The ulterior motive of Dota is to destroy your enemy’s ancient, but there are various obstacles on the way and not all heroes are capable of carrying the same tempo throughout the game. Some heroes get tired and weary when the late game arrives, giving their enemies an edge over them. Late game heroes are essential to ensure if the game goes late, your heroes don’t end up being useless.
To make your life easier, we have compiled a list of the 15 Best Endgame Heroes which are extremely powerful in the current meta. These heroes have been essentially dominating the late game with their spells and powerful items which make them both tanky and powerful.
15. Troll Warlord
Jah’rakal the Troll Warlord has seen his fair share of battles, he has drawn so much blood that it puts Bloodseeker to shame! From being able to survive 1v5, Troll is also capable of farming quickly and turning his foes into dust! He is nimble and agile enough to rip his enemies apart in the nick of time! He is also one of the few heroes who are able to solo kill Roshan! His fearless spirit and vigor is unparalleled.
Why is Troll Warlord a great late-game hero?
- Troll is more reliant on levels as opposed to farm
- That being said, he farms relatively well compared to his foes due to his AoE abilities
- He can stand his ground with Battle Trance.
Items to buy on Troll Warlord
- Skull Basher
- Satanic
- Battle fury
- Diffusal Blade
- Monkey King Bar
14. Lone Druid
This wise and kind Druid isn’t lonely by any means! His pet bear takes care of any problems that come his way. Lone Druid is played as a carry majority of the time, this is due to the vast potential that the bear has to offer. Sometimes it may feel like the bear is the primary hero and LD is the pet! The bear can easily trap and shred through enemy armor with damage-dealing items. Decent micro-skills are required to play this beast!
What makes Lone Druid a great late-game hero?
- Tanky Spirit Bear can soak up damage while farming the jungle.
- Has serious synergy due to the Spirit Link, which allows him to gain HP.
- Can ward off enemy heroes and neutrals with Savage Roar, while still attacking them.
- Mows down towers and squishy heroes with just a few items!
Items to buy on Lone Druid
- Desolator
- Assault Cuirass
- Monkey King Bar
- Silver Edge
13. Luna
The Moon rider herself! Luna is essentially a beginner-friendly hero, but we frequently see it getting picked in both pub and pro games. The reason is her quick farming abilities and massive AoE damage output. Luna offers tremendous wave clearance, which returns her a great deal of gold. Luna farms fairly well in the early game and offers decent damage to her nearby allies. This is an example of great synergy, Luna can be picked alongside massive crowd control heroes.
Why is Luna a great late-game hero?
- Great wave clearing abilities.
- Eclipse deals magic damage, which is essential for heroes with high armor/HP.
- Immense farming potential thanks to the Moon Glaives passive.
Items to buy on Luna
- Eye of Skadi
- Satanic
- Black King Bar
- Butterfly
- Manta Style
- Hurricane Pike
12. Ember Spirit
Behold the wise Xin! The humble Ember Spirit is widely regarded as one of the best mid heroes in the game. He is known to build into many different routes, making him a flexible pick against pretty much all the heroes. He is also known to farm comparatively faster due to his wide range of AoE abilities, which combined with his ultimate ensures his menacing global presence, scaring his allies off and making them vulnerable.
Why is Ember Spirit a great late-game hero?
- Multiple builds that can be utilized as per the game i.e Physical, Magical or Hybrid.
- Ember Spirit can close the distance between his foes easily with his Activate Fire Remnant and further keep them in place with Searing Chains.
- With the help of Aghanim's Scepter, his enemies cannot outrun Ember Spirit or chase him
Items to buy on Ember Spirit
- Aghanim’s Scepter
- Blademail
- Shiva’s Guard
- Eul’s Scepter
- Octraine Core
11. Sven
The rogue knight is known for inducing fear into his enemy’s minds, his fierce moves and heavy sword scare all the foes away. Sven is known to be one of the best carry heroes in the game. There are various reasons why Sven is number one on this list. He has it all, AoE stun, ease of farming, movement speed, and double damage. Sven is capable of dominating the battlefield all by himself! The items only supplement his abilities and enhance his presence during team fights.
Why makes Sven a great late-game hero?
