Trial, you can completely recover from the Dying State. Your Recovery speed is increased by 25/30/35 %.
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your average Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %. Therefore, iron Will cannot be used when suffering from Exhaustion but does not cause the Exhausted Status Effect.
3. Stealthy Kate Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by The King
The Sneaky Kate Build is considered one of the great builds for outrunning the Killer on multiple occasions. In this build, there are two exhaustion perks which are very useful when outrunning during the chases and after finishing all the generators nevertheless if caught by the killer, you can easily escape the killer's grasp by using a decisive strike and this means overall that the build is targetted against the killer, to be used in chases in case if being tunnelled by the killer. Also the last perk, self-care is also very useful and can be treated as an independent build where you would quietly heal yourself up and continue the chase with the killer. Nevertheless a great build full of chasing potential and to be used for players who would concentrate on the chasing category.
What The Sneaky Kate Build Excels In:
- With the perks of adrenaline and sprint burst, it excels with the ability to outrun the Killer more occasionally. In addition, you can use a decisive strike if caught, making it a perfect running build.
- Whilst having to outrun the Killer with the exhaustion perks, you can heal yourself with a self-caring perk called self-care and therefore have more time to continue the chase in a short period.
Build details & Perks:
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your average Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Adrenaline: Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150 % of your average Running Movement speed for 5 seconds. Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment; it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed. If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation. Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds: When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed in a Skill Check to escape their grasp, stunning them for 3 seconds automatically. Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession. While Decisive Strike is active, performing Conspicuous Actions will deactivate it for the rest of the Trial. Decisive Strike halts once the Exit Gates are powered. Increases the odds of becoming the Killer's initial Obsession by +100 %. The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.
- Self Care: Unlocks the Self-Care ability, allowing you to self-heal without needing a Med-Kit at 25/30/35 % of the normal Healing speed.
2. Toxicity Kate at its finest
Dead by Daylight gameplay by SuperAaronNova
The Toxicity Kate, at its most toxic build, allows you to avoid the killer and use the L-T walls very effectively. This build is very good with its regeneration and escape status, however, lacks progression which is why it is considered the number 2 spot. With quick and quiet and lithe you are able to sprint through the windows very quietly without the killer noticing, and additionally with the dance with me perk, you are able to hide pools of blood and scratch marks if injured therefore making this a very powerful technique of escape. Lastly of course with the perk vigil, the regeneration of exhaustion is much quicker, allowing you to repeat the process much faster when in a chase again, concluding that this is one of the best builds for chasing, however, lacks progression boost such as resilience.
What The Toxicity Kate at its finest Build Excels In:
- Quick and Quiet, dance with me and lithe are the three powerful combination perks that allow you to escape the Killer in its maximum potential.
- With vigil, you can additionally increase the recovery rate from exhaustion effects used from the exhaustion perk lithe, making it more useful in the game and having more chances to use it against the Killer.
Build details & Perks:
- Quick and Quiet: You do not make as much noise as others when quickly vaulting over obstacles or hiding in Lockers. Suppresses the Loud Noise Notification and the sound effects triggered by rushing to vault Windows, Pallets, or rushing to enter or exit Lockers. Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.
- Lithe: After performing a rushed vault, break into a sprint of 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Lithe causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Lithe cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Dance with me: When performing a rushed action to vault a Window, Pallet, or leave a Locker, you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 3 seconds. Dance With Me has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds.
- Vigil: Increases your Recovery rate from Blindness, Broken, Exhaustion, Exposed, Haemorrhage, Hindered, and Oblivious Status Effects by 20/25/30 %. This effect also applies to all other Survivors within 8 metres of your location and lingers for 15 seconds.
1. Kate Rage Quiter Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Naymeti
The Kate Rage Quitter Build, personally, I think, is one of the most influential and most potent builds for Kate Denson. Mainly for the fact that the combination is ideally suited for an overall atmosphere where you can do multiple things at once, such as running with the killer, doing generators with the perk resilience and, of course, lastly, what I consider a toxic perk, adrenaline, where you can regenerate one health state and run at 150% of your speed, which is often useful when being in a chase injured at the end of the game, where you have the opportunity to either to continue the chase and find the hatch or go straight to the exit gate once opened. This build is very similar to the stealthy kate build, although it concentrates more on the production and doesn't waste time whilst the killer is slowly killing all the other survivors, therefore making this build work at its full potential and making it one of the best Kate Denson builds on this list.
What The Kate Rage Quiter Build Excels In:
- The combination of all perks makes it one of the best productive builds in the game, allowing you to work with the objectives effectively and quietly if injured. Nonetheless, with sprint burst and adrenaline, it is perfect for chasing requirements with the Killer, where you can use these perks in the chase, and then afterwards, being able to continue with the productivity objectives making it much faster with the game flow.
Build details & Perks:
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your average Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %. Therefore, iron Will cannot be used when suffering from Exhaustion but does not cause the Exhausted Status Effect.
- Resilience: Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 3/6/9 % when in the Injured State.
- Adrenaline: Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150 % of your average Running Movement speed for 5 seconds. Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment; it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed. If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation. Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
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