Now that you know the best places to upgrade your fishing game, let’s match that new skill with new gear.
In this guide, I will be talking about the best fishing gear that you can get in the game.
Fishing gear in FFXV is divided into two – rods and reels. Do not worry. These items are indestructible so once you get an upgrade, you may fish to your heart’s content.
5. Butterfly Edge
This rod is the best one you can get early in the game without leaving a hole in your wallet.
There are two ways to get this rod. The first is by completing Navyth’s second fishing quest in The Vesperpool. The second way is by buying it at the tackle shop at Rachsia Bridge for 7,000 Gil.
Free is always better than paying. Especially since this rod is a far cry from the default Mindbreaker.
Although, if you are in The Vesperpool to complete Navyth’s quest and have some cash to spare, make a short trek. At The Vesperpool – East Bank tackle shop, buy the Death Spin rod for 12,000 Gil. It has 210 Defense Power.
Butterfly Edge Details
- 150 Attack Power
4. Galatea
Partner the Butterfly Edge (or the Death Spin if you’re rich) with the Galatea reel.
This is the best reel for early game. Grab this at the Rachsia Bridge tackle shop for 6,800 Gil.
Then again, if you have more money to burn after buying the Death Spin then might as well buy the Nereid at the East Bank tackle shop. It has 270 Attack Power but is priced at 9,600 Gil.
Galatea Details
- 240 Attack Power
3. Dragon Drain – Avior
This rod-and-reel combo is only available in the FFXV Booster+ Pack. This pack may be bought at your respective console stores.
The Booster+ Pack is also included in the Royal and Windows Editions. If you are playing the mentioned versions of the game, you have the second-best fishing gear from the get-go. Congratulations!
Dragon Drain – Avior Details
- 230 Defense
- 280 Attack
2. Tranquility
This beautiful white rod is the best in the entire game.
Getting this rod is so rewarding because you have to complete Navyth’s final fishing quest. The cutscenes once you do are absolutely adorable.
Tranquility Details
- 290 Defense
1. Llymlaen
Test out your luck and skills as the best reel in the game can only be obtained in Altissia.
Head on to Totomostro and win yourself 85,000 medals. The Llymlaen can be exchanged for it.
It may be a tall order but with the Attack that this reel has, it’s totally worth it.
Llymlaen Details
- 330 Attack
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