In this guide, I will be taking a more in-depth look into accessories.
Most of the accessories here will be achieved in the end-game.
If you are just starting out, I would suggest this accessory guide as this also tackles accessories for level grinding and skills. If you have achieved all that and just want the strongest fab four possible then read on.
The accessories in the list are all available in the base game. If you are playing the Royal or Windows Edition then do take note of the exclusive accessories there.
I would highly suggest the Magitek Suit V2. That’s Max HP +2000, Strength +100, and Vitality +70. Heck, if you can, slap everybody with multiples of these!
4. Prompto

Prompto - great with a gun.
Among all the four, Prompto is the one for long-ranged attacks. Him being a gun-wielder, it is important that you focus more on his strength as he is the second strongest in the whole game. He is also the one with the lowest HP in the whole party so he will die often if you do not solve the HP problem.
Best Accessories for Prompto
Adamantite Bangle
- +10,000 HP
- How to get:
Dark Matter Bracelet
- Strength +100
- How to get:
Target Scope
- 50% damage to small enemies
- How to get:
Magitek Shield
- Max HP +1000
- Vitality +60
- How to get:
3. Ignis
Best for magic is Ignis.
Ignis’s weapons are daggers and polearms. He may be the weakest among the four but his vitality and spirit make up for it. He may not deal as much damage but when it hits, it hits hard!
Ignis is also great for magic. You may load him up with magic flasks especially if you plan to fill Noctis’ weapon slots with physical weapons.
Best Accessories for Ignis
Friendship Band
- Increases link-strike activation radius
- How to get:
The Grand Chamberlain
- Ignis will automatically use an elixir when the player-controlled character's maximum HP falls to half.
- How to get:
- Prevents 'almost all' status ailments, including Instant Death, stat debuffs, and periodic elemental damage.
- How to get:
Mystic Circlet
- Magic +250
- How to get:
2. Gladiolus
Gladio is your muscle man.
Gladiolus has the highest HP and Strength among the four. It is best to use his macho-ness as much as you can especially when Noctis is in a tight pickle.
Best Accessories for Gladiolus
Friendship Band
- Increases link-strike activation radius
- How to get:
- Prevents 'almost all' status ailments, including Instant Death, stat debuffs, and periodic elemental damage.
- How to get:
Black Belt
- +50% damage to larger enemies
- How to get:
Dark Matter Bracelet
- Strength +100
- How to get:
1. Noctis
Noctis is a blank slate.
Noctis is not exceptionally great at anything in particular given his base stats.
Well, that is not true. He has the highest magic stat among the four which will definitely come in handy once you get the Ring of Lucii.
There are many exclusive accessories for Noctis that will help you build him however you like. Below are the best accessories for a well-rounded protagonist.
You may notice that strengthening accessories will not be used. That is because Noctis has four weapon slots. The strengths of those will make up for it as they stack.
Best Accessories for Noctis
- Prevents 'almost all' status ailments, including Instant Death, stat debuffs, and periodic elemental damage.
- How to get:
Black Hood
- Enables auto-parries and automatic passing through attacks even while running, but takes away phasing-related abilities (e.g. MP cost is the maximum, disables Blink).
- Does not work with the Ring of the Lucii as a weapon.
- Does not work while attacking.
- How to get:
Thieves' Way II
- Phase MP cost -40%
- How to get:
Anklet of the Gods
- Vitality +150
- How to get:
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