- Can 1 hit kill squishy heroes.
- Aghanim’s Scepter allows him to pounce on enemy heroes and stun them at the same time, a great gap closer.
- Can easily 1v5 with lifesteal and damage items.
- His AoE stun, Storm Hammer, is a useful crowd control spell.
Items to buy on Sven
- Echo Sabre
- Assault Cuirass
- Daedalus
- Black King Bar
- Bloodthorn
10. Monkey King
The fierce King sets his eyes on his enemies and does not stop without obliterating them from the battlefield! Monkey King is relatively one of the newest additions to the carry pool yet he manages to put up a show with his deadly and mischievous abilities. Not all know the true potential of this beast! You can effortlessly dodge spells with Mischief, escape with tree dance, and literally obliterate your foes with MK!
Why is Monkey King a great late-game hero?
- Can be a flexible pick (i.e. he can be played in 2 or more roles!)
- Insane physical damage right from the laning phase
- Can quickly flash farm and escape using Tree Dance.
Items to buy on Monkey King
- Eye of Skadi
- Diffusal Blade
- Satanic
- Echo Sabre
- Black King Bar
- Butterfly
9. Phantom Assassin

All support heroes fear the presence of Phantom Assassin as she is known to obliterate them with only a few hits! She is agile and silent in her moves, as an assassin should be! Phantom Assassin is one of the most played heroes in the game. She has great base movement and attack speed, which is rarely found in a carry hero. Her spells may seem underwhelming in the early game but as she reaches the late game mark, she can do a lot with just one Stifling Dagger.
Why is Phantom Assassin a great late-game hero?
- Has great mobility with the Phantom Strike spell, can be used both defensively and offensively.
- The damage is supplemented with allies that provide armor reduction spells or abilities.
- The Blur spell provides up to 50% evasion, which is a great spell in the early game.
- Is capable of dealing over 2k critical damage!
Items to buy on Phantom Assassin
- Desolator
- Skull Basher
- Satanic
- Butterfly
- Monkey King Bar
8. Naga Siren
Emerging from the deep seas is a beautiful yet threatening entity whose voice can cure the worst diseases! Naga Siren deals some heavy physical damage right off the get-go, her looks can deceive you! Along with her damage, she can also lock enemies down with her net or the ultimate. You may pierce the ultimate with BKB, but with her Aghanim’s Scepter, you can’t pierce the net! She can pin you down and rip you into pieces with the assistance of her mirror illusions!
Why is Naga Siren a great late-game hero?
- Great late-game hero, who can rip through most enemies
- Immense disable and crowd control potential with Song of the Siren
- Can farm and split push effortlessly with illusions
- Fares well in the laning stage
Items to Buy on Naga Siren
- Diffusal Blade
- Butterfly
- Manta Style
- Eye of Skadi
- Heart of Tarrasque
- Aghanim’s Scepter
7. Faceless Void
Not all can master Faceless Void the way he has mastered manipulating time. His ultimate can quickly turn the game around for good or for worse! The hero requires immense practice and patience. Void is heavily picked in the high-ranked games, not all enemies can match his efficient and fast-paced farming skills. He works best if paired with heroes that supplement his Chronosphere ultimate ex. Kunkka, Invoker, Skywrath Mage. His mid-game potential is unmatched because all he needs to brawl is his ultimate and a few items!
What makes Faceless Void a great late-game hero?
- Mobility with Time Walk and Reverse Time Walk ability. (Aghanim’s Shard Upgrade)
- Can turn around a fight after successfully using Time Walk to negate dealt damage.
- Chronosphere ultimate stops all TPs and reveals invisible heroes.
- Time Dilation ability prevents the enemies to cast spells for a certain period depending on the cooldown and the level of the ability.
Items to buy on Faceless Void
- Silver Edge
- Monkey King Bar
- Butterfly
- Eye of Skadi
- Satanic
6. Gyrocopter
Waging hell from above comes the Gyrocopter. He is one of the most feared heroes in the game! Along with the immense base damage, he deals magical damage with Rocket Barrage and Call Down ultimate. Melee heroes hate laning against him due to the constant harassment and shove back from the lane. The late game is completely dominated by Gyro if he is given the free rein.
