[Top 15] FF14 Best Warrior Weapons That Look Freakin' Awesome!

[Top 15] FF14 Best Warrior Weapons That Look Freakin' Awesome!
22 Oct 2022

Love playing with big Axes? Then maybe Warrior is the Job for you!

Warrior is considered a tank in Final Fantasy XIV; a tank is the leader of the team and also a DPS with higher defense. In short, you are the first one to barge into the enemy's lair and the one that the enemy will attack. If you fancy Warrior and wondering what weapons look awesome for this class, you came to the right place!

15. Mighty Thunderstorm

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Looks striking!

Mighty Thunderstorm takes the element of Thunder just like Ramuh is. When drawn, you will see Thunder effects all over the axe; this is the coolest weapon from the ARR trial, in my opinion. 

How to get it:

  • To craft, you will have to finish the trial to get the material necessary, The Striking Tree (Extreme), to get the Large Levin Orb item.
  • Or buy from the Market Board.

14. Axe of the Round

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Bring on the light!

Axe of the Round is from the Heavensward Expansion but is a newly added weapon, which is why you do not have to finish the trial to make the weapon. This VFX of this weapon looks fantastic if you like a white axe in a blue-ish effect!

How to get it:

  • To craft, you will have to get the material necessary.
  • Or buy from the Market Board.

13. Seeing Horde Axe

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Fueled more by your anger!

If you are more on the edgy side, then Seeing Horde Axe is what you want. Imbued with Nidhogg's rage-like effect, you will definitely look edgy with this weapon!

How to get it:

  • To craft, you will have to finish the trial to get the material necessary, The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage, to get the Nidhogg's Scale item.
  • Or buy from the Market Board.

12. Byakko's Ensprited Greataxe

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Looking on point!

Byakko's Ensprited Grateaxe is from the Stromblood trial. This weapon has special animation when being drawn. Like other Byakko's weapons, the effect of this weapon is a moving ink from a big brush.

How to get it:

  • To craft, you will have to finish the trial to get the material necessary, The Jade Stoa (Extreme), to get the Byakko's Mane item.
  • Or buy from the Market Board.

11. Suzaku's Flame-kissed Greataxe

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Looks flaming hot!

Another one from the Stromblood trial, Suzaku's Flame-kissed Greataxe, is a must-have if you use a Japanese-style-ish glamour for your Warrior(especially if the primary color is red/white). The effect of this weapon, without a doubt, will enhance the look of your glamour!

How to get it:

  • To craft, you will have to finish the trial to get the material necessary, Hells' Kier (Extreme), to get the Scarlet Tailfeather item.
  • Or buy from the Market Board.

10. The Fae's Crown Axe

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Moving on to the Shadowbringer trial, this is one of the weapons from the latest update, and people seem to love the fairy wings effects, which is why the price for any Fae's Crown weapon is still relatively high. 

How to get it:

  • To craft, you will have to finish the trial to get the material necessary, The Dancing Plague (Extreme), to get the Dancing Wing item.
  • Or buy from the Market Board.

9. Ragnarok Zeta

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What more to ask?

We now move on to the ARR relic weapon, the effect of this weapon is out of the world despite being made in the ARR era. But with shining effects comes great grinding; yes, this one is a heavy grind.

How to get it:

  • Clear the quest 'The Vital Title,'
  • Trade 1 Home of the Brave, Excalibur, and Aegis Shield to Jalzahn in North Shroud (29.5, 19.6).

8. Empyrean War Axe

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Axe away!

On number 8, we have another quite edgy-looking Empyrean Axe from Heaven-on-High. This is a glamour weapon from a deep dungeon, a dungeon in which you can save your progress and play it solo/with your friends.

How to get it:

  • Do the Heaven-on-High deep dungeon,
  • Trade 10 Empyrean Aetherpool Grip to Confederate Custodian in The Ruby Sea.

7. Kinna Axe

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Matches that inner soul of yours.

Kinna Axe is another edgy axe from the Palace of the Dead deep dungeon, and this is the second evolution of the weapon, so you must first have a Padjali Axe to have this weapon.

How to get it:

  • Do the Palace of the Dead deep dungeon,
  • Trade 1 Padjali Axe and 6 Aetherpool Grip to E-Una-Kotor in South Shroud.

6. Shamash Physeos

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Won't let you down, just smamash!

I feel like there is a joke to the name of Shamash (Smash); Shamash Physeos is the relic weapon of Stromblood expansion. You will have to complete all Eureka to get to this weapon; believe me when I say the effect looks awesome and worth the grind!

How to get it:

  • Clear the quest 'The Baldesion Arsenal',
  • Trade 1 Torigashira Eureka and 100 Eureka Fragment to Gerolt in Eureka Hydatos.

5. Blade's Valor

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Matching weapon to the anger issue!

Thou it says Blade, its actually an axe, confusing? Yeah, welcome to Shadowbringer relic's weapon. The effect is no doubt stunning and relatively easier to grind compared to the other expansions.

How to get it:

  • Complete the quest 'Irresistible', to get one of the relic weapons of your choosing.

4. Ultimate Dreadwyrm Bardiche

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Your golden prize!

Now we move on to the top 4 being from the Ultimate Raids! On number 4, we have Ultimate Dreadwyrm Bardiche, Golden effect if you like your weapon sparkly gold!

How to get it:

  • You have to clear The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) to get a token,
  • Trade the token in Rhalgr's Reach with the NPC Eschina.

3. Bravura Ultima

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Maybe this could give you some cooldown!

This is from the Ultima Weapon Ultimate; blue is the main effect of this weapon, and it will suit any kind of modern Warrior glamour!

How to get it:

  • You have to clear Ultima Weapon (Ultimate) to get a token,
  • Trade the token in Rhalgr's Reach with the NPC Eschina.

2. Ultimate Ukonvasara

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Just swing it till you wing it!

Ukonvasara is a weapon from The Epic of Alexander Ultimate. The clockward effects make this weapon suitable for classy Warrior glamour!

How to get it:

  • You have to clear The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate),
  • Trade the token in Idyllshire with the NPC Bertana.

1. Ultimate Axe of the Heavens

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What else would better suit a hero?

From the latest/hardest Ultimate, Dragonsongs Reprise Ultimate, this weapon will look good on any glamour, especially recommended for Classic Warrior Glamour.

How to get it:

  • You have to clear Dragonsongs Reprise (Ultimate) to get a token,
  • Trade the token in Radz-at-Han, with the NPC Nesvaaz.

Which from the list is your favorite? Or do you have your list? My favorite is the Fae and Byakko; I've been using Byakko's axe for quite some time now.

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