The endless loop of pleasure and pain that is Escape From Tarkov has recently received a substantial content update with patch 12.12 in mid-December 2021. With the coinciding fresh wipe, experienced players such as myself have been brought down off of the piles of loot and levels we’ve gathered, and new players are thrown into the mix for the first time with an even start.
Whether you’re fresh meat or a seasoned veteran, the gameplay changes that come with a large patch can truly redefine combat, and switch up any perception of the “meta” you thought you had. In this new world, you’ll not only need to be keen-eyed but also well-informed, to survive. That means up-to-date knowledge of the best weapon setups, given the guns and attachments available to you at low levels. That being said, here are five of the best beginner loadouts in Escape From Tarkov this wipe.
5.) Mosin Man
Links to pieces of this guide:
A Mosin in the modding menu
To start the list, well, the name says it all. The Mosin Man is one of the most iconic, unforgettable, and… hated(?) archetypes in EFT history. However, it is a kit, especially in the early wipe, that can be viable if used correctly.
The Mosin Man wears a Mosin 7.62 x 54R sniper rifle, and, very often, nothing else. Because this guide is tailored towards beginners, though, I recommend you wear heavy armor and a headset. The Mosin, being a bolt action sniper rifle, is the perfect tool to “cheese” your way through fights against even heavily geared enemies, including scav bosses. One well-placed shot to the head with popular Mosin round Lps Gzh, or the higher-tier SNB or 7N1 rounds, will put down almost any enemy, with lower-tier armored baddies getting dropped after just one to the chest. Nonetheless, the Mosin, paired with heavy armor and a hearing aid of your choice will allow versatility and high kill potential at any range.
Loadout Details:
- Armor Class 4 6B13 Assault piece (linked above) providing continuous protection from lead onslaught, at the expense of high weight and poor repairability
- Mosin 7.62x54R bolt-action rifle serving sniper rounds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to any PMC or Scav who walks your way
- A trusty-yet-cheap Gssh headset, which will give you the advantage you need in tracking down foes
- Armor is often found on Scavs and can be easily plopped on mid-raid
- Mosin, other cheaper infantry variants, and Lps Gzh rounds are all available at first-level traders
- Best in-slot headset value-wise (Cheap yet effective)
- No magazine requirement for Mosin allows for more space in rigs, pockets, and backpack
4.) PACANADAR (Paca-nator)
Link to gun option: https://youtu.be/AC5_hTFeoDk?t=173
Other components:
Next on the list is a homemade creation which I like to call the PACA-NADAR. This loadout, as the name implies, features PACA soft armor, an ADAR 2-15, and a rig of your choice.
This is the perfect “zero-to-hero” loadout for a variety of reasons. First, both the ADAR and the PACA are available from traders starting on day 1. Additionally, they are both common finds on enemy Scavs that you’ll face in-game, and the ADAR is one of the best weapons that Scavs carry. If you are looking for a solid kit that consists of items easily available to you early on, the PACANADAR is the choice for you.
Loadout Details:
- Low-class PACA armor, but strong enough to prevent against Scav attacks and other low-tier ammo
- ADAR is one of the best early wipe weapons, although semi-automatic, highly customizable (see image), and low recoil
- Allows user choice from an array of rigs that are available through Scavs or Traders
- SSh-68 steel helmet, argued by some as the most efficient helmet in all of Tarkov
- All items are easily found on dead Scavs, or are cheap buys from low-reputation level traders
- ADAR is a desirable and strong weapon in the early wipe
- While not high in survivability, is one of the cheapest loadouts you’ll find, and provides enough longevity to allow you to upgrade
- A cheap helmet that has a high ricochet chance against any bullet
3.) Floral Fighter
Link to gun option:
Links to pieces:
There is not much in the gaming world that triumphs aesthetic appeal. While EFT, a game that is absent of camoes, may be the golden exception to this rule, new additions, as well as variants of some armor, are allowing for all of you visual perfectionists to make your dreams come too, and this loadout can help even further, all while allowing you protection in the process. The main weapon here is the semi-automatic Vepr AKM, but this can be interchangeable with any of the similar 7.62x39 automatic cousins of the spotlight gun here.
Loadout Details:
- 6B47 high ricochet helmet with ear protection
- 6B23 Tier 3 Armor with thorax & stomach protection
- Highly customizable Vepr AKM 7.62x39 carbine rifle
- Relatively low budget with high repair value, much of body covered by color-coordinated armor
- Could provide camouflage in wooded or outdoor maps
- Customizable, low base recoil AKM, and room for automatic variant, all purchasable at low levels
2.) The Police Officer
Components of this loadout:
The streets of Tarkov are full of many different characters. Private operatives clashing with bands of angry locals involves a lot of martial law. When the time calls for true enforcement to pursue, enter you, Tarkov’s policeman. The ‘Police Officer’ is equipped with high-quality Kirasa police armor, a face shield-friendly LZSh helmet, and a heavily-customizable MP5.
Loadout Details:
- BNTI Kirasa Tier 3 police armor
- HK MP5 9x19 submachine gun
- LZSh Light Helmet
- Comtac Headphones
- High repairability, and room for face-shield/visors with the LZSh helmet
- MP5 is sold at low-level traders, easily customizable, and unlimited ammo sold by traders
- Kirasa armor often found on Scavs, can be traded up to thru trader Ragman
1. UNTAR Peacekeeper
Components of this loadout:
An example of a PMC kitted out in UN attire
Tarkov is home to many things, but in most cases, nobility is not one of them. As you do your best to escape the post-apocalyptic wasteland (and often die trying), you must do unthinkable things, and lose many things along the way, including patience, dignity, and roubles. If you do enjoy feeling pride as you commit these heinous acts (and staying protected against even higher-tier enemies), then the UNTAR Peacekeeper is for you.
Loadout Details:
- MF-UNTAR Blue Tier 3 Helmet with ear protection
- MF-UNTAR Tier 3 Armor
- Dynaforce Triton Chest Harness
- Colt M4A1 5.56 45 Assault Rifle
- Armor is coordinated and can all be found on scavs, available through trading with traders at low levels, and for purchase from traders at higher loyalty levels
- Strong repair value
- M4A1 Delivers fully automatic 5.56 ammo, with many mods available from PMC Level 1
- Triton offers large inventory space while being worn
Well, there you have it. Five loadouts that, while sometimes flashy, can provide strong protection, and makes good use of weapons that truly pack a punch against enemy operators. I hope you’ve enjoyed this list as much as I enjoyed creating it, and finding a perfect medium between goofy PVE-friendly characters that can also be equally as devastating on the Tarkov battlefield.