What makes Gyrocopter a great late-game hero?
- Flak Cannon and Rocket Barrage deal immense AoE damage.
- Low CD on spells.
- High base damage
Items to buy on Gyrocopter
- Daedalus
- Satanic
- Butterfly
- Monkey King Bar
- Mjolnir
- Swift Blink
5. Alchemist
Alchemy and greed go hand in hand for our fellow Alchemist. He controls the game with his powerful Orc who guides him around the battlefield. With his Greevil’s Greed talent, it’s expected that he has at least 2 items before the 20-minute mark in-game. With armor reduction from Acid Spray and Unstable Concoction, he can lock enemies down and give them a run for their money with his ultimate. His enemies find it quite impossible to out farm him, his pace is quite unparalleled if he is having a good time.
Why is Alchemist a great late-game hero?
- Grevil’s Greed passive provides him with increased gold
- Items such as Radiance, Manta Style, Battlefury increase his farming speed
- Low CD on spells
Items to Buy on Alchemist
- Radiance
- Assault Cuirass
- Shiva’s Guard
- Manta Style
- Black King Bar
4. Sniper
Sniper has made millions of players rage quit all around the world! His voice and gameplay induce fear and disgust even amongst the most experienced players. Sniper is suitable both as a mid and a carry hero due to his space-making and farming abilities. He may be a squishy hero but his incredible physical damage output and range make it impossible for enemies to come close to him. He is often considered to be the counter for squishy heroes or primarily for melee heroes.
What makes Sniper a great late-game hero?
- High base attack range and movement speed
- AoE spell that accelerates his farm
- Flexible build potential
- Great talents that scale well with items
Items to buy on Sniper
- Maelstorm
- Dragon Lance
- Mask of Madness
- Silver Edge
- Daedalus
3. Arc Warden
Zet, the Arc Warden knows no bounds, his foes know no ways of countering him, as there are often two of him. Known to deal massive damage right off the bat, Arc secures the laning phase versus most heroes, especially if they’re melee. He is also a quick farmer, as he can just duplicate and make his clone push out the lane while he farms the jungle! Late game Arc Warden can disable and obliterate his foes within a few hits.
Why is Arc Warden a great late-game hero?
- To make matters worse, Arc Warden can use his Tempest Double to split-push lanes.
- Flux is also an instant spell (and therefore unavoidable) with a heavy slow and damage over time, which disrupts enemy movements.
Items to Buy on Arc Warden
- Scythe of Vyse
- Bloodthorn
- Ethereal Blade
- Daedalus
2. Morphling
Mastering Morphling requires quick decision-making skills, which only come with time and experience. Even if he lacks during the early game, he can easily catch up later on. Most people shy away from Morphling due to the complex nature of his abilities, but if you can master him, there is no way your enemies can have an upper hand! Morphling is a nuisance to enemy supporters due to the infamous “shotgun” combo.
Why is Morph a great late-game hero?
- Can “Shotgun” enemy heroes with the Adaptive Strike ability and Ethereal Blade.
- Morph allows him to turn into enemy heroes (or allies if you purchase the Aghanim Scepter), which can often lead to deadly combos or allow him to escape team fights.
- Can easily survive a long team fight with the Attribute Shift ability.
Items to buy on Morphling
- Ethereal Blade
- Dragon Lance
- Linken’s Sphere
- Satanic
- Butterfly
1. Medusa
This serpentine warrior is quite hard to play against, her identity and prowess cement her as one of the most lethal heroes in the game. Medusa is an ultra late-game hero, even if her early game is disastrous, she can bounce back and turn the game around just with one fight. Her tankiness allows her to be the center of the fight without worrying much about her HP. If not ganked and ignored, she can obliterate enemies and win the game even with a 1v5 situation. Medusa farms fast than most other heroes in the game.
Why is Medusa a great late-game hero?
- Tanky right from the early game
- Can split push and farm effortlessly with Split Shot
- High physical damage output
- Can turn around fights with Stone Gaze
Items to buy on Medusa
- Eye of Skadi
- Butterfly
- Daedalus
- Hurricane Pike
- Satanic
- Monkey King Bar
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