Jake Park is a character that is described as having a connection to nature, as told in his biography, he left to live a life in the woods as pressure intensified in his modern family life due to his parents' academic expectations. No one could find him in the wood, but for Jake, it was no problem and with his perks, it allows him to more effectively move about the environment and survive while injured. With his environmental skills, let's look at his top builds for Jake:
5. The Saboteur Jake Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by FreakJackGaming
The Saboteur Jake Build is a build designed especially for sabotaging hooks and cooperating with the environment where you will be able to see auras of totems and hooks. This build gets even better as you also have the possibility to do those things even faster with the help of resilience, where you are able to increase your actions speeds up to 9%. Overall this is a great build if used to help and support other survivors in the game, and make these decisions faster with the help of resilience.
What The Saboteur Jake Build Excels In:
- Sabotaging is the main skill in this build that will allow him to sabotage hooks and see the auras of the hooks at the same time without having the need to use a toolbox.
- His environmental skills allow exceeding with the perk, small game, where he is able to find totems much more easily, by giving an auditory warning when looking in the direction of the totems.
Build details & Perks:
- Resilience: Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 3/6/9 % when in the Injured State.
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %
- Saboteur: For the duration of the Killer carrying another Survivor, you see the Aura of every Hook within 56 metres of the pick-up location: The Auras of regular Hooks are revealed to you in white and the Auras of Scourge Hooks are revealed to you in yellow. Also, unlocks the ability to sabotage Hooks without needing a Toolbox: Sabotaging a Hook without a Toolbox takes 2.5 seconds. The Sabotage action has a cool-down of 90/75/60 seconds.
- Small Game: Receive an auditory warning upon looking in the direction of Totems in a 45 ° cone within 8/10/12 metres. Small Game has a cool-down of 14/12/10 seconds each time it activates. For each Dull or Hex Totem cleansed by any Player, Small Game gains 1 Token: Each Token decreases the Detection cone's angle by 5 °, down to a minimum of 20 °.
4. Decisive & Run Jake Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by PROBZZ
The Decisive & Run Jake Build is a build that I would personally recommend running it if you want to get some chasing time in the game. It consists of 2 exhaustion perks which will be very useful in critical situations, and in places where it suited well. Adrenaline is a great perk to use especially during the end-game, as you have more chance to escape the game, and once another survivor opens the gate, you will able to escape quickly and safely.
Overall this is a great build if you want go some chasing time in, and also a build recommended for new players which will support them if the killer is chasing them and they are not experienced in loops, t-walls, etc.
What The Decisive & Run Jake Build Excels In:
- In the perk adrenaline, you have the ability to use the perk during the end-game of the match once all the generators are powered up, therefore allowing you to heal one health state and have a sprint burst.
- Another exhaustion perk is included which is dead hard allowing him to give an endurance status effect in critical situations and therefore allowing him to get a second chance.
Build details & Perks:
- Adrenaline: Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 5 seconds. Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed. If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation. Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion timer but causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds: When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed in a Skill Check to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 3 seconds. Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession. While Decisive Strike is active, performing Conspicuous Actions will deactivate it for the remainder of the Trial. Decisive Strike deactivates once the Exit Gates are powered.
- Dead Hard: Press the Active Ability button while running to trigger the Endurance Status Effect for 1 second. Dead Hard causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %
3. The Bond Interactive Jake Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Ussylis
Bond Interactive Jake is a unique build that is used to spot survivors and then continue doing your own tasks. The main perk when looking at this build is the perk 'bond', where you will be able to see the survivor's auras and therefore be able to complete the tasks in the match quicker as you would know where the generators are based on the survivors.
Nevertheless, this can be treated as a side perk whereas you have perks such as sprint burst, decisive strike and iron will, where you will be able to use these perks personally on yourself, therefore making this build a 25% cooperation and 75% personal engagement, which I would recommend this build to anyone.
What The Bond Interactive Jake Build Excels In:
- With the perk bond, you will be able to locate survivors very easily and therefore allow to pass on the information to other teammates on their locations.
- With Decisive strike you have another chance to escape the killer by stunning the killer if you were to be tunnelled.
Build details & Perks:
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.
- Bond: Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability: The Auras of all other Survivors within 20/28/36 metres of your location are revealed to you.
- Decisive Strike: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds: When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed in a Skill Check to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 3 seconds. Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession. While Decisive Strike is active, performing Conspicuous Actions will deactivate it for the remainder of the Trial. Decisive Strike deactivates once the Exit Gates are powered.
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %
2. Resilience & Alert Jake Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by Twoknee
The Resilience & Alert Jake Build is a build formed mainly through the goal of competing tasks efficiently and quietly. With resilience and spine chill, you will be able to do tasks quicker than usual, and at the same have spine chill on just in case the killer was coming towards you, therefore, you wouldn't have to move around and check where the killer is to find out.
The best scenario would be when doing a generator in the house, and therefore if spine chill activates, you would be able to jump out of the window and hide, until the killer is gone, and then complete doing the generator again. Of course, if something was to go wrong, you also have sprint burst which will help you to run away safely. With all those perk advantages, it makes this build very powerful for progression and chasing category.
What The Resilience & Alert Jake Excel In:
- With resilience, you will be able to progress through the game much faster, as the action speeds can be increased by 9%, helpful when other survivors are in a chase and you want to finish the tasks as soon as possible.
- With Spine Chill and sprint burst, you have the ability to spot the killer if it's coming towards your direction and therefore allowing you to make a quick escape with sprint burst.
Build details & Perks:
- Resilience: Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 3/6/9 % when in the Injured State.
- Iron Will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %
- Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is within 36 metres of your location and has a direct line of sight to you, Spine Chill activates: Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Blessing, Opening, and Unlocking by 2/4/6 %. This effect lingers for 0.5 seconds.
- Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 3 seconds. Sprint Burst causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds. Sprint Burst cannot be used when Exhausted.
1. Dance With Me Jake Build
Dead by Daylight gameplay by JumpManCam
The Dance with Me Jake Build takes the number one spot for reasons that it includes the best and the most effective perks in the game. This includes lither, quick & quiet and dance with me. With the three combination mastery perks, you will be able to use these perks in different multiple situations in the game, more commonly used when wanting to end a chasing match, and therefore you would be using lithe and quick & quiet to sprint vault quietly, and then run anywhere, as the perk dance with me will cover and hide all the scratch marks, making it merely impossible for the killer to find you.
For this reason, I would be putting this build at number one, and I would personally recommend it to anyone, especially those players who like chases and want to use this build as part of the regeneration process, where you chase, escape, chase, escape, etc...
What The Dance With Me Jake Excels In:
- The ability to combine an amazing strategy with two perks, lithe and quick & quiet, where you are able to make a quick escape very quietly without the killer noticing, and therefore use the additional perk of dance with me which will hide the scratch marks for 3 seconds, which is overall very powerful.
- The use of the 3 escape perks wouldn't make a difference whilst injured, as the perk iron will, will reduce the volume of grunts of pain making it difficult for the killer to hear you.
Build details & Perks:
- Lithe: After performing a rushed vault, break into a sprint of 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. Lithe causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
- Quick and Quiet: Suppresses both the Loud Noise Notification and the sound effects triggered by rushing to vault Windows, Pallets, or rushing to enter or exit Lockers. Quick & Quiet has a cool-down of 30/25/20 seconds.
- Dance with me: When performing a rushed action to vault a Window, Pallet, or leave a Locker, you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 3 seconds. Dance With Me has a cool-down of 60/50/40 seconds.
- Iron will: Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain while in the Injured State by 25/50/75 %
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